What server do you call home?




I have been wondering alot about this of the people that regular the Screenshots and Fan Art forum. I have noticed alot of the artist use Virtue for some obvious reasons, the VirtueVerse is a glaring hint. But, I don't believe this means Virtue has communized all the artist, it is just easier to tell apart the ones from Virtue than those that aren't. Then again, I also don't see so many "famous" characters running around my home server. So does Virtue have a tight grasp on the Artist, or is there a server in the shadows that Artist and Art Fans call home?

So, what server do you call home and specify what you are. I am also going to say maybe add your @global if you want. It would be nice to talk in person (errr, so to speak) to some of these talented artist or to some of the (in)famous art collectors. By all means, I know some people don't want globals known or don't want to be spammed by tells, so you can leave this out if you want. @global is totally optional.

For an example I will start it off:

@Kodiakx/@daddypuncher (man I need a global rename, long story about this...) from [u]Pinnacle[u] / Art Appreciator

Side note: Maybe, if we get a quite a few post on this, I will tally up the servers to see who has the most Artist and who has the most Art Fans.



I'm a Justice native, I have a few toons on Virtue, but I play about 99.5% of the time on Justice. Globals @Gaderath. I started as an art appreciator, became an artist wannabe, and am gradually moving into artist. I know of a couple art appreciators/collectors on Justice, but I think the majority of people are on Virtue and Liberty, but I could be wrong.



lol, Protector.



I like the idea of a list, allowing people to ask in game for art, and more importantly the opportunity for the artist to take their own screenshots. Which I find waiting for to be a major hold up in starting a new piece, either the client doesn't have one they like. Or the one they send you is just plain too dark, too small, too blurry, too covered up with auras, powers, the enemy.

@Lady Judgement / art monger! j/k

My son got me into this game in mid 2006, we chose Virtue because he said that was the most roleplaying server. At the time, I liked running around Atlas Park saying, "Justice Waits for No One...", especially around SGs of 50s hanging around in chat circles...

But since April, the Envisionaries agreed that Liberty would be the balancing new server to build our SG. So I have migrated 2 of my high ups there, since now we play COV there too. Now I only have 2 slots free which I am keeping open for Issue 11 content. LJ is once again a lvl 50 tank, and her lvl 37 scrapper alt will soon be climbing the charts!

On Virtue, I still have my original Super Girl knock off, first level 50 toon ever version of LJ, and I use her primarily for influence gathering or attending a PK event... but now Liberty is my home.

Though I do have LJ alts on Justice (lvl 3), Champion (lvl 9), Protector (lvl 5), Triumph (lvl 5), Victory (lvl 5), and Freedom (lvl 2)... so I guess I need to make ones for: Pinnacle, Infinity and Guardian. Those alts are for meeting people just to take screens, the lvl 9 is only because of the one time I attended Tanker Tuesdays.




Alty was a rolling stone,
Wherever she laid her alt was her home
And when she played!
It was always with RO-ohhhh

Justfreeirtue 4 life

@Altoholic Monkey
Art Stalk...err Lurker| Graphics Dibble-Dabbler | Procastinating Writer | Decent Screenshot Taker



lol, Protector.

[/ QUOTE ]
I accept your challenge, Dirtpup.

Anyway, I'm mostly on either Infinity, Virtue, Justice, or Liberty. Infinity is my original home server, but now Liberty is now my OFFICIAL new home with Art SG, The Envisionaries (compliments to founder, Spinomania). My global is @Turbo-Ski

- Shadow Blaze, 50 fire/empath controller
- Shadow Magma, 43 fire/fire/fire tanker
- Atomic Bomba, 33 rad/rad defender
- Sarix the Devourer, 49 dark/fire brute
- Project Reaver, 19 nrg/sr stalker
- Tarix, 19 elec/elec brute
- Kraticax, 12 fire/dark corruptor
- Eternal Abyss, 41 warshade

- Turbo-Ski, 49 ice/cold corruptor
- Lady Farsight, 42 TA/A defender
- Red Kite, 17 fire/fire dominator
- Gatekeeper Turbo-Ski, 11 dark/cold corruptor



Global: @SlaveDawg

I have Heroes on Liberty and Justice. All my level 50s (see my sig) are on Liberty except my Claws/SR who is on Justice. Recently I have been spending almost all my play time on Justice, but switch back to Liberty to run missions/TFs with my SG and help friends.

I have Villains on Pinnacle and Champion. My highest level villain is on Pinnacle and is a level 42 Brute.

I am an altaholic at heart and love to play a wide variety of ATs and power sets.

