Imperious Tast Force - 2 man ITF




:O I always see videos that are stories of I put regular old hey look at my team play in here? :x

Oh well...

2 man ITF

My boyfriend's Brute and my Corr duo'ed the Imperious Task Force. :3 with nukes of course >_>...maybe when we finish setting up our toons with the right enhancements, we'll try without. :P nyah. 2 hours 7 minutes (only cause he kept disconnecting so much)



Dayum! Nice job, yo! Video's okay, I'm more impressed with the accomplishment!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



my video editing skills suck. I just put this here because this is the media section. :P

The more i look at this section, the more it seems to be for stories.....and hardly any videos of actual game play...




I did it again :3 but faster. My boyfriend and I are trying to get it under an hour. We'll be trying both of our rads next time. :3 and some secret weapons.... ;D

Thanks for the compliment as well. I just wanted to show an accomplishment. :3



I would say post this in Gameplay where you will get mass praise because that is some kind of really awesome!

Infact, i'm gonna say it now...That is 31 Flavors of Awesome!

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Grats! Impressive.

Few questions:

1) Looked like spawn sizes were really small .... does it only spawn for 2 and not for the 6 that started it?

2) How did you handle the console in the 3rd mish? You only showed part of it. Did you kill the robots as they spawned, or just shoot the console from far enough range that they didn't aggro on you?

3) In the final battle with Rommy & the nictus(es), did you (the Corr) pull and keep the Healing Nictus out of range with Rommy? That's sort of what it looked like but I couldn't tell. I'm surprised that one Rad and one Brute could do enough dmg to beat down rommy through the heals ... maybe that's the effect of the nukes. Ambush looked really small too.

"Sometimes you have to roll the Hard Six." -- Adama
Teabagging Ms. Liberty -



If everyone quit except 2, it acts like a 2 man TF, so spawns are set for 2.

Regarding the nictus in the last mission, the heal would only hit 2 people, so would heal for 400 maybe, a brute and corruptor could easily do more damage per heal.




Grats! Impressive.

Few questions:

1) Looked like spawn sizes were really small .... does it only spawn for 2 and not for the 6 that started it?

2) How did you handle the console in the 3rd mish? You only showed part of it. Did you kill the robots as they spawned, or just shoot the console from far enough range that they didn't aggro on you?

3) In the final battle with Rommy & the nictus(es), did you (the Corr) pull and keep the Healing Nictus out of range with Rommy? That's sort of what it looked like but I couldn't tell. I'm surprised that one Rad and one Brute could do enough dmg to beat down rommy through the heals ... maybe that's the effect of the nukes. Ambush looked really small too.

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1) Yes, It spawned for 2. It's how we got done so quickly. Plus we only went for the main objectives of the mission.

2) We killed the robots as they spawned. That took a while, because I was alone for about half of it. (the brute disconnected for a while throughout that) so I had to keep pulling the robots and picking them off one by one until he returned.

3) Neither of us pulled any nictus, We both just went for Romulus. I tend to jump around a lot when I fight against any AV's or Bosses, so it looks like I'm pulling something away. And yes, it was not that difficult to out damage Rommy with his heals, the nukes had a HUGE factor in it though. There was a point where he started to heal up a bit too fast for my damage and end to keep up, So we used a Chem Burn nuke to help out.

I'm still hoping when both of our toons are fully set the way we want them to, to do it without the nukes. And also set it on a higher difficulty. ITF is my favorite task force atm.



Duoing the ITF is extremely hard. Great work!

My friends and I have been working on duo Invincible ITF no temps no Imperious Support. We tried virtually every combo of SS/Fire, SS/WP, Fire/Kin Corruptor, Ill/Rad, Fire/Rad Corruptor, Ice/Cold Corruptor and failed. Finally we tried JoJo the Bunny (SS/Elec) and Misty Misty (Emp/Sonic) and got it done. Uploading the video of the final mission now.



Oh wow great! I'd love to see it, Please post a link on here!

Now i'm excited. I want to try this at relentless with no temps too!



nice job, grats!



