If your character was a contact...




Well, looks like the moderators got to this thing's predecessor before it could take off. Considering what it had turned into, I can't really say I'm surprised.

But I've been working on this a while now, and I did say I'd at least get the first half done, so here it is - not that I'm in any way interested what other people might have to say if one or more of their characters were suddenly contacts.


Acid Zero

Unexplained Presence

Nobody quite knows where Acid Zero came from. He says he’s an alien, but his robots certainly seem terrestrial in nature. Regardless of his origins, one thing that many people know is that he split from Arachnos soon after arriving in Grandville, and not exactly on the best of terms. He’s considered a rogue element, but strangely Recluse has yet to respond to this – or, if one is to believe the rumors, already has and met with very undesirable results.

Acid is regarded as mentally unstable, often referring to himself as if he were in multiple locations, or not here at all. This may indeed be true, and he states it is so, but no concrete evidence has yet come to light. Witnesses have been reported, but all investigations suggest their sightings were nothing more than hallucinations. For all intents and purposes, he may as well be a collective delusion…

Initial Contact:

Me? Sorry, I’m not here right now - just a figment of your imagination. I’m afraid you don’t have enough experience with secrets to work with me yet. Figure out what the Rikti are up to, and what Malta Titans really are while you’re at it, and then we can talk.

(Obtain Member of Vanguard and Monkeywrencher badges)

Completed Requirements:

[u] Mess With the Best [u] (40-50)

[u]1) ‘Familiarize’ yourself with Paragon[u]

Hm, I see you’ve dealt with secrets. Good, because this’ll be very secret indeed. I’m putting a little scheme together, and I’m always looking for good help. It’s true what they say, you know. So if you’re going to work with me – yes, I said with, not for – I’ll need you to keep some things quiet and understand when I do the same. Oh, don’t worry, you’re free to hire on help if you need, just don’t have tea with Recluse. You get the idea, right?

[u]I get the idea. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

Excellent. Now then, our operations will take place mostly on the other side of that puddle there, so I’ll need you to ‘familiarize’ yourself with Paragon City in detail. In other words, start a few things to keep the Freedom Phalanx and their other caped crusaders on their toes for a while – and as luck would have it, I’ve gotten word of the perfect opportunity.

You know about the Trolls and the Warriors, right? I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t. They’re kind of scarce around here. But over in Paragon, they’re all over the place. Well, seems like they want more, so they’re expanding their territory into Founders’ Falls. They’ve divided up the place and are starting operations with their best men. The PPD is of course aware of this and have started their own maneuver. Since we need some chaos, here’s what I need you to do: either make sure the PPD is out of the picture for a little while by bombing their local station, start a little brawl between the Trolls and Warriors by beating down their emissaries as well as the Founders’ Falls Security Chief, or just go find Numina and Infernal and make sure they’re out of commission for a while.

You’re free to do all of this of course, but only one task is technically necessary to start the rock rolling. Here are the bombs, if you care to use them. Have fun.

Clue: Bombs

These look too small to level a building. Oh well, if you can find the right spots, they should do plenty of damage.

1) ‘Familiarize’ yourself with Paragon
a. Complete [u]any[u] of 3 tasks (Founders Falls outdoor)
i. Bomb PPD Station (2 bombs to set)
ii. Start gang war (Defeat Prikker, Snikker, Heracles, Security Chief and crew)
iii. Defeat Numina, Infernal

Notable NPCs:

Prikker (Plant Control/Thorny Assault Dominator) <Trolls> boss
Snikker (Dark Blast/Dark Miasma Corruptor) <Trolls> boss
Security Chief (The guy who always sends heroes to hunt missions in hazard zones) <Paragon Police> Boss
Heracles <Warriors> Elite Boss
Numina <Freedom Phalanx> Hero
Infernal <Vindicators> Hero


Prikker and Snikker will always spawn together, Heracles always alone, and Numina and Infernal always together and as Hero class enemies. All will be accompanied by a spawn of the PPD Psi Division (Paragon Police Department, levels 40-45), scaled to team size.


PPD Psi-Cop: “Who…what ARE you guys?”
Prikker: “Lat not leesten. Me am troll! Me live in hole! Me take ‘Dyne…”
Snikker: “Dat Gurg! Nub playgareesm!”
Prikker: “Skah!”
(on aggro)
PPD Psi-Cop: “What NOW? [Playername]? Oh no!”
Snikker: “Who dat?”
Prikker: “Who care?”
Snikker: “Got point.”
Prikker: “See, me smart AND strong.”
PPD Psi-Cop: “Just DO something already!”
Prikker: “We get more ‘Dyne…this not over…”
Snikker: “We get more boyz…everyun see…”

PPD Psi-Cop: “You’re saying you’re who now?”
Heracles: “Do I have to spell it out for you?”
(on aggro)
Heracles: “This place is mine!”
Heracles: “I’ll be back…with more Warriors…”

Security Chief: “So I told this guy to hunt DE in Eden the other day. Ran off screaming. No idea why.”
(on aggro)
Security Chief: “[Playername]? You villains are like weeds! Why do I even bother handing out these hunt missions?!”

[Numina and Infernal would get their dev-given dialogue.]


Not bad. You got back here almost before I did. But I’m afraid speed isn’t all there is to things around here.

[u]2) Take care of Wyvern interference[u]


To make a long story short: you were spotted. I know, I know, it’s my fault for not telling you earlier, but Wyvern’s really been on just about everyone’s case lately, and they kept tabs on you during your whole expedition. They got the whole thing in their files now, and upon analysis of their data I’ve no doubt they’ll figure out there’s more going on than just generic mayhem very quickly. Encourageable, aren’t they?

[u]Yes. Let’s discourage them. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

Heh, you took the words right out of my mouth. You’re quite right – we can’t have them snooping about and following you everywhere. My other partners have already located their current base of operations, and logic says that’s where they’ve got all their intel. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how to handle this. Here; take two and call me in the morning. Oh, and there’s probably one of their Raptor Agents on site. You might want to hire some help.

Clue: Bombs

Again with these tiny things. Doesn’t this guy have any standards? And where are the big red countdown timers?

2) Take care of Wyvern interference
a. Destroy Wyvern data completely (Steel Canyon outdoor, office indoor)
i. 2 bombs to set
ii. Destroy mainframe
iii. Defeat Lt. Bear and crew

Notable NPCs:

Lt. Bear (Raptor Agent) <Wyvern> Elite Boss


(on aggro)
Lt. Bear: “Oh, you picked the WRONG guy to mess with, pal!”
(at 50% health)
Lt. Bear: “Think you’re pretty tough, huh? I’ll show you tough!”
Lt: Bear: “Hah, I still got you…”

Clue: William Bear’s Laugh

Before his mediporter activated, Lt. Bear spat a raunchy laugh at you, “Hah, I still got you. I thought you might beat me, so I passed the intel off to the Legacy Chain, just in case. You’ll never find ‘em. Never! And while you’re looking, I’ll have all the time in the world to hunt you down like the scum you are!”


Lt. William Bear. It figures. Passed it off to the Legacy Chain, did he now? I’m hoping this following up on loose ends doesn’t become a trend with you. Such dealings tend to slow things down a great deal, and once we get to the important stuff, we can’t afford delays like this.

[u]3) ‘Persuade’ Blightlord[u]


Okay, this isn’t a problem. All we have to do is locate a secretive enclave of heroic mystics that nobody’s been able to lock down for centuries. Piece of cake.

[u]What did you have in mind? [u]

Mission Acceptance:

Okay, so I know this guy. Name of Blightlord. Catchy, ain’t it? Well, he’s our ‘nobody’. Keeps tabs on Legacy Chain forces a lot since they tend to bother him a great deal. Necromancer, you know. If anyone knows where they’re hiding that intel Lt. Bear passed on, it’ll be him. All you need to do is persuade him to help – and by that I mean knock his block off.

Yeah, we’ve never been on the best of terms – in fact, I recommend you don’t mention my name at all, even once you’ve won – but he’s not the kind of guy to help ANYONE out. You’ll have to beat the answer out of him. Where is he? Oh, right! Thorn Isle; or more precisely, under it. Barging into a certain ancient fortress of the Mu, now owned by the Circle of Thorns, to spray some weedkiller on some overgrown rose bush. In fact, you might want to take a team on this – once you’ve got the location from ol’ Blighthead, feel free to go knock on wood.

3) ‘Persuade’ Blightlord
a. Defeat Blightlord and crew (Thorn Tree map)
i. Defeat Blightlord and crew
ii. (optional) Defeat Thorn Tree; drops respec recipe

Clue: The Location

Blightlord gave you these coordinates as he growled, “Fine, I’ll tell you what you want to know. Here, take this. Now leave me alone. I need to find a new body thanks to you.”

Notable NPCs:

Blightlord (Necomancy/Poison mastermind) <Masters of Mayhem> Boss
Grime (Lich) <Necromancy> Boss
Muck (Grave Knight) <Necromancy> Boss
Guck (Grave Knight) <Necromancy> Boss
Sludge (Specter) <Necromancy> Boss
Empowered Zombie x 3 (Zombie) <Necromancy> Boss
Thorn Tree <Circle of Thorns> Arch-Villain


The map will be populated by team-size appropriate spawns of the Circle of Thorns and the unique faction Necromancy. Blightlord will always spawn in front of the Thorn Tree, which will in turn not have vines. However, it will always spawn as Arch-Villain class, even solo. Solo, Blightlord will be alone, but for each team member, one of his ‘henchmen’ will be added. A full team will spawn Blightlord, Grime, Muck, Guck, Sludge, and three Empowered Zombies (in that order).

CAUTION: the Thorn Tree will attack the player(s). Since it is immobile, however, and has plenty of blind spots, it is advisable to pull Blightlord and crew away from it before engaging them.

CAUTION: With his mastery of poison, Blightlord holds the power to revive his fallen henchmen. It is advisable to take him out first.

Defeating the Thorn Tree is not required to complete the mission, but doing so will award a respec recipe. The author thought this fair because this is the third mission of a set, and requires the same amount of effort, if not more, than a normal respec trial.

Unique Faction: Necromancy
Zombie – Minion
Specter – Lieutenant
Grave Knight – Lieutenant
Lich – Boss


Air Thorn Caster: “Hey, you can’t say that here! This is rated ‘Teen’!”
Guide: “What? I just wanted to convey to you how sick I was of these zombies in our base.”
Air Thorn Caster: “Well, there is no need to be so lewd about it.”
(on aggro)
Guide: “There’s another of those [bleeps]! Waste ‘em!”
Air Thorn Caster: “O tempora, o mores.”

Blightlord: “Note to self: next time, use weedkiller potion right away. Saves time and frustration.”
Grime: “Agreed, my lord.”
Sludge: “Ssssuuuuck-uuuup.”
(on aggro)
Blightlord: “HELP you? You must be daft to try and command one such as me. Perish in misery!”
Grime: “Your will be done.”
Sludge: “Yaaaay! I wassss getting boooored!”
Blightlord: “Fine, I’ll tell you what you want to know…”


Excellent work. Maybe I was wrong about you after all.

[u]4) Destroy all intelligence[u]


Well, what are you waiting for? I told you you’d be working with me, not for me. Unless you need some help on where to head next, you don’t have to come talk to me after every task.

