Marvel Masterpieces 2008! Thanks to YOU!
Those were all pretty freakin' sweet. I'd trade the Thornn (Salem's Seven Thornn, not the X-men Thornn) sketch card i got for any of them. :P
Those are adorable.
...Ok, I'm good.
Damn, those are great! The chibi phoenix, magnet and iceman are adorable.
There's so many good ones in there but a few that caught my eye. Husk peeling away at her face, upside down Spider-Woman, Storm and Black Panther, Mary Jane with the Spidey Head in the background.
Lotsa win in there
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
As I've said on your deviantart page, I love that Meggan one, captures the character perfectly. Also dig your various interpretations of Shadowcat and Lockheed!
Those are great! Nice work, and congrats again on being chosen to do this!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

VERY nice! Wooooo woooo!
Hey guys...

A few months back, when I was chosen to create 200 cards for Marvel Masterpieces 2008, I came to this community asking for help. Man oh man, being reminded of characters I'd long forgotten was a trip down memory lane.... So cheers to YOU GUYS for helping me bring these cards to life...
Unfortunately, because of my back injury, I was unable to complete all 200 cards, so my total count for this set is 150. They varied from sketches of characters like Black Cat and Aunt May to blazing full color on characters like Chamber and Deadpool.
You guys rock. Thank you
You can view them here: