Guide to the I12 Powerset Proliferation




Awww. Are Defenders getting any love at all?

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Reading comprehension ftw?

Once again, all ATs are getting new sets (except MM primary), so yes, Defenders are getting new sets. We just don't know what.



As far as powersets go, I've taken a little look at what each AT currently has and I've narrowed down what might be chosen for each set. (The stuff that allready has been announced I'm leaving out,

Brute Secondary: Regen, Ice Armor (Regen seems like the best bet, but there's that one part of me that just wants to see Brutes have Ice Powers)

Controller Secondary: Dark Miasma Cold Domination, Thermal Radiation

Corruptor Primary: Electric Blast (IF they're getting storm, this seems like the most logical set to add)

Defender (This was a tough consideration)
Primary: Traps
Secondary: Assault Rifle

Mastermind Secondary: Kinetics, Radiation Emission (Tough cal)

Scrapper: (Possibilites galore, here)
Primary: Energy Melee, Electric Melee
Secondary: Energy Aura, Electric Melee

Stalker (Like the Defender this was tough to figure out)
Primary: Ice Melee
Secondary: Ice Armor (This stems from me not giving up on more Ice sets for Villainside)

Tanker (This was relatively easy)0
Primary Electric Aura
Seconadry Electric Melee

As far as Blaster and Dominator Secondaries go, The devs are likely to need to make new sets all together (I just don't see them giving Blasters Trick Arrow) If Dominators are getting Earth Control, I could easily see them making a Seismic Assault set though.

Either way I can't wait to see what the Devs end up doing!

Virtue Roleplayer!
Skyway Bulldozer Level 50 SS/Invuln/Mace Brute
Maximus Leo Level 50 Sword/Invuln Scrapper
Mr. Tiny Tiger Level 49 Invuln/SS Tanker
Cage-Match Level 45 MA/Will Scrapper



No, no, no.


Do *not* make this a guessing thread. Every single other thread on this topic has become glutted with guessing posts and there are even dedicated guessing threads. We do not need another.

This is a guide of what is, and to some extent, of what *might* be possible and what definitely is excluded. Not a speculation thread of what one thinks is likely.

This thread is to make one's speculation in the other threads be based on facts and not myths or wrong assumptions.

(And please, no one reply to the speculation post in this thread, no matter how tempting. Thanks.)

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[*]This is *NOT* 'side-switching'. This does not introduce Villain ATs to the Hero side or vice versa. There will be no Heroic Corruptors, though, now, Controllers will get Plant Control, which was once only limited to Dominators.

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First thanks for the list, tres cool. I know a "lot" of peeps want villains blue-side and heroes red-side and I'm not gonna get into that arguement (yeah I'm a coward, what ya gonna do about it?), but I want to say That I would love a couple of the red side powersets. I wanthe Traps set from MM. That would rock on blue side.

if this is off topic sorry.



This should have been labeled Pre-I12 Guide to Powerset Proliferation, then PM a Moderator to change the title or clear the thread once I12 goes live.

I wish that the other posters in this thread had read this statement [ QUOTE ]
As of this post, we only know of 5 powerset proliferations. Once the rest are announced, this chart will show where the rest of them have occurred.

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Blaster Primary: Psi Blast
Blaster Secondary: Psi or Thorney Assault

Brute Primary: Battle Axe and War Mace
Brute Secondary: Ice Armor, Ninjutsu, Regeneration, Super Reflexes
Controller Primary: Plant
Controller Secondary: Cold, Dark, Poison, Thermal

Corruptor Primary: Archery, Electric, Psychic
Corruptor Secondary: Storm

Defender Primary: Cold, Poison, Thermal, Traps
Defender Secondary: Assault Rifle, Fire, Ice

Dominator Primary: Earth, Illusion
Dominator Secondary: Devices, Electric

MM Primary: None
MM Secondary: Cold, Empath, Kinetics, Radiation, Sonic, Storm, Thermal

Scrapper Primary: Axe, Electric, Energy, Fiery, Ice, Ninja, Stone, Super Strength, Mace
Scrapper Secondary: Electric, Energy, Fiery, Ninjutsu, Stone

Stalker Primary: Axe, Broadsword, Electric, Fiery, Ice, Katana, Stone, Super Strength, Mace
Stalker Secondary: Electric, Fiery, Ice, Invulnerabily, Stone

Tanker Primary: Dark, Electric, Energy, Ninjutsu, Regeneration, Super Reflexes
Tanker Secondary: Broadsword, Claws, Dark, Katana, Martial Arts, Ninja Blades, Spines
(For those who dont know, tba = to be announced, and the bold red has been confirmed.)
Orange shows up is available

Reddy Kilowatt

Children of Data
2nd SG on Infinity

Earth Tech
Desert Princess
Bloody Decker
(and that is only some of the ones on Infinity)



My guess

Blaster Secondary: Psi - It goes with the way blaster sets are fire/fire, ice/ice, etc...

