All Human Peacebringer (I11)
Part 2
Luminous Blast Power Set
Power: Gleaming Bolt
Available: Level 1
Description: A very quick, but low damage bolt of Kheldian energy that can reduce a target's Defense. Damage: Minor, Recharge:
Activation Time: 1.2
Recharge Time: 1.5
Endurance: 4
Range: 50
Brawl Index: 1.389 (Energy)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Range, Defense DeBuff, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Foe -DEF
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam
Thoughts: This is the first of 2 choices for your 1st level power. Quick recharge gives this attack the same DPS as Glinting Eye, however, if you miss with this power you will fire twice more before Glinting Eye would be recharged, so in the long run, this power would have a more stable DPS than Glinting Eye. I like to refer to this as a ranged Brawl.
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Rating: 3/5
Power: Glinting Eye
Available: Level 1
Description: You can emit a beam of Kheldian energy from your eyes, dealing moderate Energy damage and reducing a target's Defense. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
Activation Time: 1.8
Recharge Time: 4
Endurance: 7
Range: 60
Brawl Index: 2.315 (Energy)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Range, Defense DeBuff, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Foe -DEF
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam
Thoughts: This is the second of 2 choices for your 1st level power. I gave this power a higher rating due to range and higher damage, but like I said above, both powers have a use.
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Rating: 4/5
Power: Gleaming Blast
Available: Level 2
Description: A much more powerful, yet slower version of Gleaming Bolt. Gleaming Blast sends a focused blast of Kheldian energy at a foe that can knock him back and reduce his Defense. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate
Activation Time: 1.8
Recharge Time: 8
Endurance: 11
Range: 50
Brawl Index: 3.797 (Energy)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Range, Defense DeBuff, Knockback Distance, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Foe -DEF, Knockback
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam, 1 End Red, 1 Rech
Thoughts: This is our first heavy hitter. Take it and slot it. Straight forward DPS. This attack knocks back, so get used to chasing. As do most of your other attacks, so hit and run
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Bright Nova
Available: Level 6
Description: Kheldians are masters of energy and matter. A Peacebringer can transform into a flying energy beast known as a Bright Nova. When you choose this power, you will have access to four very powerful ranged attacks that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in Bright Nova Form. Bright Nova can fly, has increased Accuracy, and improved Endurance Recovery, but has no defense. Recharge: Fast
Activation Time: 2
Recharge Time: 0
Endurance: 0.26 (Toggle)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Endurance Recovery, Flight Speed, To Hit Buff
Buff/Debuff: Shapeshift, Special
Inherent Powers: Flight, Bright Nova Bolt, Bright Nova Blast, Bright Nova Scatter, Bright Nova Detonation
Thoughts: Well thats all I have to say
This is a human only guide
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Rating: 0/5 (Its just not human)
Power: Radiant Strike
Available: Level 6
Description: The Radiant Strike is a slow melee attack, but makes up for it with heavy damage. Radiant Strike releases Kheldian light on impact, which can Knock Back foes, bring down fliers, and reduce a target's Defense. Damage: Heavy, Recharge: Moderate
Activation Time: 1.2
Recharge Time: 10
Endurance: 13
Range: 5
Brawl Index: 2.778 (Smashing) + 2.667 (Energy)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Defense DeBuff, Knockback Distance, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Foe -DEF, Knockback, -Fly
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam, 1 End Red, 1 Rech
Thoughts: Now we are talking
This is the bread and butter of your melee PBer attack chain. Paired with your Gleaming Blast you already have a solid one-two punch.
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Proton Scatter
Available: Level 8
Description: Proton Scatter sends bolts of Kheldian energy to multiple targets at once within a cone area in front of the caster. Proton Scatter deals moderate Energy damage to each affected target and reduces their Defense. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Slow
Activation Time: 2.4
Recharge Time: 12
Endurance: 15
Range: 40
Brawl Index: 2.292 (Energy)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Defense DeBuff, Cone Range Increase, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Foe -DEF, Knockback
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam, 1 End Red, 1 Rech
Thoughts: Your first AoE. If you are looking for good AoE damage, you have it here. Notice we get ours MUCH earlier than Warshades, but End cost is high at early levels.
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Rating: 4/5
Power: Build Up
Level: 12
Description: Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your Accuracy. Recharge: Slow
Activation Time: 1.3
Recharge Time: 90
Endurance: 7
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, To Hit Buff
Buff/Debuff: Self +DMG, +ACC
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 3 Rech
Thoughts: This is the same as your grandmothers Build Up (or your level 50s for that matter). Gives a considerable boost to Dam and a minor Acc boost.
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Luminous Detonation
Available: Level 12
Description: You hurl a large blast of Kheldian energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target, and reducing their Defense. Some affected targets may get knocked back. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
Activation Time: 1.8
Recharge Time: 16
Endurance: 19
Range: 50
Brawl Index: 2.083 (Energy)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Range, Defense DeBuff, Knockback Distance, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Foe -DEF, Knockback
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam, 1 End Red, 1 Rech
Thoughts: This is your second AoE attack. If you are making a rugged blaster build, this is your last ranged attack. Heavy on the knockback.
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Rating: 4/5
Power: Incandescent Strike
Available: Level 18
Description: Incandescent Strike is an absolutely devastating melee attack that focuses all of the Kheldian's energy and strength into a single massive blow. This slow but incredibly devastating attack can knock out most opponents, leaving them Held. Incandescent Strike can also bring down fliers, Knock Down foes, and reduce their Defense. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Long
Activation Time: 3.4
Recharge Time: 20
Endurance: 23
Range: 5
Brawl Index: 5.556 (Energy) + 4.334 (Smashing)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Hold Duration, Defense DeBuff, Knockback Distance, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Foe -DEF, -Fly, Hold
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam, 1 End Red, 1 Rech
Thoughts: The big kahuna. Excellent damage, and a hold throw in to boot. Take it and slot it. This is your Alpha Strike for Voids and Quants until you get higher level.
