Villaingroups on Pinnacle
While we appreciate this, and I don't know if you have already tried, could you please try and find the old one also? I don't know if it was purged or just un-stickied, so it might not even be possible. Thanks.
Name: Animosity
Currently Recruiting: Yep, we are always looking for good players. And we don't require SG exclusivity. We even have some players that are members of our SG global channel and don't have a character in our SGs .
RP Level: We don't RP
PvP Level: Our main activities are PvE, but we PvP a bit and we are slowly increasing the number of PvP activities.
Theme/Concept: Our VG was created to be the rival of our hero SG, Adversity, founded right after CoH launched in 2004. We accept all ATs, builds and origins. Our motto is "Strength through Diversity! Respect and Fun!" because we know different people play this game, we respect everyone and remember we are all here to have fun.
Activity: We have 60-70 active unique members and although we have people online all the time, our peak times are from 6pm to midnight EST. We run scheduled teams 4 times every week and they start at 8-9 pm EST.
Requirements for Membership: We don't require a minimum level, mandatory website registration or Ventrilo usage. No SG mode/prestige quota or salvage/infamy donation either. Our only requirement is that you follow our motto.
Leadership: Gopher, Magia and Orion Pax are the top rank leaders. But we have other leaders to ensure SG matters can be addressed and all SG members represented.
In-Game Contact(s): To contact our SG, you can join our public information channel by typing "/chan_join AdversityInfo". All our SG leaders are members of that channel and can help by answering questions or inviting to SG teams.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): We have a great website and if you want to know more about the SG you can also contact us there.
URL: or
Coalition(s): We have some great coalitions that are listed on our site and we run teams with them all the time, including a weekly event.
Other Details: Our main base has all the required features and we have an alt and a 50s VG. Random teams are very frequent and some of us like to use the Ventrilo server we share with some of our coalitions.
We consider ourselves a mature group and we balance our activities between the villain and hero side. Our private SG global channel is a great tool for our members to find good teams and we even share a global channel with some coalitions.
World Wide Evil Inc.
Recruiting : We are willing to accept new members who pass the application process.
RP Level : lol
Theme : An evil organization hell-bent on world domination
Activity : Roughly 30+ unique members with room for alts. Membership tends to peak on week ends and after 6PM EST on the weekdays.
Requirements for Membership : Must create an user account at World Wide Evil Inc.'s Website and request to join membership.
Leadership : Tazz, Soulfire, Wolflare, Ashen Wailer, Cerridwind (<3), Bloodletter, Black Thundress, Evil-Ice, Knives, etc.
In-Game Contacts(s) : @Tazz., @Rawhide, @Xtreme_Chaos, @Va'leria
Coalition : Hold Them Touch Them, Hold Them Touch Them Too (HTTT, and HTTTT) --Greatest dom vg to ever roam CoV
Scrumtralescent Blockheads: Alliance
Few others and a Vault vg.
Other Details : WWE runs RSF's roughly 3 times a week, LGTF's once a week, and all other TF's about once a week. We also run nightly EDPOT Lake TF's. We have our personal Ventrilo server with the the funniest and relaxed group of people you will ever meet on Pinnacle.
Name: Nites of Darkness VG (current rank on Pinnacle = 2)
Alt VG is Shut Your Pie Hole (SYPH) (current rank on Pinnacle = 9)
Currently Recruiting: We are always recruiting players of all levels. We would prefer active players but weekend warriors welcome as well. Some AT's we're looking for the most would be the new Villain Epic AT's, as well as more corrupters and dominators, but all AT's welcome.
RP Level: We do absolutely no roleplay
Theme/Concept: We are a branch of a solid core group that has played together for several years across many different mmo/fps pc games. No real in-game theme or concept with the exception of some hilarious toons.
Activity: Our 2 VG's are one and the same so our members have characters in both so it's hard to put a number on actual members. We are very pleased to have people on ventrilo around the clock as everyone plays at different times. We pride ourselves as being a very active group, whether it's having 2-3 full teams running until the server goes down or having a dozen folks on at server up. Our busiest hours are between 5pm and 7am EST. But any given time there is almost always someone on. While we have a lot of members, we are still a close-knit and welcoming group. We do our best to include new people into the mix, which is why we have remained one of the top VG's on pinnacle for almost 3 years.
