What you DON'T want to hear in a tattoo parlor

Ad Astra



Are you trying to get me arrested?!



So you want me to make it just like the picture?
I have done that before, want to a see a picture of my work?



*on phone*
I'm sorry you did WHAT with the needles last night????

*on phone*
yeah, that Tsoo ink sure comes cheap...

*on Phone*

...everyone's sick as a dog over here, but I can't afford to lose today of busiess, so... what the hell.

*on Phone*

yeah, half my workers were sick today, so I just went over to the homeless shelter to et a few replacements...



Is anyone missing a toe?



Oh, sorry! I thought you meant 'Kick Me!'



Oops, I guess the new guy is color-blind. But the red Kermit the Frog looks kinda cute anyway, diesn't he?

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Stop! Don't tickle me while I am giving a tattoo. Remember the midget tattoo?