With the new weapon customization...




Anyone as excited as I am about the new stuff we'll get to draw?



Wait, what?

Edit: Read announcements section.

Holycrapholycrapholycrapholycrapholycrapholycrapho lycrap etc etc.



Ill reserve judgement till I see what new models we get But yeah, I'm pretty excited about that. Though I don't have any weapon using toons, I hope this is a start to power customization... And THAT will open up drawing even more...



It seems as though anything that will correspond with that villain groups have will be available to us in the corresponding spots plus some new ones. Like a shovel. And a wrench. And a lead pipe. All under war mace.



<^_^> All I can say is, I'm going to have so many alts its not EEEEVEN funny. This coming from a guy with 70 or so already <,< I'ma run out of servers dammit! <T_T>

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



<^_^> All I can say is, I'm going to have so many alts its not EEEEVEN funny. This coming from a guy with 70 or so already <,< I'ma run out of servers dammit! <T_T>

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I wish the characters I was using right now could be sent to my Farwielder account, or any of the trials I've used.



Yay at Bow Customization!
Boo at there still aren't any scythes...



Ill reserve judgement till I see what new models we get But yeah, I'm pretty excited about that. Though I don't have any weapon using toons, I hope this is a start to power customization... And THAT will open up drawing even more...

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I'm sure they will eventually make most if not all powers customizable. From what little video game programming skills I know, it will take them a large sum of time to make them. Seeing as physical weapons are made very differently then a energy power or other type of powers...

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p...cGallary-1.jpg



Yes, I am very giddy about it!!



Any official word as to how this is going to work? Do you chose what weapon you'll use at power selection? Costume creation? Will you be able to change it at will at icon? Different weapons for Different costumes? Or will it require a respec? Or will it be unchangeable once you've started?



Will you be able to change it at will at icon?

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From what I read here , we'll be able to change them in the costume creator AND Icon.

/em is Giddy.



You choose at costume creation. For dual handed weapons they can even be separate types(ie flintlock pistol in right hand, 9mm in the left). Each costume can have separate weapons to0. More then likely you'll be able to change at icon afterwards as well as it's a costume piece now it seems.



And with dual pistols, some of them have laser sights on them that you can change the color of ^^

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



It also appears that some weapons (IE faction specific) will have to be unlocked before you can use them. I can understand the reasoning, but still....>




Yeah when I heard that I was a little disappointed but it's better then nothing.



Not a worry, IMO. If you don't want the red caps daggers, then don't bother to fight them. If you do and get that badge (as many do for the accolade), then it seems you'll have it. Look at it as "taking it from them", as Castle put it.

I'm really looking forward to this, and all the options this could being in the future. This seems to be heading towards being the best update since I started.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



The problem I think I'm having with it is many of the better looking weapons don't show up on mobs until the higher levels meaning you'll have to go through most of the game before you can even start going at them in order to get the badge or whatever it is that will get you their weapons.



not really Redlei, some of the high end mobs you get during newpaper/radio missions.



Yes, I am very giddy about it!!

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new claws for da kitty ?



We'll see! Actually would just like to -remove- the big metal ones and have nothing. Or if they have actual claws claws that'd be nice.

Of course it'll probably end up like whiskers and I won't be changing anything. :-/



I doubt nothing will be an option but at least you can probably take smaller not as metal looking ones.



looking forward to rerolling Asgarthr Gryphon as a tank with a sword... ~

...the sword is truth...




Any official word as to how this is going to work? Do you chose what weapon you'll use at power selection? Costume creation? Will you be able to change it at will at icon? Different weapons for Different costumes? Or will it require a respec? Or will it be unchangeable once you've started?

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Forget i said anything

You to it at the costume customization part