[u]Got it. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

The files will be heavily guarded. Also, it’s not unlikely the mystics will call for backup if things head south for them. Blightlord may be their foe, but they’ve got friends too. Careful when messing with them.

4) Destroy all intelligence
a. Destroy Legacy Chain files (Office)
i. 4 files to destroy
ii. Defeat bookkeepers (Fire, Light, Earth, Steel)
iii. (optional) Defeat hero ambush (Burning Brawler, Danica, Pstorm)

Notable NPCs:

Keeper of Fire (Inferno of Flame) <Legacy Chain> Boss
Keeper of Light (Radiant of Light) <Legacy Chain> Boss
Keeper of Earth (Tellus of Earth) <Legacy Chain> Boss
Keeper of Steel (Broadsword NPC) <Legacy Chain> Boss
Burning Brawler (Fire/Ice/Fire blaster) <Paragon Heroes> Boss
Danica (Martial Arts/Invulnerability scrapper) < Paragon Heroes > Boss
Pstorm (Storm Summoning/Psychic Blast defender) < Paragon Heroes > Boss


The bookkeepers will always spawn together in the same room, depending on team size. Solo, the player will face only one Keeper (randomly selected) and Burning Brawler. As team size increases, so will the Keeper and hero ambush size, spawning the other Keepers as part of the original boss spawn and Danica and Pstorm as part of the hero ambush (in that order). Furthermore, the hero ambush will appear once the Keeper spawn has been aggroed, and then travel from its spawn location to the Keeper location. This will result in the hero ambush engaging the player(s) roughly halfway through the Keeper fight. However, only the Keepers must be defeated to exit the mission.


Keeper of [Random]: “Yes, I know of the intruder. I have already sent word for backup. It won’t take long.”
(on aggro)
Keeper of [Random]: “You shall not prevail, agent of chaos! We have powerful allies!”
Burning Brawler: “Hold on, help’s on the way! Blightlord won’t get away with this!”
Danica: “Storm the other way, honey! And leave some for me!”
Pstorm: “Yeah, Dad! They’re over here!”
Burning Brawler: “I knew this was…Blightlord’s doing…”


There we go. Loose ends all tied up. Burning Brawler? Hey, I told you they’d call for backup. What did you think I was talking about? They call Paragon a City of Heroes for a reason, you know. Actually, this is good. Beebs thinks Blighthead did it, so he won’t be after you anytime soon, and Wyvern’s got no data to go on anymore. They might or might not put two and two together eventually, but they certainly won’t be doing so anytime soon. And yes, you’re very likely to keep running into do-gooders like that if you keep working with me. Hey, you know what they say – mess with the best and all. But you came out on top. That says quite a bit, doesn’t it now?

[u] A Series of Peculiar Parts [u] (40-50)

[u]1) Steal first component[u]


Alright, now that Rome is burning, we’ll have to make sure the fire stays around long enough. I’ll be taking care of that. You I need to start gathering the supplies necessary for our little scheme. What scheme? Not yet. After all, I can’t be entirely sure you won’t get caught yet. Or do you care to prove me wrong?

[u]Take your best shot. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

Well, aren’t you the eager one? Wonderful. Head over to Viridian and tell him you need a sub to Siberia. Don’t worry, if he gives you lip, just tell him you’re working with me. Yes, I said Siberia. These coordinates, to be precise. You’ll find a Spetsnaz base there. You may have already encountered a rogue group of theirs in your previous adventures.

In any case, the mission’s simple enough: get in, grab the goods, take out their leader, and make sure they can’t tell anyone what happened. Your best bet to do so is to disable their communications tower, then find the box with this label. Throw this bomb here in for good measure. I’m sure you’ll find a good spot for it.

Clue: Bomb

Okay, the small things were already strange, but what the heck is this supposed to be? Looks more like something you’d stick in a Howitzer than a bomb.

1) Steal first component
a. Speak to Viridian (Grandville)


I need to know that you’ve got what it takes…oh, this isn’t about the badges? My mistake. A submarine to Siberia? Now why would I requisition…oh. I understand. Yes, I know of your partner. Or partners, rather. Fine, your sub’s ready. Just bring it back in one piece. Why? That base you’re headed to – led by a maniac. Like a Troll gone military, but without the nasty side effects. He’ll probably pop right back up soon as you knock him down. Oh, the esteemed Mr. Zero didn’t tell you that, huh? I guess you better be careful whom you trust. Hah!

b. Recover first component from Spetsnaz base (Longbow Island base; winter skin)
i. Disable communications
ii. Bomb to set
iii. Steal second component
iv. Defeat Operative Rezyin

Notable NPCs:

Operative Rezyin (Broadsword/Regeneration scrapper) <Spetsnaz Commandos> Boss


As the reader has likely already guessed, this map will be populated by high-level NPCs from the faction Spetsnaz Commandos.


Operative Rezyin: “Intruder, you say? Perfect. The convenience of a field test right at home.”
(on aggro)
Operative Rezyin: “It would seem bullets are not enough to stop you. Let us try my blade!”
Operative Rezyin: “This is NOT over!”
(defeated second time)
Operative Rezyin: “Okay, this is over…for now.”

Clue: Empty crate.

You didn’t even need to open this crate to know your target would be gone. To someone with your experience, the lid shows clear signs of being forced open. To anyone else, it’d look perfectly ordinary, but you recognize the telltale workings of the Malta Group.


Ah, there you are. Well, where’s the…Malta? Why am I not surprised? No, I don’t blame you. Knowing them they were in and out long before you ever got there. Circumstances beyond your control, you know. Let me see what I can do.

[u]2) Pursue first component thieves[u]


Seems that we’re in luck. Those Malta that took off with your target? I know ‘em: Reikoff and Curtis. Also know where they’re at. I have to warn you though – they’re pretty tough, and sneaky to boot. You probably noticed that last one already, seeing how they managed to sneak out during your fight with the Spetsnaz without you even knowing they were there. You know what? We can do that too. Interested?

[u]Interested. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

Good. I’ve dropped word to Freedom Corps that Malta is up to something in their Warburg base. Oh no, they certainly are – we just don’t care what. All we need is that component. So here’s what you do: head in, take it, and give the thieves a reminder not to do that again. Once you have the component, you’ll have to make your own way back to the door. I highly doubt your recall beacon will work within one of Malta’s ‘tp jammer’ fields.

Also, you might want to know that the Longbow force you’ll be using as a distraction is being spearheaded by an ex-Gunslinger named Pete. No, you won’t have to fight him too. In fact, unlike Ms. Liberty’s candy canes, he’ll probably help you out if you do the same. Still, Reikoff and Curtis are rather tough. You might want a team for this.

2) Pursue first component thieves
a. Recover first component from Warburg (Warburg Malta base interior)
i. Find Pete
ii. Get Pete to mainframe
iii. Defeat Dune Fort 1-1-2, Whiskey Tumbleweed 3-4-9 (have component)
iv. Find Mission exit
v. (optional) Defeat Kronos Titan

Notable NPCs:

Gunslinger Pete (Gunslinger/Energy Manipulation) <Classified> Elite Boss/Hero
Dune Fort 1-1-2 (Tac Ops Commander/Electricity Manipulation) <Malta Operatives> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Whiskey Tumbleweed 3-4-9 (Gunslinger) <Malta Operatives> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Kronos Titan <Malta Operatives> Monster


Reikoff and Curtis will spawn in the Konos Titan assembly room. Upon defeat, one of the four Titans in the room’s center will activate and attack the player(s). It does not need to be defeated to complete the mission.


Tac Ops Commander: “Well, well, look who we’ve got here.”
Gunslinger Pete: “That there stun grenade o’ yers is mighty cheap.”
Tac Ops Commander: “Hey, it worked, that’s what matters.”
(on aggro)
Gunslinger Pete: “I wouldn’t be so sure.”
Tac Ops Commander: “You’re KIDDING me! MHI! MHI!”
(on rescue)
Gunslinger Pete: “Other days I’d shoot you where you stand. But I could use a hand, and I’m bettin’ you can too. Let’s go.”

Dune Fort 1-1-2: “Am I the only one getting annoyed at all these intrusions?”
Whiskey Tumbleweed 3-4-9: “Nah, em’s bothersome. I’m jest tryin’ ta figure out why.”
Dune Fort 1-1-2: “Why what?”
Whiskey Tumbleweed 3-4-9: “Why them stalkers ain’t doin’ squat. Don’t ‘free fer all’ mean ‘go after everythin’ ya see’?”
Dune Fort 1-1-2: “Probably after badgers again.”
(on aggro)
Dune Fort 1-1-2: “It’s the traitor! Get them!”
Whiskey Tumbleweed 3-4-9: “I don’t believe it! Pete, yall an’ yer buddy are gonna be in SO much pain!”
(at 50% health)
Dune Fort 1-1-2: “Okay, that hurt. Now I’m mad.”
Dune Fort 1-1-2: “You’re not getting out of here alive…”
Whiskey Tumbleweed 3-4-9: “Tarnation…jest you wait…Titan’s gonna get ya…”

Clue: The First Component

Doesn’t look very special. Resembles a metal rod in a prismatic block of ice. Since it hasn’t melted, it’s probably the same stuff people here use in inventions these days.


They went as far as to sic a Kronos Titan on you? Wow, you must’ve made them pretty darn mad.

[u]3) Steal second component[u]


You’re just in time. This one’s simple enough: Dr. Midas Phillis is your standard mad roboticist. Wants to better the world by ruling it, yadda yadda. Just like Nemesis, only more straightforward. And he’s also got himself a heroic nemesis. Frankly, I think that’s what good ol’ Nemmy’s been missing all this time. Oh, sorry; I trail off like that sometimes. Anyway, the good doctor’s heroic counterpart is a young man named Billyboy. And as luck would have it, the two are brawling it out right now in one of his lairs.

[u]Already ahead of you. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

Excellent. The second component is on Phillis’ person, and I highly doubt he’d hand it over if you ask nicely, so you’ll have to beat it out of him. Now, Billyboy and Dr. Phillis have sort of a love-hate relationship, so as soon as you interrupt their brawl, both of them are likely to try and take you down so they can get back to their own fight. My advice: finish it quickly so they don’t have time to really notice what happened. The more confused they end up, the more likely they are to blame each other for your interruption.

3) Steal second component
a. Recover second component (High-tech lab)
i. Defeat Billyboy, Dr. Phillis and crew

Notable NPCs:

Billyboy (Invulnerability/Energy Melee/Energy Mastery tanker) <Paragon Heroes>
Dr. Phillis (Robotics/Traps/Mu Mastery mastermind) <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Iconoclast (RAM) <Phillisbots> Boss
Kibitzer (Protector) <Phillisbots> Boss
Grubstaker (Protector) <Phillisbots> Boss
Fracas (Militia) <Phillisbots> Boss
Madcap (Militia) <Phillisbots> Boss
Pother (Militia) <Phillisbots> Boss


The map will be populated by team-size appropriate spawns of the unique faction Phillisbots. Billyboy and Dr. Phillis will always spawn together, even of the player is alone. After a team size of two is exceeded, for each team member, one of Dr. Phillis’ ‘henchmen’ will be added. A full team will spawn all notable NPCs in the order listed above.