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Pulsar
Available: Level 18
Description: Generates a brilliant pulse of Kheldian light around you that stuns nearby foes. Affected foes are disoriented and unable to defend themselves. Recharge: Very Long
Activation Time: 3.2
Recharge Time: 45
Duration: 11.1
Endurance: 20
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Disorient Duration, Accuracy
Buff/Debuff: Foe Disorient
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 2 Acc, 2 Dis Dur
Thoughts: This is a well debated power. It does work well on minions and Lt., but the lack of stacking due to recharge (even enhanced) makes it a so-so at best power, but if you want it for a damage mitigation tool its not bad
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Rating: 3/5
Power: Glowing Touch
Available: Level 26
Description: Heals a single-targeted ally at moderate range. You cannot use this power to heal yourself. Recharge: Fast
Activation Time: 2.4
Recharge Time: 4
Endurance: 16
Range: 30
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Range, Healing
Buff/Debuff: Ally Heal
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 3 Heal
Thoughts: Well its a buddy heal. Quite a good heal too (Almost 40% of you HP with 3 Heals Slotted) with a nice recharge rate. Take it if you are looking to save squishies.
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Rating: 3/5
Power: Solar Flare
Available: Level 26
Description: You channel the might of your Kheldian energy into the very Earth itself. The ground erupts and cracks with luminous energy, blasting all nearby foes, knocking them back and reducing their Defense. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow
NOTE: There is no Defende Debuff effect apparent with this power.
Activation Time: 2.2
Recharge Time: 20
Endurance: 23
Brawl Index: 3.945 (Energy)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Defense DeBuff, Knockback Distance, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Foe -DEF, Knockback
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam, 1 End Red, 1 Rech
Thoughts: This is a GREAT power and your last melee attack. And wouldnt you know
Its an AoE. Damage is solid but it has that knockback thing so it does double damage mitigation against melee mobs.
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Photon Seekers
Available: Level 32
Description: You manifest 3 spheres of light from your very Kheldian essence. These drones will follow you until they detect an enemy target. The Photon Seekers will then zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The explosion is small but devastating and may affect multiple foes if they are near the target. Recharge: Long
Activation Time: 2.3
Recharge Time: 300
Duration: 60
Endurance: 39
Brawl Index: 7.416 * 3 (Energy)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Knockback Distance, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Summon Drones
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam, 1 End Red, 1 Rech
Thoughts: This power needs an overhaul. Really
Sometimes they hit mobs, sometimes they move across the room then hit a target. Sometimes they just float there. I use them with great success as a point blank Alpha in mobs or on AVs and Bosses. If the control issues were addressed this would be an awesome power
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Rating: 4/5
Power: Dawn Strike
Available: Level 32
Description: You can explode in a tremendous blast of Kheldian energy, sending nearby foes flying and reducing their defense. Dawn Strike deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover any Endurance for a while. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Very Long
Activation Time: 3.2
Recharge Time: 360
Duration: 19.7 -DEF, ~20 -Recovery
Endurance: ALL
Accuracy: +40 (2)
Brawl Index: 6.945 + 3.473 * (0-2) (Energy)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Defense DeBuff, Knockback Distance, Accuracy, Damage
Buff/Debuff: Foe -DEF, Knockback, Self -Recovery
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dam, 2 Rech
Thoughts: Not as effective as I would have hoped. Of course all the Blaster Alphas took a hit after ED. As our damage output already trails others, DS takes a bit more of a hit. However, this is a great 1-2 power. 1. Solar Flare 2. Dawn Strike. Not much survives that
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Rating: 5/5
Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.
Part 3
Luminous Aura Power Set
Power: Incandescence
Available: Level 1
Description: Kheldians have a natural mild resistance to Energy and Negative Energy Damage. This Auto power is always on, and costs no Endurance.
Resist: 13.5% Energy,
13.5% Negative (2)
Enhancements: Damage Resistance
Buff/Debuff: Auto: Self +Res (Energy, Negative)
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Dam Res
Thoughts: No choice here. Initial slot should take care of our needs initially, but with IOs in the mez and psi resistance flavor, you might spend a couple more slots here to plus up these areas.
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Rating: 1/5
Power: Shining Shield
Available: Level 2
Description: When you toggle on your Shining Shield, you create an energy barrier that grants you high resistance to Smashing and Lethal Damage. Recharge: Fast
Activation Time: 0.9
Recharge Time: 2
Endurance: 0.25/s (2)
Resist: 27% Smashing & Lethal
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Damage Resistance
Buff/Debuff: Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal)
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 2 End Red, 3 Dam Res
Thoughts: Originally this was a must have power to help keep you alive. With the introduction of IOs it even becomes more of a valuable power. IOs for mez and psi resistance, along with the 2 other shields can push your resistances to 60%+ for mez and 20%+ psi resistance. Not bad. Hear the Blappers groaning?
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Essence Boost
Available: Level 4
Description: You can activate this power to increase your maximum Hit Points for a short time. Essence Boost also grants you resistance to Toxic Damage. Recharge: Very Long
Notes: Adds +40% base HP and heals for 40% of Base HP, Toxic resist (27%?).
Activation Time: .9
Recharge Time: 360
Duration: 120
Endurance: 13
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Healing, Damage Resistance
Buff/Debuff: Self Heal, +Max HP, Res (Toxic)
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 3 Rech, 3 Heal
Thoughts: OK, remember what I said about powers Blappers wish they had??? Can you say Dull Pain? Its a carbon copy of the Tank And Scrap version. SWEET!!!
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Thermal Shield
Available: Level 10
Description: When you toggle on Thermal Shield, you emit tendrils of Kheldian energy that give you resistance to Fire and Cold Damage. Recharge: Fast
Activation Time: 0.9
Recharge Time: 2
Endurance: 0.25/s (2)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Damage Resistance
Buff/Debuff: Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Cold)
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 2 End Red, 3 Dam Res
Thoughts: Second in shield line. Damage resistance as well as mez and psi resistance when IO slotted.
