Quick Guide to /Invuln (Scrappers)




Guide to Invulnerability (Issue 10) SCRAPPER USE ONLY:

This guide is intended to provide Scrappers with an insight into one of their secondary set choices, Invulnerability. This guide is only intended by use for scrappers, but tankers and brutes can get some mileage out of it as well. Take note that this guide is being written by a scrapper at heart.

The Nature of the Set
Invulnerability's main point is damage mitigation. Mitigate means to deflect or otherwise re-route. It does this by offering up resists to all types of damage (save for Psionic). Now onto the powers.

Resist Physical Damage

This power may sound good to begin with, but it offers little resistance. Even slotted to the ED limit, it's no different then if it were one slotted. Take it, throw a ResDmg enhance in there, and never look back. Mind you, this power is a requisite for scrappers and brutes, but tanks can skip it.

1 slot - ResDmg

Temp Invulnerability

Ah, TI. How I love thee. This power is one the main selling points of this set. It provides very good mitigation, and increases your survivability tenfold when it is active. Which is another point. NEVER DETOGGLE THIS POWER. I know a scrapper who actually skipped this power because he "didn't know what it did." He's also been playing for 3 years. As a point to him, I ran up to an AV with it de-toggled, and got dealt in with 4 hits. I rezzed, re-toggled it, and ended up tanking the AV.

5 slots - 3 ResDmg, 2 EndRed

Dull Pain
Click - 2 minutes active time

Plain and simple, this power boosts your total HP for 2 minutes of time. If you don't take this power...I don't even know what to say. In the later game, if properly slotted, this power can bring right to the HP cap for scrappers. It's pretty much equivocal to a second life.

6 slots - 3 Heal, 3 Rech

Resist Elements

This is one of two passive resists within the set. This one offers fair resists to elemental damage (Fire, Cold, Toxic). Note, I use the word "fair." While it does provide resistance, the difference it makes is almost too petty to consider. However, when taken together with all else the set has to offer, it can be decent. But, better mitigation can be found elsewhere.

1 slot - ResDmg


And here we arrive at the third cornerstone of this set. Offers absolute resistance to effects (hold, sleep, knockback, immobilze, disorient) and increases damage resist to everything (except Psionics). The trade off is a defense debuff that makes you more likely to be hit. Despite that, this power is necessary.

5 slots - 3 ResDmg, 2 EndRed

Resist Energies

The other passive resist in the set, same as ResEl, but offers different resist type (Energy, Neg. Energy). Same deal as before.

1 slot - ResDmg


While more intended for Tankers, this power is essential if you ever plan on soloing. Offers a Defense buff and ToHit (accuracy) buff for every foe in Melee range (up to 10). The Defense buff it provides is worthy enough to offset the defense penalty brought forth by Unyielding

4 slots - 3 Def Buff, 1 EndRed

Tough Hide

And we arrive at the final cornerstone of this set. Adds a very decent Defense buff to all damage types (except that nasty Psionic damage @_@). Coupled with Invincibilty, effectively eliminates the DefDebuff caused by Unyielding.

3 slots - 3 Def Buff

Click - 2 minutes active time

The power name says it all. Resistance to smashing and lethal damage are floored to their caps (75%) and resistance to all other types is raised as well, except for Psionics. Not a necessary power, but good to have if you find yourself in a tight spot, or the team's tank faceplants. Also boost Endurance recovery rate significantly.

3 slots - 3 ResDmg

IO slotting

This'll be a very short section as there is only one thing I can say here really.

USE THE AEGIS SET. Specifically, the Psionic & Mez resist one. Those can be slotted up to five times, which will provide a decent Resistance against Psionics.

And in one of the passives ResDmg (ResEl, ResEn, RPD) powers, slot the Steadfast Protection unique. It will provide a global 3% Defense to all damage types INCLUDING Psionics.

That's pretty much all there is to this, fire me off a PM if you have any questions.

50s: BS/Inv Eng/Eng Blaster Grav/Rad Fire/Stone Brute AR/Kin Emp/Arch Mind/Sonic Dark/Dark Stalker Fire/Kin Thugs/Poison EM/Inv Dark/Thermal

In works: WP/SS Tank Demon/Dark Claws/Elec Brute Elec/Psi Dominator



I don't agree with some of your slotting recommendations.
- TI and UY do not need 2 endred. You are much better off slotting endred in your attacks and using those slots elsewhere.
- I strongly recommend slotting Invincibility 3 def/3 tohit. The tohit buff is 2% per foe (up to 10) unenhanced. Slotted up its just over 3% per foe. Its quite noticeable.
- Unstoppable doesn't need 3 dmgres. A single dmgres SO puts you over the cap with UY and the passives. The 2nd and 3rd slots are wasted. I go with 3 rechg/1 dmgres.
- I'm partial to the Titanium Coating set. With only 3 slotted you get +1.5% hit points. I've got it slotted 4x on my build (TI, UY, unstoppable and tough).



Ghost of Sparta's also a BS/INV so he's had different experiences with endurance Nice to see ya posting Ghost, teamed with you a few times on different characters. I would also reword some of this. But I "hate" invuln ("gimped") so I'm not a good person to write about the set

Edits (multiple for clarity and presentation):
Ghost, you may want to refer to this: Buffy's Scrapper Secondary - #'s

Among other things, for S/L to tweak your statement about TI being amazing:

Dark Embrace: 22.5% base
Temp Invuln: 22.5% base, no difference.