Unique Faction: Phillisbots
Militia – Minion (looks like a Nuon; battle drone powers)
Protector – Lieutenant (much more streamlined; composed of bluish steel and resemble short suits of armor; decorative wings on their helmets; carry large metal shields that deploy force fields; protector bot powers)
RAM – Boss (12 ft. tall monstrosities with massive spiked gauntlets; large shoulder pads covered in spikes; spikes are actually missiles; assault bot powers)


Billyboy: “Face it, Doc, this time I’ve got you.”
Dr. Phillis: “Foolish boy! I have not yet begun to fight!”
Fracas: “Yeah, what he said!”
Madcap: “What’s the point? We’re all doomed anyway.”
(on aggro)
Billyboy: “Gee, Doc, do you make enough enemies? Tell him he can have you once I’m done with you!”
Dr. Phillis: “Stupid child! You’re truly ignorant to not realize how many hate you, but perhaps this meddler should get in line to be put down behind you!”
Fracas: “Yeah, what he said! The more the bloodier!”
Madcap: “Now we’re even more doomed than we were before…doomeder…more doomed…oh, what’s the point?”
Kibitzer: “You dupe! The great Dr. Midas Phillis is too powerful for even armies to defeat!”
Iconoclast: “I am prepared to defend the honor of Dr. Phillis.”
(at 50% health)
Billyboy: “What part of ‘shiny and invulnerable’ don’t you understand?”
Billyboy: “Ow…that really hurt. This is all your fault, Doc…”
Dr. Phillis: “Undone again…this is all that moronic adolescent’s blunder…”

Clue: The Second Component

Okay, this one’s kind of nifty. It’s a hologram in the shape of a tiny CD, but without any visible projector; and it’s solid to the touch. Still, you think that red stone in Phillis’ suit might’ve been a better catch.


Ah, marvelous work. They said what? Oh wow, they crack me up every time. Those two are just too much. You should hear one of their shouting matches when they get really riled up. Hi-la-ri-ous.

[u]4) Steal third component[u]


Alright, good work so far, but now things are gonna get a little tougher – or easier, depending on your point of view.

[u]Hit me. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

Just what I wanted to hear. Here’s the deal: it’s a simple and straightforward ‘steal this’, but I’ll be sending you to another world…er, I mean dimension, yes. Or rather, Operative Grillo will. Just ask him to use his portal and do the same with him as with Viridian if he gives you any trouble. I’ve got a lot of leverage with Arachnos.

Once you’re there, just grab the component and get out. You don’t need to do anything else. If you want to, though, I’m sure you can always ‘introduce’ yourself to some evil versions of the Freedom Phalanx. Yep, that’s right – you’re headed to Praetorian Terra…er, Earth. Just try not to run into your own alternate world twin, okay?

4) Steal third component
a. Speak to Operative Grillo (Grandville)


Upsilon Beta 9-6? Sure, go right ahead. What’s wrong, you expected this to be more difficult? Not at all. Yes, it takes a lot of energy, but we’ve got plenty of that, and every time someone steps through that portal there, we learn a little bit more. In fact, if you could bring me back a souvenir…okay, okay, you’ve got a job to do. Don’t let me keep you. Whatever happened to ‘pick up your fellow man, lend him a helping hand in his conquest of the world’…?

b. Recover third component from Upsilon Beta 9-6 (Random selection of Praetorian mission map)
i. Steal third component
ii. (optional) Defeat [Praetorian I], [Praetorian II]

Notable NPCs:

[Praetorian I] <Praetorians> Arch-Villain
[Praetorian II] <Praetorians> Arch-Villain


As the reader has likely already guessed, this mission is different every time this story arc commences. Upon mission acceptance, the game selects a random Praetorian mission map from a collection of 4 or more, taken from high-level hero missions that send the player to the Praetorian world to battle two members of the upper echelon (excluding Tyrant). For instance, the selection could be the quasi-Oranbega map on which the player must defeat Infernal and Diabolique, or the nightmarish asylum where the player must defeat Malaise and Mother Mayhem. Said Praetorians will always spawn as Arch-Villains, but unlike the hero versions of these missions, their defeat is not necessary to complete the mission.

Clue: The Third Component

Another rod in ice. Probably this world’s duplicate of that first one you picked up. But why not just copy the one you already had? Seems like a lot of work for the same thing.


Well of course they’re tough. Why didn’t I tell you to get a team? Personally, I thought ‘evil Freedom Phalanx’ was self-explanatory.

[u]5) Steal fourth component[u]


We’re almost done. Just two to go. So then, last time I sent you to another world, this time another world is coming to you. Yes, you’ll be going after the Rikti. Don’t worry about Kuhr’Rekt, you’ll be facing the other faction. I can never remember which name is which, but whatever.

[u]Good enough. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

Indeed. Head over to the Rikti War Zone and snatch the fourth component from the supply stash of Warmaster Cher’tak. Chances are you’ll find him at these coordinates, along with a Vanguard division helping his troops adapt to coexistence with humans. I don’t need to tell you that you’ll need to take out the leaders to make a clean getaway.

Oh, and speaking of – it’s highly unlikely they won’t call for help. Expect a sizeable division of the Sword on your tail once you’ve completed your mission. I say this because thanks to Rikti jamming fields, you won’t be able to recall out. My advice: run. Run fast. The Sword doesn’t mess around. I imagine you’ll be facing everything from Sorcerers to HVAS units.

5) Steal fourth component
a. Recover fourth component (Vanguard map); unable to exit
i. Recover fourth component (not there)
ii. Defeat Vanguard Commanders (Faultline, Fusionette)
iii. Defeat Warmaster Cher’tak
iv. Find mission exit
v. (optional) Defeat Vanguard ambush
b. Recover fourth component (RWZ outdoor)
i. Destroy lead tank
ii. Steal fourth component
iii. Defeat Lt. Bear (ambush)
iv. (optional) Defeat Manticore

Notable NPCs:

Faultine <Vanguard Shield> Boss
Fusionette <Vanguard Shield> Boss
Warmaster Cher’tak (powers of a Chief Soldier as well as Dra’Gon; black and white Chief Soldier armor) <Rikti> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Vanguard HVAS x ? <Vanguard Sword> Elite Boss
Lt. Bear (Raptor Agent) <Wyvern> Elite Boss
Manticore <Freedom Phalanx> Hero


As the reader can see, this mission is comprised of two parts. The first is a Rikti tileset map populated by allied Rikti and Vanguard Shield forces. The spawns containing Faultline, Fusionette, and Cher’tak will be separate. However, once the player (s) defeat all these spawns and interact with the objective (glowie), three waves of Vanguard Sword will home in on them in an attempt to defeat them. Depending on team size, they will always be large enough to make the option of running for the exit appealing to the player(s), as each wave may even spawn multiple HVAS units.

The second part of this mission takes place in an outdoor instance of the Rikti War Zone. The lead tank is a destructible object (or maybe the developers can figure out how to make it an actual NPC), which must be destroyed. The rest of the convoy takes the form of Vanguard trucks guarded by Vanguard Shield. A crate by one of these trucks holds the objective, and will trigger a Wyvern ambush. The first wave consists of normal NPCs, the second contains Lt. Bear, and the third brings Manticore, who will always spawn as Hero class. However, only Lt. Bear must be defeated to complete the mission.


Part I:

Infantry: “Say, this new translator IS pretty nice.”
Faultline: “Told you so.”
(on aggro)
Faultine: “I don’t believe this!”
Infantry: “&%#*@!)#^!”
Faultine: “Yeah, there’s still a few bugs with it. Try smaller insults.”

Fusionette: “I’m sooooo booooored.”
Guardian: “Request: patience.”
(on aggro)
Guardian: “Action: at last! Boredom: annihiliated.”
Fusionette: “And you told me to be patient? You there, say hello to my little friend!”

Cher’tak: “Humans: odd. Yet: likeable: strangely.”
Conscript: “Agreement: my person.”
Cher’tak: “Peace: good. Yet: realization: the itch. To scratch: nothing.”
(on aggro)
Conscript: “Warmaster: opponent.”
Cher’tak: “Purpose: renewed! Opponent: request: BURN!”
(at 50% health)
Cher’tak: “Emotion-state change. New emotion-state: anger. Opponent: request: kindly perish!”
Cher’tak: “Translator unable to accept length of reviling thought.”

Part II:

Lt. Bear: “What’s the matter, got cotton in your ears? I told you I’d be back!”
(at 50% health)
Lt. Bear: “Oh, so you got some fight left after all, huh? Tough luck – I ain’t going down this time!”
Lt. Bear: “Fine, prove me wrong…but I’ll have the last laugh yet…[Playername], meet the boss...”

[The Vanguard personnel and Manticore would get their dev-given dialogue.]

Clue: The Component’s Location

This crate is empty, but the supply list next to it shows its contents were transferred to a convoy headed back to the Vanguard compound not long ago.

Clue: The Fourth Component

It looks like one of those tech hardware things for bases, but it’s green and gray instead of blue and white, and there aren’t any visible openings. Still, it’s about the size of that CD you swiped earlier. A playback device?


Pursued and took out a Vanguard convoy? I don’t say this often, but I sure am impressed. I’m also glad to see you’re being more proactive. Looks like I won’t get the chance to rile on you for not tying up loose end anymore. I’m so terribly sad now, heh heh.

[u]6) Steal final component[u]


This is the last of it – and once again, you’re just in time. You ready?

[u]Always. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

You’ll be heading to another world again, specifically one where the Clockwork King has taken over. Remember what I said about you being just in time? Well, it looks like the heroes are busy with him right now, so unless you’re really feeling violent, you won’t have to bother with him or them.

What you will have to bother with is the guy who has the final component: a ‘chaos elemental’ named the Scarlet Eye. Thrives off mayhem, destruction, you know, fairly standard rundown; hence why he’s so comfortable on a world full of that stuff. In his pursuit is Commander Cynic, a sort-of lawman whose organization goes after those sorts of villains. Long story short, you’ll have to take them both out to get the component.

6) Steal final component
a. Speak to Operative Grillo (Grandville)
b. Recover final component from Epsilon Tau 27-2 (Boomtown)
i. Defeat Commander Cynic and crew
ii. Defeat Scarlet Eye
iii. (optional) Defeat Psychic Clockwork King
iv. (optional) Defeat hero team (Energon X, Target Lad, Bladewing, Charles Simmons)

Notable NPCs:

Commander Cynic <Unknown> Boss
Detritus (Assault Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Hex (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Ponder (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Karn (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Boss
Drumknot (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Boss
Foul (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Boss
Scarlet Eye <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Clockwork King <Psychic Clockwork> Arch-Villain
Energon X (Energy Blast/Energy Manipulation blaster) <Paragon Heroes> Boss
Target Lad (Archery/Electricity Manipulation blaster) <Paragon Heroes> Boss
Bladewing (Katana/Gravity Control inverse dominator) <Paragon Heroes> Boss
Charles Simmons (Gravity Control/Force Field controller) <Paragon Heroes> Boss


Just as in the mission that held Billyboy and Dr. Phillis, the Scarlet Eye and Commander Cynic will always spawn together, and as the player team size increases, Cynic’s ‘henchmen’ will be added to their spawn. Upon defeat, the Scarlet Eye will execute a ‘teleport’ animation, much like Professor Echo, instead of the usual fall-over animation.