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Rating: 2/5
Power: Quantum Shield
Available: Level 14
Description: When you toggle on Quantum Shield, you become highly resistant to Energy and Negative damage. Recharge: Fast
Activation Time: 0.9
Recharge Time: 2
Endurance: 0.25/s (2)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Damage Resistance
Buff/Debuff: Toggle: Self +Res(Energy, Negative)
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 2 End Red, 3 Dam Res
Thoughts: Third in the line of human shields. Another place to slot more IO mez and psi resistance.
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Rating: 2/5
Power: Group Energy Flight
Available: Level 16
Description: You can endow your nearby teammates with Flight. Be mindful! Your friends will fall if you run out of Endurance or if they travel too far away from you. Group Energy Flight travel speed is slower than Energy Flight. Flying heroes suffer from reduced Accuracy.
Activation Time: 2.2
Recharge Time: 0
Endurance: 1.25/s (2)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Flight Speed
Buff/Debuff: Toggle: Team Fly, -ACC
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 3 End Red
Thoughts: What am I? A taxi service?? Ill leave that to our WS cousins. Extremely HIGH End usage too.
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Rating: 2/5
Power: White Dwarf
Available: Level 20
Description: Kheldians are masters of energy and matter. A Peacebringer can transform into a massive unstoppable energy beast known as a White Dwarf. When you choose this power, you will have access to 6 other powers that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in White Dwarf form. White Dwarf has awesome resistance to all damage except Psionics, as well as controlling effects. White Dwarf also has improved HP and Endurance Recovery, but is limited to melee attacks. Recharge: Fast
Activation Time: 2.2
Recharge Time: 0
Endurance: 0.26
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Damage Resistance, Endurance Recovery, Jump
Buff/Debuff: Toggle: Shapeshift, Special
Inherent Powers: White Dwarf Strike, White Dwarf Smite, White Dwarf Flare, White Dwarf Sublimation, White Dwarf Step, White Dwarf Antagonize
Thoughts: Well like I said for the Bright Nova
This is a human only guide
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Rating: 0/5 (Its just not human)
Power: Reform Essence
Available: Level 22
Description: Through perfect control of your body and energy, you can concentrate for a few moments and heal yourself. Recharge: Long
Activation Time: 0.9
Recharge Time: 60
Endurance: 13
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction, Healing
Buff/Debuff: Self Heal
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 3 Rech, 3 Heal
Thoughts: Another Heal. This one mirrors the Regen scrapper Reconstruction. Here is another Blapper envy power
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Conserve Energy
Available: Level 24
Description: You can focus for a moment to Conserve your Energy. After activating this power, you expend less Endurance on all other powers for a while. Recharge: Very long
Activation Time: 1.3
Recharge Time: 600
Duration: 90
Endurance: 10
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction
Buff/Debuff: Self Endurance Discount
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 3 Rech
Thoughts: With our End usage, this is a no brainer
Slot 3 recharge and use it whenever available. Also note that if you have a maxed out recharge time from IOs, you can ALMOST run 50/50 Conserve Power and Light Form
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Quantum Flight
Available: Level 28
Description: You shift your quantum matrix and become more energy than matter. No long bound by the laws of normal physics, you become intangible to other entities and can fly at high speeds. Quantum Flight grants some stealth, better flight speed then normal Flight, but its Endurance Cost is higher. You cannot affect other targets while Quantum Flight is active.
Activation Time: 0.9
Recharge Time: 60
Endurance: 2.1/s (2)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Recharge Reduction
Buff/Debuff: Toggle: Self Fly, Intangible
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 3 Rech
Thoughts: This power is a flying phase shift. With the changes to these type of powers, I wouldnt have considered it, but it works great as a save me backside power when Light Form is recharging. Also has some stealth the blinkie utility.
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Rating: 1/5
Power: Restore Essence
Available: Level 35
Description: Should you fall in battle, you can Restore your Essence and bring yourself from the brink of death. You will be restored with half your Hit Points and no Endurance. Recharge: Very Long
Activation Time: 4.5
Recharge Time: 300
Enhancements: Recharge Reduction, Healing
Buff/Debuff: Self Rez
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 1 Rech
Thoughts: Straight forward self rez. Saves you travel time. Not really worth slotting. No enemies required. As you can get the one from the safeguard missions, save the slot for something you really want if you are hard up in your build.
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Rating: 2/5
Power: Light Form
Available: Level 38
Description: When you activate Light Form, you become pure Kheldian energy and are extremely resistant to most damage. You are also partially protected from some Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, and Sleep effects. Endurance recovery is also increased. While in Light Form, you cannot shape shift into Bright Nova or White Dwarf form. Light Form costs little Endurance to activate, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and drained of almost all Hit Points and Endurance. Recharge: Very Long
Activation Time: 1.9
Recharge Time: 1000
Duration: 180
Endurance: 4
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Endurance Recovery, Recharge Reduction, Damage Resistance
Buff/Debuff: Self, +Res(Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, All DMG but Psionics)
Thoughts: Unstoppables Kheldian brother here. Here is where you will outshine the Tri-Builds. You are slotted for human attacks
Guess what??? This power is HUMAN ONLY effect. Tri-Builds use it as a security blanket when the going gets tough. For us it allows us 120 secs of GODHOOD. We get to punch and/or blast, with maxed out attacks while the Tri-Builds make weak efforts at trying to do the damage we are. Complete statis protection (even Blasters with FoN still need BFs) and increased End recovery are frosting on the cake. This is by far the best power in the PBs arsenal, if you dont take it, delete you PB and reroll a different AT!!!
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Rating: 5/5 and 5 stars
Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.