Brute Secondary: Regeneration - Ice/SR are defense, in beta the defense sets didn't work well with brutes.

Controller Secondary: Dark

Corruptor Primary: Electric

Defender Primary: Cold or Thermal
Defender Secondary: Fire or Ice

Dominator Primary: Earth
Dominator Secondary: Electric

MM Secondary: Sonic

Scrapper Primary: Electric
Scrapper Secondary: Electric

Stalker Primary: Broadsword,
Stalker Secondary: Invulnerabily

Tanker Primary: Energy
Tanker Secondary: Katana

Reddy Kilowatt

Children of Data
2nd SG on Infinity

Earth Tech
Desert Princess
Bloody Decker
(and that is only some of the ones on Infinity)



This should have been labeled Pre-I12 Guide to Powerset Proliferation, then PM a Moderator to change the title or clear the thread once I12 goes live.

I wish that the other posters in this thread had read this statement [ QUOTE ]
As of this post, we only know of 5 powerset proliferations. Once the rest are announced, this chart will show where the rest of them have occurred.

[/ QUOTE ]

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While the original post can no longer be edited, the chart it links to can. As soon as the rest of the powersets are announced, I'll update the off-site chart and this thread will be completely up to date and properly named.

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Glad I'm not the only one that has trouble reading that spreadsheet. It looks like it's in greek to me. :/

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Brute Secondary: Regeneration - Ice/SR are defense, in beta the defense sets didn't work well with brutes.

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As best as I know, not true. The Ice powers interfered with Fury building up because a heavy part of them uses -recharge. Defense doesn't affect Fury at all, since Fury is about ATTEMPTED attacks, rather then hits landing (you get as much fury missing with an attack as you do hitting, and as much from someone missing you then hitting you). After all, /EA's a defense set and one of the few accusations NOT leveled at it is slow fury build up.



Dark is also a possibility for a Blaster secondary. As far as I know, the devs never said it won't, and IMO it is a distinct possibility.

And I am SO hoping for regen Brutes! Although Ice will make it IMO.



A suggestion for the tables Zombie_Man.

Try listing the ATs across the top and set down the left side. This will make it a little easier to read. If you can "Freeze Pane" on the top information it's even easier to read. It's a good idea, and nice attempt. I find the information a little hard to pick out.

Thanks for the work.




Stalker Secondary: Electric, Fiery, Ice, Invulnerabily, Stone

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Stone for Stalkers LOL.



I had trouble reading the graphs. In fact, I still don't understand them. Can you just put who's getting what in your post? It would be so much simpler for all.

@Stablae - Freedom Server
Controller/Dominator Freak
Freedom Server
Repeat Offenders: Doing hard things stupidly easy.



My guess

Brute Secondary: Regeneration - Ice/SR are defense, in beta the defense sets didn't work well with brutes.

Dominator Primary: Earth
Dominator Secondary: Electric
Stalker Primary: Broadsword

Tanker Primary: Energy
Tanker Secondary: Katana

[/ QUOTE ]

Just some notes -- That brute thing is no longer relevant, it didn't work on brutes in beta because back then fury didn't build on misses, and I can confirm, having run a LGTF with two bubblers on my SS/wp just yesterday.. it does now.

Plus they have EA, which sucks in it's current state, but goes against that theory too.

Doms aren't likely to get elec as a secondary -- same thing with your blaster note -- Devs don't mix-match sets, usually if they bring in one set ((earth.)) they bring in another set, for concept reasons

Not to mention the powers for a earth control set are in game already, so it's not really "new" -- Stone melee, and.. the abilities from the hero stone mastery epics, and the stuff that the Legacy Chain terra's have ((they have a few rock blast attacks.))

Stalkers aren't getting broadsword, goes against the concept all together, stalkers don't use brute force, they strike with finesse to quickly eliminate targets.. Broadsword even says in it's description that it is "Heavy, inflicting more damage than Katana, while slower." -- doesn't really sound very.. "finesse"-like to me.