However, in addition to this, the map also contains the Psychic Clockwork King, who will always spawn as an Arch-Villain, as well as contain four heroes ‘fighting’ him in the same spawn. Don’t be fooled, though – they will work together against the player(s) and consider one another allies. The fighting’s just for show, like Arachnos and the Council in Nerva.


Commander Cynic: “Ah, now I have you. Chaos elemental Scarlet Eye, you are hereby…wait. There is a presence here. What are you up to?”
Scarlet Eye: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I can assure you, there’s no way you can stop one with my power.”
(on aggro)
Commander Cynic: “If it’s a fight you want, come get your beating! I’ve plenty to go around!”
Scarlet Eye: “My, my, this is becoming very chaotic in…wait, are you attacking ME? Fine! Feel the wrath of the immortal force that is chaos incarnate!”
Commander Cynic: “Well, this bites…”
Scarlet Eye: “You shall never defeat chaos…”

Charles Simmons: “Oh wow…this thing’s sure big.”
Bladewing: “Feh, I’ve seen bigger.”
Energon X: “I think we both have. First to get the head wins?”
Bladewing: “What, you think you stand a chance? You are SO on!”
Target Lad: “Ready when you are, Uncle E!”
(on aggro)
Bladewing: “Hey! No KSing allowed!”
Energon X: “Who the heck is this git?! Get ‘em!”
Charles Simmons: “Oh snap! Um, um…boolpropenable…”
Target Lad: “Cool! Two villains for the price of one!”
Bladewing: “Ow…you cheated…”
Charles Simmons: “I didn’t cheat fast enough…”
Energon X: “Oh no…don’texplodedon’texplodedon’texplode…”
Target Lad: “Not again…I hate hospital white…”

Clue: The Scarlet Eye’s Words

Before disappearing, the Scarlet Eye hissed vehemently, “You shall never defeat chaos. You may have beaten me, but you lack the power to undo the vast and powerful force that I am. Against the might of chaos, you are but an insignificant worm. We shall meet again – at a time and place of MY choosing – and I shall show you what I mean…”


Got away? That’s annoying. So why aren’t you after him? Oh…right. My bad, common sense – I said you don’t need to come to me unless you don’t know which way to head, so if you come to me, there’s no other reason. I really do need to fix that shoddy memory of mine one of these days. No worries, I’ll get right on it.

[u]7) Pursue final component[u]


Perfect timing. I know exactly where to start looking.

[u]Let’s go. [u]

Mission Acceptance:

I figured out how he just disappeared like that: he fled to the mental…er, psychic plane. That’s bad and good at the same time. The bad news is that due to his mental prowess, he’s vastly more powerful there than in the physical world. The good news is that it looks like Vanessa DeVore and her Carnies didn’t like him coming there and interrupting whatever they were up to.

Long story short, they don’t see eye-to-eye, so if you lead her to him, chances are she’ll throw a hissy fit like none you’ve ever seen and make your job a whole lot easier. Mind you, that doesn’t mean she’ll be glad to see you – she likes to think of the mental plane as her private domain, so the moment she sees you there she’ll try and throw your mind in a blender. Still, I’d say it’s worth a shot. If you’d rather just take them both out, I highly recommend you hire some help.

Now, to actually get there, just ask my old pal Psymon over in Nerva. He’ll set you up right away.

7) Pursue final component
a. Speak to Psymon Omega (Nerva)
b. Speak to Technician Naylor (Nerva)
c. Recover final component from the psychic plane (Graveyard)
i. Defeat Scarlet Eye
ii. (optional) Defeat Vanessa DeVore

Notable NPCs:

Scarlet Eye <Rogue Isles Villains> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Vanessa DeVore <Carnies> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain


(on aggro)
Scarlet Eye: “You again! How did you find me here? Never mind, it matters not. In fact, I’m glad you’re here. Feel my power!”
(75% health)
Scarlet Eye: “You’re actually managing to hold your own against me. How amusing. Yes, prolong the struggle, continue the chaos.”
(50% health)
Scarlet Eye: “Impressive. But your power is naught against the might of chaos!”
(25% health)
Scarlet Eye: “How can this be?! Why won’t you DIE?!”
Scarlet Eye: “…”

[Vanessa would have her dev-given dialogue.]

Clue: The final component.

It’s a transparent page with odd symbols on it. Looks almost like a high-tech spell scroll. It’s probably the instruction manual for the other stuff you took. That’s interesting, actually – no one ever reads the manual.


Excellent, excellent work. You know, this project has had its setbacks, but I have to admit you’ve handled yours with exemplary performance. I had my doubts, but I can honestly say I’m glad to be working with you. Hm? The Scarlet Eye? Oh, he’ll re-form some time down the trail. Nothing to worry about, though. He’ll probably find something else to occupy his rather tiny mind right away – like an insane asylum or some-such.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




0_0 nice arcs...oh and what was the other thread turning in to? I must have missed it.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



*prepares 10,000,000,000,000 bombardment Dev PMs requesting the immediate implementation of this*



I finished arc one and arc two, then my brain glazed over into TLDR mode.
GJ tho.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.

My thoughts on November 30.



Very entertaining reading over a cup of noodles. XD Thanks.
Those sound like some fun arcs. I'd sure play 'em. Fighting mastermind villains and having those interesting two-part missions would be particularly interesting.

Nice work!

"Always remember that you're unique -- just like everybody else."



Heh, thanks. I'm hoping to make the second part even better. Just wish I could've included more screenies of people's characters.

And Ac, are you nuts?! That's not meant to be speed-read in one sitting! No wonder your noddle went "Squiggly letter - ain't doing it!"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Again with these tiny things. Doesn’t this guy have any standards? And where are the big red countdown timers?

[/ QUOTE ]

This one made me chuckle.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I just re-read it and realized that one of the missions has Bladewing in there....for non RP references he is a kat/sr scrapper...but when Roleplaying my concepts become a bit more fleshed out. And on another note I have come up with multiple ideas for a gravity melee and am working on a gravity armor *goes off to formulate more gravity powersets*

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Excellent arcs, Devious. I'd certainly play them.



Excellent arcs, Devious. I'd certainly play them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here....When/If I ever got a Villain high enough for em xD

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector






I highly approve of this and am now thinking of what Toy would have people do as a contact... I also read it all in one sitting. My brain is tougher than yours, ha ha!

I really liked the dialogue you came up with for the PCs. I also really like Cher'tak's defeat message. Then again Cher'tak is my guy, so eh.

I am only sad that there was no Toy or LMOUSVEV crew around. But hey, I can fix that!

...once I get back from class, that is. One hour is not long enough to come up with an entire arc. Or two.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Be patient, my good man. I couldn't put everyone in just the first half, you know.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Yay! More stuff!

If only fun things never ended... T_T

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



I thought it seemed to just cut off there.

Can't wait for part 2.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I would so play this! I like the arc nice story.



Well, as long as we're gloating, I feel I should say I read it all in one go as well. >.>

And yeah, this is having me thinking about what Jake'd tell people to do, as well.








T L ; D R

Just when I thought it was safe to go back to the Roleplaying forum... really well done though.



Silly professor, you should've known better than that - it's never safe here.

So then, where are other people's already? Not that I'd care, you understand.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




It occurs to me that you should include souvenir text, Devious.

And I'm working on Toy's. Kinda hard figuring out who I want to include or even remembering all you people. >_>

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Hm, I do think you're right. Indeed, I shall scribble that on my to-do list.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




That is a well thought out campaign, Devious. I look forward to reading part II.



If your character was a contact…


Hyperbole, level 40-50 villain-side contact, Grandville.

Sleazy voice from an old surveillance post monitor.

Nobody really knows much about anything when it comes to Hyperbole. He communicates via the single still-working monitor in a trash-heap that used to be a surveillance post in Grandville. The only real thing you can tell about this guy, is that you really hate the sound of his damn voice.

Initial Contact

“`/0 +|-|3|23, $|_||*? – Ah, excuse me. Forgot what I was doing there. Though I don’t know why I’m bothering to tell you. I can’t work with ya unless I know you can handle really freaky stuff…Like them Carnie Illusionists and those eyeball guys from the Shadow Shard. Unless you can handle them, you don’t stand a chance with what I have on my plate at the moment. Now carper off.”

(Obtain Illusionist and Visionary badges)

Completed Requirements

[u]Stillborn Evil[u]

[u]1) Raid the Carnival![u]

“(0[)3 |*1|\||<1$|-| 6|233|\|? @\X/ |-|0|2|<...Hey, you there! Yea, you! PERFECT timing! I can see you’ve run into all kinds of crazy stuff, so you’ll do. I have a BIG problem on my hooves, and I need to get rid of it. Help me and I’ll make it worth your while! I’ll even pay for whatever pals of yours you bring along.”

[u]Sounds good.[u]

Mission Acceptance

“Great, lifesaver, social commentary here. I go by Hyperbole, and that’s all you need to know about me. All I need to know about you is that you can kick 10 kinds of [censored]. As I mentioned earlier, I have a huge problem on my line over here, which I’m having trouble dealing with. These problems stem from events that are happening over on your side of the channel, so I need you to go and put a stop to said events. First off, I need you to have a small chat with a bratty [censored] called Giovanna Scaldi, if these files are up to date. It’s still 1708 over where you are, right? No? Oh well, close enough. Anyway, you know those masks she’s so fond of using? Well, somebody went and altered their purpose while she wasn’t looking. These are special masks, you know. She puts a piece of herself in them, so it’s logical she’d also want to guard them until she gets them all hosts. In short, I need you to destroy those masks before they find owners, and I don’t think little miss drama queen is going to appreciate that, so you’ll probably have to tackle her as well. This is important, so mark my words. MAKE SURE NONE OF THOSE MASKS ARE ATTACHED TO HOSTS! Go!

Clue: Coordinates

However inaccurate Hyperbole’s files are, these coordinates are sure to be dead on the spot. You always figured Venessa DeVore hung out in Fortune’s Wheel anyway.

1)Raid the Carnival!
a. Raid the Carnival! (Indoor Carnival map)
i. Defeat Venessa DeVore
ii. Destroy the altered Carnie masks
iii. Defeat all Carnie’s wearing altered masks

Notable NPCs:

Venessa DeVore <Carnival of Shadows> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
Possessed Master Illusionist <Unknown> Boss


Venessa DeVore will always spawn beside the glowie in this mission, so it’s pretty much impossible to get it without defeating her. The Possessed Master Illusionist is always in a different room, and has normal Master Illusionist powers.


[Venessa DeVore would get her dev-given dialogue.]

Possessed Master Illusionist: “This world is filled to the brim with agony and pain. I should have moved in ages ago. Now just to find a host…”
(on aggro)
“Well, they come when called here? All the better,”
(50% health)
“Excellent! Such a powerful body!”
(25% health)
“Too powerful for this mask to handle, even.”
“Oh dear.”

Clues: Venessa DeVore’s Words

“You are here for my lovely masks? You may have destroyed some of my beauties, but I have already found hosts for some of them! They left long ago. You arrived far too late, party pooper.”