Part 4
Inherent Powers
These powers are received automatically at certain levels
Power: Energy Flight
Available: Level 1
Description: Energy Flight allows you to travel large distances quickly. Energy Flight is not a good power to use in combat since your Accuracy is reduced while this power is active. Your Energy Flight speed increases with your level.
Activation Time: 0
Recharge Time: 0
Endurance: 2.03/s (2)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Flight Speed
Buff/Debuff: Toggle: Self Fly, -Acc
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 3 Fly
Thoughts: Level 1 Travel power
Yeah, its fly, but its free. I always love flying by level 12s and 13s with a level 2 PBer. Wish there was a wave emote I could use in flight
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Cosmic Balance
Available: Level 1
Description: Kheldians naturally thrive off the energy and essence of their Teammates. Peacebringers metamorphic nature allows them to bring balance to their Team. Your Damage Resistance will increases for each nearby Scrapper or Blaster Teammate. Your Damage will increases for each nearby Tanker or Defender Teammate. Finally each nearby Controller Teammate will grant you limited Protection from Control effects. You cannot put Enhancements in this power.
Enhancements: N/A
Buff/Debuff: Auto: Special
Thoughts: This is the whole reason for human only (and Light Form). The resistance buff and damage buff are NOT available to Nova or Dwarf. To me if you build right you can do a human only with the abilities of both.
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Rating: 5/5
Power: Combat Flight
Available: Level 10
Description: For hovering and aerial combat. This power is much slower than Energy Flight, but provides some Defense, offers good air control, costs little Endurance, and has none of the penalties associated with Energy Flight. Switch to this mode when fighting other flying foes.
Activation Time: 0
Recharge Time: 0
Endurance: 0.22/s (2)
Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Flight Speed, Defense Buff
Buff/Debuff: Toggle: Self fly, +Def
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: 3 Fly
Thoughts: This is our version of hover. Same stats apply. This is a viable option for knock back protection.
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Rating: 5/5
Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.
Part 5
Invention Origin Sets
First there were Epic ATs
Then came IO Sets and we actually became EPIC. To enter this realm of IOs, we have to take our strengths and weaknesses into consideration. A lot of people would tend to agree that our 2 major weaknesses are:
1) Mez Resistance
2) End Recovery
In order to address IO set possibilities, lets look at each power and the IO sets for each, however, to keep this guide easier to manage, I will only be covering the 40 and up sets except for a few special circumstances.
Ranged Attacks:
Single Target
Gleaming Bolt, Glinting Eye, Gleaming Blast
Entropic Chaos (2)+ Regeneration (3)Confuse Res (4)+Endurance (5)- Recharge Time
Decimation: (2)Immob Res (3)+Health (4)+Endurance (5)- Recharge Time (6)+ Toxic/Psionic Res
Thunderstrike: (2)+ Recovery (3)+ Energy Def (4)Accuracy (5)+ Movement Speed (6)+ Ranged Def
Devastation: (2)+ Regeneration (3)+Health (4)+ Damage (5)Hold Res (6)+ Psionic Def
Recommendation: All four sets add a bit of everything we would like. I added Entropic Chaos in here as it offers everything a PB could ask for. Add a Nucleolus HO or SHO to bring its damage up to the max. Entropic Chaos and Decimation limited availability due to the level they drop at keeps them from being the must slot sets in these powers.
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Ranged Attacks:
Proton Scatter, Luminous Detonation
Detonation: (2)Sleep Res (3)+ Energy Res (4)Debt Prot (5)+ AoE Def (6)+ Toxic Res
Positron's Blast: (2)+ Recovery (3)+ Fire/Cold Res (4)Accuracy (5)- Recharge Time (6)+ Toxic Res
Recommendation: Hands down here, Positrons Blast. This is one of those sets made for PBs. Gives us a bit of everything we want and decrease in recharge time as a bonus. Perma-Essance Boost is a possibility.
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Melee Attacks
Single Target
Radiant Strike, Incandescent Strike
Crushing Impact: (2)Immob Res (3)+Health (4)Accuracy (5)- Recharge Time (6)+ Psionic Res
Mako's Bite: (2)Immob Res (3)+Health (4)+ Damage (5)Hold Res (6)+ Ranged Def
Recommendation: OK
These 2 are tough to call. Both offer goodies we can use. I would recommend Crushing Impact for 6 slotted powers and Makos Bite for those that are 5 slotted as Makos has a Chance for
enhancement you can by-pass and still get full set benefits.
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PBAoE Attacks
Solar Flare, Dawn Strike
Multi-Strike: (2)Sleep Res (3)+ Fire/Cold Res (4)Stun Res (5)+ AoE Def (6)+ Melee Def
Scirocco's Dervish: (2)+ Regeneration (3)+ Negative Energy Res (4)Accuracy (5)+ AoE Def (6) + Psionic Def
Recommendation: Another tough choice, but my vote is for Scirocco. The +Regen and +Acc make a good buff set, Multi-Strike has some nice Res and Def if you are really shooting for those.
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Photon Seekers
Blood Mandate: (2)+ Recovery (3)+ Fire/Cold Def (4)Stun Res (5)+ AoE Def (6)+ Ranged Def
Sovereign Right: (2)Sleep Res (3)Confuse Res (4)Stun Res (5)Hold Res (6)+ Melee Def
Recommendation: Sovereign Right is the hands down winner here. Mez resistance across the board. Status protection is our friend and having this set in our builds really helps a lot.
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PBAoE Disorient
Rope A Dope: (2)+ Regeneration (3)+ Fire/Cold Res (4)Stun Dur (5)Hold Res (6)+ Psionic Def
Stupefy: (2)+ Recovery (3)+Health (4)Stun Dur (5)- Recharge Time (6)+ Ranged Def
Recommendation: Another close call. If you have your Recovery in order, go with Rope A Dope, if you are wanting the End recovery go with Stupefy. Either way you go its a win-win situation.