Lastly -- I can see energy for tanks, but Katana just seems too "light" tanks are like brutes, traditionally have heavy handed attack sets, katana just.. doesn't fit that concept -- though BS does.



Why the Chart is Difficult to Read...

Most people are concerned about ATs, and what Powersets belonged to which ATs. And so, they usually create a list of ATs (all the ATs listed just once) and then list the Powersets that can be found in that AT. These AT-centric charts wind up listing the same Powerset several times if it is found in several ATs.

My chart, however, was originally developed to keep track of Powersets and which ATs owned which Powersets. In my chart, Powersets are listed just once, and the ATs which can own those Powersets get listed several times. That's probably why people have trouble reading the charts.

If you look at the first chart, across the top are the Powerset Categories such as Defense, Melee, Blast, etc..... The number next to the Powerset Category is how many Powersets are in that category. Then down the side are a list of ATs. Where the ATs and Powerset Category intersect, I've indicated the Primary and Secondary Powersets for that AT, and the number next to that indicates how many Powersets are available in that Primary and Secondary.

Then, underneath that chart are columnar lists of the Powersets found in the Powerset Category. Each Powerset is listed only once. They are grouped by which ATs 'own' that Powerset. This way, one can see which Powersets are shared by which ATs.

Once you understand that first chart, then go to the second and see where the Powersets have shifted from belonging to one set of ATs to another set of ATs.

If you just want a list of ATs and the new Powersets they get, it's been listed in a simple list above in this thread, as well as about 10 other threads in the forums, and can be found in the text of the Feature Update on the main page of the CoH Website.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



How come you differentiate between Katana and Ninja Blade?

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Ninja blade is the stalker powerset and has assassin blade and placate.
Katana is a scrapper powerset and has calling the wolf and the lotus drops



Blaster Primary: Psi Blast
Blaster Secondary: Psi or Thorney Assault

Brute Primary: Battle Axe and War Mace
Brute Secondary: Ice Armor, Ninjutsu, Regeneration, Super Reflexes
Controller Primary: Plant
Controller Secondary: Cold, Dark, Poison, Thermal

Corruptor Primary: Archery, Electric, Psychic
Corruptor Secondary: Storm

Defender Primary: Cold, Poison, Thermal, Traps
Defender Secondary: Assault Rifle, Fire, Ice

Dominator Primary: Earth, Illusion
Dominator Secondary: Devices, Electric

MM Primary: None
MM Secondary: Cold, Empath, Kinetics, Radiation, Sonic, Storm, Thermal

Scrapper Primary: Axe, Electric, Energy, Fiery, Ice, Ninja, Stone, Super Strength, Mace
Scrapper Secondary: Electric, Energy, Fiery, Ninjutsu, Stone

Stalker Primary: Axe, Broadsword, Electric, Fiery, Ice, Katana, Stone, Super Strength, Mace
Stalker Secondary: Electric, Fiery, Ice, Invulnerabily, Stone

Tanker Primary: Dark, Electric, Energy, Ninjutsu, Regeneration, Super Reflexes
Tanker Secondary: Broadsword, Claws, Dark, Katana, Martial Arts, Ninja Blades, Spines
(For those who dont know, tba = to be announced, and the bold red has been confirmed.)
Orange shows up is available

[/ QUOTE ]

I like how you didn't assume that the powers could only come from the other side. maybe i missed a post somewhere but i never saw that heroes are only getting villain powers and viasa versa. but also 20 power sets would be 2 sets per AT with brutes getting 2 primaries who's to say they will get a secondary set. MM's might get 2 secondarys to balance out there lack of getting a primary.



Sorry, but it's confirmed MMs get only one(1) secondary.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Sorry, but it's confirmed MMs get only one(1) secondary.

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Really could you link the page? hate to sound out of date.



I was under the impression Brutes were only getting the two new Primaries, and not a I incorrect?



Just some notes -- That brute thing is no longer relevant, it didn't work on brutes in beta because back then fury didn't build on misses, and I can confirm, having run a LGTF with two bubblers on my SS/wp just yesterday.. it does now.

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The reason Ice was pulled from Brutes back in CoV beta was because the secondary effect of ice is to slow the attack rate of your opponents, which does reduce your fury building. That hasn't changed, though it's possible that the devs will ignore it or work around it this time.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Sorry, but it's confirmed MMs get only one(1) secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]
Really could you link the page? hate to sound out of date.

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Thank of it this way. What AT has 6 permanent pets you can control at once? And would require a major recoding.