The Odd Master Illusionist

You’ve seen some pretty weird stuff before, but this ranks pretty high on your list. First off, the voice of the Master Illusionist was masculine, and SHE was much, much tougher than normal Carnies. You already know that the masks possess the person they are placed upon by function, channeling Giovanna’s will directly. To you, it seemed like the mask, not the person wearing it, was being controlled by somebody else.


“Some of those masks found hosts and had left long before you’d gotten there? Damnit, this day can’t get any worse, can it? Well, you’re just going to have to go and find each and every last one of those Carnies and destroy their masks now, won’t you? Just give me some time to track them.”

[u]2) Defeat the first Possessed Master Illusionist![u]


“Ok, there’s bad news and good news. Bad news is, there are a total of five Carnies that got away, and they’ve all split. The good news is, I’ve found the first one.”

[u]Well spit it out.[u]

Mission Acceptance

“Our target hasn’t even settled down yet, ‘she’ is still wandering out in the open in Nerva. Just go there and beat the crud out of her. She’ll probably have some other Carnies with her, but the most you’ll need to worry about are the locals. Good luck.”

2) Defeat the first Possessed Master Illusionist!
a. Defeat the Possessed Master Illusionist (Primeva outdoors)
i. Defeat the Possessed Master Illusionist
ii. Defeat Silver Meniscus
iii. (optional) Defeat Caleb and Baphomet

Notable NPCs:

Possessed Master Illusionist <Unknown> Boss
Silver Meniscus <Independent> (Dark Melee/Dark Armor stalker) Boss
Caleb <Circle of Thorns> Giant Monster
Baphomet <Circle of Thorns> Giant Monster


The Possessed Master Illusionist and Silver Meniscus will spawn together, and they will be ‘shadow fighting.’ Don’t think you can just let them kill each other, they will team up to take you down. There will be a small token mob of Carnies with them as well. Silver Meniscus will start the fight unhidden, but will toggle hide and placate followed by using build-up and Assassin’s Eclipse as soon as opportunity allows. She also comes with every nasty and dirty trick DM/DA is famed for, and she will pop right back up and auto-stun you with soul transfer once she dies. She is very, VERY nasty. You have been warned.

Caleb will hang around the central ruins of Primeva, and Baphomet will skulk around on the southern shore of Thorn island.


Possessed Master Illusionist: “Grrr, begone you pest!”
(on aggro)
Silver Meniscus: “There will be soft rains.”
Possessed Master Illusionist: “You again? Oh Bwerp…”
Possessed Master Illusionist: “Not again…Gives me a huge ache every time, and my vision splits…”
Silver Meniscus: “The moon rises.”
(defeated second time)
Silver Meniscus: “…..”

Clues: She remembers you

Even though that Master Illusionist had never seen you before, at least to your knowledge, she seemed to know you the moment she laid eyes on you. You get the same odd feeling about this illusionist that you had about the first.


“Good work there, and timely too. I’ve just found the second carnie.”

3) Defeat the second Possessed Master Illusionist


“If you’re ready, just say so.”


Mission Acceptance

“Right, well it looks like our second Carnie has had enough time to find a base of operations. Not your fault, it was up to me to track her down in time. No matter though, should still be fairly easy. Just go in beat the snot out of her. No pressure.”

Clues: Coordinates

Looks like the Carnie has gone and holed herself up in and old warehouse that used to belong to a company called Blizzard. They apparently went out of business for ‘sucking too much.’

3) Defeat the second Possessed Master Illusionist
a. Defeat the Possessed Master Illusionist and her guards (warehouse map)
i. Defeat the Possessed Master Illusionist and her guards
ii. Destroy the portal

Notable NPCs:

Possessed Master Illusionist <Unknown> Boss
Mystic Portal <Unknown> Large Object*Boss
Psionic Bomb <Unknown> Medium Object*Lieutenant


Possessed Master Illusionist and Mystic Portal spawn in different rooms. Mystic Portal spawns with a mob of Carnies, with a never-ending triggered ambush spawning point that activates the moment the portal is damaged, and deactivates once it is destroyed. Until then, Carnies will continue to spawn and protect the portal.

Psionic bombs are a lot like Sonic bombs from the ‘Defeat the Radio’ mission arc, only they deal psionic instead of energy damage. There are a few sprinkled liberally throughout the mission.


Possessed Master Illusionist: “Oh yes, things ARE coming along nicely.”
(on aggro)
Possessed Master Illusionist: “AGAIN? Just who are you?”
(50% health)
Possessed Master Illusionist: “You are too late! The portal will be fully open soon and-wait…damn.”
“That didn’t sting quite as much this time around.”

Clues: This one remembered you too

You’re pretty sure by now that each of the possessed illusionists you’ve defeated by now are all being controlled by one person. Presumably the same person who is giving Hyperbole so much trouble. You make a mental note to ask him exactly what the heck is going on later, but right now, time is of the essence. You need to defeat the remaining carnies before they become too dug-in.

Mystic Portal

You were surprised when you found a forming portal in the warehouse, you’re just glad it never opened.


“There was a portal there? Ok, scratch that, things HAVE gotten worse. There’s 0 time to lose then.”

[u]4) Defeat the third Possessed Master Illusionist[u]


“Ok, I’m going to give you a choice now. Everything before now has been a walk through sunshine ray fields of dandy. That is, extremely easy. Everything lying ahead is going to be REALLY difficult, if you want to quit, that’s fine. Tell me now so I can cut my losses. If you want to keep going though, I’d round up some allies to help you. Things are going to get ROUGH.”

[u]Bring it on![u]

Mission Acceptance

“I’ll keep this short. We are pressed for time, you’re going to need to have to wrap this up in under 45 minutes, because chances are the next carnie has already had a portal like the one you saw before set up by now. Seal the portal, and then kill the [censored] before she can run off and make another one. GO!”

Clues: Coordinates

Looks like this one has found herself a cave here in Grandville.

4) Defeat the third Possessed Master Illusionist (00:45:00)
a. Defeat the Possessed Master Illusionist (cave map)
i. Defeat the Possessed Master Illusionist
ii. Destroy the portal
iii. (optional) Survive the ambush
iiii. (optional) Defeat Jenkins the Arachnoid

Notable NPCs

Possessed Master Illusionist <Unknown> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Mystic Portal <Unknown> Large Object*Boss
Psionic Bomb <Unknown> Medium Object*Lieutenant
Jenkins the Arachnoid <Arachnoids> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain


This time, everything important aside from the Psionic bombs spawn in the same room, all in the same mob. The Possessed Master Illusionist, the Mystic Portal, and Jenkins the Arachnoid, along with some carnies. The portal is useless during the fight, but the moment it takes damage, there will be a never-ending stream of carnie ambushes until the portal is destroyed. Jenkins the Arachnoid is allied with the Possessed Master Illusionist, so don’t expect any help from your old friend. After the Possessed Master Illusionist reaches 50% health, an ambush spawn of Arachnoids will home in on your position. Thankfully, you do not need to defeat them. Be very careful with how you handle the boss mob in this mission, as it is easy to be overwhelmed by the ambushes combined with fighting two EBs/AVs at once.


Possessed Master Illusionist: “That annoying villain is still chasing me, it seems. No matter, he can’t find this place before the portal is open. And what happens if they do, my dear brainwashed pet?”
Jenkins the Arachnoid: “Iaaaaa’m noooot ssssso usssssselessssss anymooooore!”
(on aggro)
Possessed Master Illusionist: “How do you keep finding me in time? It’s simply inconceivable!”
(50% health)
Possessed Master Illusionist: “NOW my pets! Get him!”
Arachnoid Spitter: “Grwaaaaatch!”
Possessed Master Illusionist: “Inconceivable…”
Jenkins the Arachnoid: “The Consssspirasssscy LIVESSSSS!”


“Excellent work, but the tide is still turned against us. I’ve located the fourth carnie.”

[u]5) Defeat the fourth Possessed Master Illusionist[u]


“This one has been where she is for a while now, you’ll probably only have 30 minutes to pull this off. Be warned, I think she may have also found a powerful ally.”

[u]Just like last time? Pah![u]

Mission Acceptance

“That’s the spirit! Well, I won’t waste your time. Here are the coordinates, GO!”

Clues: Coordinates

The fourth illusionist appears to have holed in an office building for an old company called EA Games.

5) Defeat the fourth Possessed Master Illusionist
a. Defeat the Possessed Master Illusionist and her crew (modern office map)
i. Defeat the Possessed Master Illusionist
ii. Defeat Charles Simmons
iii. Survive the ambush
iiii. Destroy the portal

Notable NPCs

Possessed Master Illusionist <Unknown> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Charles Simmons <Paragon Heroes> (Gravity Control/Force Fields controller) Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Mystic Portal <Unknown> Large Object*Boss
Psionic Bomb <Unknown> Medium Object*Lieutenant


Same setup as last mission, everything that is important spawns together in the same mob. The only real difference between this fight and the last once is that you are now REQUIRED to defeat the ambush and the second EB/AV. Charles Simmons also has access to the Primal Forces APP, so be wary of power boost. As a matter of fact, walk into the fight EXTRA wary, as both your primary opponents have multiple holds. Charles will not use force bubble or any repulsion powers, so there is that. He may also decide to use detention bubble, which can give you a few moments rest. Beware though, he can also summon a singularity. Try to take him down first. If you wipe and he’s still alive, he’ll start buffing everyone with protection and insulation bubbles, making it that much harder to win next time around.


Possessed Master Illusionist: “Thank you again so much for helping me out, darling.”
Charles Simmons: “Anything to fill that social meter.”
(on aggro)
Possessed Master Illusionist: “That’s him! That’s the villain whose been stalking me!
Charles Simmons: “You’re going down harder than the evil social bunny buddy! boolProp…”
(50% health)
Charles Simmons: “Wow, you’re tough! What’s your rank in the strength skill?”
Charles Simmons: “Energy bar is empty. Game over. Sorry, lady…”
Possessed Master Illusionist: “This isn’t over! There’s no way you can possibly stop me! I’ll be waiting for you, and believe me, next time will be your last!”


“Amazing work and all, but…Oh, there’s no point. I’ve located the last carnie, and she’s already opened a portal.”

6)Defeat the final Possessed Final Illusionist


“I’ll be very blunt with you: You’ve just pissed off somebody with enough power to occupy Paris. There’s no running at this point unless you can flee off-world. So unless you feel like doing that, what would you say to taking up 1 more suicide mission? If you’re somehow hardcore enough to have gotten this far solo, trust me, you WILL need some help on this one.”

[u]Suicide Mission? Yea, for them.[u]

“Ok then. Here are the facts: That carnie is going to have a lot of her friends along, along with whatever has already come out of that portal. You’re going to have to kill everything in there this time around, because…Well, it would be unfortunate if more carnies were nabbed and we’d have to do this entire hunting game again, hmmm?”

Clues Coordinates

The final illusionist is also in an office building. Used to belong to a company called Valve Software.

