If your character was a contact...




Fantastic work Khellendroslic and DogmaoftheBwerp. While many of the references flew over my head, the arcs themselves and characters therein sound like they'd be a lot of fun. Your hard work and creativity is appreciated. =)

"Always remember that you're unique -- just like everybody else."




Immortal Necromancer

Blightlord is what’s commonly known as a Necromancer, dealing in death magic with some expertise in poisons on the side. The schemes of his that get out around the Isles seem few and far between, and always after their completion. He attracts the attention of some pretty high up characters, but with his vague background and amount of power, that’s not too surprising. Whatever he plans is always big, and the payoffs are sure to match.

Initial Contact:

You believe you have the power to be of worth to one such as me? You’re laughable, hardly worth my time and effort.

Prove him wrong.

Bringing A Lord To Power (45-50)

1) Prove your power

Fine, you wish to prove you’re not as pathetic as you appear? Do this then: In Orenbega, one can find many valuable secrets, all of which are heavily guarded. The Circle of Thorns and their mystics are renowned for their control and contracts with demonic legions, something I am shown frequently at the doorstep of my layer. One such contract is taking place now.

1) Interrupt the contract.

Mission Acceptance:

Very well. There is a mystic named Arkthule deep in Orenbega’s halls. A demon prince named Ba’akthal will be arriving by portal to meet him and discuss a deal, the usual souls for service agreement. I want you to interrupt this meeting in whatever way you see fit, but know this: if you fail, expect no assistance from me. Your death merely proves I was correct in my assumptions.

1) Prove your power (Large Orenbega map)
a. Interrupt the contract
i. Seal the portal
i2. Defeat Arkthule
ii2. Defeat Ba’akthal

Notable NPCs

Arkthule (Agony Mage) <Circle of Thorns> Boss
Ba’akthal (Demon Prince?) <Demons> Elite Boss
Portal <Portals> Object


The player will half fifteen minutes in which Ba’akthal will be crossing through the portal. If they are successful in reaching the room and destroying the portal within this time period (displayed in the nav bar), then the contract will be interrupted, and the demon’s natural suspicions high enough to believe it was a Circle trick. Arkthule will be present, calling the demon forth. Both he and the portal must be destroyed.

If the player cannot make it in time, a brief cutscene will play, showing the demon’s appearance. The player will then have to defeat both of them, who remain together. Ba’akthal has a entourage of demons with him, type and number dependant on player level and team size. Arkthule likewise has a group of Circle mystics with him.


Arkthule: We call upon thee, mighty Ba’akthal. Step forward onto this plane, that blood may rain down upon the heads of our enemies!
Arkthule: What? How did you- No matter, you will be die for this intrusion.
Arkthule: You’re a fool… a fool…


Arkthule: We call upon thee, mighty Ba’akthal. Step forward onto this plane, that blood may rain down upon the heads of our enemies!
(Ba’akthal appears out of Portal)
Ba’akthal: I have come. Let the dealings commence.

Arkthule: Then we are agreed. Six hundred and sixty-six souls for the you and your legion’s services. Let us sacrifice the victim to seal our pact in blood.
Arkthule: Ah, and here’s our sacrifice now!
Ba’akthal: Tremble before my might, mortal.
Ba’akthal: Treacherous mystics. We will never forget this… (Disappears in red electric effect, banished.)
Arkthule: You fool! What have you… done…


Well, well, well. You survived, did you? Perhaps you may be of some use.

2) Occupy the meddlers


I will allow you to aid me in this, but you are an imbecile if you believe I’ll tell you of my full scheme from the beginning. You may have proved that you’re not completely pathetic, but you have not yet earned the knowledge of what it is you are working towards, which brings me to my next point.

Many keep a wary eye on me and my doings, and it is for this precise reason I need you in the first place. I will work on a project to distract those more feeble minded, but there is one family which must be dealt with who will see through my little ruse.

I’ll take care of them.

Mission Acceptance

Not so fast. Their deaths are something that will be brought about by my own hand and in person. You are merely to distract them. The family of which I speak is that of a hero named Burning Brawler. There are four total, Brawler, his wife Danica, their daughter Pstorm, and their son, Void Brawler. I have dealt with the boy already; you need not worry about him. What I want is for you to deal with their daughter.

She is currently in Skyway City trying to hold back a minor spillover from one of the Troll’s raids. Their rather upset by this, and would be quite thrilled to get their hands on her…

2) Occupy the meddlers
a. Defeat Pstorm

Notable NPCs

Pstorm (Storm Summoning/Psychic Blast Defender) <Heroes of Paragon City> Elite Boss


The outdoor Skyway map is populated with Trolls, some in their rave forms, including Supa Trolls. Whether or not these count towards the badge for villains is a dev decision. When defeated, Pstorm unleashes a powerful psychic wail.


Pstorm: Stop, unless you want to be eating lightning bolts for lunch!
Troll: Git her!
Pstorm: That goes for you too!
You feel a strange tingle through your mind…


Troll Assurances

After you defeated Pstorm and handed her off to the Trolls, one stopped to speak with you. “You no worry bout girlie. We takez gud care of ‘er.”


I trust you are not bothered by leaving the girl in the hands of the Trolls. If you are, quit now. I have no time for bleeding heart fools.

3) Make a leader a fool


To make sure this goes successfully there will need to be little struggle when the final blow is struck. The best way to do this is to make our adversary seem incompetent. A simple task.

I’m ready.

Mission Acceptance

Good. The man we are making a fool of is one called Elitist. His current plans are directed at the Council, specifically their leader, the Center. The Center is believed to be a mutant with abilities tied to loyalty and the inspiring of it in his men. This seems plausible when one looks at those he calls his lieutenants. Either way, Elitist wishes to learn of this power and if it can be made to work for himself. Your job is to see he fails utterly.

There will be several ways to do this. I am sending you to a Council base near the one he intends to send his own forces. Inside there are several computers and one Archon supervising its activities. Setting off any of these will do, but if you’re feeling particularly bloodthirsty, I won’t mind the enthusiasm. I would prefer you leave the corpses intact enough for my own use, however. This task is critical, so I will be sending a few of my own personal servants to assist you. Elitist will be relying on the element of surprise to get what he needs. We’ll ensure it is he who is surprised.

3) Raise Council Alarm
a. Get the Council on the alert
i.Activate 3 computers
ii. Hack alarm system
iii. Defeat Archon Maroe
iv. Find Grime
v. Find Muck and Guck

Notable NPCs

Grime (Lich) <Blightlord> Elite Boss
Muck (Grave Knight) <Blightlord> Boss
Guck (Grave Knight) <Blightlord> Boss


Muck and Guck will always spawn together.


Grime: You know not who you are dealing with!
Council: Enough talk you overpowered zombie!
Grime: You’re late…
Council: What now? Argh!
Grime: Let us hurry. My master will be displeased if Elitist succeeds.

Muck: Kill them!
Guck: Kill all of them!
Council: Where did these things come from?!
Muck: Fight!
Guck: Blood!
Council: Can’t a guy get a break?
Muck: Go now.
Guck: Kill the live ones.

Archon Maroe: Everything’s running smoothly.
Archon Maroe: Who are you? Quick, raise the alarm! I want all intel on lockdown!
Archon Maroe: Hah! You may have defeated me, but you’ll never get the information you came for…


Computer: You sent a mass e-mail to the Council bases, warning them to be on guard for an attack in the next hour.


Elitist just returned to our base and seemed quite angry, I must say. Oh, I forgot to mention that, didn’t I? He’s the leader of this band of villains I work with, the Masters of Mayhem. You’re helping me to usurp his position.

4) ‘Coerce’ the Masters


Yes, that is my scheme. It seems a rather petty thing, but I assure you, the benefits are well worth your effort. You will reap your rewards in due time, I assure you. Your next step is to ‘coerce’ his most loyal voices to stay out of my way.

Not a problem.

Mission Acceptance

Luckily for us, they are currently on their way to St. Martial for a night of revelry and celebrating the mediocrity that is life. Interrupt their little party, but use caution. I would even encourage you to enlist some aid, though quite frankly you’re as much use to me alive is only greater because you are harder to trace back to me in that state. On that note, expect no assistance from me this time. They will recognize my servants and possible leave to warn Elitist.

4)‘Coerce’ the loyal Masters
a. Defeat the loyal Masters
i. Defeat Harlequin
ii. Defeat Smashing Pumpkin
iii. Defeat Panzerfrau

Notable NPCs

Harlequin (Psi/Psi Dominator) <Masters of Mayhem> Elite Boss
Smashing Pumpkin (Dark Melee/Fire Shield Brute) <Masters of Mayhem> Elite Boss
Panzerfrau (Robot/Force Field Mastermind) <Masters of Mayhem> Elite Boss


Panzerfrau may randomly burst into German, which I don’t speak. Embellish her dialogue if you wish. She makes good use of her laser rifle and a Nemesis Staff. She will summon bots as the fight progresses. Harlequin speaks in a French accent, but rarely uses French itself. They can spawn in any random combination or separated. This mission takes place within the St. Martial casino. ‘Disturbing the party’ by brawling with the Masters will trigger a Rogue Isles Security ambush of modest size to scale with the size of the team.



(Walking into the club)
Smashing Pumpkin: Hey, did you see Elitist when he got back to the base.
Harlequin: ‘E zeemed most upset…
Panzerfrau: Vhat do you expect? Ze Council vere vaiting for him and viped all ze data before he even made it through ze front door!
Smashing Pumpkin: I woulda pulled that off easy.

Smashing Pumpkin: Now this is a party! One thing’s missin’ though…
Smashing Pumpkin: There we go! Now that’s more like it!
(at 50%)
Smashing Pumpkin: Turn up the music, this fight’s just getting’ started!
(at 25%)
Smashing Pumpkin: I’m not feelin’ so good… Think I had a lil’ too much to drink…
Smashing Pumpkin: I hear ya… just lemme… rest a lil’…

Harlequin: I ‘ear your thoughts. Come out and play…
Harlequin: O, zis is fun!
(at 50%)
Harlequin: Ow! You are hurting me!
(at 25%)
Harlequin: Do you feel it? Ze madness creeping in around you?! (Domination activates)
Harlequin: O poo.. You are no fun…

Panzerfrau: No electronical bull? Vhat kind of party iz dis!
Panzerfrau: You vant to dance? Vunderbra! (sp…) (summons 3 Battle Drones)
(at 50%)
Panzerfrau: Quit steppink on mein toes! (Summons 2 Protector Bots)
(at 25%)
Panzerfrau: I’ll show you! (Summons Assault Bot)
Panzerfrau: I… ugh.


Very good, very good indeed… Now we may step forward and strike down Elitist. It will not be easy, but I will be assisting you this time, not in person of course.

5) To Usurp the Elite


That would spoil the whole point of you being such an active part of our little adventure. No, I will disable the security systems to allow you entry into our base and ensure you aren’t vaporized on sight. Grime, Muck, Guck, and my spectre, Sludge, will be waiting for you inside. You are to fight your way to Elitist and destroy him.

It’s as good as done.

Mission Acceptance

Perfect. Use a Super Group portal to enter the base. I’ve temporarily altered the base’s security passes to make it open to you. Try not to damage things too much inside. Some of my own work is in there. Most of the other Masters are out committing their own schemes while Elitist remains in the base to brood over his humiliating failure. Take advantage of this opportunity.

5) Defeat Elitist!
a. Defeat Elitist
b. Defeat Techno-Tyrant


This map is custom, shaped like a typical SG base and filled with Deactivated Turret units that can be destroyed for no reward and will not fight. Disabled Force Field Generators are randomly lying around, are Disabled Traps of various sorts. These can also be destroyed, but have no reward.

The base itself is decked in the Master’s skull symbol with red and black the primary colors. It is a fully functioning base filled with various technological and mystical items. The lighting is generally deep red or sterile white or none at all. The player will only be able to navigate the main rooms and Command Center, no private quarters.

Techno-Tyrant will be present in the base in a random room other than the Control Center, which is where Elitist is staying. Tyrant’s robots are out and about, protecting the base while Tyrant investigates the security failure. They are standard bots and act like normal minions.

Grime, Muck, Guck, and Sludge can be found throughout the base, brawling with Tyrant’s bots. Muck and Guck always spawn together, the others can be separated throughout the base.

Notable NPCs

Elitist (Super Strength/Invulnerability Brute) <Masters of Mayhem> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Techno-Tyrant (Robotics/Forcefield Mastermind) <Masters of Mayhem> Elite Boss
Battle Drone <Masters of Mayhem> Minion
Protector Bot <Masters of Mayhem> Lieutenant
Assault Bot <Masters of Mayhem> Boss
Grime (Lich) <Blightlord> Elite Boss
Muck (Grave Knight) <Blightlord> Boss
Guck (Grave Knight) <Blightlord> Boss
Sludge (Spectre) <Blightlord> Boss


Grime: Pathetic metal contructs!
Grime: There you are. Let us deal with the fool Elitist.

Muck: Where Elitist?
Guck: Fight metal men first.
Muck: To Elitist!
Guck: Kill…

Sludge: Iiiiiiiii smell blooooooooood!
Sludge: Weeeeeeee will eat his fleeeeeeeeeeesh…

Techno-Tyrant: I don’t understand it! It all just suddenly stops working? Impossible!
Techno-Tyrant: Magnificent, intruders… Go away, will you?
(At 50%)
Techno-Tyrant: I don’t have time for this! Calling all units! (Ambush wave)
(at 25%)
Techno-Tyrant: Why won’t you die?! I said calling ALL units! (Ambush wave)
Techno-Tyrant: You… Scanners sense… You’re with Blightlord? You… fool… you… betray…

Elitist: Blightlord won’t even face me on his own? I’ll send his errand boy back in a bloody heap. We’ll see if he gets the message then…
Elitist: Speak of the devil! So you’re the one who’s been causing me so much trouble? I’ll enjoy this, just like I’ll enjoy ripping Blightlord in two when I get my hands on him!
(at 50%)
Elitist: So you have some fight in you? A shame you’re a spineless worm or you could have been of some use to me!
(at 20%)
Elitist: No! I am Elitist! I am the pinnacle of human perfection! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! (Unstoppable triggers, as does Rage)
Elitist: No… I’ve worked too hard… It can’t be over… Not… not to him…


Techno-Tyrant’s Warning:

Blightlord? You’re working with that rotting pile? You’re a fool. He’d sooner turn you into one of his mindless slaves than give you a reward. In that last minute before you die, I hope you remember how stupid you really are.


You’ve done it then? Excellent… excellent… Now there is one last thing that must be done.

6) The Future Is Mayhem

The Masters had a bright future ahead of them under Elitist, but in that timeline he proved too secured in his position to destroy fully. I am confident however that I am fully capable of bringing about the same future. Simply do me one last favor and travel into the future to ensure all has gone to according to my long-term plan. Then we may begin talk of your reward.

Consider it done.

Mission Acceptance

Go then. I have hidden the portal in a cave below. Find if I have succeeded in my goals, bring back proof, and return to me.

6) See the future (Ruined Grandville map)
a. Investigate the future
i. Find evidence


This mission takes place in an even more worn down version of Grandville, confined to the more central area of the city. The Web is broken in large sections and the entire place is filled with Blightlord’s minions. A few random citizens are either strolling about or held captive and pleading for help. It is entirely up to the player whether or not it’s worth their time to rescue them. The clue to find is the player’s own zombified self who is guarding the entrance to the Grandville tower, which is inaccessible. There is also one very large creature resembling Adamastor in appearance and abilities wandering within the mission, known as an Atrocity. Even more of these creatures can be seen from outside the mission’s blocked off area, as can more zombies. The walls serve only to confine the player’s searching area, not to block out all unlife.

Notable NPCs

Zombie <Blightlord> Minion
Grave Knight <Blightlord> Lieutenant
Spectre <Blightlord> Lieutenant
Lich <Blightlord> Boss
Atrocity <Blightlord> Monster
Player Name (Dark/Dark based upon AT) <Blightlord> Elite Boss


Player Name: For… Blightlord…
Player Name: Kill!
(at 50%)
Player Name: So… cold…
(at 25%)
Player Name: Die! DIE!
Player Name: Sleep… at last…


Your corpse

You found proof alright… That slime’s “reward” he’s been planning was turning you into one of his mindless slaves. Perhaps Arachnos would like to learn of this little future Blightlord has been planning…

7) Go to Arbiter Daos


We know of your doings. Don’t look so surprised. Arachnos monitors every possible future. We can’t leave anything to chance if our own goals of domination are to be achieved. Yes, we watch Blightlord and the Masters of Mayhem as they make there little plans, but this time things have gone a little too far. You should also be aware that we know of your own part in bringing Blightlord’s dreams closer to reality. That is why you will do as I say and not question what I am about to tell you to do.

Blightlord’s future will become an even bigger possibility if he isn’t stopped, something that’s in both our best interests. I could easily send an Arachnos force against him, but that would draw far too much attention. Go, defeat Blightlord, and return to me when the job is done. I suggest you bring plenty of allies with you; this won’t be easy. Then we may talk about your punishment for attempting to undermine Arachnos authority…

8) Defeat Blightlord!
a. Defeat Blightlord
b. Defeat Burning Brawler
c. Defeat Danica
d. Defeat Pstorm


As you saw above, not only Blightlord will be present in this mission. Burning Brawler and his family will make an appearance on the scene and believe you’re still allied with Blightlord. Throughout the mission which takes place in a map somewhat like Orenbega the player may also run into Blightlord’s head servants at various points, Muck and Guck together as always, Grime and Sludge separate. Burning’s family is always together.

At the end of the mission is a large throne room with a great stone throne in the center on a dais. There is also a very large mirror against the wall with gold lining its edges and a somewhat distorted image of the future mission the player was in just recently. Blightlord waits in there with plenty of minions to fit the team size. He also has the ability to call upon his servants at appropriate rankings based upon the team. For example, a team of four or more will fight them full strength, but any less and they are all Lieutenant rank, even Grime. Blightlord has the ability to resummon them, but how many each time is based upon team size. He also has the three zombies at his side, which are part of his resummonable group. Void Brawler will appear when Blightlord is near death. Blightlord’s defeat will trigger a momentary cutscene showing his collapse and the emergence of The Muck, a black and green slime-like creature. The player will not face this creature, which will instead flee the area.