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Resistance Powers
Incandescence, Shining Shield, Thermal Shield, Quantum Shield, Light Form
Steadfast Protection (2)+ Recovery (3)+Health
Impervious Skin (2)Sleep Res (3)+Health (4)Debt Prot (5)- Recharge Time
Reactive Armor (2)Immob Res (3)+ Energy Def (4)+ Lethal Def (5)+ AoE Def (6)+ Toxic Res
Impervium Armor (2)+ Recovery (3)+ Psionic Def (4)+Endurance (5)Hold Res (6)+ Psionic Res
Titanium Coating (2)Sleep Res (3)+Health (4)Stun Res (5)Hold Res (6)+ Melee Def
Aegis (2)+RunSpeed (3)+ Fire/Cold Def (4)Debt Prot (5)+ AoE Def (6)+ Toxic Res
Recommendation: With these powers I tend to lean away from full sets. 2 from a set with a good bonus is doable, but these are where I spend my specialty IOs. Here is the list of IO set individual IOs that give the biggest bang for the buck.
[*]Steadfast Protection Knockback Protection[*]Steadfast Protection Resistance/Defense (Unique)[*]Impervious Skin +Mez Resist [*]Impervium Armor +Psionic Resist [*]Aegis +Psionic and Mez Resist (Unique)
Also I rely on HOs/SHOs here to do the actual work and the extra slots are for mez resistance and other specialty IOs. Concentrate on mez resistance here. This is where we can get the 50%+ Mez Resistance.
[/ QUOTE ]
Healing Powers
Essence Boost, Reform Essence, Restore Essence
Harmonized Healing (2)+ Recovery (3)Confuse Res (4)Improved Heal (5)+ AoE Def (6)+ Toxic Res
Miracle (2)+ Recovery (3)+Health (4)Improved Heal (5)+ AoE Def (6)+ Psionic Def
Doctored Wounds (2)Fear Res (3)+ Fire/Cold Res (4)Improved Heal (5)- Recharge Time (6)+ Toxic/Psionic Res
Numina's Convalescence (2)+ Regeneration (3)+Health (4)Improved Heal (5)Hold Res (6)+ Ranged Def
Recommendation: A few different options here. All of the Heal sets offer a good variety of things PBs can use. However, Doctored Wounds is my personal favorite. The Recharge makes it easy for PBs to hit perma Essence Boost, with will help our survivability.
[/ QUOTE ]
Kheldian Inherent Powers
Energy Flight, Combat Flight
Soaring (2)+ Recovery (3)+Health
Freebird (2)+ Regeneration (3)+Health
Recommendation: OK, Regen or recovery? Freebird also has the +Stealth. Another option here is the HO/SHO for movement speed and end reduction (Microfilament Exposure). This is really a good idea when you have 1 slot and arent concerned with +Stealth (there are other places to slot +Stealth or take the real deal).
[/ QUOTE ]
Combat Flight Only
Karma (2)Debt Prot (3)+Health
Kismet (2)+ Recovery (3)Confuse Res (4)Debt Prot (5)- Recharge Time
Serendipity (2)+ Regeneration (3)+Health (4)Accuracy (5)+ AoE Def (6)+ Toxic Res
Gift of the Ancients (2)+ Recovery (3)+ Fire Res (4)+Endurance (5)Hold Res (6)+ Psionic Res
Red Fortune (2)Immob Res (3)+ Fire/Cold Res (4)+ Damage (5)- Recharge Time (6)+ Ranged Def
Luck of the Gambler (2)+ Regeneration (3)+Health (4)Accuracy (5)Hold Res (6)+ Psionic Res
Recommendation: With the global defense nerf, there isnt a need to slot Combat Flight with +Def. Its probably a waste of slots to do +Def build. However, the defense pool does offer some good uniques and globals.
[*]Karma Knockback Protection [*]Kismet Increased ToHit (6%) [*]Gift of the Ancients Increased Run Speed [*]Luck of the Gambler Increased Recharge Speed
Of these, LotG stands out with its +7.5% recharge speed. A couple of these and 2 Doctored Wounds and perma Essence Boost is within reach. I currently have my KB protection slotted here.
[/ QUOTE ]
Pool Powers
Im not going to go into all the options, but I will make a few overall observations.
Fitness Pool
Slot your passive +Recovery/+Regen IOs in Health (Numinas Unique, Miracle Unique, Regenerative Tissue Unique). This will leave your heals open to maximizing their HP recovery and recharge.
Fighting Pool
This might be an option if you are looking for a bit more +Mez and +Recharge is you pick up Tough and Weave for the Globals you can slot there. You also get another melee attack.
Concealment Pool
Another option for LotG +Recharge. If you are shooting for perma or near perma Essence Boost, this is a 2 for 1 when stacked with Super Speed, Invis and +Recharge.
Other Powers
Brawl, Sprint, Rest
Depending on your build, these 3 can be fillers for enhances. I currently have an Unbounded Leap +Stealth in my Sprint.[list]
Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.
Part 6
Discussion and Build Possibilities
Why human only? Well that is simple
COSMIC BALANCE. Granted this does not help us when solo, but when teamed we become EPIC. Forms gain no benefit from, so this makes us more valuable on a team (90% of my play time with this guy).
Blapper Build (they wish)
OK. You are a Scrapper for the most part. Whats the most part? Mezzing and stuns. Thank goodness for IO sets. With my current build I have 60%+ mez resistance to all forms of mez. It cost me a pretty penny (INF) but Ive been hitting the Rikti missions and the + mez resistance really helps. Also this build has a 20%+ Psionic damage resistance.
