Please criticize my work!
Might be a day or two, but I'll be happy to make some observations. Would you prefer comentary here or at DA?
Either/or is fine. Thanks a lot, can't wait to hear what you have to say!
Very interesting.
You definitely have the comic book hero pose down. Wide powerful stance, defiant expression, overmuscular limbs and lithe torso. At first I thought the subjects were being oversimplified in broad strokes but after zooming in I was surprised by how well little details were rendered, like the nose.
It's hard though to tell how far your skills extend from just 2 pieces (which basically reuse a single layout). Can you render other poses, other bodyshapes, other subjects, other settings, more/less action?
Keep at it, you've got some good stuff going there.
Thanks a lot!
I have changed my style a bit. I enjoy creating a simpler, "cleaner" style than what I used to do. Yes, I can do other poses and body types (which I will add soon!).
Thanks for the input and keep it coming!
It's obviously stylized, so my input may or may not relate to what you're after in these pics. The main thing that strikes me about these figures is that the chest and waist area seems very small. Especially on the guy with the sword..if you look at the size of his head in relation to the torso, the torso looks really small.
The blue guy's bicepts look really overly inflated because they're so much bigger than the surrounding musculature. In terms of realistic anatomy, the bicepts are smaller than the tricepts and the shoulder area. If his bicepts are that huge, it stands to reason the other muscles would be as well.
The leg muscles look bumpy and inflated because they break the outside countour of the figure. Jim Lee, for example, draws Batman pretty buff, but if you look at the outside contours they're smooth S curves, with the muscle groups defined on the inside.
They're good drawings. The linework is crisp especially on the blue guy. The poses are pretty generic, these look like pages from the Marvel Universe books but I think that's probably the look you were after.

I definitely was going for the "Marvel Universe book pose" for these two. Basically showcasing the character you know? And I totally understan what you are saying. I think the problem comes for me trying to do a more "cartoony" style than the more detailed Jim Lee style (he's my favorite artist!).
Thank you so much for the comments!
Nothing wrong with a cartoony style. And great job with the coloring, especially for your first time!
My only real criticism is that their proportions seem off. Like their arms are too large and the lower leg too short. It's not a lot, just enough to seem odd.
Other than that, nothing really jumps out at me. I like the line work and coloring.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
it's stylized, which is fine as long as you stay consistent with it, there's something to be said for having a distinct style. Hell, rob lefield's whole career was based on over stylized art work. (i think you art is better than his, so don't worry)
get some more dynamic poses up there, that's the real test, different angles, expressing movement and feeling in a pose, that kind of thing. i think you are on the right track, i like the Jim Lee stylee, yet kinda cartoony "feel" you have going. if you need subject matter let me know, i may actually comission a piece or two from you.
keep it up, you got talent, now exercise it.
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
Thank you all for your comments! They help me better my art. I'm going to update it as much as possible, getting ready to put 2 on tonight!
Keep the crtique coming!!
I like your style and have no comments regardingyour proportions other than to say - keep it up. If you like the style you're using, keep on with it man.
Technically though, I have a bit of a problem. In some of your shots with colored backgrounds, I can see some white beeding between the colored Bg and your lines/colors.
What program did you draw/colors these in?
Wow thanks a lot! I do like my style, I mean, I have kind of changed it over the last year or so.
I drew them on Bristol (9 x 12, I don't have an 11 x 17 scanner...yet) inked them, scanned them and colored with Photoshop Elements 2.0. But it probably isn't the program, it's most likely me. This is the first time I've used the computer to color my work, so I'm probably not doing something right!
if you are coloring in photoshop ... first tip to prevent that bleeding is to set the pencils (or inks) on a layer and set it to "multiply" instead of regular.
Since white is transparent on a multiplied layer ... only the lines will show and you will be able to color on other layers without bothering about bleeding.
( there are probably alot of other tips and anyone here could probably have given you that one, and you may even know that one already ... but I still offered the info )

Char Site | My DeviantArt
new stuff looks good too, wtg.
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
Thanks for the info Thornster, I tried it and it seemed a lot better. I really need info on the most basic of photoshop coloring!
And thanks Traegus!
You can find a lot of photoshop tutorials on deviantart; they're pretty easy to find. Keep up the good work!
*drops 2 cents*
Eagle One - looks like you made his thighs too long and ended up w/ short calves.
Madam Psi-Shock - elbow joint area looks way too thin
Thank you Juggertha, I'm going to try that out ASAP! Your coloring is awesome.
Trizz, you are absolutely right on both counts. I don't know why (all of the sudden) I've been having proportion problems when it comes to arm and leg length. I hadn't before. I honestly think I'm rushing the art. It takes me about 20 minutes on each piece.
Maybe Juggertha or any of the other accomplished artists have any pointers on that?
I can take it!
The line art AND the coloring. It is my first time coloring on the computer. I hope I did ok. Please let me know what you think and/or any tips you can give me!