Notable NPCs

Burning Brawler (Fire/Ice/Fire Blaster) <Heroes of Paragon City> Elite Boss/Hero
Danica (Martial Arts/Willpower Scrapper) <Heroes of Paragon City> Elite Boss/Hero
Pstorm (Storm Summoning/Psychic Blast Defender) <Heroes of Paragon City> Elite Boss
Blightlord (Necromancy/Poison/Soul Summoning Mastermind) <Masters of Mayhem> Elite Boss/Arch-Villain
Void Brawler (Dark/Super Reflexes Stalker) <Masters of Mayhem> Elite Boss
Grime (Lich) <Necromancy> Elite Boss
Sludge (Spectre) <Necromancy> Boss
Muck (Grave Knight) <Necromancy> Boss
Guck (Grave Knight) <Necromancy> Boss
Lich <Necromancy> Boss
Grave Knight <Necromancy> Lieutenant
Zombie <Necromancy> Minion


Burning Brawler: Keep an eye out. Blightlord’s close…
Danica: Which means so is Void. If we find him Pstorm, get your brother out fast.
Pstorm: You got it…
Burning Brawler: You! You’ll learn what happens when you work with Blightlord!
Danica: I’m gonna enjoy this…
Pstorm: Time for some payback.
(at 25%)
Burning Brawler: He’s strong… But I have to get to Blightlord! It’s the only way he can be stopped.
Danica: That actually hurt… Time to kick it up a notch… (Activate Strength of Will)
Pstorm: Armor’s taking heavy damage… You won’t win this time!
Pstorm: Have to… fight… (Triggers a Vengeance boost for parents)
Burning Brawler: Blightlord… can’t let him win… (Triggers Rise of the Pheonix)
Danica: Void… Matt… I’m sorry… (Triggers Vengeance boost)
(2nd Defeat)
Burning Brawler (Activates Inferno just before death. Triggers Vengeance boost upon falling.)

Grime: My lord will prevail, and great power will be mine!
Grime: You fool! The future is set in stone!
Grime: I… I’ll be back.

Muck: We wait here.
Guck: Want fight soon…
Muck and Guck: KILL!
Muck: Hear call…
Guck: Master calls…

Sludge: Kiiiiiill the fooooooool!
Sludge: Life is weaknessssssssss!
Sludge: Nooooooooooo!

Cutscene upon entering throne room
Blightlord: I have watched your progress through here. I must thank you for dealing with Brawler and that family of his. I was almost concerned for a moment that they would stop me once more. But now my way is clear, my path straight. In a way I should thank you, and so I shall.

By ending your humiliation at the doom you have brought upon the world. (Summons pets)

Blightlord: And so it begins, a final battle to decide the fate of the world! Utter ruin or oppression!
(at 50%)
Blightlord: Cherish this moment. It is your last! (Resummon)
(at 25%)
Blightlord: No! You are a fool if you think you can win! I am a god among insects! (Void Brawler spawns nearby, Hidden and joins the fight)
Void Brawler: (Assassin Strike) You should watch your back better.
Void Brawler: No… no! Please!


Blightlord: No… no… this can’t be! I’ll destroy you once and for all! I’ll… (Collapses)

The Muck rises up high into the air, slimy exterior coursing moving constantly. It shrinks away, slinking into a crack behind the throne between it and the ground. A sliver view of a below ground area can be seen if the player looks afterward, but is inaccessible.

9) Return to Arbiter Daos

Story Arc Complete

Well done. Our normal means of spying weren’t able to get through the wards Blightlord had in place, but we could still pick up the power readings when you took him down. The ooze? Yes, he’ll be back. But that defeat was enough to delay him for a long time, long enough for us to eliminate any chance of him succeeding in this again.

As for you… For your service to Arachnos and mending of the damage you caused, we will overlook your deeds, good and bad. But be warned, you have made many enemies in this venture. And now it is time for you to leave…

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Oh, very nice, BB. Consider me impressed.

And yes, part II is in the works. Actually, it's not in the works, it's been done since I put up part I, but I'm still not satisfied with it. So be patient.

Meanwhile, since I can't edit my arc post anymore, I'll tack the souvenirs on here:


Souvenir: Lieutenant Bear’s Arrow

This is one of the Wyvern mercenaries’ high-tech arrows, specifically one that once belonged to a Raptor Agent named William Bear. You remember this projectile well –especially just where Lt. Bear stuck you with it in a rather painful manner – in one of your many exploits you remember as:

Mess With the Best

It all started when you stopped to speak to an odd reptilian named Acid Zero (whom incidentally you’re still not quite sure is real or just a figment of your imagination). Still, he stated to be working on something very covert and in need of good help, which is never easy to find, whom he could trust to work with him, not for. Good thing he found you when he did, as things certainly became very heated after he sent you to Paragon City to cause a bit of mischief with local law enforcement.

Wyvern had observed you, and was now locked hard on your trail. Both you and your contact knew they’d follow you like bloodhounds now, and this was simply unacceptable. You set about to ‘discourage’ them, but with the intelligence they’d gathered on you came an attached string by the name of William Bear. A powerful foe, you defeated him nonetheless, but it almost appeared the Raptor Agent would have the last laugh – he’d sent a copy of your intel to the Legacy Chain, a secretive enclave of heroic mystics whose hideaways nobody had been able to track down in centuries.

Luckily, your contact happened to know ‘nobody’. Unfortunately, nobody went by the name of Blightlord, and wasn’t about to help you out. A powerful necromancer, Blightlord fought you with vile toxins and henchmen of the undead, but in the end you prevailed and managed to get the location out of him. Now all that you had left to do was pursue and destroy. Oddly enough, when you came to tell your contact this, he considered it as understood that you would. He stressed you’d be working with, not for, him – but he wasn’t about to give up any of his secrets just yet.

Still, you placed your questions on hold for now and pursued the Legacy Chain mystics into the hidden base the Wyvern agent had sent his information to. It was of course heavily guarded, but nothing you couldn’t easily handle – until a slew of Paragon’s heroes arrived to foil you! You prevailed yet again, handing them a crushing defeat and handily pinning the blame on Blightlord, but still you couldn’t help but notice they weren’t from the Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators, or other groups of heroes that constantly warred with Recluse and his minions. These were the sort of heroes that filled paragon City by the hundreds, perhaps even thousands, and if these types came after you in numbers, you’d surely have a fight on your hands that you couldn’t hope to win.

Your contact, however, dismissed these notions before you could even thoroughly voice them, explaining it was only natural – you messed with the best, and they’d want a piece of you. Still, you couldn’t help but suspect there was more to this scheme than your contact let on; especially if it drew the attention of more than just a few select hero groups...


Souvenir: A Wrecked Desert Eagle

This heavily modified handgun almost no longer resembles its original design. This was the weapon of an elite Malta Gunslinger code-named Whiskey Tumbleweed 3-4-9, which you acquired after handing the Malta Group a painful defeat after they’d made off with a certain item you’d been tasked to acquire in a world-traversing scavenger hunt you like to remember as:

A Series of Peculiar Parts

After settling your mind from your first exploits at the side of Acid Zero, it seemed that what you’d done so far hadn’t even been the beginning. When you chose to continue working with the strange being, he instructed you to gather for him several components – to what ends he would not say, citing that you might well be captured and interrogated. You chose to let him keep his secrets, at least for now.

Apparently, this was a good decision, as when instructed to head for a Siberian base by means of a submarine provided by Viridian, the counter-intelligence specialist prodded you quite a bit that he knew something you didn’t. Still, a job was a job, and thus you set out to retrieve the first component from an icy Spetsnaz base near the Arctic Circle. You of course met with resistance, including one operative practically overflowing with enhancing drugs and chemicals, but it wasn’t something you couldn’t handle. Still, the component was already gone. Someone had gotten there before you, nabbed the macguffin, and made off right under your nose. Guessing who wasn’t hard: the Malta Group.

Returning to your contact, he acknowledged their professional manner in the art of sneak, and decided you could do the same. But instead of going in under the radar while a super-powered force raided the Warburg base where they’d taken the component, he set Freedom Corps upon them and told you to go to town. Oddly enough, he also knew the Malta you were now after by name, and told you to keep an eye out for some help from a member of the FC raid force: an ex-Gunslinger named Pete.

It didn’t take you long to link up with the man and storm the base, but when you encountered its leaders, they gave you pause. It seemed Malta had more up their sleeves than they’d been letting on all these years. Even with Pete’s help, getting the component involved a brutal brawl, and even as it appeared you’d already won, the Malta activated one of their Kronos Titans in an attempt to subdue you.

Still, you made it out in once piece, and with the prize, which looked like a metal rod encased in a very regular block of ice. It was neither cold to the touch nor did it melt, but your contact once more changed the subject – time was of the essence, as the second component was in the hands of a mad roboticist named Midas Phillis, who just then stood in confrontation with his heroic teenage nemesis, Billyboy. After wondering for a moment whether you’d suddenly entered a world of clichés, you headed off to defeat both of them (as well as Dr. Phillis’ horde of rather odd ‘Phillisbots’) and made off with your gains while the two blamed one another for your intervention. The component itself didn’t look very special yet again, but a holographic CD solid to the touch was somewhat amusing to handle – as was the talk with your contact in which you told him of the antics of Billyboy and Dr. Phillis.

But things weren’t over by a long shot, and just how long it might be became apparent when your contact sent you to Praetorian Earth by means of Operative Grillo’s portal. After warding off the mad scientist’s request for a specimen from another world, you entered the parallel universe of the Freedom Phalanx’s sinister doubles, and of course encountered two of them while in pursuit of the third component. Still, the operation was a success, and with you returned another metal rod in nevermelting ice.

As if traveling to other worlds hadn’t been enough, you’d be encountering the denizens of one retrieving the next component as well. Thankfully, this time you only had to make your way to the relatively close Rikti War Zone. There you encountered not only the first signs of cooperation between humans and Rikti, but also Vanguard’s field commanders Faultline and Fusionette, as well as a rather bored Rikti Warmaster named Cher’tak. You handed them defeat, but the component had already been moved elsewhere by Vanguard, along with other items on a list you discovered. Worse yet, the Shield had called for backup, and the Sword had obliged, ambushing you with forces great in both number and strength. It wasn’t easy getting out of there in one piece.

Still, that left the component not in your hands. You pursued the convoy carrying the component and managed to reach it in the field. Destroying the lead tank to put a permanent stop to the transfer, all seemed to be running smoothly when Wyvern ambushed you out of thin air. Not only had they apparently recovered from your earlier thrashing, but so had Lieutenant Bear – and this time, he’d brought his boss along: the hidden source behind Wyvern’s mercenary tactics; Manticore. You prevailed yet again and completed your task, but your globe-hopping wasn’t yet over, for after you delivered the tech-hardware-looking component to your contact, he sent you off to another parallel universe: this time one where the Clockwork King had taken ultimate control.

However, the King wasn’t your objective. Although your contact welcomed you to take him on, the metal behemoth already stood embroiled in a small task force of heroes from this world. Your target was someone else entirely: a chaos elemental called the Scarlet Eye. Cornered by some manner of lawman from who-knows-where, known as Commander Cynic, you knew you’d have to take them both out before you could claim the component. Unfortunately, the battle ended with the escape of the Scarlet Eye to unknown territory, and only once you spoke to your contact again did you discover he’d fled to the psychic plane – where he’d be quite a bit more powerful indeed.

Still, it wasn’t something insurmountable. Vanessa DeVore of the Carnival of Shadows had always considered the psychic plane her playing field, and your contact informed you she’d come there to carry out some plot he didn’t care about, which the Scarlet Eye’s arrival had interrupted. That didn’t mean she’d help you willingly, but it did leave the chaos elemental somewhat unprepared for your sudden arrival, courtesy of Psymon Omega’s mental tracking skills and Technician Naylor’s portal. Using the element of surprise, you disbanded the empowered being of chaos and disorder (though he’d be back; they always come back) and took from him the final component: a transparent page with illegible symbols upon it.

Returning to your contact, you could only wonder how all this would fit together – not to mention be somewhat suspicious of what was going on. It was big, you knew that much. But now that you’d brought him this series of peculiar parts, would Acid Zero divulge to you the secret...?

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Returning to Hyperbole as a contact…


[u]The Dark Side of the Moon[u]

[u]1) Interrogate Venessa DeVore[u]

“|2063|2 +|-|@+ \/1z \X/1z. 1|\|1+1@+1|\|6 |*|20j3(+, '$(0|2(|-| +|-|3 3@|2+|-|.'...Oh, hello again. Still as punctual as ever I see. Well remember that fiasco with those carnies and everything? Well, as you may recall, it all started because somebody originally altered those masks Venessa DeVore was guarding. It couldn’t have been our possessive friend, because otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered with the portals. Which means he must have somehow hired an independent operator from my-…His side of the channel. We need to make sure all his links to your side are cut completely, so we’ll have to track down this operator and bury them deeper than my carrots. That’s pretty deep, in case you were wondering.”

[u]I’ll bet.[u]

Mission Acceptance

“Ok, since the operator obviously didn’t stick around to be caught by you after altering those masks, we can assume they didn’t care or just didn’t have the ability to personally watch over events to make sure they didn’t get [censored] up when people like you happen. But our dear gal Giovanna has some gray goo up there, she will at least have known SOMEBODY was in the place. So if you could go beat the snot out of her again and coercer her into telling you what she knows about it, that would be Bwerptasticnessicity.

1) Interrogate Venessa DeVore
a. Defeat Venessa DeVore and her crew (Indoor carnival map)

Notable NPCs:

Venessa DeVore <Carnival of Shadows> Elite Boss/Arch-villain


Straightforward assassination, just floor Venessa to clear the mission. No catches tacked on.


[Venessa DeVore would have her dev-given dialogue.]

Clues: Venessa DeVore’s speculation

“Yes, now that you mention it, there was somebody else aside from me and mine here a while ago aside from you. I never saw who it was, but I always knew the general area they were in. The only thing I know was that whoever they were went to Nerva Archipelago after leaving here.”


“Hmmm. Interesting. I’ll go ahead and start digging around on my end then.

[u]2) Discover the truth[u]

“Ok, I ran a search on Nerva for the time period when you fought that first illusionist. I figured that she and whoever the operator was would have probably reached Nerva within short time of each other. I have a list of targets waiting for you, you’ll need to take them all out.”


Mission Acceptance

“Lucky for you, all of the targets on our little list are still in Nerva, so you can wipe them all out in one go. Most of them are almost certainly innocent-Ice Minstrel, who was doing a routine mystical scourge at the time, and Silver Meniscus. I doubt the illusionist would have fought her if they had been allies, but she was in closest proximity. The others…There was Ace McKnight, who was on a ‘top secret mission.’ I couldn’t get all the details, but it was something to do with ‘surveillance intel.’ It’s not hard to imagine he was tricked into altering those masks without destroying them, under the pretense of monitoring Giovanna. Accompanying him on the same mission was Agent X. Seriously, where the boot do the game de-do the Longbow administrators get these names? But ignore my rambling, go already!”

2) Discover the truth!
a. Defeat the operator suspects. (Nerva outdoors, city area)
i. Defeat Ace McKnight
ii. Defeat Agent X
iii. Defeat Ice Minstrel
iiii. Defeat Silver Meniscus

Notable NPCs

Ace McKnight <Longbow> Elite Boss/Hero
Agent X <Longbow> Elite Boss/Hero
Ice Minstrel <Arachnos> Elite Boss/Hero


All three of the main NPCs spawn in the same mob randomly generated in Agincourt. The player spawns by the Ferry and can either fight their way to Agincourt or can just skip the outdoor mobs and go there. Ice Minstrel and the two Longbow agents will be shadow fighting, but will team up to defeat you. Silver Meniscus is not in this mission, which will automatically end anyway once Ace, X, and Minstrel are defeated.


Ace McKnight: Hold it there! Akarist was under our protection!
Agent X: You’ll pay for what you did to him!
Ice Minstrel: Why the heck were you guys guarding that worm in the first place?
(on aggro)
Ace McKnight: Woa, it’s [playername]!
Agent X: I have just the gadget to defeat him/her!
Ice Minstrel: This is my fight, stay out of it!
Ace McKnight: I thought you were on my-Wait, no. Wrong arc.
Agent X: The board doesn’t pay enough attention to me…Maybe it’s the name?
Ice Minstrel: I feel vague and unfulfilled. Is that because I’m a filler? This sucks!


Ace McKnight’s report

According to these papers, Ace McKnight and Agent X’s ‘secret mission’ was to protect Akarist while he was being escorted to a more secure location. Seeing as how Hyperbole told you Ice Minstrel was on a ‘mystical scourge,’ and how you found her fighting with the two loons, she probably nabbed Akarist while he was being moved and attracted the ire of the two Longbow agents. Silver Meniscus was nowhere to be found in Nerva.


“Silver Meniscus wasn’t there? And I guess with that report the other 3 are cleared. Guess it was her after all, there wasn’t anybody else is Nerva who could have pulled the mask job. I’d better get busy finding her, hang on a moment.”

3) Steal the Thorn Nexus!


“As much as I hate to admit it, I couldn’t locate Silver Meniscus. Damn stalkers, freaking impossible to find unless you’re within 10 feet of them. There isn’t anything that can break through that level of concealment at long range.
“I mean, except for the Thorn Tree and its ungodly perception of the world around it.”

[u]Way ahead of you.[u]

Mission Acceptance:

“Good to hear, get in there and steal the Thorn Nexus. Its power should let you locate Silver Meniscus, easy. Just be careful down there.”

3) Steal the Thorn Nexus!
a. Steal the Thorn Nexus! (Thorn Tree Oranbega cave map)
i. Defeat the villain strike force
ii. Defeat Baron Zoria
iii. Defeat the vines guarding the Thorn Tree (24)
iiii. Defeat the Thorn Tree
iiiii. Steal the Thorn Nexus

Notable NPCs

Stardusk <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Silent Blade <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Shock Treatment <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Savage Siren <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Hollow Point <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Fallen From Grace <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Critical Mass <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Ayame Higarashi <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Baron Zoria <Circle of Thorns> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
Thorn Tree <Circle of Thorns> Elite Boss/Archvillain
Thorn Tree Vine <Circle of Thorns> Minion


Normal Thorn Tree mission, with a few important differences. The Thorn Tree will vary from elite boss to Arch-villain depending on difficulty and the size of your team. Additionally, the Rogue Isles Villains have apparently formed a Strike Force to claim the Nexus for their own, and Baron Zoria is so sick and tired of it getting stolen he’s come out into the open to defend it himself. Baron Zoria and the Rogue Isles villains always spawn shadow fighting together near the entrance of the Thorn Tree room, and members of the Rogue Isles Villains will decrease or increase depending on the difficulty and size of your team, with a minimum of 2. The Thorn Tree Vines need to be defeated before the Thorn Tree can be attacked, but they will not respawn. Getting the Thorn Tree Nexus does not grant a respec, because you are using its power to locate Silver Meniscus.


Baron Zoria: No ignorant fiend shall ever desecrate these sacred grounds ever again!
Silent Blade: Just watch us!
Critical Mass: The Nexus is as good as ours. Just give up, old man.
(on aggro)
Baron Zoria: MORE intruders? I’ll deal with you later, pests!
Silent Blade: Hey, we’re not letting you steal what is rightfully ours!
Baron Zoria: It doesn’t matter, you’ll never get through the Thorn Tree.


The Thorn Tree Nexus

You can feel the immense power of the Nexus just by being near the thing, it should definitely allow you to find the stealthy Silver Meniscus without any problems.


“You ran into a strike force? And Baron Zoria? And you’re still standing? Nice. Time to see if that Nexus is as good as these files say it is.

4) Locate Silver Meniscus using the Thorn Nexus!


“Now that you have the Nexus, all you need to do is harness it. Piece of cake, right?”

[u]Yea. Right.[u]

Mission Acceptance

“Seriously, what could possibly go wrong? Aside from explosions…Oh god, not explosions…Err...Anyway, it should be a simple process to just take the Nexus to a scrying alter and use it to locate Silver Meniscus, I’ve already located a nearby temple in Nerva that should have one in it. Good luck.”

4) Locate Silver Meniscus using the Thorn Nexus!
a. Locate Silver Meniscus using the Thorn Nexus! (oranbega cave map)
i. Use the scying alter
ii. Defeat Blade Princes Hertuu and Tirses
iii. Defeat Lilitu

Notable NPCs

Blade Prince Hertuu <Circle of Thorns> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
Blade Prince Tirses <Circle of Thorns> Elite Boss/Arch-villain
Lilitu <Circle of Thorns> Elite Boss/Arch-villain


Blade Princes Hertuu and Tirses both spawn together by the glowie, and Lilitu will ambush you once the glowie is used. Otherwise the mission is pretty straightforward.


Blade Prince Hertuu: We are the servants of Lilitu. We have been sent by her to defeat the thief of the Thorn Nexus.
Blade Prince Tirses: Yes, I already know. You didn’t need to tell me. Or anyone around us either. I think you need some help, my friend.
Blade Prince Hertuu: Quiet.
(on aggro)
Blade Prince Hertuu: We shall freeze your soul.
Blade Prince Tirses: Sweet, free lunch.
Blade Prince Hertuu: That’s ‘cool,’ not ‘sweet.’
Blade Prince Tirses: Oh, and I suppose we’re supposed to be having a cold TV dinner instead of lunch, eh?

(on aggro)
Lilitu: You shall not escape!
Lilitu: Ok, maybe you will.


Silver Meniscus

The scrying alter showed you Silver Meniscus alright, but you have no clue where she’s standing. From what you can see, she’s standing in a run-down office building. There’s also a stupid half-life symbol poster plastered against the wall behind her.


“That’s all you found? Damnit, I was so sure that would work too. Wait, did you say a half-life symbol? One moment, I have an idea.”

5) Defeat Silver Meniscus


“AHA, CAPITAL! I’ve found Silver Meniscus!”

[u]About time.[u]

“I’d like to see you do better, Superior Man. I’m still working with outdated faith-based crap on my end here. Give me SOME credit. Anyways, the half-life symbol was a dead giveaway. She’s hiding out in that old office building that was owned by Valve software. Remember? That place where you shut down the opened portal? This just goes even further to prove she’s the one who altered those masks! Go there and beat the hoof sludge out of her.”

5) Defeat Silver Meniscus
a. Defeat Silver Meniscus and her crew (abandoned office map)
i. Defeat all enemies in the mission

Notable NPCs

Silver Meniscus <Independent> (Dark Melee/Dark Armor stalker> Arch-villain
Sister Hecate <Knives of Artemis> Boss
Sister Destra <Knives of Artemis> Boss
Sister Sestra <Knives of Artemis> Boss
Sister Rhea <Knives of Artemis> Boss


The same mission map as the last map of the last arc. Nostalgic, eh? The place will be swarming with Knives of Artemis. Sister Rhea spawns alone with a mob in a random room, with the rest of the bosses spawning in the final room in the same spawn as Silver Meniscus. Like last time, Meniscus will use every dirty trick in dark’s famed arsenal, including Soul Transfer. This can be especially frustrating since you’re also fighting three bosses along with her, all of whom have headsplitter. Even hitting her will be a pain since all 4 of them have tohit debuffs and OH BWERP THE FEEEEAAAAAR! Just to make things even worse, the moment you aggro them, a never-ending stream of ambushes will come and help them, with new ambushes spawning should you kill the last, and not stopping until the 4 are defeated. Silver Meniscus will teleport away after her second defeat, just like Aeon does.


Sister Rhea: Sister Meniscus always has been serious about revenge, hasn’t she?
Mercenary: Yes. Revenge is something worthy of appreciation.
Sister Rhea: Hmm. Sounds familiar. Something at the corner of my mind.
(on aggro)
Sister Rhea: Whoever you are, you should learn to mind your own business!
Sister Rhea: I’m sorry, sister…

Silver Meniscus: He isn’t here. None of his dolls either.
Sister Destra: There are signs of intense fighting recently.
Sister Hecate: And there is an abnormally large amount of psionic residue in the background.
Sister Sestra: Perhaps somebody beat us here?
Silver Meniscus: That seems likely. Especially…Be ready. We have company.
Sister Destra: What? Who would come here of all places, and why now?
Sister Hecate: It doesn’t matter. Let’s finish this quickly.
(on aggro)
Silver Meniscus: .....Where have I seen you before?
Sister Hecate: Anticipation…..
Sister Hecate: Can’t get back up…
Sister Destra: Losing conscious…
Sister Sestra: I’m sorry, sister…
Silver Meniscus: The Moon Rises.
(75% health)
Silver Meniscus: I remember you now. What do you have to do with all of this?
(50% health)
Silver Meniscus: You’re the one who came here before, aren’t you?
(25% health)
Silver Meniscus: If I can’t have my revenge against him…You will do.
(defeated again)
Silver Meniscus: There will be soft rains…..


Sister Rhea’s Words

You interrogated Sister Rhea after beating her. You were slightly curious as to why Silver Meniscus was here with the Knives of Artemis. It took some work, but you broke her.

“Sister Meniscus was hired by somebody to use some kind of arcane rune on a bunch of masks belonging to the Carnival of Shadows. She was told she would be paid for her service at Nerva, but when she reached the meeting place, her employer tried to dismiss her without paying. Then somebody burst into the scene and beat both of them. After that, Sister Meniscus did lots of digging to find out about this place and her employer. She came here with us for revenge, pure and simple.”

You had expected something more complicated than that, like disks and frozen rods and stuff, but sometimes odd stories have simple explanations.


“Excellent work, that clears up everything. Except for one small matter.”

6) Survive being Exterminated


“Hey, one last thing for ya and then we should be done. Small easy job, but it needs to be done, ya know?”

[u]I know.[u]

“Good, good. Apparently, a carnie who was with one of those possessed illusionists got away from that last mission when we were dealing with the portal fiasco. It’s no big deal, really, but I need to take care of every loose end. Just go in there and smash that carnie, easy.
“Oh, and hey?
“It’s been nice working with you.”



The carnie is apparently hanging out in a cave in Grandville. That’s odd. Why did this one carnie go to all the trouble of running from Nerva to Grandville?

5) Survive being Exterminated
a. Survive being Exterminated (cave map)
i. Discover the truth
ii. Defeat all enemies in the mission

Notable NPCs:

Commander Cynic <Unknown> (Robotics/Force Field mastermind> Arch-villain
Big Assault Drone for Advanced Surgical Strikes <Unknown> (Assault Bot) Boss
Special Tactical Utility Drone <Unknown> (Protector Bot) Boss
Special Tactical Utility Drone <Unknown> (Protector Bot) Boss
Standard Assault Drone <Unknown> (Battle Drone) Boss
Standard Assault Drone <Unknown> (Battle Drone) Boss
Standard Assault Drone <Unknown> (Battle Drone) Boss
Silver Meniscus <Independent> (Dark Melee/Dark Armor stalker)
[Unique Faction!]


Assault Bot <Robotics> Boss
Protector Bot <Robotics> Lieutenant
Battle Drone <Robotics> Minion


The mission is completely empty and devoid of enemies when you enter, all the way to the final room, where you will find a glowie. After using it, every mob will spawn in every room except the one you are in. *The last one.* Each mob will consist of Robotics, with the size and contents of each mob varying depending on difficulty and the size of your team. Commander Cynic will spawn in a room about half-way back to the entrance, with a number of his personal drones, which increases along with the difficulty and size of your team, with a minimum of 2 drones at all times. Commander Cynic will resummon and defeated drones, but only up to the original number encountered, and only of those type. After defeating Commander Cynic, Silver Meniscus will ambush you with a small mob of Knives of Artemis behind her. Defeating her support will spawn an ambush of more, which will not stop until she is defeated a second time. After defeating her once, and getting her down to 50% health again, Commander Cynic will respawn and ambush you with more of his special drones, and they will both fight together to defeat you. Defeating both once and for all ends the mission. Both Commander Cynic and Silver Meniscus will teleport away upon their deaths.


Commander Cynic: Hello there, [villainname]. I’ve heard a lot about you from Hyperbole. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either you come back with me and live the rest of your life in solitary confinement, or you die. Here and now.
Commander Cynic: Now I know how this is supposed to go. As the maniacal backstabbing badass villain, I’m supposed to tell you to settle for solitary confinement.
Commander Cynic: But, [villainname], that’s not the way this is going to happen.
Commander Cynic: Fight for your life, [villainname]. Fight for your life.
Commander Cynic: …..And die.
(on aggro)
Commander Cynic: That’s the way, [villainname.]
(50% health)
Commander Cynic: You’re getting there.
(25% health)
Commander Cynic: So close…
Commander Cynic: You’d better leave now, before I come back.

Silver Meniscus: I’ve found you, [villainname]. You’ll pay the price that doll-master was supposed to pay.
Silver Meniscus: The Moon Rises.
(50% health)
Commander Cynic: What? You haven’t left? Wh-Oh ho! Somebody really IS in trouble! Brace yourself!
Commander Cynic: Ok. I give up.
(defeated again)
Silver Meniscus: There will be soft rains…..


Commander Cynic’s Words

Right before teleporting away for the second time, Commander Cynic dispensed a little nugget of information.

“Hey, [villainname]. You might have already figured this out by yourself, but I was sent here by Hyperbole to exterminate you. Go and tell the little sleazy [censored]-wipe to go and shove those carrots of his right up his blue metallic [censored], and tell him I give him my regards while you’re at it, will ya? Thanks.”


“I see…So he failed.
“…..Excuse me? WHAT did you just say to me?
“YOU LITTLE…uh…Monster! You’re lucky you already beat the crap out of Cynic, otherwise I’d send him to blow your [censored] off the face of the planet! You mark my words, [villainname], if you ever speak of these events to ANYONE, divulge ANY of what you’ve learned, and I’ll hunt you down and mutilate your [censored]! Got it?”

[u]Get in line.[u]

Souvenir: A Strand of Silver Meniscus’ Hair.

Now that you look at it, Silver Meniscus’ hair isn’t really white, it’s an extremely pale blond. You like to keep it as a reminder of the adventure you like to call:

[u]The Dark Side of the Moon[u]

Hyperbole had more work for you. He wanted you to track down whoever it was that had altered the masks that had belonged to the Carnival of Shadows. Since you didn’t have any leads, you decided to go and ask Venessa Devore for one or 2. She told you that while she didn’t know who the operator was, she had still always known their vague general location, and they had left for Nerva Archipelago before she lost track of them.

Hyperbole used this information to get together a list of targets who had been in Nerva at the same time as the first possessed illusionist from the last time you had worked with him. The targets were Ace McKnight and Agent X, who had been on a ‘secret mission’ according to Hyperbole, Ice Minstrel, who had been going on a ‘mystical scourge,’ and finally, Silver Meniscus, the mysterious female stalker you saw in Nerva fighting the first possessed illusionist. They were all still in Nerva, so you went to Agincourt where you discovered the first 3 of your targets and defeated them all, with Silver Meniscus nowhere to be found. You discovered that none of the 3 you defeated could have altered the masks because of a performance report you found on Ace McKnight. Silver Meniscus’ concealment skills were too advanced for you too find her though, so Hyperbole developed a plot that would let you find her.

Hyperbole sent you to the roots of the Thorn Tree, deep below the Earth. There, you fought off Baron Zoria, an entire strike force composed of rival villains, and finally the malevolent roots of the Thorn Tree itself to claim the Thorn Nexus.

The Thorn Nexus, although powerful, was useless to you in raw form. So Hyperbole directed you to an Oranbegan scrying alter where you could use it. The Circle of Thorns had summoned Lilitu and her servants, Hertuu and Tirses, to stop you, but they were no match for your might. After beating them, you used the Thorn Nexus and the scrying alter to locate Silver Meniscus, despite her concealment powers.

It turned out Silver Meniscus was in the office building where you had closed an open portal last time you worked for Hyperbole, apparently seeking revenge on the mysterious figure you had encountered for trying to rip her off. Discovering you had already torn through him, she decided defeating you would do instead. You disappointed her by defeating her TWICE, along with the Knives of Artemis that had accompanied her.

When you contacted Hyperbole, he told you that there was one loose end that needed to be taken care of. Last time you had worked with him, a single carnie had slipped through your carnage and escaped to a cave in Grandville. Hyperbole wanted her brought down so he could conclude everything. When you got there, you discovered it was a trap, and were ambushed by the powerful and blunt Commander Cynic. You fought through his army of drones and defeated him, only to be ambushed by an enraged Silver Meniscus. Right before you defeated her though, Commander Cynic recovered and resumed his attack, teaming up with Silver Meniscus to bring you down. Despite their best efforts, you overcame both of them. Commander Cynic told you of Hyperbole’s treachery before departing, leaving you to terminate your partnership with the sleazy voice from the old run-down surveillance post monitor.



Contact: Iron Samurai
Location: Portal Corp, Peregrine Island, Paragon City

Transdimensional Cybernetic Samurai

A hero of the city, agent of Vanguard, and a reserve member of the Freedom Phalanx, the mysterious Iron Samurai has made quite a name for himself in this world after his suddenly appearance near the beginning of the Rikti War. Claiming to be from a parallel Earth where science and technology is much more advanced and was attacked by the Rikti as well, the Iron Samurai was flung into our universe when he was caught in the blacklash of the Rikti portal on his homeworld when it collapsed during a major battle. Arriving on our Earth severly damaged, he has since repaired and improved his cybernetic body, rising rapidly through the ranks of heroes and become a valued ally in the fight against the Rikti. Even he has been able to put aside his hatred of his old enemy when he rescued the Traditionalist Negotiator C'Kelkah from assassination at the hands of the Malta Group in hope that she could indeed bring peace to the conflict.

Initial Contact:
Greetings fellow hero. I would have need of your talents, but there are more important tasks awaiting you. Please return if you have the time after completing them.

(Obtain the following badges: Recieved the Atlas Medallion, Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member, Redeemer, Portal Jockey)

I couldn't burden you with my problems when others needed much more urgent help. Being a hero requires putting others before ones self.

Now I am not known to be one to delegate and would normally take care of these tasks myself but recently I have suffered severe damage during the second Rikti invasion and must stay out of action for a bit. That is why I am asking for your assistance, as one hero to another.

[u]The Samurai's Way Home (45-50)[u]

1) Investigate Kaon's Lab:
While this Earth has become my new home, I have been eager to return to my own dimension as soon as possible. It has been a long time since I have seen my homeworld and I have no idea what has happened to it since I was hurtled across space and time only to end up here.

Brilliant as they are, the scientists at Portal Corp here have not been able to open a stable portal to my world. However, a collegue of mine, Miss Kaon, believes that she has found a way and has been working on it in her own lab. Today I have stopped hearing from her and nobody at the lab is answering any calls.

I would go myself but it would be foolish to do so in my condition. I am asking you to please visit her lab and find out what happened.

Mission Acceptance:
Thank you for granting me this favor. I will of course make it worth your while. Here is the address of her lab and the passcode to gain entry. Tell me what you find as soon as possible.

1) Investigate Kaon's Lab
i. Find Kaon
ii. Defeat all villains in lab
iii. Secure Kaon's work

Notable NPCs:
Kaon (Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast/Dark Mastery Defender) (Hero)
Cobalt Stinger (Radiation Blast/Traps/Mace Mastery Corruptor)

Enemies: Malta Operatives

Mission Entry Blurb: "The passcode worked to get you in, only to find the lab has been invaded by the Malta Operatives!"

Notes: Typical tech lab map with several floors. Malta are everywhere and there are random lab technicians that can be freed for extra XP/Inf. The room containing the item Kaon has been working on will have a locked door, but Kaon has a key so she will need to be rescued before you can enter than room. Once rescued she will follow you as a ally pet along with her Dark Servant. She will use Tar Patch, Fearsome Stare, Petrifying Gaze, and Twilight Grasp frequently. She will only cast Darkest Night on bosses.

Once you enter the locked room, a cutscene will play out inside.

Tac Ops Commander: You again!
Cobalt Stinger: I can't let you have all the cool toys.
Tac Ops Commander: Toys? Missy, this isn't a job for little girls and we're getting quite sick of your inteference!
Gunslinger: Can I just shoot her now? This is the third raid she's cut in on this week!
Cobalt Stinger: Speaking of cutting in... <points towards camera>
Tac Ops Commander: Damn it! Don't let ($playername) get the package!
Cobalt Stinger: Excellent, you do that! <teleports out>

You can then fight the Malta operatives in the room.

Clue: After defeating the Malta who had invaded her lab, Kaon filled you in.
"I was working on a new way to target the destination of a dimensional portal. Right now Portal Corp and everyone else can only open it within a certain area of the target as irregularities in the spacetime fabric make it sometimes impossible to place it exactly where you want it. Sometimes you can only do it if someone goes there and places a beacon ahead of time, like what the Rikti Communication Officers do.

But I found a way to better map the spacetime fabric and improve the stability of the portal so that it can be done without any need for a beacon. Portals where ever you want, you can see why Malta would want it once they got word somehow. It's going to take me a while to find out who in my lab leaked that info.

But that little wench stole the prototype and put a virus on the mainframe to corrupt the backup copies of the blueprints! It might take me weeks to salvage the data and get a new one assembled. In the meantime, a villain now has a dangerous piece of technology and who knows what she plans to do with it!"

Debriefing: I know, Kaon called me before you even got here. That device is my best hope for returning home and now it is in the hands of one of the most infamous mad engineers in the world. I fear it would only be a matter of time before she starts selling replicas on the black market and then who knows what will happen from there. Portal technology is not something to be abused.

Let me meditate on this development for a while.

2) Investigate the Attacks
Kaon has begun work on rebuilding the Janus Device, as she calls it. This setback has hardly discouraged her, I only wish I had such unflappable ethusiasm.

In the meantime, I have a little task I'd like you deal with while I continue my attempts to trace the whereabouts of Cobalt Stinger.

Mission Acceptance:
There has been an incident Eden. A group of heroes were attacked there by something other than the Devouring Earth. As far as we know there were no Crey operating in that area nor any sightings of Arachnos. Those heroes who got out via their emergency medical teleporters do not know what hit them, other than that they were picked off one by one. There are still three heroes still out there.

The hero team was attacked in a cave, here are the coordinates. Take these extra medical teleporters with you. Find any survivors as soon as possible and whoever is behind this!

1) Investigate the Attacks
i. Rescue 3 Trapped Heroes
ii. Defeat Naga Obscura

Notable NPCs:
Naga Obscura (Ninja Blade/Energy Aura/Mace Mastery Stalker) (Elite Boss)

Enemies: Devouring Earth

Mission Entry Blurb: "You wonder what threat lies here that could take down several heroes so easily."

Notes: This mission takes place in a cave map where the hostages are being detained by Devouring Earth creatures. The hostages are too wounded to help you and teleport out once rescued. The map will transition to an outdoor tree maze like Perez Park at the end of the cave system. Naga will be roaming this area. Depending on the size of the team and the difficulty setting, she will range from Elite Boss to Archvillain.

Naga patrols this area rather than waiting for your arrival and can attack you at any time once you exit the cave. She will remain Hidden until she attacks, though heroes with very high perception may be able to see her when she gets close. She can use a single target hold on those lacking hold resistance, which will also remove any ability to jump or fly. If she placates you, expect an assassin strike almost immediately afterwards. She can also drain your endurance to refill her own and will activate Overload when her health drops below 15%.

Clue: Naga Obscura managed to escape before you could detain her after she lost the battle, but the strange alien creature did tell you something.
"I was watching them, laughing as they tormented creatures that were of little threat to them. Not true warriors, they. So I showed them what it felt to be overwhelmed and stripped the ones who behaved most maliciously of their escape device. I left them to see how the creatures felt."

Debriefing: Is she implying that the heroes were abusing the Devouring Earth and that she was giving them a taste of their own medicine. As preposterous as it sounds, especially coming from a villain, I can almost entertain the possibility. I have before seen heroes who didn't understand the concept of excessive force and how they almost fell to the side of evil as a result.

Never the less, this Naga Obscura is a known accomplice of Cobalt Stinger. I will try to track down other accomplices, perhaps we can use them to lead us to her.

3) Rescue the Prisoners
We may be in luck! I have recieved word that a hero who goes by the title of Zetsumei Mitsukai was recently captured while inside a Council base. Of course you're wondering why this is good.

Mission Acceptance:
Before we lost contact, Zetsumei reported through her radio that she had seen a woman in the Council base who resembles Kathode, a known associate of Cobalt Stinger. I want you to go into that base, rescue Zetsumei Mitsukai, and try to interrogate Kathode.

3) Rescue the Prisoners
i. Rescue Zetsumei Mitsukai
ii. Locate Kathode
iii. Defeat all Council in base

Notable NPCs:
Zetsumei Mitsukai (Dual Blade/Dark Armor/Dark Mastery Scrapper) (Elite Boss)
Kathode (Electrical Meelee/Electrical Armor/Mu Mastery Brute) (Elite Boss)

Enemies: Council

Mission Entry Blurb: "With all of the underground bases and caves in this city, you wonder how it does collapse into the ground."

Notes: This is a standard Council map. However, you will not find either Zetsumei or Kathode being guarded in the normal way. Instead, you will have to break both of them out of the prison.

Clue: Upon freeing Zetsumei Mitsukai, she told you the following.
"Thanks partner, I got a bit overwhelmed and couldn't port out in time. What, you're looking for Kathode? Oh, she's right over there."

Clue: Upon freeing Kathode, she told you the following:
"Oh, back for more are you! Wait, you're not one of them. You want what, to know where Cobalt Stinger is? Tell you what hero, I'll make you a deal. If you help me get some revenge on these Council I'll be happy to tell you."

From this point on both will follow you as ally pets. Zetsumei Mitsukai will cycle through the Weaken, Empower, and Attack Vitals combos while fighting, as well as alternately running Cloak of Fear and Oppressive Gloom. She can self heal through Dark Regeneration. Kathode will use Lightning Rod and Electric Fences frequently as well as draining endurance through Power Sink periodically. She will activate Power Surge when her health drops before 15%.

WARNING: If Kathode is defeated during the mission, it will fail. The result will be about the same though.

Clue: Kathode told you:
"Ok, truth is that I don't really know where Cobalt is. If you really want to know, go talk to Anna Nethema. Last I heard, she was looking for something called the Blood Sigil."

Debriefing: I know it must have felt odd for you, fighting alongside a villain for a change. It happens more often than you'd think, as while our methods greatly differ, often our goals coincide. At least we got another name out of this, Anna Nethema. We also know what she is after, assuming that Kathode was telling the truth.

4) 'Guard' the MAGI Vault
I have found out what this Blood Sigil is. It is an old Mu artifact of power, and Anna Nethema is part Mu. She seems to have an interest in the leftovers of the dead civilization of her ancestors.

To save yourself the time, I had another hero locate and obtain the Blood Sigil from the Circle of Thorns. It will be placed in the MAGI Vault for safekeeping shortly. You know, I can tell that you are trying not to laugh.

So you want to know the plan?

Mission Accepted:
So of course we know that Anna will shortly break into the MAGI Vault and steal the Blood Sigil. In fact, I am counting on it. I have had the artifact fitted with a tracking bug that can also record audio as well as intercept radio transmissions. Whether Anna takes it directly to Cobalt Stinger's location or calls her while in range of the bug, we will have a chance to find out where she is and then can attempt to retrieve the Janus Device.

Now I want you to stand guard inside the MAGI Vault and make sure that ONLY Anna Nethema steals it. Don't let her just walk in and take it of course, give her a fight or she will get too suspicious.

4) 'Guard' the MAGI Vault

Notable NPCs:
Anna Nethema (Dark Meelee/Firey Aura/Mu Mastery Brute) (Elite Boss)

Enemies: Circle of Thorns, Carnival of Shadows

Mission Entry Blurb: "On the way in you saw a sign reading '2 Day(s) Since Our Last Robbery'."

Notes: This mission takes place in a warehouse filled with mystical looking items. The map will be assaulted in waves by Circle of Thorns and Carnival of Shadows, three waves of each. After the final wave, Anna Nethema will appear alone and attack you. Depending on the size of the team and the difficulty setting, she will range from Elite Boss to Archvillain. When her health falls below 5% she will take the Blood Sigil and escape. If you are defeated, the mission is still considered successfully completed.

(on arrival)
Anna Nethema: "The MAGI Vault. It might as well have a revolving door at the entrance."
(on aggro)
Anna Nethema: "A guard? This is a bit unusual."
(at 50% health)
Anna Nethema: "This calls for a more violent approach!"
(at 25% health)
Anna Nethema: "You're starting to make me mad!"
(on victory)
Anna Nethema: "Anyone else want some?"
(on escape)
Anna Nethema: "Maybe next time!"

Debriefing: Excellent work! Soon after she escaped with the Blood Sigil, she made a call to Cobalt Stinger. This is almost too good!

5) Raid Cobalt Stinger's Lab
We've already traced the signal and now know where the lab is. All that is left is for you to go there and retrieve the Janus Device.

Mission Acceptance:
I'm sorry that I cannot send any help in with you. While I can have Longbow set up a perimeter outside, if we send a task force in now she might panic and flee with the device again. Once you're inside, we can deploy the anti-teleport field over the area. By then it will be too late for her to sneak out and if she does, it'll have to be on foot where she'll find heroes waiting for her.

Good luck and make me proud.

5) Raid Cobalt Stinger's Lab
i: Find 3 Keys
ii: Defeat Cobalt Stinger
iii: Escape the Lab

Notable NPCs:
Cobalt Stinger (Radiation Blast/Traps/Mace Mastery Corruptor) (Elite Boss)
Anna Nethema (Dark Meelee/Firey Aura/Mu Mastery Brute) (Elite Boss)
Kathode (Electrical Meelee/Electrical Armor/Mu Mastery Brute) (Elite Boss)
Naga Obscura (Ninja Blade/Energy Aura/Mace Mastery Stalker) (Elite Boss)
Gummi Bear (Shivan Decimator) (Elite Boss)
The Warden (PPD Enforcer) (Boss)
Sarge (Vanguard HVAS) (Elite Boss)

Enemies: Reprogrammed Robots (MekMen, Jumpbots, Rikti Drones, PPD Drones/Guardians/Enforcers, Jaegers), Automated Defenses, Enhanced Rikti Monkeys

Mission Entry Blurb: "Where does she get such wonderful toys?"

Notes: This map is essentially a mad scientist's funhouse. The setting is a multilevel tech lab inhabited with robots that have been captured and reprogrammed, rikti monkeys that have been semi-tamed and enhanced to minion status, automated base defense guns, and a pet shivan decimator. Cobalt Stinger is inside a room not far from the entrance that is sealed with a series of locked doors. You will need to obtain the keys by defeating her minions.

There is a prison room that you will be sent to if defeated. It is guarded by PPD robots, including The Warden, who has one of the keys. The Sarge carries another key and can be found in the robotic lab, which is filled with MekMen and Jaegers. The Rikti Drones are all over the map and accompanied by the monkeys. These mobs can often be found near base defense guns, as list of which can be found here.

In the chemistry lab you can find some hazmat suits. They are not needed to complete the mission but will come in useful as they provide a special resistance until the end of the mission.

Once two keys have been found, you can approach Cobalt's inner sanctum. After the first two doors you will find yourself in a room with Gummi Bear, who has a key embedded within his gelatinous body along with other debris. After defeating him you will get a cutscene.

Cobalt Stinger: "Ok, so you found me. You're mad about that Janus thingamajig? Fine, come get some!"

You will not be able to enter the last room. Depending on team size and difficulty setting, Cobalt Stinger will be either an Elite Boss or an Archvillain. She will constantly summon her traps during battle and can repair minions that you injure. She will initially be flanked by two Jumpbot bosses and will be aided by more minions as the battle rages on. When her health hits 10%, Cobalt will use Atomic Blast.

You will notice a pair of chemical tanks inside this room. If destroyed, they will go off like Warburg Chemical Burn Warhead, dealing -Resistance and -Defense. The blast radius is big enough to cover the entire room and anyone without a hazmat suit will be affected, while those with the suits will be safe. This gives those who picked up the suits a way to debuff Cobalt and her minions.

(on aggro)
Cobalt Stinger: "Alright, let's settle this!"
(at 50% health)
Cobalt Stinger: "Did you think I was gonna be fair?" <ambushes arrive>
(at 25% health)
Cobalt Stinger: "I didn't come into your house and break your toys!"
(at 10% health)
Cobalt Stinger: "That's it, I'm going critical on you!" <detonates Atomic Blast>
(on victory)
Cobalt Stinger: "I'll be waiting for you to come back."
(on defeat)
Cobalt Stinger: "Silly hero, I don't have your device anyways."

Clues: Upon her defeat, Cobalt Stinger told you this:
"I don't have your stupid Janus Device anymore but I know who does. Mindskewer and her sisters ran off with it to some old base in Faultline. Go there if you want it."

After Cobalt is defeated, Anna Nethema, Kathode, and Naga Obscura will spawn between this room and the base exit.

Anna Nethema: "Well that wasn't much of a blockade outside."
Kathode: "The Candy Cane Brigade went down hard. Let's hope we're in time."
Naga Obscura: "I don't think we are."
Anna Nethema: "Sonofa...don't let that hero escape!"

Notes: Defeating Anna, Kathode, and Naga is optional. You only have to escape to the mission exit but they will block your path. They will be either Elite Bosses or Archvillains depending on team size and difficulty setting.

Debriefing: None

6) Retrieve the Janus Device

Notable NPCs:
Menshenbrecher (Gravity Control/Energy Assault/Mu Mastery Dominator) (Elite Boss)
Amanita Infernus (Plant Control/Fire Assault/Mu Mastery Dominator) (Elite Boss)
Winterkill (Ice Control/Ice Assault/Coralax Mastery Dominator) (Elite Boss)
Mindskewer (Mind Control/Thorny Assault/Coralax Mastery Dominator) (Elite Boss)

Enemies: Arachnos

Mission Entry Blurb: "You didn't want to waste time calling the Iron Samurai, so you came straight here to finish this."

Notes: Once again, depending on the team size and difficulty setting, they will be either Elite Bosses or Archvillains. The map is a ruined base in Faultline. You will find them initially fighting Arachnos, but they will all turn on you once aggroed. They can be found in the following order as the map is fairly linear: Menshen and Amanita, Menshen and Winterkill, then all four together at the end. In the first two encounters they only fight in pairs, if one is defeated they will both teleport away. Only in the last room do they fight to the last villain.

Menshen flies while Amanita and Winterkill are superspeeders. Mindskewer is a superjumper and possesses stealth as well as casting leadership powers on them all. When one of them is defeated, they will cast vengance on the remaining. Try to avoid letting them all activate Domination at the same time.

Clue: Upon defeating all four of the villains, you got the truth from Mindskewer.
"What Janus Device? I have never heard of such a thing, who told you we had taken it? Cobalt Stinger! She lied to you, hero, and you bought it!"

Debriefing: Yeah, Cobalt Stinger took you for a ride in the end. That crew she sent you off after, I don't know if she held a grudge on them or if they were just conviently placed diversions. In the end, it's doesn't matter much.

You're wondering why I'm not sending your back after Cobalt Stinger and her friends again? Well get this, a package arrived containing the Janus Device. Nobody saw who delivered it, but I can hazard a guess. As far as Kaon can tell, it's all in working order but it has been disassembled and reassembled. Cobalt probably sent you on a wild goose chase so she could have more time to finish her reverse-engineering of it.

Well I just might be able to get home now, we're going to try very soon with the Janus Device plugged in as soon as Kaon is sure that it won't sabotage the portal equipment. We still got to keep an eye out though, in case this tech does start showing up elsewhere. Until now we can only wait as Cobalt and Company went back into hiding.

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. Oh, and this was also in the package, for you.

Souvenir: A photo of Cobalt Stinger, Anna Nethema, Kathode, and Naga Obscura on a tropical beach somewhere. Is this to mean that they have already left the country? Or gone further? With that new portal technology, they could be anywhere by now.



I showed my story arc to the Masters on our own boards and got a little bit of a rewrite to Panzerfrau's dialogue that was a bit more true to the character. From Palette, here's the rewritten part:


(Walking into the club)
Smashing Pumpkin: Hey, did you see Elitist when he got back to the base.
Harlequin: ‘E zeemed most upset…
Panzerfrau: Vhat, you ver expektink him to make die Trondheim Hammar Danz? Der Council vas vaitink fur him und zhey elektronikdataerasengemacht beffur he vas able to krasch through ze door!
Smashing Pumpkin: I woulda pulled that off easy.

Panzerfrau: Zhis party ist sorely lackink pneumatic entertainment deffices. Bored now. </em crossarms>
Panzerfrau: Now is die time in das Kriegspiel VHEN VE DANZ! (sp…) (summons 3 Battle Drones)
(at 50%)
Panzerfrau: Schattze, du bist zo very butch! But, how you say: if vhanting lovink, usink glovink! (Summons 2 Protector Bots)
(at 25%)
Panzerfrau: Und now I am turnink up to eleffen! Behold, Heavy Metal Umlaut! (Summons Assault Bot)
Panzerfrau: Ach du lieber!

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Wow, that's very cool and very creative! So, this thing is gonna be in the game, eh? That's pretty neat. I didn't even know people could make story arcs for the game. I wonder if I've got the talent...




Shitoko no this isn't going to be in the game.

And BB you do know that Panzerfrau = Tank Wife.

If that's not intended, it would be Panzerplatten, which is armor.



I thought Panzer itself means armored.

Panzerfaust, for instance, means "Armored Fist."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Panz isn't my character, but I'm sure PalPal knows what she named her.

And nah, these won't be in the game, they're just for fun.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



If these were in the game, the people doing them would develope the urge to go frequent the PWNZ forums and go /e wrists rather than do these missions. In case you haven't noticed, they are all completely suicidal.

Now ask yourself if I meant the people or the missions.



It's my goal to make an arc even harder than the LRSF.

*sage nod*

Can't let WoW get all the press about people suiciding!

Note to self: Make a badge mission for Toy.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Awesome stuff Dogma, Lazarus, Devious, and Brawler! This is a really great thread. I may give this a whirl myself if I can work up the motivation.


"Always remember that you're unique -- just like everybody else."



Awesome stuff! I have a storyline, but it's too late at night to type if up right this minute. Lemme start a couple of side missions.

Dr. Lore

Arachnos Vampirologist

Dr. Samantha Lore has kept her past vague and secretive. She was born and grew up in Paragon City, but was taken hostage after a bank robbery gone wrong and forcefully to the Rogue Isles afterward. She joined Arachnos to spare her life, the vague facts continue, and she enrolled in Aeon U for her Ph.D and in later years became the director of Grandville's hospital.

But you know she's more than just a doctor. She is a scientist who specializes research in the supernatural and the undead. She is also a servant and apprentice to Captain Mako, which may be the influence to her cold nature and brutal fighting style. Her various roles and jobs on the Rogue Isles constantly keep her on her feet, so maybe she needs a helping hand with one of her occupations.

Prior to Unlocking
Hm? (VillainName)? I don't recall setting up an appointment with you... Oh, you're looking for work. I see. I have heard of you and your deeds, but I don't feel you can handle my kind of work. Come see me again after you give me proof the creatures of the night fear you like they do me.

(Obtain The Silver Bullet badge, The Slayer badge)

Initial Contact
Ah, so you are a true hunter of the night things, (VillainName). I respect that, I do. Allow me proper introductions: I am Dr. Lore, director of Grandville's hospital, but you are clearly aware of my other professions.
I'm constantly busy, so I will need an extra pair of hands to get some work done. I assure you, you'll be well rewarded for your services. Can you start immediately?

[u]Level 40-45 Missions[u]
[u]Destroy vampyri laboratory[u]
As a vampirologist, I have nothing but respect for these amazing creatures. How they can live for centuries on blood alone, how most stop aging after maturity, how their very presence intimidates even the bravest of humans, even how they've thrived for centuries almost in secret! I feel nothing can match their brilliance!...
...So it sickens me to see the Council making grotesque copies of my specimines! How dare they believe these THINGS are as magnificant as the genuine artical! Those vampyri are scrawny, weak-willed mutalated humans that stain the true bloodlines of the vampire! They're ugly, too! If there was one standing right here, right now, I'd rip out it's... sorry, I didn't mean to stray off topic.
Anyway, I've discovered an underground Council laboratory where some of these vampyri are being manufactured. Destroy that lab and the abominations in it!

Mission Acceptance
I have the explosives you'll need to get the job done. Plant these inside the base, and use the remote to detonate them after you're out of the base and a safe distance away. There will be vampyri all over the place, so put those failed science projects out of their misery. If there are other Council in the base, well... I suppose they deserve the same fate as their creations. Hehe.
Clue: Bombs
These are small and crude, but put in the right places they can do a lot of damage.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I don't like repeating myself, but very well. Destroy that disgusting Council base and everyone in it!

Mission Objective
Did a loud hiss echo off the cave walls, or was it your imagination?
~Set 5 Bombs
~Defeat all Council in Base
You set the bombs and made an interesting aquaintance!

Notiable NPCs
Archon Fallen (Equinox Archon)
Vincent Delacroix (non-escort NPC)
Enemies: Council

NPC Text:
Before combat:
Archon Fallen: So you are the genuine artical! It's lucky we caught you, Nosferatu needs a new test subject.
Vincent Delacroix: You lot are more foolish than I thought. I was curious about your super soldiers, so I allowed myself to be captured. Now, prepare yourself as I give you a second death...
Combat start:
Vincent Delacroix: ...or (VillainName) can kill you, that suits me fine.
Archon Fallon: You fool! I'll suck you dry!

