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  1. I am still looking to recover the name Black Jackal.
  2. Bucephalus

    Pinnacle and I14

    [ QUOTE ]
    I insist nothing!

    Not true.

    I insist a lot.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you insist on insisting?
  3. i currently have:

    Arturius Pendragon
    Sol Invictus

    If anybody wants them just let me know.
  4. I got my Bane Spider Arachnid to level 50! *ponders what he'll roll next*
  5. Does anybody have the Name Raging Rhino?
  6. One toon name that i used to play as was Night Sentry (he was my batman toon lol). If anybody has that name let me know
  7. Name: [color= yellow]Interwoven[/color]

    Currently Recruiting: [color= yellow]Granted i-12 isnt here jsut yet, but we are openly accepting any and all Pinnaclites that wish to join us.[/color]

    RP Level: [color= yellow]Currently undecided on this subject. [/color]

    Theme/Concept: [color= yellow]We are a Villain Epic Archetype only villain group that will use the Arachnos uniforms for our uniforms.[/color]

    Activity: [color= yellow]This is currently uknown as this depends on the gaming habits of the Pinnaclites that wish to join us when I-12 goes live.[/color]

    Requirements for Membership: [color= yellow]The only current requirement is that you have to have a Villain Epic Archetype to join us.[/color]

    Leadership: [color= yellow]Bucephalus, Dis, Radionuclide, Wassabi, Goddess of Poison[/color]

    In-Game Contact(s): [color= yellow]@Bucephalus, @Dis, @Radionuclide, @Wassabi[/color]

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): [color= yellow]The Interwoven VG Forum page in the Pinnacle Server Forums.[/color]

    URL: [color= yellow]Currently none, but may change in the near future.[/color]

    Coalition(s): The Dead Gentleman.

    Other Details: [color= yellow]Well we are a fun loving group of people that love to team frequently and whenever possible.[/color]
  8. [*] SG/VG Name: Interwoven [*] Public relations: Currently being discussed[*] Peak teaming hours: N/A [*] Amount of PvP: N/A [*] Amount of Powerleveling: N/A [*] Amount of Drama: None will be tolerated [*] Size of Base: Under construction [*] Requirements: A Villain Epic Archetype[*] Other: As it stands are we are trying to get everything together before i12 gets here.[*] Guild Description: From Separate Strands We are Woven Into One[*] Leader or Recruiting Officers: @Bucephalus, @Dis, @Radionuclide[*] Voice chat: N/A [*] Preferred Method of contact: Ingame email, Forum PM
  9. I have the name Arachnid, BUT im looking to exchange it for Arachnia!
  10. Hello Pinnacle Players, and welcome to the Spring 2007 SG/VG recruitment thread. If you wish to post a listing of your SG/VG please copy and fill out the text below. If you're looking to join a SG/VG please browse through the listings.
    [*] SG/VG Name: The G.U.A.R.D.S.M.E.N. [*] Public relations: Currently working on an SG channel [*] Peak teaming hours: Whenever two or more are on lol [*] Amount of PvP: Rare [*] Amount of Powerleveling: None [*] Amount of Drama: None [*] Size of Base: Uhhh..... we have an SG base i just dont know the size of it lol[*] Requirements: Trick Arrows and currently undecided on uniforms lol[*] Other: Nothing more to say on that[*] Guild Description: We are The Guild of United Archers Raining Destruction Specifically against Malicious Entities Nationwide and afar[*] Leader or Recruiting Officers: Me (@Bucephalus) or the only other member in the SG @Avana[*] Voice chat: None[*] Preferred Method of contact: @Bucephalus

    Currently this SG is a little project that i was considering doing for a VERY long time. I even raised over 1million prestige for it alone. The main thing against it might be the lack of Trick Arrow Defenders on Pinnacle, but i could be wrong
  11. I love the roman armor (i was smiling ear to ear when i saw the Statesman style cape). Now im confused. I WANT the armor, but i sure as hell dont feel like making a toon, getting him 35 levels just to get to the point where i can get them, and THEN jump through more hoops to get the armor.

    *long sigh* might as well get to work gaining those levels......