So you want art but can't draw ?
That so totally rocks!
May I salute you for myself and the many other artistically impaired individuals around the world.
I can understand some of it since it is similar to spanish.
*Hunts down file root.*
For those of us that cannot stand to use the interface in the prescribed size on the web page.
Full screen if you want.
I can see forever 0.0
This is pretty cute. I'm sure it'll be of use to someone who can't draw, but it's fun to play around in, even if you can.
Timm style Mel -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN
Wow, this thing is sweet. Does anyone know if there's a way to 'Copy Current Colors Across Entire Body' like in the CoX costume creator?
Doesn't look like it, although I don't read Portugese so I could be wrong.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Pretty nice. Similar to Heromachine, but definitely more stylized. And less buying stuff.
thought you guys would enjoy it now start posting costumes :P
Well, it took me long enough, but I made a Timm of El D using that thing.
I'm pretty sure I also got a free lesson in Portuguese from all the time I spent redoing things to make the costume look right
Global - @El D
Servers - Protector
WoW El D looks sweet , and yeah its an intresting way to learn "intro into portueguese "
Not quite, but very close: Lady Liberty
I'd have added more highlights, but after I figured out how to do them, I closed another tab in that window, and it killed everything I had, and that was my most recent printscreen of it.
I started with Neone Swift
Then I did my main NeoSaturn I added extra stuff I thought look cooler(soldjer and hip pieces)
However I think Xenone Dash came out the best.
I favorited this site, Might use for toon ideas. Just Wish it was in English.
Edit for spelling.
Also Jay Please More Hip armor cause Jay is sexy
NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations
Hey your learning portuguese you should thank me for the double boon of art and language lessons :P
actually after about your fourth time playing with this you'll likely start memorizing whats what
King Chrono was just impossible, but General Flag turned out ok.
Juggernaut, eat your heart out.
General Flag
General Flag - Hero - Tank
Spy Smasher - Hero - Scrap
King Chrono - Villain - Brute
Witch Hazel - Villain - Dom
Server: Victory
Supergroup: Legion of Valor
SG website: [url=""][/url]
Deviant page: [url=""][/url]
But...I would rather poke repeatingly for art instead Scarf_Girl!
King Chrono was just impossible, but General Flag turned out ok.
Juggernaut, eat your heart out.
General Flag
[/ QUOTE ]
That is quite slick , after we get a bunch from the forum regulars we should do a group shot
But...I would rather poke repeatingly for art instead Scarf_Girl!
[/ QUOTE ]
but but im mostly retired from art , it was a fun hobby and diversion but I had to cut back on diversions to give more time devoted to school
and ive grown quite fond of the pokings ...mmmm yeah thats the spot !
But...I would rather poke repeatingly for art instead Scarf_Girl!
[/ QUOTE ]
but but im mostly retired from art , it was a fun hobby and diversion but I had to cut back on diversions to give more time devoted to school
and ive grown quite fond of the pokings ...mmmm yeah thats the spot !
[/ QUOTE ]
*switches on the cattle prod*
Lord Night-Blade's flight suit, or at least a close approximiation. There's no PPD symbol available in this program, but if there were it would be on his chest.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
This is about as close as I can get to Darkspazz, my main. Pretty damn good character creator, fav'd it for later use.
Pretty cool spazz , and yeah definitely pass it along to others that might get some use out of it
brb linking to this in Virtue...
edit: Damnit!
That is quite slick , after we get a bunch from the forum regulars we should do a group shot
[/ QUOTE ]
Considering that this creator wasn't really suited for Henshin type heroes, I think Chisoku turned out reasonably well, despite his notable lack of helmet. After about 6 tries at making something that resembled it, I kinda gave up and went with nothin.
Well have I got a deal for you (no it dosn't involve me drawing either )
so get to cracking peeps 
Just stumbled across this Granted its in portuguese but I had no issue figuring out the simple buttons (and learning simple portuguese in the process ) It does Bruce Timm style characters (ala Batman and Justice Leauge Cartoons )
And after posting this and not hoarding it away for myself I fully expect to start seeing folks creations
Edited in
scroll to the bottom of the page the link sends you to , no its not a Rick Roll goobers !