Here is my current build:
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.21
Amalgam Entity: Level 50 Natural Peacebringer
Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Concealment
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Glinting Eye -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 1: Incandescence -- Aegis-Psi/Status:50(A), ImpSkn-Status:30(3), ImpArm-ResPsi:40(50)
Level 2: Gleaming Blast -- Thundr-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx:50(3), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg:50(17), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(37), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(48), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(50)
Level 4: Essence Boost -- RechRdx-I:50(A), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx:50(5), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg:50(5), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:50(7), Dct'dW-Heal:50(7), Dct'dW-Rchg:50(9)
Level 6: Radiant Strike -- Mako-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx:50(9), Mako-Dmg/Rchg:50(46), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg:50(46), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(48)
Level 8: Shining Shield -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(13), HO:Ribo(13), ImpSkn-Status:30(15), ImpArm-ResPsi:40(17)
Level 10: Hasten -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(11), RechRdx-I:50(11)
Level 12: Swift -- HO:Micro(A)
Level 14: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+:50(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+:40(15)
Level 16: Build Up -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(42)
Level 18: Incandescent Strike -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg:50(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx:50(19), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg:50(19), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(45), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(45), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(46)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod-I:50(A), EndMod-I:50(21), EndMod-I:50(21)
Level 22: Reform Essence -- RechRdx-I:50(A), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx:50(23), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg:50(23), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:50(27), Dct'dW-Heal:50(27), Dct'dW-Rchg:50(29)
Level 24: Conserve Energy -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(25), RechRdx-I:50(25)
Level 26: Solar Flare -- Sciroc-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Sciroc-Dmg/EndRdx:50(43), Sciroc-Dmg/Rchg:50(43), Sciroc-Acc/Rchg:50(43), Sciroc-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(45)
Level 28: Thermal Shield -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(29), ImpArm-ResPsi:40(31), ImpSkn-Status:30(34)
Level 30: Quantum Shield -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(31), ImpArm-ResPsi:40(31), ImpSkn-Status:30(40)
Level 32: Photon Seekers -- SvgnRt-Acc/Dmg:50(A), SvgnRt-Dmg/EndRdx:50(33), SvgnRt-Acc/EndRdx:50(33), SvgnRt-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(33), SvgnRt-Acc:50(34), RechRdx-I:50(34)
Level 35: Dawn Strike -- Sciroc-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Sciroc-Dmg/EndRdx:50(36), Sciroc-Dmg/Rchg:50(36), Sciroc-Acc/Rchg:50(36), Sciroc-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(37), RechRdx-I:50(37)
Level 38: Light Form -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(39), ImpSkn-Status:30(39), ResDam-I:50(39), ImpArm-ResDam/Rchg:40(40), ImpArm-ResPsi:40(40)
Level 41: Pulsar -- Stpfy-Acc/Rchg:50(A), Stpfy-Acc/EndRdx:50(42), Stpfy-Acc/Stun/Rchg:50(42)
Level 44: Stealth -- EndRdx-I:50(A), LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(48)
Level 47: Super Speed -- HO:Micro(A)
Level 49: Restore Essence -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- ULeap-Stlth:50(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 1: Cosmic Balance
Level 1: Energy Flight -- HO:Micro(A)
Level 10: Combat Flight -- Krma-ResKB:30(A), LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(48)
Alternate Build (BLAST BLAST BLAST)
Like I said in the opening, I started with a melee concept, but I also can see a human only Blaster PBer. Ive listed a sample build below that I am currently playing.
This guy has as much if not more potential than the melee heavy as you are at range, so the Smashing and Lethal from melee is less. I would say that you might look at altering things to move slots around. As a ranged damage dealer, I could see more use for Thermal and Quantum Shields over Shining Shield as ranged attacks usually have a smashing and lethal component with the other exotic damage. Might move a slot or 2 here or there, but this is a pretty solid build so far.
Here is my intention for the Blaster version:
Bright Man: Level 50 Natural Peacebringer
Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Speed
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Gleaming Bolt -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 1: Incandescence -- Aegis-Psi/Status:50(A), ImpSkn-Status:30(15)
Level 2: Glinting Eye -- Dev'n-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Dev'n-Dmg/EndRdx:50(3), Dev'n-Dmg/Rchg:50(3), Dev'n-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(37), Dev'n-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(43)
Level 4: Essence Boost -- RechRdx-I:50(A), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx:50(5), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg:50(5), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:50(7), Dct'dW-Heal:50(7), Dct'dW-Rchg:50(9)
Level 6: Gleaming Blast -- Thundr-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx:50(11), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg:50(11), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(34), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(34), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(37)
Level 8: Proton Scatter -- Posi-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx:50(9), Posi-Dmg/Rchg:50(15), Posi-Dmg/Rng:50(31), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(31)
Level 10: Swift -- HO:Micro(A)
Level 12: Luminous Detonation -- Posi-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx:50(13), Posi-Dmg/Rchg:50(13), Posi-Dmg/Rng:50(42), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(42)
Level 14: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+:50(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+:40(50), Mrcl-Heal:40(50)
Level 16: Build Up -- HO:Membr(A), HO:Membr(17), HO:Membr(17)
Level 18: Hasten -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(19), RechRdx-I:50(19)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod-I:50(A), EndMod-I:50(21), EndMod-I:50(21)
Level 22: Reform Essence -- RechRdx-I:50(A), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx:50(23), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg:50(23), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:50(25), Dct'dW-Heal:50(25), Dct'dW-Rchg:50(27)
Level 24: Conserve Energy -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(29), RechRdx-I:50(29)
Level 26: Shining Shield -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(27), HO:Ribo(43), ImpSkn-Status:30(43), ResDam-I:50(46)
Level 28: Quantum Flight -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 30: Thermal Shield -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(31), HO:Ribo(45), ImpSkn-Status:30(48)
Level 32: Dawn Strike -- Sciroc-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Sciroc-Dmg/EndRdx:50(33), Sciroc-Dmg/Rchg:50(33), Sciroc-Acc/Rchg:50(33), Sciroc-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(34), RechRdx-I:50(46)
Level 35: Photon Seekers -- SvgnRt-Acc/Dmg:50(A), SvgnRt-Dmg/EndRdx:50(36), SvgnRt-Acc/EndRdx:50(36), SvgnRt-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(36), SvgnRt-Acc:50(37), RechRdx-I:50(40)
Level 38: Light Form -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(39), ImpSkn-Status:30(39), ImpArm-ResDam/Rchg:40(39), ImpArm-ResDam:40(40), ResDam-I:50(40)
Level 41: Quantum Shield -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(42), ImpSkn-Status:30(46)
Level 44: Pulsar -- Stpfy-Acc/Rchg:50(A), Stpfy-Acc/EndRdx:50(45), Stpfy-Acc/Stun/Rchg:50(45)
Level 47: Radiant Strike -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(48), HO:Nucle(50)
Level 49: Restore Essence -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Clrty-Stlth:50(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 1: Cosmic Balance
Level 1: Energy Flight -- HO:Micro(A)
Level 10: Combat Flight -- Krma-ResKB:30(A), LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(48)
Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.
