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  1. Name: Sacred Assassins of the Valley

    Currently Recruiting: CURRENTLY RECRUITING. Emphasis on recruitment for SG Moders during X2 XP weekend.

    RP Level: ???

    Theme/Concept: We are a team of private mercenaries. We go where the money is, and that's usually somewhere dirty, foul, and evil.

    Activity: Currently have 2 members. A 3rd is in the works as his computer comes online in a couple of weeks. The more the merrier.

    Requirements for Membership: No real requirements outside of playing in SG Mode as often as is reasonably possible. (I play in SG Mode full time right now.)

    Leadership: Leader - Infinibot 1111; Co-Leader, MastaBaytah

    In-Game Contact(s): Global @madsquid for in-game contact(s)

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Controlled information.

    URL: Coming soon.

    Coalition(s): N/A at this time.

    Other Details: We just love CoV and want to have fun playing. We play an emphasis on collecting infamy and salvage for the general use of the VG. Think of it as a slightly socialist VG I suppose. But only slightly.