Clue: He's Not Human
The man in the blue suit doesn't look like one of the Council, or hostle for that matter. But something about him makes you feel uneasy and tense just by looking at him. He sniffs the air slightly before speaking to you:
"I can smell her scent on you. So, my dear Samantha sent you here, no doubt to obliterate this place for it's 'stain on vampiric heritage.' Her obsession can be trying at times. Adorable, but trying. I suppose it is my fault, after meeting me she has been fasinated by my people. Ah, where are my manners? I am Victor Delacroix, a man of no current consequence.
"Ah, Samantha... what do you think of her? I think she is quite the specimine herself. Her intelligence, determination and resourcefullness are delicious on their own, but you have yet to see her in battle. When she makes a kill, she has a wicked Cheshire Cat grin and her eyes... the eyes of a madwoman, they are. Simply intoxicating... which is a pity. She holds hereself back often, such a pity. She could be so much more if that beast didn't keep her on a choke chain; or if she didn't let herself be chained in the first place...
"In any case, I leave you with a warning: Samantha has made many enemies from the Council and my people because of her obsession, and on top of that she has a nose for trouble. Be prepared to dig yourself out of any messes she leaves you in if you continue to work for her. You both swim in shark-infested waters, it would be a shame if you were both eaten."
With that, he walks past you towards the exit of the base. Dr. Lore has some interesting friends... and enemies.

I felt the explosion from here. Job well done, (VillainName). I feel I can count on you for any job I need doing. Speaking of which, there is... what's this about a man in a blue suit? Did he say his name was Vincent Delacroix? What the devil was he doing there? He didn't say? And he said what about me? Hmph, I'll never understand that man... among others.

[u]Retrieve Private Letters[u]
I have a minor annoyance I need you to deal with. Some sensitive paperwork has been taken from my residence in Cap au Diable, and the thieves are blackmailing me with it. I don't intend to give them anything, but I can't afford to have that sensitive information public. Can I count on you to get those letters back and teach some pond scum a lesson?

Mission Acceptance
Good. I'll be brief.
The theives were dumb enough to leave me an address with their blackmail proposal: a warehouse in Sharkhead. Based on the terrible spelling and leet-speak, they're Freakshow. I'd deal with this myself, but they will most likely be expecting me to attack in retaliation. They won't be expecting you. And make sure none of those fools are left alive, so that no information of mine leaks.
Unnecessary Solicitation
What are you waiting for?! Get those letters back and smash those blackmailers heads in! They won't get away with this!

[u]Mission Objective[u]
You hear loud snickering in the next room.
~Destroy all Freakshow
~Retrieve Dr. Lore's papers
You've defeated all the blackmailers and discovered what the fuss was about!
Enemies: Freakshow
Notable NPCs:
Uber-Smasher (Boss)

NPC Text

Before Combat: This is great! If she pays, I'm rich! If she doesn't pay, we'll ship these straight to Mako!
Combat Start: Back off! I stole these fair and square!

Clue: Unsent Love Letters?
You couldn't help yourself, and skimmed through the various pieces of paper you picked up. All of the letters are handwritten, confessing love to the reciepient, and addressed to Captain Mako. Some of the notes are imcomplete drafts of the others and some are crumbled as though they've been crushed into a ball and thrown away.
Why in the world is Dr. Lore writing Captain Mako love letters? It would certainly end her careers, and possibly her life. It would also make a few stomachs churn, like your own.

GIMME THOSE! Ahem, I mean thank you, (VillainName). I'll destroy these right away so this doesn't happen again.
You didn't happen to read them, did you? YOU DID?! I... I... um... well, if you're going to try to blackmail me too, forget it. I'm destroying your only proof. Let's just put this behind us and move on, okay?

The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood



The Recycler
Old Scientific Assistance and Janitorial Drone

First appearing in Warburg, The Recycler was quick to side with Arachnos forces upon its sighting and moved permanently to Grandville, where it plans to spend the rest of its time. It is not often seen by the various ‘Destined Ones’ running about. It sticks to the shadows, mostly cleaning up some mess or another with a wide variety of tools ranging from items found in a Janitor’s Closet to those found in industrial mass production plants. It seems perfectly content to just sweep up garbage and junk left behind by others, neglected and to be eventually forgotten.

Initial Contact

”…Reduce…Reuse…Recycle…I am humble…And too weary to associate with you unless you know more about the war-torn land of rogues and the distorted land of temporal change. Otherwise…Too much…Not understand…Wouldn’t work…Please leave me alone.

(Obtain all exploration badges for Warburg and Recluse’s Victory.)

[u]Toppling Towers[u] (45-50)

[u]1) Visit the Lee Towers in the Past[u]

”…You know of time…You know of war…Can use…One moment…Activating reserve emergency power supply…Redistributing power…Bringing operational levels to maximum capacity…I apologize for any communications errors that may have occurred earlier. It has been some time since I have operated at this level. Now that we can converse more efficiently, I would like hire your services, for I am in need of people of your expertise, and such specimens are rare.

I have been waiting for someone like you…No, that is not right…For you SPECIFICALLY…to come along. I was not always like this, you see. I have you to thank for that. Do not worry, it is a good thing. I used to have more than just these tools…I was a war machine. Not just ANY war machine either! I was made on a scale so grand it makes the Jade Spider pale in comparison! Now, I no longer possess the weapons or the armor that made me powerful. Now, I only have my conscious…My knowledge…And I know what must be done.”

[u]Stick around to learn what the thing is rambling about.[u]

Mission Acceptance

“I need you to visit the Lee Towers in Paragon City a few years in the past, I have already adjusted the Destiny portal to transport you accordingly. You will know what to do once you get there, this you may count on. Feel free to bring as many compatriots as you like along with you, I will happily accommodate all of them. I apologize for not explaining what I need from you yet, but it will all become much clearer once you get there.”

Clue: History and Rumors

You know from your jaunts in Recluse’s Victory that the Lee Towers will possibly get wrecked by Arachnos in the near future. You also know that nobody actually knew what kind of buildings the towers were-Offices, apartments, nobody ever had any idea.

1) Visit the Lee Towers in the Past
a. Defeat all enemies in the mission. (Atlas Park Outdoors, Lee Towers)

Notable NPCs:

Slagged War Machine (PPD Enforcer powers) <Unknown> Boss

Unique Villain Group!


Assault Bot: <Robotics> Boss
Protector Bot: <Robotics> Lieutenant
Battle Drone: <Robotics> Minion


Outdoor mission with glowing blue force field boundaries. Mission space covers the grounds of the Lee Towers, Robotics mobs scattered about. The boss is a tier-1 upgraded assault bot with PPD Enforcer powers. No complications tacked on.


Assault Bot: “Strategic analysis of the situation reveals that our attempts are futile. There will be no salvation. There shall be no victory. There is only defeat.”
Protector Bot: “There is no other option. It is the only chance we have against villainname.”
(on aggro)
Assault Bot: “Combat protocols engaged. Fighting. Fighting. Fighting.”
Protector Bot: “Fighting…Fighting…Registering system anomaly: Sorrow. “

Slagged War Machine: “These towers hold the key to our survival. Such irony. Tactical analysis states that we are about to meet our end.”
(on aggro)
Slagged War Machine: “Somehow, I knew it would be you. It was always you.”
(at 50% health)
Slagged War Machine: “I know my place. Why do I fight? It is futile.”
Slagged War Machine: “Before, there was rage. But now...I am…Just tired…

Clue: These drones seemed more human than machine, especially the old and wrecked drone that was leading them.


“I knew you would be successful in your endeavors. You will be visiting the Lee Towers again later, but for now they shall stand tall. It really is funny, such wonders inside and all anybody had to do to get at them was open the door. In the entire time of their being, nobody ever exploited the simple fact that the doors were never locked. No, do not try it now, there is nothing of value left.”

[u]2) Attack warehouse in Warburg[u]

“Your next mission is a bit further into the past than last time, in Warburg. To ensure that your previous mission actually happens, you will need to go to a certain warehouse in Warburg and destroy everyone and everything you find inside it. There is nothing more I can tell you, thanks to your future endeavors. Do not worry, it is a good thing.”

[u]Yada yada yada…Takes Mission[u]

Mission Acceptance

“I have adjusted the Destiny portal to deliver you to the correct location once again. I should warn you that it could be any of the warehouses there, belonging to Rogue Arachnos, Malta…Or others. I never did get the change to figure out who owned it. In any case, I would recommend bringing some help along with you.”

Clue: Odd way of putting it

“To ensure that your previous mission actually happens” indeed.

2) Clear the warehouse
a. Clear out the warehouse. (Normal warehouse that turns into a longbow-style base a little ways in. Warehouse is a lie.)
i. 1 supply cache to destroy *glowie*
ii. 1 nano-assembler to destroy *glowie*
iii. 1 generator to destroy
iv. Defeat all enemies in mission

Notable NPCs:

Mechanomorphic (Robotics/Traps Mastermind) <Unknown> Elite Boss
Assault Drone Mk. 3 (Assault Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Assault Drone Mk. 2 (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Assault Drone Mk. 2 (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Assault Drone Mk. 1 (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Boss
Assault Drone Mk. 1 (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Boss
Assault Drone Mk. 1 (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Boss
Sucker-Punch Surprise Supreme Turret (Pop-Up Turret) <Turrets> Boss
Meet-Your-Maker Pest Extermination Turret (Gas Missile Turret) <Turrets> Boss

Unique Faction!

Assault Bot (Assault Bot) Boss
Protector Bot (Protector Bot) Lieutenant
Battle Drone (Battle Drone) Minion


The supply cache and nano-assembler both spawn next to each other, with Mechanomorphic in the same room. He will spawn with an increasing or decreasing number of drones, depending on difficulty level and the size of your team. Every mob on the map will have a randomly selected trap amongst it, from caltrops and triage beacons to poison traps and land mines. Pop-Up and Gas Missile turrets are liberally scattered about the map, with a large concentration in the final room. Mechanomorphic has three triage beacons around him when you first encounter him, but these are targetable and may be destroyed. His drones will also detonate upon death and he can utilize his entire secondary throughout the course of the battle. He will not resummon his drones as they are defeated, but will instead summon additional drones as his HP is depleted.


Mechanomorphic: Where’s that blasted machine? It needs heavy repairs after being busted up by villainname. Again.
(on aggro)
Mechanomorphic: “Let me show ya the good ol’ way of doing things…”
(at 75% health)
Mechanomorphic: “This calls for some gun.” *Summons an additional number of Assault Drone Mk. 1s depending on the difficulty and team size*
(at 50% health)
Mechanomorphic: “When gun don’t work…Use more gun.” *Summons an additional number of Assault Drone Mk. 2s depending on the difficulty and team size*
(at 25% health)
Mechanomorphic: “Just as tough as last time, eh villainname? MORE GUN.” *Summons an additional number of Assault Drone Mk. 3s depending on difficulty and team size*
Mechanomorphic: “Shoulda used more gun…”
(player defeat)
Mechanomorphic: “Problem solved.”

Clue: Custom Repair Facility
The supply cache was fairly mundane, but the nano-assembler looked to be custom made to service one machine. Probably some high-end titan-esque drone.


“How did it go? I figured you wrecked everything, but I never did hear about it. Guy with a mech right arm? Blue goggles? Fond of turrets? That would be Mechanomorphic you fought there. He’s a terrorist. Such an ironic occupation for a good ol’ boy. You’ll see him again later.”

[u]3) Destroy Lee Towers[u]


“Now that all immediate temporal entanglements have been sorted out, we can move on to the main event. You’ll be traveling into the future this time, and aiding Arachnos in the destruction of the Lee Towers. It’s the event that helped birth Recluse’s Victory. You will probably be fighting the Freedom Phalanx as well as the Vindicators, plus Longbow and every other form of law enforcement in Paragon City. Should be fun.”

[u]Insert maniacal laughter here, pausing to say yes[u]

Mission Acceptance:

“I knew you would like it. The Destiny portal has been adjusted with the precise coordinates, as per usual. Arachnos should be fine with it, they brought plenty of rogues along with them I believe. Keep an eye out for them, they could probably lend a hand. Bringing along a few friends would be even better. As a small detail, I’ll also need you to recover any gear Manticore-he WILL be there-may drop by complete coincidence and hand it over to Arachnos. They can take it from there.”

Clue: Bombs

The Recycler told you that Arachnos would be passing out free fireworks during the attack, and that you qualified for a few.

3) Destroy Lee Towers
a. Destroy Lee Towers (Atlas Park outdoors, Lee Towers area)
i. 8 bombs to plant
ii. Defeat Manticore
iii. Defeat Ms. Liberty
iv. Defeat Back Alley Brawler

Notable NPCs:

Manticore (Manticore) <Freedom Phalanx> Elite Boss/Hero
Ms. Liberty (Ms. Liberty) <Vindicators> Elite Boss/Hero
Back Alley Brawler (Back Alley Brawler) <Freedom Phalanx> Elite Boss/Hero
Stardusk <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Silent Blade <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss
Shock Treatment <Rogue Isles Villains> Boss


Lee Towers map once again, only this time with a few Arachnos Dropships hovering uselessly a few hundred meters above and two on the ground, with an initial wave of Arachnos troops to fight with a matching slightly weaker wave of Longbow troops. Scattered mobs of more Longbow, PPD and Wyvern. The Rogue Isles villains will be shadow fighting random mobs, waiting to be rescued so they can team up with you. The three heroes are also scattered about at random, well away from the Rogue Isles villains. 8 bomb points, 4 for each tower, 1 for each side.


All NPCs will have their dev-given dialogue.

Clue: Memory Core

This looks a bit like a memory core one would find in an A.I., but this one appears to be heavily modified and much more advanced than anything human-made. Wonder why Manticore would be carrying something like this around?

“I knew you would pull it off. I had no idea how, I only had my own existence to confirm it. Truth be told, as historically important as the destruction of the Lee Towers is, that was not the real reason you were there. I’ll have to tell you about it someday.”

[u]4) Destroy the Incomplete Threshold Tower[u]

“You know that time is actually linear, right? Moving backwards in time should be, logically, impossible. Traveling to the future? Certainly. Past? No. It should not be possible. Unfortunately, the universe does not agree with me on this point. It still befuddles me every time I reconfigure the Destiny portal. Fortunately, the Shadow Shard is a different dimension with its own time, which really just simplifies everything down to standard teleportation. I need you to go there and destroy the foundation for a tower that can create cosmic string, by the way.”


Mission Acceptance

“Splendid! You will not have to worry about the Rularuu, as they have been suppressed by the builders of the tower. It itself is in a very early stage of construction, which is fortunate. If it were complete, it would be completely indestructible and immune to all forms of attack. I ‘filched,’ as one might say, some bombs from the lab earlier. They have been modified to destroy the foundation of the tower when planted in the correct locations. I would wish you good luck, but in truth, I already know exactly how you are going to succeed.”

Clue: Bombs

These look like Arachnos Cruise Missiles or possibly Omega Bombs.

4) Destroy the Incomplete Threshold Tower
a. Destroy the Foundation (Outdoor Shadow Shard map, plus one Threshold Tower)
i. 6 bombs to plant
ii. 3 phase field generators to destroy
iii. Defeat the Foundation’s guardian.

Notable NPCs:

Battle Scarred War Machine (PPD Enforcer/Assault Rifle/Energy Blast) <Unknown> Elite Boss

Unique Faction!

Assault Bot (Assault Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Protector Bot (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Lieutenant
Battle Drone (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Minion


Standard Shadow Shard map plus one Incomplete Threshold Tower. I couldn’t find anything to compare it to online, so a brief synopsis is in order. A dome thing with some large module structures attached to it, all made of white/silvery metal with what could be walls in the process of construction in a cylindrical shape. The foundation for the tower is largecat large, we are talking Chantry and Storm Palace large. Most of the robotics mobs around will be ‘working’ on the tower with the welding torch animation or something to that general effect. The Battle-Scarred War Machine will be on the clear opposite side of the tower you arrive on and is a larger version of the fully upgraded assault bot with black and white armor paint. The moment he is attacked, there will be a never-ending wave of robotics reinforcements that will only stop once he is defeated. The reinforcements also stack, so thinning their ranks down to an acceptable amount is crucial during the battle. The six bombs you need to plant distributed evenly along the foundation’s edges. The three phase field generators are placed in a triangular fashion around the tower foundation as well.


Battle Drone: “What happens if the Rularuu attack?”
Assault Bot: “As long as the phase field generators are up, the foundation cannot be damaged. All we’d have to do is protect them.”

Battle Scarred War Machine: “He was not there. He promised he would be. That leaves only Mechanomorphic with the required equipment to repair me. What happens if he is not there either? What happens if I cannot be repaired?”
(on aggro)
Battle Scarred War Machine: “Villainname. Just because you have defeated me twice before does not mean I cannot defeat you. Collective! Defend the foundation!”
(at 50% health)
Battle Scarred War Machine: “Why do you pursue me? After thinking it over, it occurs to me that you must have evicted Heath from my previous repair station. Why? WHY?”
(at 25% health)
Battle Scarred War Machine: “You have already robbed me of my creators and my former power. You will not rob me of anything else.” *Uses Nova*
Battle Scarred War Machine: “Must escape…Must be repaired…” *Teleports upon defeat*
(player defeat)
Battle Scarred War Machine: “You were the only one to ever defeat me. Your death is my apotheosis.”


“Excellent work, villainname. You have proven to be skilled at toppling towers. If the Threshold Tower had ever been completed, it would have been built upon for an eternity, stretching on into infinity. Eventually stretching so far that the curvature of time along the edge of this universe would cause it to loop all the way back to the Shadow Shard eventually. It would outlast existence itself, before ultimately recreating it. It just was not the way things were meant to be. Its destruction was necessary.

Souvenir: Phase Field Generator Core

This is all that remains of a device that protected the foundation of a Threshold Tower in the Shadow Shard. You like to keep it as a reminder of an adventure you call:

Toppling Towers

It started when an old janitorial drone called The Recycler drew your attention, and offered to hire your services. You accepted, and without any explanation you were sent back in time to visit the Lee towers in Paragon City, where you fought battle drones intent on breaking into the towers for unknown reasons. The drones, and the wrecked machine that was leading them, all appeared to recognize you in addition to acting more like humans than machines.

The Recycler then sent you back in time once more to a warehouse in Warburg, with instructions to destroy everyone and everything inside. This proved trickier than normal, as the owner of the place was Mechanomorphic. A terrorist who specializes in robotics and traps, his metal minions and booby traps hindering you every step of the way. You defeated him and destroyed all his equipment, the purpose of which was unclear.

You were then sent into the future to aid Arachnos in the destruction of the Lee Towers. While there, you fought the Back Alley Brawler, Ms. Liberty, and Manticore, who had all come to defend the towers. The Recycler had told you to retrieve a specific object off of Manticore’s person, which turned out to be a highly advanced memory core that you handed over to Arachnos per your instructions.

Finally, you were sent to the Shadow Shard so you could destroy the foundation for something called a Threshold tower. You arrived to find hordes of robotic drones guarding it, along with a battle scarred war machine who seemed to know you and claimed that you had defeated him twice before. You defeated him, (for a third time?) and destroyed the foundation usingthe Arachnos bombs the Recycler had given you.