Part 7
With the introduction of IO sets and their bonuses Kheldians as a whole have become a lot more viable. Adding Mez and Recovery add to our fighting potential. As far as actual combination of set, they are as varied as our builds themselves.
Note: I didn't use any of the "50" sets or the new enhancement sets as they are still to rare to be viable. I will update for these at a later time...
[/ QUOTE ]
I hope this guide lends some ideas to both new and old PB players. I would enjoy any discussion over builds. The more I play them, the more I find different ways to build them.
Cheers and good gaming,
Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.
I read just the power ratings and such, just a few things I personally don't agree with. Feel free to take in my opinions, anyone who reads this:
Power: Gleaming Blast
Available: Level 2
Rating: 5/5
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not really sure about this one, you give this more than Pulsar and Photon Seekers, even though (with my Build) they are much greater additions. I have it slotted with Devastation and it's still just barely High damage. More explanations later in my response.
Power: Proton Scatter
Available: Level 8
Rating: 4/5
[/ QUOTE ]
You also rated this one more than Photon Seekers. Weird to me, when I had this power, not only did it have an unimpressive arc, it's strength was even less impressive comparing to the amount of Endurance it took. I believe it has around the same damage as Gleaming Eyes (forgot the name right now) which is hardly ever enough for finishing anything off, or do any significant damage. You can have a much better attack chain without this power.
Power: Pulsar
Available: Level 18
Rating: 3/5
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm really wondering here. Slotted up, it's an amazing power. Considering most of what any given toon will be fighting is minions and lieutenants, it's definately worth it. And if you aren't, then you're on a team that will stack sttuns. Partially for concept purposes, mostly for the effect. I added a Knockback IO to fit in with the toon (of course it will knock a foe out of range 20% of the time, but there's a possibillity that I'll pull off my next strong attack before it's out of range. Also, Pulsar is up once or more each fight.
Photon Seekers: Not too much to say, maybe 1 out of 50 will not attack an enemy, but slotted they can take out *almost* half a Blaster at level 38 (exemped down to Warburg). I'll also be trying out Soulbound Allegiance on them, to see whether it works or not.
Thermal and Quantum Shields: Of course, Thermal won't be important but as an all human you should have as much resistance as you can get. These allow you to slot in IOs and exploit the sets' effects. Plus, they help much much more late game.
Power: Quantum Flight
Available: Level 28
Rating: 1/5
[/ QUOTE ]
I mostly took it for concept purposes, as well as a way to Stealth specific things. Also, it's probably one of the best Phase powers in the game. Although hard on your endurance (especially after 45 seconds), it's at the capped fly speed, there's no activation time and it lasts for (15? 30? 0?) seconds longer than any other phase power.
Lastly, Restore Essence: also mostly for concept reasons, but it proves to be a good filler power, and you can always res yourself when you are defeated. Cool "just in case" power to have.
Other than those I mostly agree with your main guide. Have fun out there!
Why human only? Well that is simple
COSMIC BALANCE. Granted this does not help us when solo, but when teamed we become EPIC. Forms gain no benefit from, so this makes us more valuable on a team (90% of my play time with this guy).
[/ QUOTE ]
I've played an All-Human PB, but this isn't really accurate. Let's compare:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Name End Rech BaseDmg 3-SODmg CapDmg
Proton Scatter 11.86 12s 34.41 67.1 137.54
Bright Nova Scatter 11.86 12s 95.70 158.4 264
</pre><hr />
Most of the comparisons look this way. As you can see, even if you have no buffs beyond 3 SOs in the power, the Nova version of scatter does more than the human version will do even if the human version was at the damage cap. (Reaching it would require all 7 of your teammates be giving you +dmg via cosmic balance)
Cosmic balance is a great power, yes. But this goes to show you - it doesn't make up for extremely anemic base damage.
(For the astute, the reason the numbers are not in proportion is that the 'true base' of nova scatter is 66, but the BaseDmg number here includes +45% inherent to the nova form, since you will always have that. Likewise, the 3-SO verison is 95% from the SOs + 45% from the form.)
Where did you get your activation numbers from? Gleaming bolt is 1.0s, not 1.2. Glinting eye is 1.67, not 1.8. Rad Strike is 1.07s, not 1.2s. Et cetera.
Anyhow, I always preferred eye over bolt because I preferred the look and it was the higher damage filler, but in the era of IOs, you can get pretty funky with bolt using procs. I think the best way to measure effective damage is "Damage Per Activation Second", or DPAS. That's damage dealt per second of time in animation lock. On that measure, bolt and eye have the same DPAS; but since bolt gets more activations in that time, you can go nuts with procs. Bolt and eye can both take:
Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy Damage
Apocalypse: Chance for Negative Energy Damage
Devastation: Chance to Hold
Decimation: Chance for Buildup
For example, ToLG should do 71.75 damage at L50, 20% of the time. That's about the equivalent of +14.3 damage per activation, or the equivalent of slotting a bonus +70% damage enhancement into it. Because of the slower rech/activation of glinting eye, it is only the equivalent of +40% for that power. The result for the Apocalypse proc will be even more dramatic, I guarantee. The chance to hold can be useful since it will (if it fires) stack with Incandescent Strike. Build up is always great, of course, even though 5% isn't amazing - but if you did nothing but fire this off, you'd still get a buildup 3/60 times for a total of 30 seconds worth of build up boost (assuming it's 10s in duration, which I've never tested).