Requirements for Membership: Our only rules are....
1.No begging or pestering for powerlevelling in sg mode until level 35
3.don't spam in our global or coalition chat.
We do offer a ventrilo server but usage is not required. Also available is a global channel for SG members, coalition members and friends.
Leadership: Please contact @XFUNK for membership inquiries
Coalition(s): We are coalitioned with some great active VG's on Pinnacle. Tyrants of Pain, The Dead Gentlemen, Doma Nation, the Brotherhood of Doom, The Scrumtralescent Blockheads, Army of darkness, Shadows of Death. We also have these VG's coalitioned with both of our VG's for better communication.
Other Details: Both of our bases are fully functional with all teleporters and all tables and storage. Our med bay sells blues,greens and break frees to get you back into the fight quicker. In the future we will be revamping our bases in order to set them up for inter-VG base raids. We run a disgusting amount of Tf's and Sf's on a daily basis. We run the LRSF an average of 10+ times a week (and still the only VG to successfully complete the Master of the LRSF challenge). We run multiple Cap Au diable TF's a day, as well as any of the other tf's in the game as needed for badges or a change of pace. Our badge hunting mainly consists of accolade badge progress or badges that unlock contacts, but we are willing to help out with others.
Name: [color= yellow]Interwoven[/color]
Currently Recruiting: [color= yellow]Granted i-12 isnt here jsut yet, but we are openly accepting any and all Pinnaclites that wish to join us.[/color]
RP Level: [color= yellow]Currently undecided on this subject. [/color]
Theme/Concept: [color= yellow]We are a Villain Epic Archetype only villain group that will use the Arachnos uniforms for our uniforms.[/color]
Activity: [color= yellow]This is currently uknown as this depends on the gaming habits of the Pinnaclites that wish to join us when I-12 goes live.[/color]
Requirements for Membership: [color= yellow]The only current requirement is that you have to have a Villain Epic Archetype to join us.[/color]
Leadership: [color= yellow]Bucephalus, Dis, Radionuclide, Wassabi, Goddess of Poison[/color]
In-Game Contact(s): [color= yellow]@Bucephalus, @Dis, @Radionuclide, @Wassabi[/color]
Out-of-Game Contact(s): [color= yellow]The Interwoven VG Forum page in the Pinnacle Server Forums.[/color]
URL: [color= yellow]Currently none, but may change in the near future.[/color]
Coalition(s): The Dead Gentleman.
Other Details: [color= yellow]Well we are a fun loving group of people that love to team frequently and whenever possible.[/color]
Name: Tyrants of Pain (ToP)
Currently Recruiting: Always looking for new players. Historically, our SGs have been exclusive in that members are expected to not belong to other SGs, though teaming with other groups is both accepted and encouraged.
RP Level: None
Theme/Concept: Villainous counterpart to our main hero group, the Titans of Paragon. Our veteran members and officers have been playing together as early as CoH Beta in maintaining a high level of fun and efficiency. While our main focus continues to be heroside, our villains remain a force to be reckoned with.
Activity: Most of the group resides on the US eastern coast, with most active times between 6pm-midnight eastern. Weekends vary. The majority of our members are very family-oriented and real-life commitments are expected to get in the way with gametime.
Requirements for Membership: Team with fellow SG and Coalition members, play in SG mode until level 35, proudly wear the official Tyrant costume, and have a sense of humor!
A private TeamSpeak server is available and strongly recommended, as are our private forums which are used daily. Our private global chat channel is always entertaining.
Leadership: @Mr.Catastrophe, @OverThrower, @Kellhound, @Lady Pitch, @Electrice
Coalition(s): We are very fortunate in that we have joined forces with some of Pinnacle's most ruthless villains: The Nites of Darkness, SYPH, Fear and Loathing, Animosity, The Evil Empire.
Other Details: Base is fully functional with all teleporter beacons and sufficient storage for enhancements, salvage, and crafting tables. Ouroboros portal is available and our Medbay is always online along with inspiration purchase for essentials.
Also, PvP is not required but we have been known to jump in the occasional zone to give the heroes a run for their money.