Returning to the Recycler as a Contact

[u]A.I. is a Crapshoot[u] (45-50)

[u]1) Switch the Construction Plans[u]

“Have you freshened up since our last encounter? Excellent. I have some good news and some bad news for you. The bad news is, if you do not do what I say, I will cease to exist and all the resources I have expended on you will also cease to exist, which makes one wonder what, exactly, would happen to YOU.

“Thankfully, the good news is that I still plan on hiring your services rather than trying to force you to help me. Just think of it as a coincidence that you now have a potentially lethal time paradox hanging over your head. It will go away if you help me, which is what I am hiring you to do. So no worries. First, we need to make sure that the Shadow Shard Threshold Tower’s construction was planned so you could show up and wreck it.”

[u][censored] Time Travel[u]

Mission Acceptance:

“Ok, the plans for the tower originally had it placed near the edge of the universe. The plan was to construct it so that once it looped and re-joined with itself, the tower would actually be a gigantic ring. Coincidentally, it would also be the largest structure in this universe and quite a few others I believe. However, the Shadow Shard is most notably, NOT at the edge of this Universe. It is, in fact, its own universe entirely. Not only would this have made the ring structure smaller than planned, but nobody ever got that far because you showed up. I have adjusted the Destiny portal to send you to the right place. It will be unusual, as it is quite a bit ‘out there…’ but you have probably seen weirder by now.”

Clue: Time Paradox?

Something the Recycler said to you a while ago before this whole time paradox business bothers you…He had implied that a time paradox would be impossible when he said time is linear. What is he trying to pull?

1) Switch the Construction Plans
a. Switch the plans (Indoor Rikti Map)
i. 1 Terminal to access
ii. Defeat the Sentience Virus Perfect Manifest

Notable NPCs:

Sentience Virus Perfect Physical Manifest (Deathsurge) <Cap Au Diable Demons> Elite Boss
Cosmic Entity (Cyclone Elemental) <Lanaruu> Boss
Star Denizen (Tempest Elemental) <Lanaruu> Lieutenant
Otherworldly Being (Squall Elemental) <Lanaruu> Minion
Sentience Virus Imperfect Physical Manifest (Gremlin) <Cap Au Diable Demons> Minion


The entire map is scattered with Gremlin and Lanaruu mobs, with Deathsurge in the final room and the glowie behind it. Just slaughter the mobs, kill Deathsurge, click the glowie.


Sentience Virus Perfect Physical Manifest: “Objective: Defend terminal.”
(on aggro)
Sentience Virus Perfect Physical Manifest: “Engaging hostile.”
(player defeat)
Sentience Virus Perfect Physical Manifest: “Hostile eliminated.”


“Good job there. Working backwards chronologically is not so hard, no?”

[u]2) Plant Sentience Virus[u]

“So, remember the big bad electro baddies from your last jaunt? We need to make sure they existed. Which means you just need to plant this virus I had concocted in the right place. This is much easier said than done, and I would strongly encourage you to bring help on this mission.”

[u]If they never existed I never got infamy for defeating them. Let’s do this.[u]

Mission Acceptance:

“This is an underground bunker in Warburg this time around. I am not quite clear of what was inside of it. Fuzzy memory, in no small part thanks to you. Do not worry, it is a good thing. Could be Arachnoids for all I know. The only thing I do remember is that there is something truly horrific and pestilent within. As long as you are there, wreck everything. Any equipment you find, anybody you see, and so forth.”

Clue: Memory

This sounds an awful lot like the last mission you had from the Recycler that was in Warburg.

2) Plant Sentience Virus
a. Plant Sentience Virus (Longbow Lab Map)
i. Defeat all enemies in mission
ii. 1 terminal to access
iii. 1 supply cache to destroy *glowie*
iv. 1 nano-assembler to destroy
v. 1 key to find

Notable NPCs:

"Bitter Heath" Nightshade (Mercenaries/Poison Mastermind) <Unknown> Elite Boss
Bio-Tank (Commando) <Unknown> Boss
Bio-Ghost (Spec. Ops.) <Unknown> Boss
Bio-Militant (Soldier) <Unknown> Lieutenant
Bio-Ghost Squad Leader (Spec. Ops.) <Unknown> Elite Boss
Noxious Gas Emitter (Noxious Gas) <Traps> Medium Object *Lieutenant*
Containment Shield Device (Special) <Objects> Large Object *Boss*

Unique Faction:


Commando (Commando) <Mercenaries> Boss
Spec. Ops. (Spec. Ops.) <Mercenaries> Lieutenant
Soldier (Soldier) <Mercenaries> Minion


First thing that should be mentioned: After the first door, there is a visible green murk in the air that acts a lot like the radiation in the Terra Volta trial. You will constantly take damage and take a hefty regeneration penalty while you are in an area with this murk. This can be avoided using the Containment Shield Device. This handy object will, you guessed it, grant you a containment shield whenever you step inside it. Just like the one from the TV trial! The containment field will protect you from the effects of the murk and has a duration of five minutes. This should be just enough time to reach one of the many checkpoints in the mission, a room with no murk in it as well as another Containment Shield Device. There is also a jail in the map where you will respawn as opposed to the hospital or base, which you will have to break your way out of.

Every mob except the special situational mobs near the end of the map will spawn with either a poison trap in their midst, with every member of the mob buffed with a permanent antidote, or a Noxious Gas Emitter that emits Noxious Gas in a moderate PBAoE. Yea.

About halfway through the mission, you’ll come across a very wide and empty room with several balconies higher up on every wall, and the terminal in the center of the room and a locked door on the other side. Clicking on the glowie results in a cut-scene, followed by the insta-spawn of a varying number of Bio-Ops and the Bio-Ops Squad Leader on the balconies above, who will all start sniping away your pretty health bar, and your little debt bar too! To make things even more game-breaking, four Noxious Gas Emitters will spawn in a square around the terminal you just clicked on. Defeating the Bio-Ops and the Squad Leader earns you the key to unlock the door to the next room. The Bio-Ops Squad Leader has permanent applications of antidote and Noxious Gas.

Nightshade spawns in the last room with the rest of the glowies and with a decreasing or increasing number of his special henchmen around him depending on the difficulty level and the size of your team. He will not resummon defeated henchmen, but will instead summon more as his HP drops. There will be a continuous stream of mercenary ambushes starting the moment you aggro him. The battle starts with him having three Noxious Gas Emitters surrounding him, but these, like the others, may be destroyed.


Commando: “So. Been quiet today. No Arachnoids stumbling in by accident or nothing.”
Spec. Ops. “Yep.”
Soldier: “This really sucks…”
(on aggro)
Spec. Ops.: “That’s what we’re here for: Activating the alarms!”
Soldier: “Ok, I take that back…”


Bio-Ops Squad Leader: “Did you really think we were just going to sit around while the alarms were blaring and with you trashing everybody? Start prayin, PAL. You don’t have [censored] for time to do anything else.”
*Camera pan out to reveal varying number of Bio-Ops depending on difficulty and team size flip off their cloaking devices and aim their rifles at you. They will all re-cloak once you have damaged or destroyed any of them or the Noxious Gas Emitters*

“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “An intruder in the base. And that damned machine still hasn’t arrived yet.”
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “And to top it all off, now there’s a virus in the failsafe terminal. That’s gonna take HOURS to purge once this is all over.”
(on aggro)
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Villainname! You [censored] [censored] [censored] piece of [censored] [censored]! Gonna [censored] kill you!”
(at 75% health)
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Once you’re dead, I’ll revive you as my Bio-slave. I’ll tie you to a rack and do nasty things to you. Nasty things involving knives and bolts with a side-order of neurotoxins. Super-sized, [censored].” *summons an additional number of Bio-Militants depending on the difficulty and team size*
(at 50% health)
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “I’ll stick a needle in your head and rewrite your entire [censored] life. It’ll be a living hell, and then I’ll ramp it up with experimental chemical weapons, keeping you alive the whole time…I’ll even put a mirror in front of ya.” *summons an additional number of Bio-Tanks depending on the difficulty and team size*
(at 25% health)
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Gragh…you will PAY…You’ll pay over and over again…Forever…” *summons an additional number of Bio-Ops depending on the difficulty and team size*
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “…..[censored] it all…..”
(player defeat)
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Now you just wait in one of my charming little cells for a while. I’ll be coming for you soon, villainname.”


“Hey, you look like you went through hell. Or a septic tank. A purple guy in green-grey armor? Violent personality? Toxic murk and bio-soldiers? That would be “Bitter Heath” Nightshade you fought there. Another terrorist, worked with Mechanomorphic. Used to be two separate names, both derived from the rumors that he only killed using poisons you needed to consume or come into contact with your tongue. Both just merged together after a while. Utter rubbish, but it certainly makes for a catchy alias. You will be seeing him again later.”

[u]3) Prevent the Warburg Rocket from launching[u]

“So a long long time ago, during what you called the Cold War, the U.S. and theSoviet Union were not the only ones with nuclear power. Lord Recluse was here, still reveling in his recent military coup of the Rogue Isles. And stoked hot with his own armament of nuclear weapons. He was smart enough to continue with the Rogue Isles’ neutrality. Some genius got it into their mind to launch a nuke anyway, and this is WAY before Marshall Blitz. Do you recall any non-test atomic detonations that may have been highly publicized during the Cold War?”

[u]I see where this is heading[u]

Mission Acceptance:

“Good. This one should be simple. Just go in and stop the missile from launching. Arachnos does not know about it, so they will attack you, but they will not be too persistent about it. Warburg was still part of the Rogue Isles back then.”

Clue: Funny thought

You have to wonder what Arachnos looked like that long ago...

3) Prevent the Warburg rocket from launching
a. Stop the missile launch (outdoor, non-wrecked Warburg)
i. Defeat the Humongous War Machine

Notable NPCs:

Humongous War Machine (PPD Enforcer/Energy Blast/Electrical Assault/Assault Rifle/Assault Bot) <Unknown> Arch-villain

Unique Faction:


Assault Bot (Assault Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Protector Bot (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Lieutenant
Battle Drone (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Minion

Retro Arachnos:

Wolf Spider Huntsman (Wolf Spider Huntsman) <Arachnos> Boss
Wolf Spider Tac Ops (Wolf Spider Tac Ops) <Arachnos> Lieutenant
Wolf Spider Assault (Wolf Spider Assault) <Arachnos> Minion
Wolf Spider Enforcer (Wolf Spider Enforcer) <Arachnos> Minion


Outdoor Warburg map, minus bunkers and debris and randomly placed Arachnos outposts. Looks like a regular Rogue Isle city…With a nuclear missile launching facility. At the start of the mission, you’ll see some Retro Arachnos fighting some drones, but they’ll both team up to beat you. After that, it’s all drones until you reach the base of the missile launcher, where you’ll find the Humongous War Machine. It looks like a fully upgraded Assault Bot with black and white body paint. Oh, and it’s only a few feet smaller than Kronos. The moment it’s aggroed, there will be a continuous stream of drone ambushes that will stack over time. Just defeat the Humongous War Machine to end the mission.


Arachnos Tac Ops: “Man, this Arachnos thing was cool at first…but all the fighting sucks.”
Arachnos Enforcer: “And these suits…Ugh…”
Assault Bot: “Eliminate Hostiles.”
(on aggro)
Arachnos Tac Ops: “Look, it’s a PC!”
Arachnos Enforcer: “What?”
Arachnos Tac Ops: “Just shoot!”

Humongous War Machine: “Launch codes confirmed. Initiating launch sequence.”
(on aggro)
Humongous War Machine: “Launch sequence aborted. Engaging hostile.”
(on defeat)
Humongous War Machine: “Retreating for repairs.” *teleports upon defeat*


“Great work. To be honest with you, preventing the missile from launching was only half the reason I sent you. You will see why later.”

[u]4) Attack the alien dropship[u]

“Today you will be going further back in time than you have ever gone for me before. Back in 1833, an alien scouting vessel-Not of Rikti or Nictus origin-was passing by Earth. They would have ignored us, had you not shown up mysteriously and caused it to crash land. If the sole surviving member of the ship is anything to go by, fighting the ship’s crew is going to be pure hell. I would bring help on this one.”

[u]Accept Mission. That’s right, no fancy dialogue. I ran out of clever ideas, sue me.[u]

Mission Acceptance:

“Take this bomb and plant it next to the engine. How you find it is up to you, I am as lost as you on this point. Also, there should be an A.I. piloting the ship. You will need to deactivate and steal this before leaving.”

Clue: Bomb

Another Arachnos omega bomb. You know from personal experience that it’ll get the job done.

4) Attack the alien dropship
a. Cause the dropship to crash (indoor Rikti map)
i. Defeat all enemies in mission
ii. 1 bomb to plant
iii. 1 Terminal to access

Notable NPCs:

Animated Tiberium Shard (Geode Shard) <Scrin> Underling
Animated Tiberium Crystal (Geode) <Scrin> Minion
Buzzers (Devouring Swarm) <Scrin> Minion
Prodigy Spawn (Fungoid) <Scrin> Lieutenant
Tiberium Deposit (Will of the Earth) <Scrin> Lieutenant
Reaper-17 Warrior (Greater Devoured) <Scrin> Boss
Deployment Node (Spawn Chamber) <Scrin> Boss
Tiberium Titan (Crystal Titan) <Scrin> Elite Boss
Supervisor Recycler-33 (Mitochondria Electrolytes) <Scrin> Arch-villain


Crossovers, anyone? Devouring Earth mobs with different names, with Will of the Earth randomly scattered around which will spawn more enemies. You’ll find the engine room around half-way through. There will be a wall of crystal blocking the entrance, attack it and it will unfold into the Tiberium Titan and try to smash you. Beyond is the bomb point. In the final room, there will be four Deployment Nodes surrounding the mit-sorry, Supervisor Recycler-33. The moment you aggro it, there will be a continuous stream of ambushes that will stack until it is defeated.


They are aliens. They don’t speak English. I was going to put something in anyway, but it felt fairly ridiculous. I guess in this situation they would all be given their Dev-given dia-wait, no that wouldn’t work either. Sigh.

Clue: Crystalline Orb

As far as you can figure it, this is the A.I. the Recycler told to steal. There’s no way to be positive, but the sudden lurch you felt when you removed it from its place and sudden increase of temperature from entering Earth’s atmosphere was a bit of a dead give-away.


“You will be pleased to know that the dropship crash landed at Beetle Cave, Texas. The wreckage will be covered by a mud-slide, of all things, and the sole survivor will not be dug out for a good hundred and forty seven years. It is important. I will have to tell you about it someday. Keep a hold of that A.I. for the time being, you will have need of it soon.”

Souvenir: Crystalline Orb

This orb is an A.I. that you stole from an alien dropship in an adventure you like to refer to as-

A.I. is a Crapshoot.

The Recycler sent you into the past to destroy the original plans for the Threshold Tower so that it would be built in the Shadow Shard instead of at the edge of the universe. The mission went fine, and you came back to have the whole thing made more complicated than necessary when you were told you had to go back in time again and make sure the guards you had fought ever existed, and thought that planting a virus somewhere in Warburg would do the trick. You didn’t see the connection, but you went there anyway to discover the hideout of “Bitter Heath” Nightshade, an extremely violent and toxic specimen who seemed to know you. You defeated him along with his soldiers, and planted the virus as you were instructed. The bunker this was in bore a striking resemblance to the one from your previous mission in Warburg involving Mechanomorphic, in that it looked to be custom built to service one machine.

You were then sent into the past to stop a large war mech from launching a Warburg missile during the cold war, and although the historical importance is justification enough, it’s just plain wierd. This was about when you started to wonder just how all these events were connected, considering how random they all seemed. Your wonder turned into disbelief when the Recycler sent you to sabotage an alien dropship that had been passing by Earth in 1833 and cause it to crash, not of Rikti or Nictus origin but something else entirely. After that, the Recycler told you to take a break, mentioning that he’ll have to tell you about it all someday.



The Recycler’s Final Arc

[u]Reduce, Reuse, Recycle[u] (45-50)

[u]1) Unite your enemies[u]

“This is the last string of errands I will be sending you on. Then it will be over. Although I know you love working BACKWARDS through time, we need to do something a tad more realistic now. Trust me, if I could make this any harder for you, I would. I need you to go back in time and get Recycler-33, “Bitter Heath” Nightshade, and Mechanomorphic to meet up. They will all be in Talos, so finding them will be easy. The catch is, they were terrorists long before they met each other. They all planned on fleeing to the Rogue isles after raising all kinds of hell in Paragon and Texas. Longbow caught up with them, and hell hath no fury like supremely pissed off Longbow.”

[u]Accept Mission[u]

Mission Acceptance:

“I have configured the Destiny portal to send you to the right place once again. You will need to rescue those three from Longbow forces, avoid Arachnos, and get them to safety. Longbow is especially pissed off now, they brought their heaviest weapons and best troops. It will be rough.”

Clue: Recycler-33

You don’t recall meeting anybody by that name yet…Probably because you stopped working backwards.

1) Unite your enemies
a. Rescue your enemies (Outdoor Talos map)
i. Rescue Mechanomorphic
ii. Rescue “Bitter Heath” Nightshade
iii. Rescue Recycler-33
iv. Escort your enemies to safety

Notable NPCs:

Mechanomorphic (Civilian NPC)
"Bitter Heath" Nightshade (Civilian NPC)
Recycler-33 (Civilian NPC)
Longbow Ballista (Longbow Ballista) <Longbow> Elite Boss
Longbow Ballista (Longbow Ballista) <Longbow> Elite Boss
Longbow Ballista (Longbow Ballista) <Longbow> Elite Boss
Longbow Psi Warden (Psi Warden) <Longbow> Boss
Longbow Psi Warden (Psi Warden) <Longbow> Boss
Longbow Psi Warden (Psi Warden) <Longbow> Boss
Longbow Psi Warden (Psi Warden) <Longbow> Boss
Longbow Sonic Warden (Psi Warden) <Longbow> Boss
Longbow Sonic Warden (Psi Warden) <Longbow> Boss


Your ‘enemies’ are all civilian NPCs with no hitpoints or endurance, with the grey reticule around them. They can’t be damaged, they can’t die. Each of them will be shadow fighting with Longbow, with a Ballista and two Psi Wardens apiece with Recycler-33 getting the sonic wardens. *Bonus points to whoever gets that reference*. Every time you rescue one of them, you’ll trigger a never-ending series of ambushes that will not stop until the end of the mission. This includes while rescuing the other two and while escorting them, and the ambushes stack. Bring lots of friends.


Longbow Ballista: “You’ve got no more gun, Mechanomorphic. What happens now?”
Mechanomorphic: “You’re ridiculous. There’s ALWAYS more gun…”
(on aggro)
Longbow Ballista: “A villain? But during outdoor missions the streets are supposed to be clear of everything but one faction! Get em!”
Mechanomorphic: “Aha! More gun!”
Mechanomorphic: “Thanks for the assist. If you can get me to my waiting sub, I’d appreciate it.”

