wedding costume pieces...
ZOMG! Someone stole my clothes!
omg there's so much I'm gonna do with this... all my infl is going to go *poof* on my cosutmes now
ZOMG! Someone stole my clothes!
[/ QUOTE ]
since when does Mantid wear clothes?
Since I have so darned many free costume change tokens on Dark now, I'll have to see how he looks in a veil.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Since I have so darned many free costume change tokens on Dark now, I'll have to see how he looks in a veil.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think male models get only no male brides.../cry
Oohhhh!!!! *drools* sooo buying this as well! Too bad I'm gonna be out of town on the 14th but I am sure I will have fun with these. Larissa has only a couple of levels till a new costume slot
Since I have so darned many free costume change tokens on Dark now, I'll have to see how he looks in a veil.
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I think male models get only no male brides.../cry
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, what's up with that? What am I gonna do when I try to infiltrate the Carnies!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Body paint? :P
wear a steel bucket over your head? :P
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Great idea! Edible body paint....
[/ QUOTE ]
remember to buy blueberry, orange, and grape flavors, they are carnie favorites.
Great idea! Edible body paint....
[/ QUOTE ]
remember to buy blueberry, orange, and grape flavors, they are carnie favorites.
[/ QUOTE ]
You forgot cotton candy!
I'd love to get the pack...
But I can't right now. I can think of so many costumes using those pieces.
I hope they don't run out.
They've run out of serial codes for in game item packs before?
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
I've already come up with a bridal gown for Soul... along with the Angelic Plus outfit for her Peacebringer...
And the Excess Plus finally looks GOOD, not like it's stuck on, it looks like something wearable... and SATIN... *swoon*
Lingerie costumes FTW...
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Since I have so darned many free costume change tokens on Dark now, I'll have to see how he looks in a veil.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think male models get only no male brides.../cry
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, what's up with that? What am I gonna do when I try to infiltrate the Carnies!
[/ QUOTE ]
Alas a million Dr. Frankenfurter homages have just been silenced
I'd love to get the pack...
But I can't right now. I can think of so many costumes using those pieces.
I hope they don't run out.
[/ QUOTE ]
As I asked LH in the main feedback thread, these packs will *always* be available. So those of us on limited budgets need not worry about it. They're not "goodie packs" they're ingame items, perk packs like the GVE set without the extra month.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
ZOMG! Someone stole my clothes!
[/ QUOTE ]
You should be happy. Those shoes are hideous.
I do like some of the other options, but not enough to spend money right now. I need to keep saving and renew my account for as long as possible so I can shave some off of the total cost. If the costume options are still around after that, I might invest in them... they'd look nice on an Alice in Wonderland character that I've had in mind for a while.
Pm me your paypall account and I´l enter 10$ to pay your Valentine costume as a thank you for the fnatastic guide on Archery
Hello all
I have just 1 question why is the Bridal lace top a 1 colour item but the matching skirt is a 2 colour option.
Is this a small bug ??
But I must say I love this add on pack fits a few toons soo well.
Frostyfrozen lvl 50 Pure Ice Blaster @Les Femmes Mystique
Meltalika lvl 50 - Snowdriftta lvl 50 - Icesong lvl 50 -Frostyblue lvl 50
Have Fun & Stay Safe
My question is... did they think of the catgirls? I.e. Can I wear my stripes?
So far what I heard is a big fat NO so this pack is mostly useless for me.... And I don't want to waste my money if i can't use these things.... can someone find out if you can get a good looking outfit going with stripes and these options?
Yeah, I can see myself using *this* version of Excess more than the regular. It looks nice. Heck, I can see using several of the pieces.
Looking good, but how do I access the tux collar on a female?
Not weven sure what you cal that in English.
Found its, its the Bow Tie. At the very top under Shoulders. Odd that I could miss that one.
I see now that its only available with certain types of chest. Oddly not with sleeveless jackets.
stolen from Mantid!
Valentine Newsletter
Okay I'm definitely going to buy the pack since I'm a costume freak. What I'm wondering is what you guys are planning to do with them.
I plan to make an light blue formal gown for Turbo-ski.