Had this in the SG thread, but now that there is a VG thread:
- SG/VG Name:VG: Celtech inc
- Currently Recruiting: Always open for business. We welcome anybody
- Leaders or Officers: Celtech Overlord, Warlock Warrior, C A P - 14
- Public relations: Celtech Forums, Celtech Frequency (global channel)
- RP Level: None, but if that's your thing, go for it
- Theme: Organization built out of the intention of conquest. Generally tech based, but there's no theme restriction for members
- Motto:Conquering the universe one pathetic soul at a time. . . Destroying them is just a bonus
- Peak teaming hours: 5 to 12 PM pst
- Amount of PvP: Sometimes, but it's rare
- Amount of Powerleveling: Little to none
- Amount of Drama: Talk a lot, but we try to keep things cool
- Size of Base: Medium ( For efficient size and layout) fancy, and fully functional
- Coalitions: Current list located here. Coalition groups with websites have their link provided
- Website: As linked above:
- Requirements: Talked about here
- In game contact: @LtZerge
- Out of game contact:
Edited: corrected information errors and links for new forum layout

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile
Name: The Recluse Revengers
Currently Recruiting: We are currently recruiting, and welcome all.
RP Level: We're a loose VG, so we welcome RP players, but its not required by any means.
Theme/Concept: We are the answer to the Atlas Avengers from Paragon. Rogue Avengers who have been exiled or shunned, as well as new mercenary recruits we've rallied to our cause: taking down those that fight for justice.
Activity: We have approximately 20 unique members, an extremely small number compared to our coalition size on Heroes. Our peak activity tends to be evenings, between 6 and 11 CST
Requirements for Membership: To get in, you merely have to speak up. To stay in, you have to stay in SG mode all the time at least until 25, log on at least once in a 45 day period. Very laid back.
Leadership: Blackpoint and (occasionally) Max Von Holtz
In-Game Contact(s): @Winterminal
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Send a PM to WinterMission with any questions.
URL: No website, but to find out about many of our members, visit or
Coalition(s): We hope to build a coalition soon.
Other Details: We are a very young VG, despite our Hero-compliment SG being around for a long time. We hope to measure up to their levels eventually, but we have a long ways to go.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

Name: Thugz Inc.
Currently Recruiting: Yes
RP Level: NonRp
Theme/Concept: All thug MMs with any secondary
Activity: We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month for teaming. Otherwise, activity is sparse.
Requirements for Membership: Must be a thug mastermind
Leadership: Lela's Bandits
In-Game Contact(s): @Lela
Coalition(s): None, but we're open to coalitioning with anyone else
Other Details: This is basically a for fun group that resulted from the thought "How sick would the damage output be from a team of thug mm's?"
Template created by Spectral_Daisy
Name: Sacred Assassins of the Valley
Currently Recruiting: CURRENTLY RECRUITING. Emphasis on recruitment for SG Moders during X2 XP weekend.
RP Level: ???
Theme/Concept: We are a team of private mercenaries. We go where the money is, and that's usually somewhere dirty, foul, and evil.
Activity: Currently have 2 members. A 3rd is in the works as his computer comes online in a couple of weeks. The more the merrier.
Requirements for Membership: No real requirements outside of playing in SG Mode as often as is reasonably possible. (I play in SG Mode full time right now.)
Leadership: Leader - Infinibot 1111; Co-Leader, MastaBaytah
In-Game Contact(s): Global @madsquid for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Controlled information.
URL: Coming soon.
Coalition(s): N/A at this time.
Other Details: We just love CoV and want to have fun playing. We play an emphasis on collecting infamy and salvage for the general use of the VG. Think of it as a slightly socialist VG I suppose. But only slightly.
Hi there I have started a new Villain Group for female toons that want to dominate and rule the world with and attitude. The VG is called The Bad Girl's Club. Below is the run down.
Name: The Bad Girl's Club
Currently Recruiting: Female toons of all levels and types.
RP Level: All types....if you want to run with the role playing I say go for it.
Activity: Pretty much any time of the day you will find at least one member on. Although we are a small guild so far so its hard to find us.
Requirements for Membership: Only that you are a female toon right now. Later we might let in a few male toons that love bad girls and want to worship us as it should be.
Leadership: Heaven of 69 (founder), MissD
Contact: You can send me a msg on here or a tell in game.
Name: The Shadows - Sister SG is C.O.R.E.