Longbow Ballista: “Even cornered this guy is nasty…”
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Gonna [censored] rip your heads off. Shrink em and put em in little jars.”
(on aggro)
Longbow Ballista: “Drop this one quickly, I want everything to be smooth sailing from here.”
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Drop dead. Kill them slowly!”
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “You’re fine in my book, friend. What do ya want?”

Longbow Ballista: “This freak isn’t human.”
Recycler-33: “All I ever wanted was to slaughter your kind en mass. Is that too much to ask for on this planet?”
(on aggro)
Longbow Ballista: “Nothing can be worse than this guy, we’re gonna put you down.”
Recycler-33: “I see not all of your kind gets along, kekeke…”
Recycler-33: “Thank you there…person…You have something you want me to do?”


“Good work there. Although this means we will have to work in a more linear fashion now. It upsets me. I am upset.”

[u]2) Plant A.I. in bunker[u]

“So, our three little friends have met up and formed a club. How sweet…All we need to do now is toss them some lemons so they can make lemonade. Take that A.I. you salvaged from that ship and put it somewhere they will find it in their clubhouse in Warburg. I have adjusted the Destiny portal accordingly.”

Clue: Alien A.I.

You still don’t see how this thing could be an A.I. It’s just a crystal ball with some flashing buzz inside it.

2) Plant A.I. in bunker
a. Plant the A.I. (Longbow Bunker)
i. 1 storage container to access
ii. 1 key to find

Notable NPCs:

Defense System (Energy Blast) <Unknown> Elite Boss
Monstrosity (Dark Blast/Energy Blast/Poison/Foot Stomp/Big Meaty Arm Crush) <Unknown> Monster
Buzzers (Devouring Swarm) <Scrin> Minion
Ion Wisp (Squall Elemental) <Lanaruu> Minion
Ion Cloud (Tempest Elemental) <Lanaruu> Lieutenant
Ion Thunderhead (Cyclone Elemental) <Lanaruu> Boss
Sucker Punch Surprise Supreme Turret (Pop-Up Turret) <Turrets> Boss
Meet-Your-Maker Pest Extermination Turret (Gas Missile Turret) <Turrets> Boss
Noxious Gas Emitter (Noxious Gas) <Traps> Medium Object *Lieutenant*
Containment Shield Device (Special) <Objects> Large Object *Boss*
Ionizing Tiberium Deposit (Thunderhead Generator/Spawns Lanaruu) <Turrets> Boss
Buzzer Hive (Spawns Buzzers) <Objects> Large Object *Boss*
Vaporized Tiberium Emitter (Darkest Night and Chill of the Night PBAoE) <Objects> Medium Object *Lieutenant*

Unique Factions:


Assault Bot (Assault Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Protector Bot (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Lieutenant
Battle Drone (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Minion


Commando (Commando) <Mercenaries> Boss
Spec. Ops. (Spec. Ops.) <Mercenaries> Lieutenant
Soldier (Soldier) <Mercenaries> Minion


Lich (Lich) <Necromancy> Boss
Grave Knight (Grave Knight) <Necromancy> Lieutenant
Zombie (Zombie) <Necromancy> Minion


Consider this mission ‘practice.’ Hahahahahaha! Anyway, you caught the three when they were out of the house, so it’s just you and their demonic little children and toys to take care of. Henchmen mobs cover the map, each one with a randomly chosen extra in their midst: Landmine, Poison Trap, other Poison Trap, Triage Beacon, Caltrops, Noxious Gas Emitter, Tar Patch, Vaporized Tiberium Emitter, mob-round perma antidotes. There will also be turrets scattered everywhere. We also see the return of the case of the green murk-filled rooms and containment shields.

The final room will have a door that is locked, and a large stationary enemy a bit like the thorn tree blocking it called the ‘Defense System.’ You’ll have to break it to get access to the door itself. As its HP goes down, it will summon reinforcements. The Monstrosity will be in the same room, guarding said door. It looks a lot like Adamastor with the Assault Bot’s arms tacked on and lots of mech stuff nailed into its limbs. It will also summon reinforcements as its hp goes down, and of course, there will be a never ending stream of ambushes until both the Monster and the Defense System are destroyed. The Monstrosity drops a key on defeat, and beyond the locked door is a simple storage room filled with crates and the glowie.


Monstrosity: “Grugh.”
(on aggro)
Defense System: “Defense system online. Engaging intruders.”
Monstrosity: “GRAAAARRRRRGH!”
(at 75% health)
Defense System: “Reinforcements en route.” *Random henchmen summon*
Monstrosity: “GONNE!” *Random henchmen summon*
(at 50% health)
Defense System: “Heavy damage sustained. Additional reinforcements en route.” *Random henchmen summon*
Monstrosity: “MOOOOOAARRRRR GONNE!” *Random henchmen summon*
(at 25% health)
Defense System: “Critical damage sustained. Additional reinforcements en route, activating exhaust system.” *Random henchmen summon, uses nova*
Monstrosity: “MOOOOAARMOOOOAAR GONNE!” *random henchmen summon, uses black star*


“Mecha-Bio-Zombie troubles? That was their first super-weapon project. Such a pity it got the crap beaten out of it before it could even be deployed. I think their next project will be much more successful.

Oh yes. Very successful indeed.”

[u]3) Sabotage the project[u]

“This is the penultimate of your tasks. Using the Destiny portal once more, you will travel into the past, slightly ahead of when you last went back in time. By then, our three friends will have discovered the A.I. and put it to use. They are getting together the components required to build their next little project, and so I am sending you to sabotage their efforts. Take this virus, and download it into the terminal of the storage facility said components are being kept in. I will warn you that the facility will be heavily defended. More so than any of the other places you have raided thus far. Bring some help, it will be fun.”

[u]Accept Mission[u]

Mission Acceptance

“The target of the virus will not, in fact, be utterly crippled. It will be more of a temporary inconvenience that you will exploit in the near future.”

Clue: Computer Virus

A simple flash drive that is going to cripple a super-weapon while it’s still being built. Lovely.

3) Sabotage the project
a. Plant the virus (Abandoned Derelict Warehouse/Longbow Bunker)
i. 1 terminal to access
ii. destroy the Solid Shadow Generator

Notable NPCs:

Defense System (Energy Blast) <Unknown> Elite Boss
Defense System (Energy Blast) <Unknown> Elite Boss
Defense System (Energy Blast) <Unknown> Elite Boss
Sucker Punch Surprise Supreme Turret (Pop-Up Turret) <Turrets> Boss
Solid Shadow Generator (Fear PBAoE/Black Star) <Objects> Extremely Fortified Equipment *100,000 HP. No regen.*
Minor Shadow (Minor Shadow) <Praetorians> Minion
Shadow (Shadow) <Praetorians> Lieutenant
Master Shadow (Master Shadow) <Praetorians> Boss
Unseelie (Unseelie) <Unseelie Court> Minion
Horde (Horde) <Unseelie Court> Lieutenant
Hell Rider (Hell Rider) <Unseelie Court> Boss
Dark Terror (Dark Servant) <Dark Miasma> Lieutenant
Spectral Terror (Spectral Terror) <Illusions> Untouchable

Unique Factions:


Assault Bot (Assault Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Protector Bot (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Lieutenant
Battle Drone (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Minion


Commando (Commando) <Mercenaries> Boss
Spec. Ops. (Spec. Ops.) <Mercenaries> Lieutenant
Soldier (Soldier) <Mercenaries> Minion


Lich (Lich) <Necromancy> Boss
Grave Knight (Grave Knight) <Necromancy> Lieutenant
Zombie (Zombie) <Necromancy> Minion


Big empty spooky warehouse. No enemies anywhere. Take one step past the entrance area and suddenly you will start being ambushed. No set mobs, pure ambush mission. Larslarslars. Anyway, the ambushes will randomly consist of the Praetorian Shadows and the Unseelie Court. Dark Servants and Spectral Terrors will randomly spawn by you from time to time. The Solid Shadow Generator all the way in the back of the mission also has a gigantic PBAoE that covers the entire mission map that induces a Mag 2 fear effect once every fifteen seconds that lasts for ten. So you need to get to the Solid Shadow Generator and wear through its hp. As its hp goes down, it will summon massive amounts of reinforcements. On defeat, all ambushes and random spawns will stop. The room with the generator in it shifts from a Warehouse to a Longbow Bunker, and the room after that has a single locked door. Get to the middle of the room and 3 Defense Systems like the one from the last mission rise up over the door and on the walls to the side along with several pop-up turrets, and start blasting you. They will summon random henchmen as their hp is depleted. Destroy all 3 to get the key to the door and the last room.

Last room has a large pit in it that contains a four-legged battle mech, slightly taller than the Mega-Mech and surrounded by the blue force fields seen in outdoor missions. Best comparison I could find is this.. The glowie terminal is right in front of this pit, no extra complications tacked on.


(at 75% health)
Solid Shadow Generator: “Minor exterior damage received, increasing output.” *Summons multiple mobs of Praetorian Shadows and Unseelie Court*
(at 50% damage)
Solid Shadow Generator: “Moderate exterior damage received, increasing output.” *Summons multiple mobs of Praetorian Shadows and Unseelie Court*
(at 25% health)
Solid Shadow Generator: “Heavy exterior damage received, increasing output, activating exhaust system.” *Summons multiple mobs of Praetorian Shadows and Unseelie Court, uses black star*

(on aggro)
Defense System: “Defense system online. Engaging intruders.”
(at 75% health)
Defense System: “Reinforcements en route.” *Random henchmen summon*
(at 50% health)
Defense System: “Heavy damage sustained. Additional reinforcements en route.” *Random henchmen summon*
(at 25% health)
Defense System: “Critical damage sustained. Additional reinforcements en route, activating exhaust system.” *Random henchmen summon, uses nova*


“I assume you saw the huge machine they have hiding in there? Well, it is finally time to tell you…”

[u]4) Stop the War Machine[u]

“The large construct you saw in your last mission is the main body for the war machine currently being constructed by the delightful terror trio. The virus you planted in its construction terminal made several modifications to it that will render all of it completely useless upon deployment. However! The head and arms failed to malfunction, so they will still work. Our three friends will be able to fix it in time, but until then, we will have what could accurately be described as the destroyer of nations stuck in a bunker because it cannot move its legs. During this time, you will go and defeat our three friends, destroy the active parts of the war machine, and destroy the inactive parts using these bombs. I warn you-even the head of the machine is bristling with high-end weapons. It will probably be harder to defeat than the Monstrosity they built. And of course, there is the terrifying trio themselves. Mechanomorphic, “Bitter Heath” Nightshade and Recycler 33.”

[u]Accept Mission[u]

Mission Acceptance

“I am afraid to wish you good luck. It implies there is a chance of you failing.”

Clue: Very small canister bomb

This thing creeps you out. It has too many warning labels to count, (including radiation and bio-hazard and a bunch of others you don’t even recognize) and you swear it stings just to hold the thing. You’d hate to be around when this goes off-The Recycler pulled it out of a cavity in his chest. Perhaps he made it?

4) Stop the War Machine
a. Defeat all enemies in mission (Longbow Bunker)
i. 1 bomb to plant

Notable NPCs:

Defense System (Energy Blast) <Unknown> Elite Boss
Buzzers (Devouring Swarm) <Scrin> Minion
Ion Wisp (Squall Elemental) <Lanaruu> Minion
Ion Cloud (Tempest Elemental) <Lanaruu> Lieutenant
Ion Thunderhead (Cyclone Elemental) <Lanaruu> Boss
Sucker Punch Surprise Supreme Turret (Pop-Up Turret) <Turrets> Boss
Meet-Your-Maker Pest Extermination Turret (Gas Missile Turret) <Turrets> Boss
Noxious Gas Emitter (Noxious Gas) <Traps> Medium Object *Lieutenant*
Containment Shield Device (Special) <Objects> Large Object *Boss*
Ionizing Tiberium Deposit (Thunderhead Generator/Spawns Lanaruu) <Turrets> Boss
Buzzer Hive (Spawns Buzzers) <Objects> Large Object *Boss*
Vaporized Tiberium Emitter (Darkest Night and Chill of the Night PBAoE) <Objects> Medium Object *Lieutenant*
Assault Drone Mk. 1 (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Boss
Assault Drone Mk. 2 (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Assault Drone Mk. 3 (Assault Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Assault Drone Mk. 4 (PPD Enforcer) <Robotics> Elite Boss
Mechanomorphic (Robotics/Traps Mastermind) <Unknown> Arch-villain
Bio-Militant (Soldier) <Mercenaries> Boss
Bio-Ghost (Spec. Ops.) <Mercenaries> Boss
Bio-Tank (Commando) <Mercenaries> Boss
Bio-Giant (Smaller Adamastor) <Mercenaries> Elite Boss
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade (Mercenaries/Poison Mastermind) <Unknown> Arch-villain
Awakened (Zombies) <Necromancy> Boss
Enlightened (Grave Knight) <Necromancy> Boss
Cultist (Lich) <Necromancy> Boss
Tiberium Titan (Smaller Crystal Titan) <Scrin> Elite Boss
Recycler-33 (Necromancy/Dark Miasma Mastermind) <Unknown> Arch-villain
Right Shoulder Pod (High Explosive Missile Turret/Incendiary Missile Turret/Toxic Gas Missile Turret) <Recycler> Elite Boss
Left Shoulder Pod (High Explosive Missile Turret/Incendiary Missile Turret/Toxic Gas Missile Turret) <Recycler> Elite Boss
Head of the Recycler (M30 Grenade/Flamethrower/Ignite/Ball Lightning/Thunderous Blast/Lightning Rod no teleport/Energy Torrent/Explosive Blast/Nova/Electron Haze/Neutron Bomb/Atomic Blast/Swarm Missiles/Incendiary Missiles/High Explosive Missiles) <Recycler> Giant Monster

Unique Factions:


Assault Bot (Assault Bot) <Robotics> Boss
Protector Bot (Protector Bot) <Robotics> Lieutenant
Battle Drone (Battle Drone) <Robotics> Minion


Commando (Commando) <Mercenaries> Boss
Spec. Ops. (Spec. Ops.) <Mercenaries> Lieutenant
Soldier (Soldier) <Mercenaries> Minion


Lich (Lich) <Necromancy> Boss
Grave Knight (Grave Knight) <Necromancy> Lieutenant
Zombie (Zombie) <Necromancy> Minion


The return of the green poisonous murk and all the turrets and the randomly scattered mob-aiding traps and powers. The door leading to the final room will be blocked by the Defense System, once again. Defeat it to proceed through the door it blocks and into the final room, where a nice cutscene will play. The room looks a lot like, what I can describe best as, “The Longbow Bunker version of the mega-mek cavern.” Lots of catwalks filled with enemies and special EBs mixed in that you’ll have to fight your way up until you reach the AVs at the top. In the center of all the catwalks is the War Machine. The final enemy does not appear until you have defeated the three AVs, Mechanomorphic, “Bitter Heath” Nightshade and Recycler-33. Each of them will spawn with a minimum of 1 henchmen, the number of which will increase depending on difficulty and team size. No ambushes this time around, but they can resummon their henchmen. And yes, you have to fight all three at once. When they have all fallen, another cutscene plays and you get to fight the GM.

The GM is the giant machine’s head, and because of its position on its chest rather than atop it, you can only attack it from the front. This is why it has so many AoE attacks, kekeke. Its shoulder pods will back it up, and can be destroyed. But they will respawn after being destroyed, so you’ll just have to put up with them. The glowie is at the base of the machine, in between its four legs.


(on aggro)
Defense System: “Defense system online. Engaging intruders.”
(at 75% health)
Defense System: “Reinforcements en route.” *Random henchmen summon*
(at 50% health)
Defense System: “Heavy damage sustained. Additional reinforcements en route.” *Random henchmen summon*
(at 25% health)
Defense System: “Critical damage sustained. Additional reinforcements en route, activating exhaust system.” *Random henchmen summon, uses nova*


“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “The Defense System stopped responding, we will have company very shortly.”
Recycler-33: “Too bad for them…and everyone else…that our masterpiece is already complete. We just need to turn it on. Do it!”
Mechanomorphic: “If I did that, it wouldn’t be able to launch. I performed a just-in-case scan, the torso and legs are entirely dead. Something got screwed up in their construction. I already have nanites fixin the problem, but it will take a while.”
Recycler-33: “Who could have done that? No matter. We just have to hold our ground until repairs are done.”
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Alright boys, you heard them! Battle stations, now!”

Cutscene End

(on aggro)

Mechanomorphic: “Can’t get much more gun than this. You can’t win.”
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Get comfortable while I warm up my neurotoxin emitters…Oh wait, they’re already warmed up. Ok then. DIE PAINFULLY [censored]!”
Recycler-33: “…! It’s you!”
(at 75% health)
Mechanomorphic: “Awww, darnit. You’re not an easy problem to solve…”
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Cough…Gack…Neurotoxin…So deadly…BWAHAHAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING! Honestly it’s not deadly at all…To me…”
Recycler-33: “Crash my ship and strand me, will you? Time to return the favor…”
(at 25% health)
Mechanomorphic: “I can’t lose…I have far too much gun to be losing…”
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “[censored] it all, this is [censored]. Just Die. DIE. DIEDIEDIEDIE!”
Recycler-33: “Not again. Not again.”
Mechanomorphic: “So much gun…Just proves…Needed more…”
“Bitter Heath” Nightshade: “Gonna [censored] hunt you down…Gonna [censored] KILL you.”
Recycler-33: “It doesn’t matter! It might not be able to move, but it can still KILL YOU!”


Head of the Recycler: “Recycler online. Structural flaws detected, running scan. Completed, rerouting power supply. Targeting hostiles…”

Cutscene End

(at 75% health)
“Moderate damage sustained, threat calculation complete. Preparing for escape launch.”
(at 50% health)
“Heavy damage sustained, launch sequence preparations complete. Beginning final cycle.”
(at 25% damage)
“Critical damage sustained, initiating launch sequence.”
“Extreme damage sustained, launching…” *Head detaches from the body and launches into the darkness above*

Clue: War Machine’s Name

The name of the War Machine was printed on one of its legs, impossible to miss. “The Recycler.”


“Your victory was superb. You may be interested to hear that Recycler-33 survived the explosion. I do not know how, he was at ground zero when it occurred. It hardly matters though, because he was buried under a few thousand tons of rock and metal. He is still waiting to be dug out. Nightshade already had an emergency teleport ready, as did Mechanomorphic. They went-Well, I think you probably already know. Here, take this little time-line. I made it just for you, keep it as a memento if you like.

This is goodbye, villainname. Goodbye. Thank you for all the help.

Now go die in a fire.”


This is a time-line listing the chronological order of the tasks you performed for the Recycler, along with the actions performed by certain others. It is enlightening, to say the least. It also bears some semblance to a ‘To Do’ list. It serves as a memento to a series of ordeals you call:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

1833-Send villainname to crash Recycler-33’s ship in Texas, Beetle Cave. Mud slide completely covers ship, is not dug up until 1970. Ship A.I. stolen, not seen again until 2001.

1955-Arrive in the past, begin finding a way to destroy Grandville.