6) Defeat the final Possessed Master Illusionist
a. Defeat the Possessed Master Illusionist (abandoned office map)
i. Defeat all enemies in mission

Notable NPCs:

Possessed Master Illusionist <Unknown> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Mysterious Figure <Unknown> (Empathy/Summon Lanaruu) Boss
Psionic Fallout <Lanaruu> Boss
Mystic Portal <Unknown> (Summon Lanaruu) Large Object*Boss
Psionic Bomb <Unknown> Medium Object*Lieutenant


Kill all mission with mixed mobs of carnies and Lanaruu. Everyone important spawns together once again, and this time, they mean business. I’m not joking when I say you WILL probably need a team to finish up this mission. It’s possible to win alone, it’s just very very hard. :3

The moment you aggro the final mob, an endless stream of carnie ambushes will come to help them out until the entire mob is gone. The Mystic Portal will continually spawn Lanaruu minions and lieutenants, spawning more if you defeat them. *It may even spawn bosses on higher difficulties* The Mysterious Figure cannot attack you, but it can summon Lanaruu minions, 2 at a time, and will summon more if you defeat them. He will buff and heal the Possessed Master Illusionist and the Psionic Fallout, making it nearly impossible to kill them first, so taking him out first is the best way to go.

It should be warned that the main trouble in this mission will come from the never-ending stream of reinforcements. The moment you attack the final mob, you will not have a breather until they are all dead.

Mysterious Figure: “Here at last! That trip was really tiring.”
Possessed Master Illusionist: “Hopefully not too tiring. We have a guest.”
Mysterious Figure: “Oh, AGAIN? …..Bwerp.”
(on aggro)
Mysterious Figure: “You really are persistent, aren’t you?”
Possessed Master Illusionist: “Get him my pets!”
(75% health)
Mysterious Figure/Possessed Master Illusionist Simultaneously: “Really, this is quite troublesome.”
(50% health)
Possessed Master Illusionist: You must be cheating! Are you using inspirations?!?!?
(25% health)
Mysterious Figure: “This isn’t the end. Don’t think you’ve won already!”
Mysterious Figure: “You don’t know what you’re dealing with…”
Possessed Master Illusionist: “I’ll be back!”

Clues The Possessed Illusionist’s Final Words

The Mysterious Figure’s body crumbled away into dust when you defeated him, and before you put her away, the illusionist had time to vow one last thing.

“I’ll be back!!! You mess with things you don’t understand!!!! Next time, I’ll be at full power, and not even you will be able to stop me!!!!!”


“You actually WON? Wow. Well, you don’t look stupid, I guess I have a hell of a lot of explaining to do. In short, that mysterious figure who came from that portal is very interested in your world. He’s a powerful guy, but it looks like we lucked out and the portal trip really weakened him there. And yes, it was him controlling all those illusionists. He was controlling the mask controlling the person, actually. You did good though, things are much cleaner here on my end now. Don’t be a stranger though, if you’re ever looking for work, stop on by.”


You may have all noticed that this is all impossibly hard for any 1 person to do. That is on purpose. I've always hated solo-oriented missions, they should be geared specifically for teamwork, I've always said. Which is what I did here.



Story arc one, complete.


Toy Dispenser

Eccentric Mercenary

Toy Dispenser is a mercenary of the highest caliber. Co-founder of the Legion of Mismatched or Otherwise Unorthodox but Still Very Evil Villains villain group, or LMOUSVEV for short, Toy is frequently hired by governments and organizations around the world to solve problems and resolve disputes. Recently the android has started delegating some of his work, stating the need to free up personal time and the desire to help support other villains by giving them work that wouldn’t have gotten done in the first place.

As to his history, not much is known about why Toy Dispenser became who he is today. Working closely with Scirocco during Operation: DESTINY, Toy gained the ability to generate mystic bolts of lightning that emanate from somewhere within his own soul. Considering the fact that a robot shouldn’t have a soul and really shouldn’t be able to work magic either, most have chosen to discount these rumors.

In any case, you’ve been staring at Toy for quite a while now. Better say something before he thinks you’re crazy.

Initial Contact:

Yo. Toy Dispenser is my name and telling people what to do is currently my game. It’s kind of interesting expanding my masterminding to actual metahumans rather than just my bots. Anywho, I can tell you’re just a wee bit inexperienced to deal with what I might want you to do. Don’t ask how I know, just known that I do. Hell, it’s what I do and what I was made to do. Getting off topic. Show me you know how to deal with some of the more esoteric foes of the Isles. Namely those crazy electric demon things down in Cap and the floating mask thingies in the graveyard in Sharkhead. Oh, you better have some experience in fighting the Council, too.

(Requires the Electrician, Banished, and Silver Bullet or Slayer badges.)

Completed Requirements:

The prodigal son returns, eh? Or maybe not, I can’t tell you metahumans apart sometimes. In any respect, I see you’re more than capable of handling what I do on a daily basis. Well, except today since you’re going to be doing it for me. Fun times.

[u]Souls Are For Chumps[u] (45-50)

[u]1) Infiltrate Croatoa[u]

Alright, down to business. So I’ve gotten hired to investigate some magic stuff. Standard run-of-the-mill smash and grab plus some delivery. Excited? Me neither. But you gotta start with the boring jobs before the nice ones start finding you. You’re probably gonna run into some major trouble on this run, so feel free to hire on help if you feel like it. I’ll even pay them without cutting much into your profit. Kinda.

[u]Might as well get it over with.[u]

Mission Acceptance:

That’s the ticket! Well, not really, but who cares as long as it gets done. Ok, you ever hear of Croatoa or Salamanca? If you haven’t, no biggie. It’s an area near Paragon City that’s been overrun by a bunch of different groups of magical critters for years now. I’ve even heard rumors about it starting to fall into the spiritual world lock, stock, and townhouse. One of said rumors was imparted to me by our benefactor and involves the fact that said Salamanca collapsing into the spiritual world is going to happen.

This would be bad. You have any idea how hard it would be to work magic with such a sudden influx of pure life energy flooding Paragon’s ley lines and contaminating the magical fabric of reality for hundreds of miles around? I certainly don’t, but my friend Archlich tells me it’ll suck.

Anyway, take this doohickey and get me some samples from each magical group in Croatoa. Now go. Hunt. Kill ghosts.

Heh, sorry, always wanted to say that.

Clue: Spiritual Sampler

This ‘doohickey’ looks like someone took a toaster and cross-bred it with a giant syringe while high. Well, at least the trigger is obvious and the end for sticking people is clearly labeled ‘Insert into ghost thingie here.’

1) Infiltrate Croatoa.
a) Defeat all bosses. (Croatoa outdoor)
i) Defeat War Witch’s Ghost
ii) Defeat Snaptooth
iii) Defeat Avatar of Eochai
iv) Defeat Big Bres.
v) Defeat Katie Hannon.

Notable NPC’s:

War Witch’s Ghost (Fire Assault/Ice Assault Controller) <Ghosts> Elite Boss/Hero
Snaptooth <Red Caps> Elite Boss
Avatar of Eochai <Fir Bolg> Boss
Big Bres <Tuatha de Dannon> Boss
Katie Hannon <The Cabal> Elite Boss

Clue: Odd Colored Vials

Every time you defeated a faction leader and triggered the sampler, some weird fluid filled up a vial inside the toaster part of the machine and then ejected it. It was surprising at first, but all of them are intact and full to the brim. Guess Toy will know what these mean.


Avatar of Eochai and Big Bres will always spawn fighting one another. All the others will spawn on their own and be accompanied by appropriate minions for their faction. Croatoa Ghosts will make up the rest of the map’s spawns.


War Witch’s Ghost: “I feel really, really weird…”
(on aggro)
War Witch’s Ghost: “Oh great, a villain. And here I was thinking being dead meant I could get a break.”
War Witch’s Ghost: “Ugh… Discorporation feels nasty.”

Snaptooth: “Our plans are almost at a head! We shall rule this land yet!”
(on aggro)
Snaptooth: “Gah! MORE of you? Tell that stinky dog-girl to go bark up another tree!”
Snaptooth: “You think this would get easier with repetition.”

Avatar of Eochai: “You shall die this day, mongrel!”
Big Bres: “Today belongs to the Tuatha, pumpkin-head!”
Soldier: “That’s all he could come up with?”
(on aggro)
Big Bres: “Not again! Let us band together to kill this annoyance!”
Avatar of Eochai: “Eochai calls out for vengeance, ally of the slayers!”

[Katie Hannon would get dev-given dialogue. Partially because I have no clue who she is, really.]


Ah good, it worked fine! Uh… Not that the sampler wouldn’t have worked fine, its just that it’s always good to know that your invention worked as it should. Yeah. Anyway, I’ll send these samples back to the base for analyzing. But while that’s going on, I’ve got another job for you.

[u]2) Defeat Numina and Friends[u]


Archlich is still working on those samples you got, so we’re left with filler material until he’s done. This one’ll be quicker than that jaunt to Croatoa, a simple smash rather than a smash and grab.

Oh right, and here’s my comm. frequency. Call me.

[u]I’m all for quick.[u]

Mission Acceptance:

Awesome. You know Numina, right? Well guess what, you get to go beat the crud out of her and anyone else she’s hanging with. I suspect that some heroes are investigating this Croatoa business on their own and I know they’d be likely to consult with Numina on the matter. When you want to know about spirits, go to someone who is one. She’s in a Longbow base just off the coast of Paragon, so a quick sub ride will get you there soon enough to catch her and whoever else she’s with.

I’d bring some help along, if I were you. Oh right, take these bombs with you. Might as well make them think you’re there to destroy the base. Have fun!

Clue: Bombs

About the size of your fist, these bombs look a bit too small to do much damage. But considering that the Longbow base is underwater it won’t take much of an explosion to flood the place.

2)Defeat Numina and Friends
a. Trash some heroes (Longbow Base indoor)
i. Three bombs to set
ii. Defeat Numina and crew
iii. Defeat Rosie (ambush)
iv. Recover information

Notable NPC’s:

Numina <Freedom Phalanx> Elite Boss/Hero
Balsk (Dual Blades/Willpower Scrapper) <Soul Police Chapter> Elite Boss
Rosie (Claws/Regeneration Scrapper) <Soul Police Chapter> Elite Boss/Hero


Balsk and Numina spawn together with a standard bunch of Longbow. Rosie ambushes the player after Balsk is defeated, spawning from the mission entry and running all the way down with a standard squad of Longbow in support. There should also be a desk object in the room where Balsk and Numina are for the player to click on.


Balsk: “Sorry to bother you and all that.”
Numina: “Oh no, it’s quite alright. I was concerned myself, actually.”
Balsk: “Yeah, we heroes sure do seem to be on top of things.”
(on aggro)
Balsk: “Ah hell! We got villains in the base!”
Numina: “Don’t worry, I’ve handled things like this before.”
Balsk: “Getting sloppy…”
Numina: “You haven’t won anything with this.”

(Balsk defeated)
Rosie: “Damn it, Balsk! You were supposed to wait for me before you did anything!”
(50% health)
Rosie: “Ooooo I am SO going to tear your throat out for that one!”
Rosie: “Erk… Let’s try this again…”
(defeated 2nd time)
Rosie: “Ok…You win... Ow...”

Clues: Some important looking files

These files look like they’re about life energy and souls. A lot of it is written in some squiggly language you can’t read. Better take this along, it could help.