Currently Recruiting: Still have some room in the original. Going to have to create a new one for alts soon.
RP Level: Not so much...
Theme/Concept: Very casual, no pressure group of nice people. Lots of experienced players usually very willing to help others. Many 'Beta' players in this VG.
Activity: We play way too much. It is rare that a few of our people are not online. Very active powerplayers. We typically Power Play a batch of toons from 0-50 in about 45 days - usually in the evenings 7pm-10pm Central USA. However, we have many international members too. Actively run ITS's many times per week, as well as other SF's depending on interest. We have some dedicated PvPers in this VG also.
Requirements for Membership: Be a decent person.
Leadership: Same as C.O.R.E. SG
In-Game Contact(s): Global @ Mad Jaded
Coalition(s): We try to coalition with those VG's on the move, filled with active players who enjoy all aspects of play.
Other Details: We are set to bust the top 100 Pinny list late this year. No specific 'ranking' goal, but rather we get enjoyment from teaming with decent, competent players. Both VG and SG bases have all portals and all the extras that make a base great.
Goal is for all members at virtually any level to be able to easily find teams within our coalitions, at any time. If you also play 'way too much', come join The Shadows.
-Villian Group / Parental Advisory
-Public Relations / & Guild Portal page
-Peak teaming hours / someone is always on {24-7}
-Amount of PvP / fairly decent, working for more
-Amount of Powerleveling / We DON'T
-Amount of Drama / since we are 18 and over, we haven't had any drama YET, that isn't to say it can't or won't happen, but we have been lucky to avoid it so far
-Base Size / under construction till after I-13 hits ( )
-Requierments / must be 18 in R/L, we do not want to "babysit" while we play the game.
-Other / we are an Arcane-Tech mixture styled base
-Guild description - VG motto is "Born in lust turn to dust, Born in Sin, come on in! "
-Leaders / @The Barroness @Barron @Kraxon1 @WeissMaus
-Voice Chat / none at this time, suggestions are welcome for prefered chat type
-Prefered Method of Contact / in-game or on myspace or Guild Portal
Name: Nightstalkers
Currently Recruiting: Always recruiting
RP Level: Minimal, we play in character when the whim strikes us, but that's about it.
Theme/Concept: Nightstalkers is the villainous counterpart of the SG Night Walkers.
Activity: Currently there are 3 members with numerous alts in the VG, we would like to expand as quickly as we can.
Requirements for Membership: We have a trial period for new members that is: A) Until 10k prestige is earned OR B) 30 days (whichever comes first) At that point you will be given the first promotion and considered full members of the VG. Other than that, just have fun and don't be a jerk.
Leadership: Black Sunshine, Venomshade, Doctor Mechan
In-Game Contact(s): @Claws and Effect, @Kresnik 02, @Kyzock
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Our Forum handles are the same as our globals, minus spaces of course.
Coalition(s): None yet.
Other Details: Base is small and under construction, we need help with it. We run as a team whenever we're all on at once. As we get more members we will schedule events more frequently. We don't PvP much but we will occasionally throw down in a zone or the arena.
That's basically it. Very small VG that hopes to rise quickly.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Oppressive Technologies is now Hiring. We are a tech firm looking for tech-oriented villains, but we also collect rare specimens from dark origins. We offer a medical benefits package to all our employees. Employees also have travel benefits, with teleports to Mercy Island, Port Oaks, Cap Au Diable, and Bloody Bay. There is plenty of opportunity for advancement so the more you put in the more you get out. For interviews, send Hk-10 a Tell or an in-game email if Im not online. We Supply Death!
New VG that I created so that I could mess with base editing and have all my alts in. Very small member list at the moment (haven't started any recruiting). Its an open VG so anyone can join. But if your looking for a real active group with alot of members and events, then this one is not for you. If you are looking for a place for you toons and the ability to enhance them without breaking the bank, and a little bit of teaming...then it might be a hit.
# SG/VG Name: The Dark Disciples
# Public relations: Warpus
# Peak teaming hours: mostly nights and weekends
# Amount of PvP: small but some
# Amount of Powerleveling: small but some
# Amount of Drama: none
# Size of Base: Medium (lots of enhancements, tp's to all zones, empowerment station, med bay, crafting table and invent table, etc.