1956-Decided to use Warburg nuke, get defeated by villainname. Travel to 2005 to be repaired by Nightshade.

1970-Mechanomorphic digs up crashed Scrin scouting vessel, Recycler-33 escapes. Neither notices the other. Mechanomorphic gets private government funding for research on the vessel.

1977-Mechanomorphic goes rogue with government finances and alien technology.

1985-Heath’s advances in the fields of toxins catches Arachnos’ attention, lab gets raided. Gains toxic powers and warped biology during the accident.

1996-Arrive in past after discovering Mechanomorphic’s defeat, try looking into the Lee Towers for an answer. Get defeated for the last time by villainname, memory core left behind. Taken by inhabitants of Lee Towers? Blank memory spot until 2015.

2000-Villainname introduces Mechanomorphic, Nightshade, Recycler-33 to each other.

2001-Villainname leaves alien A.I. to be found by Mechanomorphic, trio begins my construction.

2003-Come to life, promptly get the crap kicked out of my chassis for the first time by villainname. Escape by jettisoning from original body, gets blown up. Recycler-33 buried, remains so until at least 2015.

2004-Travel back to 1955, find a way to avert defeat by villainname by destroying Grandville.

2005-Sent word ahead, travel back into the future to be repaired by Nightshade. Warehouse completely destroyed upon arrival, get infected and become fully sentient by sentience virus. Decide to travel as far as possible into the future.

2006-Sent word back through time, travel there to be repaired by Mechanomorphic. Warehouse leveled upon arrival. Go back to 1996 to find means of repair.

2008-Meets villainname, cunning plan developed. Remind self to draw up time-line. Receive time-line from the future and hand it off to villainname.

2009-Business with villainname finished, had good laugh. Learned definition of IRONY. Travel to 42615 to begin construction of new threshold tower.

2015-Memory core recovered from Lee Towers by Manticore. Stolen by villainname, turned over to Arachnos. Gets body, escapes Arachnos, travels back to 2008 to sort the whole mess out from the beginning.

41563-Life is good. Get together plans for ‘Threshold Tower.’ Sounds promising. Leave to check on drone reinforcements from Mechanomorphic, leave sentience virus to guard the plans.

41562-Threshold Tower in the Shadow Shard plan did not take. Third defeat by villainname, Threshold Tower foundation blown up. Travel back to 2006 to be repaired by Mechanomorphic.

42615-Construction of Threshold Tower going well. Villainname has not yet arrived to slag me. Feeling optimistic. Decided to balance bending of time along the edge of the universe using temporal energy generated from stable time loop created by villainname and me. Laughed after coming up with plan. Sent finished time-line to myself in 2008.



Hm, I think I'll get in on this. If my character was a contact, eh? Well, my characters are all so inter-connected, it'd be pretty well impossible to have one without others. Now, since I'm pretty much running in "pipe-dream" mode, I'm going to make all kinds of wild assumptions about what kind of stuff would be added to the game just for my characters. New buildings put up, some unique NPCs made, things of that nature.

Lorelei Nachtigall

Near a house that looks like it came from Japan's Edo Period, situated in the Blackstone Hills of Founder's Falls. This house has a well-kept garden around it, and is surrounded by a large 'kill zone' similar to the Consignment House areas. At her feet is a badge marker for an Exploration Badge, Curious. It is impossible to talk to her without picking up the Curious badge.

Appearance: Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's a thousand words.

Apprentice Witch
Lorelei Nachtigall is the apprentice of a very elderly and very eccentric witch from Japan, as well as a member of a hero-supporting non-profit group called the Alteridem Foundation. Members of the Foundation will attest to Lorelei's great skill at magic, but very few will have anything nice to say about her personality, which is abrasive to the point of open hostility. Lorelei is fascinated with the concept of combining magic with machinery, and finds that clockwork components, the like of which could be seen in a grandfather clock or good pocket watch, are most conducive to magic/technology creations.

Initial Contact:
What? What do you want? Why are you bugging me? Why don't you just-

Hold up. You can see me? Can you see the house, too? The one that would look normal if you threw it into a time warp leading to seventeenth-century Japan? Huh. The wards don't work on you then. Odd.

Well, I don't have anything I need done, but if you're looking for some heroic stuff to do, I can send you over to my boyfriend. He needs some good heroes.

Beckett Alteridem

Beck... Beck's trying to learn how to lead people, and that means learning how to delegate tasks. He's got plenty of tasks that need delegating, but not enough people to delegate them to. That's where you come in. If you're not an utter failure, that is. Go be useful to him for a while.

Beckett Alteridem
Level Range: 35-40

The Gaspee district of Founder's Falls, on the island directly west of Philipa Meraux's location.

Appearance: He's kind of sunken-eyed and sickly-looking, huh?

Just Might Be Crazy
Beckett is the first of three children, and the only son, of Theo Alteridem, the philanthropist behind the Alteridem Foundation -hence the name. Beck intends to take up leadership in the Foundation when his father retires, and is preparing for the task by learning to organize and lead people. His detractors -of course he has detractors, who doesn't?- say he's a few words short of a dictionary, citing his long-standing relationship with the excessively unfriendly Lorelei Nachtigall.

Initial Contact:

If player is below Beck's level range:
I don't mean to sound rude, but you're just not hard core enough for what I need done. Get yourself a Security Level of 35, then maybe we can talk.

If spoken to before being introduced by Lorelei Nachtigall:
Sorry, but I can't work with you. The rabbit holes I send people down go pretty deep, and I just don't know if you're able to get to the bottom.

After being introduced:
If player character is not Natural Origin:
The FBSA calls me a 'Natural' hero. They call you something else. A lot of my fellow Naturals, well, they're kind of elitists. I'm sure you've encountered it, that attitude that Naturals are somehow better than you because they have just their ordinary abilities, while you use some kind of genetic alteration, magic, technology, whatever. Those jerks. Who cares how we go about being heroes? What matters is, we're heroes. Let's get up to some heroics.

If player character is Natural Origin:
Hey, another 'Natural' hero. You're either a regular human with nerves of steel and maybe a shortage of common sense, like me, or you're from another planet or dimension, where your powers are considered perfectly normal. Either way, I hope you're not one of those elitists who think we Naturals are better than everyone else because they get their powers from outside sources. Heroes need to work together, and there's just no room for that kind of attitude. Anyway, you need some hero-type stuff to do?

Story Arc: Web of Steam
First mission: Trace Arachnos Medicom network
The Alteridem Foundation has a problem. A problem of a spidery nature. You see, one of our own, a guy named Riley Shaskeen, he up and quit. That's not bad, in itself. Everyone has a limit, a point where they just have to walk away. Riley hit his. What is kind of funny is that Riley also abandoned his pack.
I should explain. Riley's a lycanthrope. Wolfman, see? Like a werewolf? A bit, yes, but they can control when they transform, they maintain their human minds when in their wolf-like state, and they really hate being confused for werewolves. Aren't too fond of those Council wolves, either. Lycanthropes, they're almost all members of a pack, and the pack is the center of their lifestyle. Riley, like all lycanthropes around here, is a member of Pack Flanagan, and they came to Paragon City from Ireland around twenty years ago.
Anyway, Riley just left the Foundation a few days ago, and no one in Pack Flanagan has seen him since. What's the problem? Well, just hours ago, one of our intelligence types spotted Riley. With a gang of Arachnos soldiers. In beast mode, with a Crab Spider backpack fused to his spine.
So, the problem is, Riley knows a lot about the internal workings of the Foundation, as well as a lot of stuff about Paragon City and her heroes in general. He can tell his new Arachnos friends all kinds of stuff that they really shouldn't know, and since he's made Crab Spider so dang fast, it's safe to say he's made some high-up spider-guys very happy.
We need to capture Riley, and we need to question him. However, Arachnos has their own Medicom grid jury-rigged over most of Paragon, so if you just go beat him up, Riley'll get zapped away before we can take him in. So, we need to shut down that grid, but we don't know where its central control station is, now do we? So, I need you to raid some Arachnos bases, all while carrying this little signal tracer, which will pick up the signals sent between each spider-jerk's Medicom life-sign monitor and their main control system. Once you've hit all three bases, we can triangulate the location of the Arachnos Medicom center. You up for this?

I sure am.

Excellent, here's the locations of the three bases. Clear 'em out and then swing back here. Oh, if you see anything that looks important, feel free to break it. After all, anything you do to hinder Arachnos helps us out.

Clue: Signal tracer
This funny little device will track the signals used by the Arachnos Medicom array in order to determine its location.

Mission objectives:
Defeat all Arachnos in first base (Founder's Falls)
Defeat all Arachnos in second base (Brickstown)
Defeat all Arachnos in third base (Steel Canyon)

Notes: All three bases are normal Arachnos base maps, with normal Arachnos spawns. Also, every base has multiple breakable objects of the high-tech, computer-ish variety. Breaking these is an optional objective, and there are XP/Influence bonuses for breaking every machine in a given base.

Clue: Signal data
This is the data collected by the signal tracer. Beck should be able to use it to find Arachnos' Medicom array.

Good work, very good work indeed. You got all the data I needed, and caused Arachnos some serious setbacks in the process. Now, it won't take me too long to locate our target, so here's my cell phone number, stay in touch, okay?

The forum software keeps wailing about post size. I guess I have to divide this up...

Edit: Darn it, my next post is smaller than this one, and has less formatting, but the server still won't accept it! This may be a while.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Wounded Bird
Zone: Sharkhead
Level: 20-25

At first glance, Betty “Highside” Harris seems to be just another Rogue Isles rogue. Brash, outspoken, and flippant.

However, right now, she looks pissed. Might have something to do with her moto gear on the ground, and what looks to be a torn-down sportbike nearby.

Better see what she wants, before she decides to use you for target practice, like the countless tin cans on the ground behind you.

First Contact:

“Yo, yo yo, who YOU? I don’t know you, you ain’t got rep for [censored]. What, you a buster? Get on outta here, before I cap you.”

Complete at least one Sharkhead Mayhem, and get an introduction.

Contact Unlocked:

“Oh man. Another buster. Dunno how you people keep getting my name. Wish I could get out of this hellhole. Hey! Maybe you can help me with that. You look semi-capable, yeah?”

Mission 1: Help Betty Get Her Groove Back

“Sweet! Ok check it. Notice anything wrong with this picture? What? No no man, eyes up here, I’m talkin’. It’s my BIKE. Those damned Freakshow stole it and tore it down for spare parts. I got most of the stuff back, but some of the, uh, special one-off shizz is still in their, uh, possession.”

“So, what I need you to do is, go beat some of those metal maniacs up. See if any of them got my parts.”

Doesn’t sound too hard

“You be sure and tell them WHY they getting their kiesters kicked, <villain-name>!! No one steals Betty Highside’s ride and gets away with it!”


Unsolicited Contact:

“What you doin’ back here? Thought you was a buster all along. Now go on, find out who has my parts!


A small turbocharger unit

This turbocharger looks like it’d fit a motorboat engine. Or a motorcycle engine. The serial number has been filed off.


A business card

You found this wildly colored business card on the Freakshow that was carrying the turbocharger. It looks like it was designed by a kid with a fractal program and waaay too many crazy fonts on their computer. The address is right here in Sharkhead.


“My turbocharger! Where’d you score this? Sweet! Totally rad. What? Oh the business card? Lemme check that…. Oh yah. I heard of this guy. Ya think he’s got the rest of my parts?”

Mission 2: Pay A Visit to the Manic Mechanic

“Ok, here’s the deal. This dude, they call him M4N1K-M3K4N1K. He runs this chop shop and warehouse over by the Crush. Guy that had my turbo was probably looking to sell it off. So I’mma need you to head over there and bust ol’ Manic’s head. And keep an eye out for my bike parts!”

Unsolicited contact: “What now? You want me to draw you a damn map? Go talk to Manic, already.”

MAP: Auto Repair Warehouse

Factions: Freakshow

You hear the sound of grinders, pneumatic tools, and really bad heavy metal music.

NOTES: When M4N1K-M3K4N1K is aggroed, he will attempt to cage the players and beat them down using attacks from the Electrical Manipulation blaster secondary. He will also rez any Freakshow that fall in battle if no one is attacking him specifically. Keep the damage up and he won’t have time to get his thugs back on their metal feet.

Notable NPC’s:

M4N1K-M3K4N1K (Boss): Freakshow Meat Doctor, has melee Electrical attacks instead of Meat Doctor attacks (arc welder)

M4N1K-M3K4N1K : “Come on, help me get this Camaro stripped. One of Dreck’s dudes wants to weld himself into the chassis and race at Daytona.”
Freakshow Minion: “Hey boss. Turn the music down, I thought I heard somethin’.”
M4N1K-M3K4N1K: “That was me, doofus, this impact wrench is loud! And don’t TOUCH my music while I’m workin’!”

M4N1K-M3K4N1K: “Hey! Didn’t you see the “employees only” sign? I’mma part you out and sell you off for spares, homeslice.”
(75% health)
M4N1K-M3K4N1K: “Alright, now I’m real ticked off. Which won’t be fun for you.”
M4N1K-M3K4N1K: “Are you kiddin’? I can buff that right out.”
M4N1K-M3K4N1K: “OW! Hey! Watch the bodywork!”
M4N1K-M3K4N1K: “… I need an overhaul.”

(player defeat)
M4N1K-M3K4N1K: “NO ONE beats me in the garage, genius.”


Motorcycle Body Panels

These hot pink fiberglass panels look like they’d fit Betty’s ride. They were all crated up to be sold on ePay.

Shipping Manifests

You found several manifests in a file cabinet in Manic’s office. They describe what look to be small parts shipped to various locales.


“Oh score! You found the body panels. I’ll get the ‘Busa lookin’ her old self real soon now. Still missing some critical stuff though. What’s with all the paperwork?”

Mission Three: Repo Men

This is a three part mission.

“Ok, <villain name>, I checked out those manifests, and yeah, some of my parts got shipped to various buyers. Good news, only one’s out of the country, the others are all local, so shouldn’t be too much of a problem to go kick in some doors. As for that one part, some lab in Paragon got it, so while you’re off collectin’ my stuff, I’ll see if I can’t arrange you a visit.”

Part 1: Get the Injector Manifold

The address on the manifest is a storefront in Cap au Diable. It’s a known Goldbricker safehouse.

NPC’s: Goldbrickers

(standard Goldbricker instance, no special npcs,)

CLUE: Injector Manifold

You found the Injector Manifold jury-rigged into the leader’s rocket pack, in an attempt to improve performance, you suspect.

Part 2: Smoke out the Buyer

Looks like this part, an aftermarket exhaust, was shipped to a Sharkhead drop box. You decide to hang out and see who shows up.

Hit waypoint, defeat Sky Raider ambush.

CLUE: You discover that the leader of this bunch of pirates is holed up in an office building nearby.

Part Three: Get the Custom Exhaust
(Sky Raider office instance, no special NPC’s.)

CLUE: Custom Exhaust

The leader’s flightpack has a titanium exhaust, with the logo of an Italian aftermarket moto parts manufacturer engraved into the can. You’re not sure why it was fitted to the flightpack – maybe the guy liked the exhaust note?


“Oooh NICE! I was hoping I’d not have to reorder those. They cost me serious bank, <villainname>. OH! While you were out an’ about, I pulled in a favor. You up for a field trip?”

Mission Four: Omega Force

“Ok, check it, holmes. That last part? It’s actually an experimental weapon system, Crey design. I guess they saw it on ePay, and snapped it up. I’mma need you to head to Paragon and get it back. Oh. Those Crey dudes know their game and you’ll be on home turf. So, yeah. Bring friends.”

Map: Large Crey Lab

Faction: Crey

Notable NPC’s:
Head Researcher Costas (hostage)
Security Chief Rossi (Paragon Protector)
Security Officer Biaggi (Power Tank)
Security Officer Gibernau (Cryo Tank)
Security Officer Bayliss (Voltaic Tank)

Entrance: This place is locked down tight. You’re gonna have to find lab keys.

Notes: The three security officers each have one key, which will be required as the elevators require keys. They use standard Crey NPC speech. An ambush will be spawned shortly after each key is used. Dr. Costas and SecChief Rossi will spawn together, on the second to last floor, and then you’ll have to lead Dr Costas to the weapons locker so he can unlock it for you (it’ll be a big blast door with the Crey storage/beyond, and the glowie in the center of the room.) There is a holding facility on the map, which players will have to break out of if they are defeated and attempt to go to the hospital.

NPC Speech:

Biaggi: “Stuck on guard duty. I hate shift rotations.”
(aggroed): “Of course… it’s not always boring. Time for a workout!”

Gibernau: “Wonder why they got the Kinetic Inducer under such lockdown? It’s not that big a deal.”
(aggroed): “Oh. I see why, now.”

Bayliss: “Mate, they said, work for Crey, get the crumpet. Load of dingos kidneys if you ask me.”
(aggroed) “Of course, the fighting I quite like.”

Rossi: “Dr Costas, is the Kinetic Inducer secured? My men are getting restless.”
Costas: “It is.”
Rossi: “Good. Is that the key to the storage locker? I’m going to need to take that, for security’s sake.”

(aggroed) “Stand aside, Costas. My men and I will handle this.”
Costas: “Oh my lord! Is THIS why all the security?”

Rossi: “You villains are becoming an annoyance, we’ll have to booby-trap the storage facilities, next.”
(50%): “OOF! That hurt. Ever considered a career in security?”
(25%): “.. you’re good, I’ll hand you that.”
(defeated): “…ow. I’m gonna need a medic.”

(player defeat)
Rossi: Guards? Escort this intruder to a holding cell. We’ll interrogate them later.

Costas: “OW! Ok ok, I’ll take you to the weapons locker.”

Costas: “Now’s my chance to duck out of sight.”

Costas: “… I could have been in sports medicine. Race teams. Not this corporate intrigue crap.”

(after opening the weapons locker)
Costas: “Fine, fine. Take the damned thing, it’ll be obsolete soon anyway when the new GP rules come out.”


“You GOT it! My Kinetic Inducer! With this installed, no cop in the country can catch me! <Villainname>, you are awesome! Oh! I gotta get to working to get this reinstalled. THANKS so much, and catch you on the flip side, homebrew!”

TRIVIA: The names of the NPC's in the last mission are all last names of well known MotoGP racers, except Dr. Costas, who is the Head surgeon for Clinica Mobile, the MotoGP onsite triage clinic.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



With I14 coming "Soon" and bringing with it the glorious mission creator, I thought I'd dig this back up.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



What the-? Gimme that!

*steals BB's shovel*

You know, I have half a mind to beat you with this. But I think I'll just do this instead.

*digs up Blightlord*

Hey, BL? Look who I found musclin' in on yer territory...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Blightlord: I was buried? *anger*

Me: o.o It's all a lie! I just couldn't use 'lord' in the name of any characters in those other games. Or find a comparable Necromancer class!

(Is this a form of schizophrenia? Talking to your characters?)

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Nah. I think it's just a moderate to severe case of dementia.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




*stares at thread*

Ah geez, this thing. I should really fix Toy's arc, maybe make one for Archlich too. He's really more of a contact guy than Toy is.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.