Anyhow, those 2 powers are balanced, but with IOs, I have to give a nod to bolt now.
Your description of Pulsar is lacking, because you need to note the chances to disorient lieutenants is only 50%.
I don't get your 1/5 rating for Quantum Fly, which is quite possibly the best panic button in the game. Rating it underneath a self-rez seems ludicrous to me.
Anyhow, those 2 powers are balanced, but with IOs, I have to give a nod to bolt now.
[/ QUOTE ]
Poo on that. There's no way MY human PB will ever give up those gorgeous white eye lasers, I don't care what the numbers say. YOU'LL HAVE TO RIP OUT MY EYES BEFORE I'LL EVER USE BOLT INSTEAD OF EYE!
*shoots everyone with white eye lasers* PEW PEW! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Bother and pie. Now I want to log in and play Solarsong, but I still don't have SHODAN rebuilt. >.<
*shoots Plasma in the face with white eye lasers*
The numbers for squid and lobster might matter IF this was an overall Peacebringer guide, but it is HUMAN ONLY. Thus the statements I made are relavent and correct.
Forms 'Bringers have there drawbacks too (see Light Form). I have a Tri-Form too, but my human only seems more effective on large teams and TF. Number might say different, I'm just talking on the human side in this guide.
Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.
Nice guide a lot of thought went into it and thats very good.
Personally I would rate Quantum Fly a lot higher. Its the best panic button in the game and perfect when you dont see that Quantum or Void.. Put three end redux in it and you could run it for quite some time before end runs out (ive heard like two minutes )
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Awsome Guide J! I might actually make a PB now.
just a few things I personally don't agree with
Power: Pulsar
Available: Level 18
Rating: 3/5
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm really wondering here. Slotted up, it's an amazing power. minions and lieutenants, it's definately worth it. Pulsar is up once or more each fight.
[/ QUOTE ]
So is much of your guide. Just leaving out your "hold" seems kinda crazy to me.
Thanks for re-working your guide, I was using the older version until I noticed the newer one.
I do like that the older guide was much easier to read, though! I have no idea what these short-form IO's and hami-o's are supposed to do, and since I'm still using SO's I can't really figure out what to slot in.
Bolt and eye can both take:
Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy Damage
Apocalypse: Chance for Negative Energy Damage
Devastation: Chance to Hold
Decimation: Chance for Buildup
[/ QUOTE ]
This is not to mention some less popular (and therefore cheaper) procs like:
Achilles' Heel: Chance for Res Debuff (20% for -20% res for 10s)
Entropic Chais: Chance for Heal Self (10% for 5% heal)
Tempest: Chance for End Drain (25% for -13% end)
Of course, Glinting Eye (and Gleaming Blast) takes Knockback sets, where Gleaming Bolt doesn't, so it can slot Explosive Strike's Chance for Smashing Damage and Force Feedback's Chance for +Recharge (10% for +100% rch for 5s). But of course it doesn't have the insane cycle time that Gleaming Bolt does.
Speaking of which...
*shoots everyone with white eye lasers* PEW PEW! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
[/ QUOTE ]
*jumps in and proc-rocks Lumi with 7-slotted Gleaming Bolt. She is held, her resistances are debuffed, her end is drained, and she takes smashing damage and two kinds of negative energy damage, while Scrap is healed and Built Up. Lumi also takes 4.12 energy damage from Gleaming Bolt* Har!
Those new builds don't have acrobatics in them, i can under stand for the blast focused one, but what about the 'blapper' build, doesnt the knockback get to be troublesome?
and the extra hold protection is useful since all-human needs as much mez resist as it can get
Thanks for the updated post this really helps me.
Just 2 things though:
1. For Light Form you didnt list Pre-IO suggested slotting?
2. Could you list a Pre-IO set version of the
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer?
Thanks again for all your hard work on this.
lasers are better than bolts. Bolts you put in walls. lasers you shoot things with.
my conclusion is that laser beam eyes pwnz0r more than bolts..
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
And all human PB"s willget better with Issue 13.. more damage.. all ranged attacks to 80ft... and toggles wont drop when stunned...
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Issue 11 All Human Peacebringer (Revisited)
By Energy Aura
Table of Contents
Part 1: Opening thoughts
Part 2: Luminous Blast
Part 3: Luminous Aura
Part 4: Inherent Powers
Part 5: IO Sets
Part 6: Discussion and Build Possibilities
Part 7: Conclusion
Part 1
I finally got around to finishing up the guide. I know its been a while, but now its finally to a point where I am actually proud to post it. I want to start off by saying that I have refined my initial post and I have updated this guide for Issue 11 (much has changed). Also, my initial concept was for the melee variety, but I have since seen another option for human only; Ill explain later.
Let me start off with 3 statements that I based my entire initial guide on.
1. Blappers have been around forever and been effective
2. A PB in human form has access to powers that would make a Blapper cry (Cosmic Balance, Shining Shield, Essence Boost, Reform Essence, Light Form Need I say more?)
3. Mez and stun are our biggest enemies (Voids and Quants are easy once you face down a few)
[/ QUOTE ]
Now with the arrival of IO Sets, Kheldians have REALLY gotten a boost. Not only are we doing a bit more damage, but with a bit of thought, our Mez Resistance is very reasonable as well.
Here is my power description breakdown:
Activation Time: in secs
Recharge Time: in secs
Endurance: Points of End
Range: in feet
Brawl Index: 1 being the base
Enhancements: Types of enhancements the power takes
Buff/Debuff: Secondary Power effects
Pre-IO Suggested Slotting: Slotting recommendations prior to IO Sets
So without further chat, lets get down to business
Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.