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page



Though I do have LJ alts on Justice (lvl 3), Champion (lvl 9), Protector (lvl 5), Triumph (lvl 5), Victory (lvl 5), and Freedom (lvl 2)... so I guess I need to make ones for: Pinnacle, Infinity and Guardian. Those alts are for meeting people just to take screens, the lvl 9 is only because of the one time I attended Tanker Tuesdays.

[/ QUOTE ]

Geez, not even Pinnacle gets LJ loving! Luckily most people there aren't sober enough to tell their left from their right... I feel like Pinnacles DD, I don't drink but I love going to the bars watching all the drunk people!



It's just no one from Pinnacle has ever asked me for art...




*sets out cookies*

Member of the [url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=171543&TabID=1451954"]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



Freedom and Virtue. The two most populous servers. Go figure.



I am a Protectorite, here, although I do have toons in the Envisionaries on Liberty, as well as several commonly-played alts on Victory.

Also, if you wanna be able to talk to the artists and collectors, join the global room "Paragon One". We decided to use it to organize for the Envis groups, but most of us are still in it and are willing to chat there.



I started off on Pinnacle, but moved to Virtue, and that's when I started doing the arts. TL can be found on any server however....




I'm a Guardian native, though I play on several servers from time to time &gt;.&lt;

Global name is @Yumii

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



I'm a Guardian native, though I play on several servers from time to time &gt;.&lt;

Global name is @Yumii

[/ QUOTE ]


*gives Yumii* a cookie

Hai2u...I don't play as much anymore...

Member of the [url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=171543&TabID=1451954"]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



It's just no one from Pinnacle has ever asked me for art...

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhh, hello?

I mostly play on Pinnacle, but have a number of characters on most other servers. I'm kinda like kudzu.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Okay I meant no one from Pinnacle, has made me come to Pinnacle to take screens of them. So I will have to rectify that tomorrow.



I'm a Guardian native, though I play on several servers from time to time &gt;.&lt;

Global name is @Yumii

[/ QUOTE ]


*gives Yumii* a cookie

Hai2u...I don't play as much anymore...

[/ QUOTE ]

COOKIE! &lt;^_^&gt; *pounce*

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Okay I meant no one from Pinnacle, has made me come to Pinnacle to take screens of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

/e points Super Soaker loaded w/ freezing Lake Michigan water at LJ

You WILL come to Pinnacle and take screens of ALL my characters... OR ELSE THE PUPPY GETS IT!!! /e holds up beagle

TL = Problem Solver.



I got about 24 character on Pinnacle you can Screenshot away at, LJ!

I didn't count, but it seems Virtue and Liberty are where most people call home so far from what I have read. Gonna try and wait for a few more people to post their home servers, then do a count to see.



Okay I meant no one from Pinnacle, has made me come to Pinnacle to take screens of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

/e points Super Soaker loaded w/ freezing Lake Michigan water at LJ

You WILL come to Pinnacle and take screens of ALL my characters... OR ELSE THE PUPPY GETS IT!!! /e holds up beagle

TL = Problem Solver.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now see what you started with the OP, Kodiakx?
Way to endanger small animals.



Okay I meant no one from Pinnacle, has made me come to Pinnacle to take screens of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

/e points Super Soaker loaded w/ freezing Lake Michigan water at LJ

You WILL come to Pinnacle and take screens of ALL my characters... OR ELSE THE PUPPY GETS IT!!! /e holds up beagle

TL = Problem Solver.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now see what you started with the OP, Kodiakx?
Way to endanger small animals.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm a bear, I eat small animals!



Okay I meant no one from Pinnacle, has made me come to Pinnacle to take screens of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

/e points Super Soaker loaded w/ freezing Lake Michigan water at LJ

You WILL come to Pinnacle and take screens of ALL my characters... OR ELSE THE PUPPY GETS IT!!! /e holds up beagle

TL = Problem Solver.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now see what you started with the OP, Kodiakx?
Way to endanger small animals.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm a bear, I eat small animals!

[/ QUOTE ]

No posting replies until I'm done editing myself!
That is so not fair!
(Edit: Much better. Thanks. )

Also: Hi, I'm in Kalamazoo. We share a state.



Fixed! And it seems we do! I just moved here 2 months ago, hoping to stay but I need a full time job to have that happen!

If I can't get a full-time job within the next few weeks, I am gonna have to leave me gf in Michigan and crawl back home to Pennsylvania and try there again... Sucks when my gf got accepted to Law School in Lansing and I can't find a job here!