Sweet ^.^




So, about a year ago I spotted a friend of mine sketching in geography class. I went up to her, looked at her art, and immediately asked...demanded?...Requested, (yeah, that sounds better) that she draw my main villain, Rekhyt..

Well, about a month ago she gave me these fantastic pieces of art which I have come to adore. The second piece is still incomplete, but thats why I'm posting here. Hopefully, if you guys give her some feedback, she'll finally finish the art.. :P

Without further Adieu:



So please, feedback and criticism for my friend the Artist!

Also, here's a link to her deviant:



My only question is: will she take commisions?

Seriously though, fan-freaking-tastic stuff!



she is awesome!!



*gawk* <o.@> Jebus H. Christos!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Wow...that was some really awesome work!



Added her to watch, a wonderful artist indeed



wow! shes only 15 too?? the first one has to be the best work on her site i think.




Its gorgeous!



That's just AMAZING work.

Runs off to +watch.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Wow that first one...it takes my breath away.
That is EXACTLY the kind of emotion and personality that my art always lacks.

Her painting are also quite beautiful.She is very talented, and will only become more so over time.



Very impressive. It's nice to see some really strong artwork from someone so young. That's alot of potential there.



Hehe, thanks guys, I know she'll appreciate the praise.

I've been trying to convince her that her work is awesome for months, but she's one of those artists who sees purely flaws in her work... Anyways, passing on your message to her, and I'll ask about commissions



Hey guys! Good news, I talked to my friend! First off, she's happy with the response she got and will be tackling more art.

And the other great bit? She's willing to take requests! Just send em' to her deviant and she said she'd take a look at them and see what she could do, free of charge! (No paypal for her quiet yet) Of course, I should mention that exams are on the horizon this month and I'm still pestering her for MY requests, but she's still totally open to doing some work for us in the crazy Co* community!




Oh so just PMed her. That work is awesome.