Say what? Rosie was there? Ah good, my prediction was right. Expect to run into her and others of her Soul Police Chapter in the future. And thanks for these files; by the way, they’ll help a lot. Always good to know more than what the guy paying you wants you to know.

[u]3) Protect LMOUSVEV[u]


Got some bad news: Sometime while you were trashing Numina and the other capes Archlich was doing a ritual thing to find out more information on the samples you brought back. Well, guess what happened? All hell broke loose, that’s what. This next job will involve kicking some miscreants out of MY base.

[u]Fine here.[u]

Mission Acceptance:

Good, good. First of all, I have no freaking idea what’s going on up there. Archlich managed to contact me and tell me that the base was being invaded but not by what or who. A lack of information is always bad, [Playername], but this could be disastrous. I’d bring as much help along as you can finagle and expect the worst. If anyone’s still alive up there tell them I sent you and they’ll give you a hand. Go kick some [censored] for me, I’ve got something else I need to do.

3) Protect LMOUSVEV!
a. Defeat all enemies (Modified indoor high-tech lab)
i. Defeat the invader’s leader
ii. 5 samples to recover
iii. Escape to mission door
iv. Rescue LMOUSVEV members (Optional)

Notable NPCs:

Archlich (Energy Blast/Cold corruptor) <LMOUSVEV> Boss
Brutish Ghoul (Dark Melee/Invulnerability brute) <LMOUSVEV> Boss
CptCommie (Assasult Rifle/Dark Miasma mastermind) <LMOUSVEV> Boss
Envoy of Shadows <Circle of Thorns> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
Baphomet <Circle of Thorns> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
Caleb <Circle of Thorns> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
Portal <Circle of Thorns> Elite Boss


The map will be filled with spawns of Nerva Spectral Daemons and Behemoths of all kinds. All three CoT bosses and the portal will spawn in the same room, one of the larger rooms modified to hold a large amount of arcane base items to represent Archlich’s lab. The portal will spawn small numbers of Behemoths and Nerva Daemons every minute once the bosses are aggroed. The map will be modified with the fiery footprints from the ARCH-A mission and banners/holo-projectors with the LMOUSVEV emblem will be scattered about. There will also be a small amount of random friendly spawns taken from any villain group other than the Circle of Thorns. Ex: A pair of friendly Snakes could spawn in combat with a single Nerva Daemon while elsewhere a single Bane Spider is being mobbed by a pair of Behemoths. Finally, once all the bosses are defeated and the map is clear, ambushes shall start continuously spawning until the villains escape back through the entrance door.


Behemoth: “Your arrogance shall be your undoing, mage!”
Archlich: “It will take more than your pathetic might to kill one such as me!”
Behemoth Lord: “Enough with this nonsense, kill him now!”
(on aggro)
Behemoth: “Our brothers must have missed one!”
Archlich: “Assist me, [Playername]! I shall lend you my power!”
Behemoth Lord: “More to the slaughter!”
Archlich: “Excellent. I brought these demons here and I shall assist in expelling them once more.”
Archlich: “Where did you go, [Playername]?”
Archlich: “I do not appreciate these games. Let us continue.”

Nerva Spectral Daemon: “Thisss one is ssstrong…”
Brutish Ghoul: “Hold still so I c’n smash yer head in!”
Behemoth Lord: “He is weakened, let us finish him.”
(on aggro)
Nerva Spectral Daemon: “Ware! The mortalsss bring alliesss!”
Brutish Ghoul: “About damn time! Gimme some help here!”
Behemoth Lord: “All shall fall!”
Brutish Ghoul: “Tha’ was fun. Let’s find some more.”
Brutish Ghoul: “Uhhhh… Where’d ya go?”
Brutish Ghoul: “There ya are! Clobberin’ time again!”

Behemoth: “Finish this mortal and let us be on our way…”
CptCommie: “You killed my men you bastards!”
Nerva Spectral Daemon Lord: “There is sssomething odd about thisss one…”
(on aggro)
Behemoth: “More meat!”
CptCommie: “Finally! Some damn support!”
Nerva Spectral Daemon Lord: “Hisss sssoul can wait. Yoursss ssshall not!”
CptCommie: “Eh, I was kind of lying about the men. I can always get more cannon fodder. Need another gun?”
CptCommie: “…where’s Seminov when you need him?”
CptCommie: “Ah, good, let’s get going.”

(The following is a cut scene triggered when the player nears the boss room.)
Envoy of Shadows: “We have all been summoned here… This is no mere accident…”
Baphomet: “Who cares!?! I’m finally going to lay waste to this place!”
Envoy of Shadows: “What are you babbling about?”
Caleb: “He is merely overjoyed to bring death to the home of ssso many known asss demonssslayersss…”
Baphomet: “Damn right! They shall learn to fear my name once again!”
Envoy of Shadows: “Cease your prattling, fools! They come to banish us once more!”
Caleb: “Let them try, I ssshall enjoy sssupping upon their sssoulsss.”
Portal: (off screen) “Just try not to get yourselves killed. I have need for you yet.”
(cut scene ends)
(on aggro)
Envoy of Shadows: “Taste my wrath, mortals!”
Baphomet: “REVENGE IS MINE!”
Caleb: “All to shadows once more!”
(at 50%)
Envoy of Shadows: “No, never again!”
Caleb: “Do you not know how to die!?!”
(at 25%)
Envoy of Shadows: “My wrath shall know no bounds!”
Baphomet: “DIEEEEEEEEE!!!”
Caleb: “A curssse upon you all! Now die!”
Portal: “Excuse me, Lord.”
Portal: “Shut up!”
Envoy of Shadows: “My time… Shall yet come…”
Baphomet: “NOOOOOOOOOoooooo…..”
Caleb: “The massster will be very dissspleasssed…”
Portal: “…damn i-!”

Clues: Multi-colored Samples

Well, you got the samples back. They even seem to be in one piece. Toy’s going to owe you for this later.

Mysterious Voice

While you were fighting the trio of demonic baddies, you managed to overhear someone’s voice coming out of the portal that the demons kept coming from. The voice was mostly complaining about how horrible demon mercenaries were and how he’s going to kill some husks later for screwing the job up. Some other voice also called the first one a lord. Maybe Toy will know what that was about.

Archlich’s report

Just before you escaped the LMOUSVEV base a tightly rolled scroll appeared in your hand with a sticky note attached to it reading, “Give to Toy.” Try as you might, you can’t unroll the scroll. Magic can be so annoying some times.


Huh? Oh sorry, I forgot that since the base is in its own pocket dimension you couldn’t teleport out. Hope that didn’t cause too much trouble; now you got anything to report?

Lord something-or-other, eh? Husks, eh? A scroll from Archlich, eh? Give me a bit to digest all this and come back later. I think you could use a little break as well.

[u]4) Foil some meddlesome heroes[u]


Alright, I’m pretty sure I know who we’re dealing with now. The question is why. To that extent, I’m sending you on another smash-and-grab. You’ll be up against the Soul Police again, so I’d bring some buddies along. The Dread Trio does NOT approve of invaders on their turf.

[u]Like they’ll have a choice.[u]

Mission Acceptance:

Exactly. Alright, here’s what’s going on. While you were off saving my butt, I was off gathering more information on my own. No offense, but I really needed to do that myself. So I learned a few interesting things, one of which is that Rosie and her hang of do-gooders have also found out who’s trying to screw over Croatoa and are intending to stop him.

Why is this bad, you say? Aren’t we trying to do the same thing, you ask? Not really. We’re the bad guys, after all. The capes want to stop Croatoa from EVER falling into the spirit world, our employer just wants to delay it until later. In any case, take a sub to Paragon and lay waste to the Soul Police HQ. Remember mayhem missions? Consider this the same thing.

I don’t want to see one lock, stock, or barrel left intact by the time you’re done.

4) Foil some meddlesome heroes
a. Trash the neighborhood (Steel Canyon mayhem)
i. Defeat 30 PPD.
ii. Defeat Balsk.
iii. Defeat Thermoplast.
iv. Destroy 50 objects.
v. Defeat Longbow ambush
b. Wreck Soul Police HQ (Indoor office map)
i. Recover data (2 computers)
ii. Destroy portal
iii. Defeat the Dread Trio
iv. Defeat Vindicator ambush (optional)
v. Escape

Notable NPCs:

Balsk (Dual Blade/Willpower scrapper) <Soul Police Chapter> Elite Boss/Hero
Thermoplast (Assault Rifle/Fire Manipulation blaster) <Soul Police Chapter> Elite Boss/Hero
Rosie (Claws/Regen scrapper) <Soul Police Chapter> Hero
Berserker Rosalind (Super Strength/Invulnerability brute, Warwolf model) <Soul Police Chapter> Hero
Pherelith (Willpower/Martial Arts tanker) <Soul Police Chapter> Hero
Emry (Gravity Control/Radiation controller) <Soul Police Chapter> Hero
Longbow Ballista <Longbow> Elite Boss
Ms. Liberty <Vindicators> Elite Boss/Hero
Infernal <Vindicators> Elite Boss/Hero
Luminary <Vindicators> Elite Boss/Hero

Notes: Two part mission, yay! Balsk and Thermoplast will always spawn together on the outdoor map while the Dread Trio will always spawn together on the indoor map. The Ballista with a spawn of Longbow will ambush the player once Balsk or Thermoplast go down. The Vindicator group will ambush the player once two of the Dread Trio hit the dust. To escape the player must exit the indoor map and flee back to the entrance area. Also, the indoor map will only be available once all the outdoor objectives have been completed.

Addendum: When Rosie is brought down to 25% hp, she'll transform into Berserker Rosalind with full health. When Rosie transforms it counts as her being defeated for both exp awardal purposes and for the two Dread Trio defeated trigger.


Balsk: “Hey Thermoplast, what’s up?”
Thermoplast: “Nothing much. Looking forward to this attack, though.”
(on aggro)
Balsk: “Ha ha! You again! This you’re MINE, pal!”
Thermoplast: “Perfect timing! Now then, time for justice to prevail!”
Balsk: "...what?"
Thermoplast: "What?"
(at 50%)
Balsk: “As good as you were last time! Too bad I got better as well!”
Thermoplast: “Come on already! WE'RE supposed to be winning!”
(at 25%)
Balsk: “Damn it! Just lay down and die already!”
Thermoplast: “Note to self: The real world has a problem with justice prevailing.”
Balsk: “Mother…fu…er…”
Thermoplast: “Next time!”

(ambush triggers)
Ballista: “Longbow assemble! Attack!”
Ballista: “That’s what I get for reading too many comics…”

Emry: “Well, they’re coming.”
Rosie: “I am SO looking forward to some revenge! WOO!”
Pherelith: “Just try not to get yourself killed, kiddo. It’s kind of annoying.”
(on aggro)
Emry: “And they’re here. A little late, though.”
Pherelith: “[censored] kicking time is go!”
Berserker Rosalind: "YOU'RE MINE NOW! AWOOOOO!!!"
(at 50%)
Emry: “Tch, this is a little troubling.”
Rosie: “Come on come on come on come on!”
Pherelith: “Damn! There goes an arm! Get back here, you!”
Berserker Rosalind: "RAAAAAAWRRR!!!"
(at 25%)
Emry: “Come on, Trio! At them! We can’t lose!”
Rosie: “That's it! I'm pulling out ALL the stops now!”
Pherelith: “I need some stronger staples.”
Berserker Rosalind: "Just... DIE!"
(defeated, Emry uses teleport death)
Emry: “Looks like I have to back out.”
Pherelith: “Oh, there’s goes my head. This is always so annoying.”
Berserker Rosalind: "*whimper* Emry..."

