Looking to commission a VG logo
Try sending a note to the Imperial. He does a really great job with logo designs.
Can I give this a quick bump for him...since he doesn't have regular internet access.....I dont want it getting lost..
Member of the [url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=171543&TabID=1451954"]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all
Im gonna second the Imperial as he is a whiz at typography and such
Another guy who is incredible with graphics is Chaoshornet. Really really gifted.
Interesting, I'll try to skech something up.
Doesn't sound like you're looking for logo 'design' work. Sounds more like logo production with all the guidance.
"Scumball in the side pocket." - 8 Baller
Doesn't sound like you're looking for logo 'design' work. Sounds more like logo production with all the guidance.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, no kidding.
Not interested on several levels.
Best of luck to you in finding an artist!
Doesn't sound like you're looking for logo 'design' work. Sounds more like logo production with all the guidance.
[/ QUOTE ]
I seem to have struck a nerve here and I apologize. However, this is a project that's important to me and I HAVE tried to make it myself (the darn spider is what kills it). I'm looking for something that looks professionally done and I'm willing to pay for it. So I figured I'd offer it to the CoH community first.
I seem to have struck a nerve here and I apologize. However, this is a project that's important to me and I HAVE tried to make it myself (the darn spider is what kills it). I'm looking for something that looks professionally done and I'm willing to pay for it. So I figured I'd offer it to the CoH community first.
[/ QUOTE ] Dont apologize. When a thread is posted with good thought and a valid question or request for help...........those with nothing good to say should be fed to mutant lemurs.
Hope you find a good artist!
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com
This is kind of specific to say the least, which is good in that the artist would not have to do a lot of research, but bad in that there really isn't a lot of leeway as to what the finish will be.
Either than the sharks and the spider, the rest of it is a designer's project, whoever can use photoshop well enough could finish that part of it for you. Yer just missing those two "drawn" elements.
I have a question about the "super imposed" onto the emblem part, do you mean inside the emblem, or the emblem faded into the background like a watermark?
If I were starting this, I would do an oval cut out of the Rogue Isles map, distort it in Photoshop to be the globe. Add the drawn spider and sharks, and then worry about the emblem. Is this going to be a tattoo btw?
I'd offer to take this on, but alas my schedule is swamped, if you can wait till november, I'll take a shot at it... but unlike a regular commission, this is one of those bill you by the hour projects, because the nature of it calls for revisions galore.
Good luck to you anyway... it's an interesting idea.
I can tell you this much... for a logo, it will be more busy than necessary, especially since most logos appear in small format, all that detail you want will be lost sadly.
Well it seems that what he want isn't any less detailed than most emblems.
Only 4 elements:
Map insteald of a global
Spider instead of an eagle
Sharks instead of an anchor
Arachnos background.
All those links are just reference images. The man knows what he wants, can't fault him for that espeically if he's willing to pay the artist for their time and effort.

I've been working on creating a logo for my Villain Group on Guardian, the Rogue Isles Marine Corps. Unfortunately my talents aren't up to the task, so I've decided to see if someone else can do it. For starters let me describe what I'd like.
This the the US Marine Corps emblem
Using that as a basis, what I'm looking for is...
Instead of a globe centered on the Americas, I want one centered on the Rogue Isles. Kinda zoomed in, so all you see is the Isles.
Instead of an eagle, a spider atop the globe in a threatening posture. Pictured so you're facing it and its front legs are outstretched, ready to pounce. This is the part I've had most trouble with, since I know what I want, but can't find a good reference for it. This is the best picture I've found of a spider's face. Everything else I leave open to the artist.
Next instead of the anchor, I want two sharks, a hammerhead and a mako, wrapping around the bottom of the globe, face to face.
Mako shark profile (needs to be rotated 90)
GIS for Mako, lots of good pics
Hammerhead Profile
GIS for Hammerhead Shark
Finally, I want the whole thing super-imposed on the Arachnos Emblem
So if your interested, please PM me with a quick sketch and how much a commission you charge.