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  1. Hi there I have started a new Villain Group for female toons that want to dominate and rule the world with and attitude. The VG is called The Bad Girl's Club. Below is the run down.

    Name: The Bad Girl's Club
    Currently Recruiting: Female toons of all levels and types.
    RP Level: All types....if you want to run with the role playing I say go for it.
    Activity: Pretty much any time of the day you will find at least one member on. Although we are a small guild so far so its hard to find us.

    Requirements for Membership: Only that you are a female toon right now. Later we might let in a few male toons that love bad girls and want to worship us as it should be.

    Leadership: Heaven of 69 (founder), MissD

    Contact: You can send me a msg on here or a tell in game.
  2. # SG/VG Name: The Bad Girl's Club

    # Peak teaming hours: Almost any time of the day. Most of the time one of our members will be on.

    # Amount of PvP: None as of yet as we are a new guild

    # Amount of Drama: None so far.

    # Size of Base: Small as we are just under 15 members so far and only started a couple weeks ago.

    # Requirements: (Prestige quota if applicable, any rules that simply must be followed, etc) That you be a female toon and have a great attitude.

    # Other:
    # Guild Description: (Motto) All men must worship us or die.

    # Leader or Recruiting Officers: Heaven of 69, Miss D

    # Preferred Method of contact: You can find one of us in game. Just send a tell.