(ambush triggered)
Ms. Liberty: “We got the call! Hold on!”

(Other than that, the Vindicators would get their dev-given dialogue.)

Clues: Soul Police HQ coordinates

Looks like the Soul Police make their home in Steel Canyon. But while it would be enjoyable to take them out right away, best to trash the surrounding area first. Sometimes pleasure DOES come before work.

Stolen information

You stole this information from some computers in the Soul Police HQ. Along with the beginnings of a portal that they seemed to have constructed, this information should allow Toy to determine exactly where they were planning to go.

Rosie’s last words

Just before her medi-porter whisked the mortally wounded were-human away to the hospital, she spat out a few words to you.

“Tell Toy he better get his priorities straight… If he’s really gonna just hand the world over to Diov then he isn’t the bot Essex knows. Tell em that…”


It’s done? Good. I didn’t like ordering that, the Soul Police are good people but this time they were in my way. People don’t stay in my way for long. Thanks for the info, though. And about what Rosie said… I’ll explain it in a sec. Just give me a minute to scan what you found and we’ll finish this whole sordid ordeal.

[u]5) End Diov’s interference[u]


Alright [Playername], this is the end game. This whole plat has been orchestrated by an extra-dimensional metahuman known as Lord Diov. He and I have had some run ins in the past and he’s a tough cookie. With the coordinates and information stolen from the SPC in our grasp, we can lead the fight directly to the [censored].

Bring some friends, this is gonna be a doozy. Heh, and I thought the last couple of missions were easy.

[u]I’m ready.[u]

Mission Acceptance:

Alright. Diov owns an extra-dimensional company known as the Husk Corporation from which he bases all his projects and plans. You’ll be leading an assault on his base of operations. Archlich has cooked up an enchantment to keep you safe from Diov’s reality altering powers so you only have to worry about his endless army of clones and powers over darkness. This will be tough, but you’ll have some help. Some members of LMOUSVEV wanted in on this too and they’ve already gone through. Get to them and they will help you as much as they can.

Good luck.

5) End Diov’s interference
a. Defeat Diov and crew (Indoor Rikti base)
i. Defeat Lord Diov
ii. Rescue LMOUSVEV members (2)
iii. Destroy cloning machines (4)
iv. Defeat Eochai Husk and Jack-in-Irons Husk
v. Escape
vi. Defeat Lord Diov again

Notable NPCs:

Lord Diov (Dark Blast/Dark Miasma mastermind) <Husk Corporation> Arch-villain
Lord Nomed (Bruiser) <Husk Corporation> Arch-villain
Lord Poe (Arsonist) <Husk Corporation> Arch-villain
Lord White (Enforcer) <Husk Corporation> Arch-villain
Two other thugs and an Enforcer I can’t remember
Eochai Clone <Husk Corporation> Arch-villain
Jack-in-Irons Clone <Husk Corporation> Arch-villain
Mr. Poe (Arsonist) <Husk Corporation> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
Mr. Nomed (Bruiser) <Husk Corporation> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
Mr. White (Enforcer) <Husk Corporation> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
The Malevolith (Fire Melee/Energy Aura brute) <LMOUSVEV> Boss
Outlaw Jack (Assault Rifle/Traps mastermind) <LMOUSEVEV> Boss


Lord Diov will always spawn with Lord Nomed, Lord Poe, and Lord White. As the team size increases so will the number of thugs around him. In addition, Lord Diov will respawn on his own from a surviving cloning machine on the map if he is defeated. The same thing happens with the Eochai and Jack-in-Irons Husk. Another Lord Diov complete with another gang of thugs will ambush the player after every other objective is complete.

Unique faction: Husks
Thug Husk – Minion
Fir Bolg Husk (Fir Bolg Soldier) - Minion
Enforcer Husk – Lieutenant
Tuatha Husk (Tuatha de Dannon Champion) - Lieutenant
Bruiser Husk – Boss
Sorceress Husk (The Cabal) – Boss


Fir Bolg Husk: “I feel…”
Thug Husk: “You don’t. You get used to it.”
(on aggro)
Fir Bolg Husk: “…anger?”
Thug Husk: “You have no idea what you’ve walked into.”

Thug Husk: “Wow, this guy’s nuts.”
The Malevolith: “I am so totally gonna tear out your guts and strew them up like Christmas ornaments!”
Bruiser Husk: “Get some reinforcements! I need a hand here!”
(on aggro)
Thug Husk: “Oh crud.”
The Malevolith: “Ha ha! You’re going down now you cheap knock-off!”
Bruiser Husk: “Oh great, more of them.”
The Malevolith: “Awwwwwwwwwwww yeah!”
The Malevolith: “Hey! Hey! Get back here!”
The Malevolith: “Hey! You listened! Awesome!”

Thug Husk: “Wow dude, you’re getting beat up by a girl.”
Outlaw Jack: “Oh shut up and step backwards a couple of feet.”
Sorceress Husk: “…girl? Wife…?”
(on aggro)
Thug Husk: “Oh bugger.”
Outlaw Jack: “Hi there, about time you showed up.”
Sorceress Husk: “…”
Outlaw Jack: “They always go for the soldiers first, damn husks.”
Outlaw Jack: “Take your time, I can hold here.”
Outlaw Jack: “Ready to go again?”

Lord Diov: “So, intruders huh? Someone explain to me why they aren’t dead already.”
Lord White: “They seem to be protected, Lord. It appears to be Archlich’s work.”
Lord Diov: “Oh great, him again. This means Toy got hired.”
(on aggro)
Lord Diov: “What? He didn’t come himself? I’m insulted!”
Lord Poe: “Time to burn them all! Mwahaha!”
Lord Nomed: “Let us end them and their interference.”
(at 50%)
Lord Diov: “Do you have any idea how annoying this is?”
(at 25%)
Lord Diov: “No really: Annoying is all you can and ever shall be.”
Lord Diov: “Be right back.”

Eochai Husk: “So… Diminished… Where… Where am…?”
Mr. Nomed: “Oh shut up. We didn’t need your intelligence anyway.”
(on aggro)
Eochai Husk: “Memories… Anger…? Destroy…”
Mr. Nomed: “Hope we siphoned enough energy for his power level to work.”
Mr. Nomed: “I’ll be back.”
Eochai Husk: “Free… Thank… you…”

Jack-in-Irons Husk: “Why am I here? Where are the… The…?”
Mr. Poe: “Ah shut up and get ready to smash some stuff.”
(on aggro)
Jack-in-Irons Husk: “Enemies… ENEMIES!”
Mr. Poe: “What an idiot.”
Jack-in-Irons Husk: “…huh?”
Mr. Poe: “Ah damn it. Re-downloading self…”

(Lord Diov, Eochai Husk, and Jack-in-Irons Husk retain the same dialogue when they respawn and can indeed respawn at the same machine.)

(ambush triggered)
Lord Diov: “You will not get away alive!”
Lord Poe: “You’ve still got flesh that needs burning!”
(at 50%)
Lord Diov: “Damn it! The soul transference didn’t complete!”
(at 25%)
Lord Diov: “Gah… I hate it when a plan falls apart.”
Lord Diov: “I have something to tell you…”

Clues: Archlich’s enchantment

The instant you stepped through the portal a series of blue runes lit up around you. Presumably this means its working. Hopefully it should work as advertised and keep Lord Diov from turning you inside-out at a whim.

Lord Diov’s last words

“Annoying, aren’t you? But I’ll play my part at the ending. I mean, if you beat me than you’ve earned your right to know. Just tell Toy I’ll reveal his secret if he doesn’t clue you in. Ciao.”

Diov vanished again after that. Odd. It should be interesting to see what Toy will say to this, though.


Alive, are we? Good job. Mal and Jack gave me some glowing reports about what happened in there. A job very well done, you’ve certainly earned your pay this time.

What’s that? Secret? Ha! Diov knows exactly what to say, doesn’t he? Alright, I’ll explain things to you. And if you’ve figured it out already, listen anyway.

Croatoa is going to sink into the spirit realm at some point or another, this is assured. The heroes keep trying to keep it from doing so, though, so Salamanca will probably continue to be saved. Now, the thing with the life energy is that it’s perfect for creating soulless clones such as what Diov uses in his armies. It’s a bit interesting that the energy took the form of what was fighting over it, though. Anyway, Diov was draining the life energy away to an extra-dimensional location and the lack of energy would have unbalanced Earth itself. Lord Recluse didn’t want that, so he hired me to stop it and I hired you.

Honest enough for you? Good, good. I expect to see you back here, [Playername].

Souvenir: Odd blue stone

This is all that remains of the enchantment the mage known as Archlich cast on you in order to allow you to attack an alternate dimension known as Husk Corporation in a mission you like to think as:

Souls are for Chumps

It all started when you talked with an eccentric android named Toy Dispenser about some mercenary work that needed doing. He made no quibble about what he was hiring you to do and he immediately sent you off to attack an area of Paragon City called Croatoa. Apparently the place was going to fall into the Spirit World pretty soon and Toy needed you to gather some samples in order to learn what was up. After defeating a representative of each of Croatoa’s various warring factions, you delivered the samples to Toy Dispenser who had them sent off to another member of his mercenary firm and sent you on another fact finding mission.

Your second mission saw you fighting a member of the Freedom Phalanx, Numina, and another couple of heroes from an organization known as the Soul Police Division, so named for its duty to keep an eye on Paragon’s supernatural denizens. But not even with the support of the ghostly hero could the Soul Police stop you from destroying the underwater Longbow base they were meeting in and snagging from valuable information.

But then something bad happened, with someone managing to infiltrate the LMOUSVEV base with a portal and flood the group’s headquarters with an assortment of demons including three of the most powerful demons you’ve ever encountered. With help from various mercenaries fighting for their home, you managed to take down all the demons and save the samples. You also heard some interesting information that led Toy to send you on your next mission.

Complete and total destruction was the goal of assaulting the Soul Police HQ. Take down their heroes, wreck their base, total the neighborhood, and stop their investigation. It was a plus that the Vindicators showed up as well, though they were a bit tough to bring down. The Dread Trio, leaders of the Soul Police, also fell at your hand, though not before one of their number let you know just who you were dealing with.

Lord Diov, owner of the Husk Corporation, a powerful extra-dimensional entity that had complete control over his own pocket dimension. Apparently he was the one accelerating the demise of Croatoa in order to harness the resulting life energy to expand his army of cloned husks. With the assistance of several more LMOUSVEV members you attacked Husk Corporation head on and shut down Lord Diov’s operation. It’s still a bit unclear as to why Toy Dispenser was hired to stop this, but apparently Lord Recluse took offense to some other villain messing up the world.

In any case, it sure was an interesting run working with the guy. Maybe it’d be worth it to hit him up for another job.

EDIT: Edited to correct errors and adjust things somewhat.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



dang, thats great man!
i would do it, but if i had WAY more time...