What server do you call home?




Yeah.... I'd get into a discussion about the suckitude of the economy here currently, but I've already jacked this thread enough for tonight, and also I'm tired of talking about the suckitude of the economy here because that is currently the most common discussion people here have with each other.



I am from Justice.



Freedom and Virtue... although that'll probably be just virtue pretty soon.




@ thehyperone

I have a few alts on other servers too but thats from the days I had lots of play time



im from the server that is named after the thing that we serve out to the bad guys.... JUSTICE!



I'mma art lurker as of late here in the forums...I am attempting to get my art skillz back to what they were in High School. One drawing at a time.

The Main server in which I call home is Libery, and I'm kinda surprised I haven't run into more of everyone while protecting the civil citizens. @Absolut-Alts and @Broken Sunday are my Globals if anyone wants to hunt me down.

@Absolut. and @Absolut-

Liberty Server's own Liquor Store Owner.
Way to many 50's to list here...and adding....



I've moved all my heavy hitter chars to Virtue.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Main heroes on Triumph, main villains on Victory. I also have alts on Infinity and Liberty.


Most of my SG mates have gone permanently AFK, so look me up! Always looking for a good team.



I've moved all my heavy hitter chars to Virtue.

[/ QUOTE ]

didnt I run into you the one time I ventured into the d ?



I've moved all my heavy hitter chars to Virtue.

[/ QUOTE ]

didnt I run into you the one time I ventured into the d ?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd forget meeting people too if I ran into Heavy Hitters in a club.

Amnesia is not a party favour.



Heh ... I was thinking soul might have been said person who sent me a tell while I was swamped with local chat but if i was thwaped upside the head by soul train I might get amnesia

or maybe i have to forget for plausable deniability ?



I've moved all my heavy hitter chars to Virtue.

[/ QUOTE ]

didnt I run into you the one time I ventured into the d ?

[/ QUOTE ]

Soul Train's pretty regular in Pocket D. I've bumped into that distinctive costume a few times myself.



Justice is my home but I've been hanging out on Virtue recently

On Justice
Quake - Lvl 50 En/En Blaster
Shakester - Lvl 50 Invul/EM Tanker
Kiao Dai Ken - Lvl 40 Katana/Regen Scrapper
Gravity Lad - Lvl 21 Grav/Emp Controller
Ebon Shock - Lvl 32 Dark/Dark Corruptor
"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."



Virtue <flashes her gang signs>



Virtue <flashes her gang signs>

[/ QUOTE ]




Mostly infinity these days--though pinnacle too.





KAKTOS spine/invul



My original home was Triumph. But due to the interest in The Legends of Justice I joined in on the Justice server in which I now call my home. If anyone wants to chat my global

@Mysterious Flame / Art Appreciator / Art Collectorish



Don't know how I missed this thread the first time around.

My original home is Virtue server, most of my level 50 heroes (3) are still there.

I moved to Justice for awhile when CoV came out. My level 50 Villains (2) are still there.

Now I reside on Liberty as a card carrying member of the Envisionaries. I remade my namesake character, Kilotonnage, over there as a Tanker and he's 50 now. Currently working on my Villain, Black's Knight Level 41 Dominator.