# Requirements: no pay to play as I do so play as you want (as long as you are gaining prestige for the group enhacements and inspirations are free if they are in the tables)
# Other: none
# Guild Description: Enjoy the game.
# Leader or Recruiting Officers: Warpus
# Voice chat: not at the moment
# Preferred Method of contact: Forum PM, In-game tell to @Warpus or post a request at The Dark Disciples
Name: Amatsu's infernal Hord.
Currently Recruiting: We are looking for ppl
RP Level: RP-friendly
Theme/Concept: Japaneseish. Amastu formed the group after being brought to this dimension by an over ambitious COT wizard who though he could control his awesome might. Instead he took over his body but is now stuck with only a portion of his power. With the aid of his follower he hopes to regain his full might.
Activity: Not sure.
Requirements for Membership: None really .
Leadership: Amastu
In-Game Contact(s): tba
VG Name: Cult of Metalocalypse
VG Leaders: Blood Messiah
VG Website (if any): none
VG Recruiters: Any of my many (14+) characters
Teamspeak/Ventrillo Server: none at the moment
VG Peak Hours: Afternoons and/or Evenings (US Central Time Zone)
Other Info: Global: @Bloodoni
Very Casual, It's only me now, did have my fiance on but she doesn't play much anymore. I have a 8 mo baby at the house so my time is sometimes really limited and I have sometimes long times of afk.
I have built a small base with teleports to all major spots also have other small amenities. I've been playing on and off a lot since beta. Reason I made this VG is so my work is not all for nothing. I don't plan to drop any players just because they've been gone awhile. I know how life is. So if you are a casual player that just needs a base for getting around or want a helpful friend let me know.
If there are any VGs that can stand a casual VG for an ally let me know as well. I have a SG on Justice also and it is the same setup; Fantastic Freedom Force
Name: Anarchy Alliance (sister to Omega Factor SG)
Currently Recruiting: Always looking for interesting characters who love to play this game.
RP Level: Not really into the RP scene. Although we do have alot of interesting toons and characters who play them.
Theme/Concept: No real concept, just a core group of players that have been togethere for the better part of three years. We grow slowly but the ones that join us usually never leave. We play daily and there is almost always someone on. Revolving schedule.
Activity: Again we have a solid core of members that play Hard and accomplish much. Anarchy being the Red Side version of Omega Factor, we consider ourselves among the leaders of the Pinn server and try to be open and friendly to all that respect the game. Very Active.
Requirements for Membership: No real requirements really. We do have out of game forums. currently building a new website. Our current forum is apply there. That is the best way. once in the SG we do have a Promo structure to get you moved up among the ranks quickly. The structure allows you advancement all the way to the top.
Leadership: Anarchy Alliance/Omega Factor leaders. We run a leadership Council as ooposed to a single leader or commander co commander type leadership. The founders are the council chair and all leaders have a voice in the SG direction. It has proved to function well for us in our growth.
Anarchy alliance leaders:
@Snipern44, @Rage I, @Aceovhartz, @NexusI, @Utopia, @Zuana
In-Game Contact(s): To contact us about membership Hit us up at our Global channel
(right click on the chat tab and do channel search for ->) Omega factor Apps. This is our global channel and one of our leaders will always be in channel.
Other in game contacts: (see leader Globals above)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): For out of game contacts see below for Forums/Website address
URL: this will lead to our forums page just sign up and say hey if you are interested in joining Omega Factor or Anarchy Alliance
Coalition(s): We are coalitioned with some of the finest players in the game and associated with even more. Unfortunately they dont allow enough coalition slots to go around or all of them would be represented.
Other Details: Anarchy Alliance is currently in the Top 100 and moving up quickly. Join us to be a part of its Villainous growth. As well if you are a Hero side player join us in Omega Factor currently a Pinnacle Top 10 Sg.
We look forward to seeing your apps on the site or talking to you in game.
Please use this thread if your VG is recruiting
Name: VG Name
Currently Recruiting: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/VGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your VG's theme and/or concept (Arachnos or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'être
Activity: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other VGs, no heroes on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Leadership: character name(s)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoV's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: the group's website
Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc. or whether it is an IC or OOC associate
Other Details: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal
Template created by Spectral_Daisy