The quality always turns out bad for me on Google/Youtube. I've been trying to upload it to Veoh and have had lots of problems. I threw it up on Google just to get it somewhere. Eventually I'll get it up on Veoh. Veoh usually has fantastic quality for me.

The video is the entire last mission. It's 10 minutes long. Most of the video is at 5x speed because really... who wants to watch all that. The final fight starts at minute 5. The first nictus plays mostly at 2x speed. I figured the first nictus dying is the only part people care about. We died after all the nictus died due to errors between keyboard and chair.



Great! I loved it.

I sped to the final fight. :P

But still great job! I want to try this when my boyfriend gets home and has a decent connection through my internet.

Also, very nice on pulling Rom towards the left side of the stage, so the ambushes wouldn't come right? Might have to do that when we try it.

I can't wait til a better quality is shown later. ;D

I still wish to do this for speed though!



Veoh Version

You can sort of tell what happens in this one.



If I could watch the video I might be more impressed (I'm at work). But, that is not to say that I'm not impressed! It's just that going through the effort to dominate a TF and video the whole thing?!

Also, I have to ask... what is a "Tast Force"?



lol, wow i didn't even know it said Tast Force. :P



2 man Lady Grey Task Force on YouTube
! View in High Quality!

Completed this last night.

Relentless 2:39:20

No Nukes/Shivans

Was pretty fun. It can be done faster once you know what you're doing. Hami was the longest part since we only had two people. ;P Basically we died after each of his mitos was taken down, until towards the end of the yellows, we stopped aggroing hami for some reason and killed the rest with ease.

Hami himself was somewhat easy, since phantom army distracted him for seconds at a time. I didn't know that hami could kill them. we thought it was only recluse that could kill them. There were more deaths of mainly myself. :< I draw too much aggro...but I didn't have time to show them all. ahhaha

all of the video is sped up to fit in the 10 min youtube sorry if you get a little dizzy. plus my video editor was not very happy while i was doing this. :<

Our next stop is a 2 man Lord Recluse Strike Force

enjoy! and keep pushing those limits!

Oh and thanks to my anchors!



2 man Lady Grey Task Force on YouTube
! View in High Quality!

Completed this last night.

Relentless 2:39:20

No Nukes/Shivans

Was pretty fun. It can be done faster once you know what you're doing. Hami was the longest part since we only had two people. ;P Basically we died after each of his mitos was taken down, until towards the end of the yellows, we stopped aggroing hami for some reason and killed the rest with ease.

Hami himself was somewhat easy, since phantom army distracted him for seconds at a time. I didn't know that hami could kill them. we thought it was only recluse that could kill them. There were more deaths of mainly myself. :< I draw too much aggro...but I didn't have time to show them all. ahhaha

all of the video is sped up to fit in the 10 min youtube sorry if you get a little dizzy. plus my video editor was not very happy while i was doing this. :<

Our next stop is a 2 man Lord Recluse Strike Force

enjoy! and keep pushing those limits!

Oh and thanks to my anchors!

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If you can pull (which by looking at this thread I think you have no issue with) two man LRSF should be very doable. Good job in advance.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I was always a little unclear on this - if you only have 2 people on a TF (trial too ?) do the AV's become EB's ? Or do they remain AV's ? Are they still as strong as the standard AV an 8 man team would face ?

I had always been under the impression that after they buffed the AV's and monsters way back when that it wasnt possible to overcome thier regeneration without a strong debuff ? And/or a decent team ?

I'd be excited to give this duo'ing TF'ing a try sometime.

On that ITF you have both video'ed - how long did it take as a duo ?

Also if we ran 3 guys instead of 2 is that a signficant increase in the spawns and / or AV / EB strengths ?

Much thanks

I lurk a lot



The mission spawns for how many players are on the Task Force to a minimum of two players. At one player Task Forces dissolve. "Players on the Task Force" means players who don't quit the team. Logging off does not affect team size on Task Forces. So if you start with 6 on an ITF, and 4 quit the team, the missions will spawn for 2. If you start with 6 and 2 quit and 2 log off, the TF will spawn for 4.

AVs on Task Forces always spawn as AVs. Their difficulty is not affected by team size.