Now, fully slotted w/other powers besides Tough:
Dark Armor: DE (3 SO DamRes) - Total 35.1%
Invuln: Uny (3 SO DamRes), RPD (3 SO DamRes), TI (3 SO DamRes) - Total 49.7%

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With Tough:
Dark Armor: DE (3 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 52.3%
Invuln: Uny (3 SO DamRes), RPD (3 SO DamRes), TI (3 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 67.3%

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Also, FYI defense for Invuln:
Uny, Inv (3 SO DefBuf), TH (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 8.7% (1 foe), 24.3% (10 foes)

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Good to know? =)



I don't agree with some of your slotting recommendations.
- TI and UY do not need 2 endred. You are much better off slotting endred in your attacks and using those slots elsewhere.
- I strongly recommend slotting Invincibility 3 def/3 tohit. The tohit buff is 2% per foe (up to 10) unenhanced. Slotted up its just over 3% per foe. Its quite noticeable.
- Unstoppable doesn't need 3 dmgres. A single dmgres SO puts you over the cap with UY and the passives. The 2nd and 3rd slots are wasted. I go with 3 rechg/1 dmgres.

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Those are my critiques as well.

- I'm partial to the Titanium Coating set. With only 3 slotted you get +1.5% hit points. I've got it slotted 4x on my build (TI, UY, unstoppable and tough).

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IOs let you do a lot of things, so I don't think recommending any single IO set is that helpful. It depends on the bonuses the person is trying to stack. For my build, I like Impervium Armor (though it's dang expensive).



Temp Invulnerability

Ah, TI. How I love thee. This power is one the main selling points of this set. It provides very good mitigation, and increases your survivability tenfold when it is active. Which is another point. NEVER DETOGGLE THIS POWER. I know a scrapper who actually skipped this power because he "didn't know what it did." He's also been playing for 3 years. As a point to him, I ran up to an AV with it de-toggled, and got dealt in with 4 hits. I rezzed, re-toggled it, and ended up tanking the AV.

5 slots - 3 ResDmg, 2 EndRed

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This may be me being picky, but as good as TI is, it isn't tenfold good. It'll let you take about 50% more damage by itself. With 1 slot RPD and 3 slotted Uny/TI, you can take ~90% more s/l damage.



I always go the aid self route and don't take resist elements and resist energies.

Slotted up, Aid Self is very impressive. Aid Other is handy too at times.



USE THE AEGIS SET. Specifically, the Psionic & Mez resist one. Those can be slotted up to five times, which will provide a decent Resistance against Psionics.

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The Psi + Mez Resist of Aegis is Unique, it can only be slotted once, not five times.



My main is a kat/invun scrapper, so I'm getting a kick out of these replies. Wait, no, that's not it. Confused. I'm getting confused by these replies.

I think I need to look at my slotting a bit better. I've been playing with the IO sets for the Kat side of things, but not so much with the invun.

So, if I am willing to lay out some cash for the IO sets, how much psi protection can I muster? Enough to really make a noticable difference?

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL="http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=2134817#post2134817"]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



So, if I am willing to lay out some cash for the IO sets, how much psi protection can I muster? Enough to really make a noticable difference?

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If you're really willing to throw down some money for Crushing Impacts and Impervium Armors, you can get a cool 30% Resist/10% defense. That's nothing to sneeze at.



Cool. Eventually, I probably will be willing to do so. Infl comes, Infl goes. I'm fighting mostly arcane for a reason!

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL="http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=2134817#post2134817"]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



i have a lvl 42 stone/inv at guardian which i try to get him to optimum dam rez for both pve and pvp. so here it is

temp inv, res damage, unyielding, tough, res energ, res elem:

all 5 slotted with lvl 45 dam inventions (generic type) for 62.1% dam rez for each one.
unyielding is slotted 5 dam +1 steadfast protection (unique) for a 3% def overall bonus (kinda mitigates the unyielding penalty).

Remember also that inv is a primarily for smash lethal damRez so the extra 2.1 you get from so much slotting X 5 powers are an extra 8.4% dam rez.
another thing that i tried is to slot all my attacks with 2 pounding impacts IO's which give you 8% regen (with my 5 attacks including brawl and box those amount to 40% regen.) plus 2 numinas on dull pain, heal and self aid (another 36%) thats a nice 76% regen to compliment my build.



USE THE AEGIS SET. Specifically, the Psionic & Mez resist one. Those can be slotted up to five times, which will provide a decent Resistance against Psionics.

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The Psi + Mez Resist of Aegis is Unique, it can only be slotted once, not five times.

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Right, I mixed up Impervium Armor there.

50s: BS/Inv Eng/Eng Blaster Grav/Rad Fire/Stone Brute AR/Kin Emp/Arch Mind/Sonic Dark/Dark Stalker Fire/Kin Thugs/Poison EM/Inv Dark/Thermal

In works: WP/SS Tank Demon/Dark Claws/Elec Brute Elec/Psi Dominator



i have a lvl 42 stone/inv at guardian which i try to get him to optimum dam rez for both pve and pvp. so here it is

temp inv, res damage, unyielding, tough, res energ, res elem:

all 5 slotted with lvl 45 dam inventions (generic type) for 62.1% dam rez for each one.
unyielding is slotted 5 dam +1 steadfast protection (unique) for a 3% def overall bonus (kinda mitigates the unyielding penalty).

Remember also that inv is a primarily for smash lethal damRez so the extra 2.1 you get from so much slotting X 5 powers are an extra 8.4% dam rez.
another thing that i tried is to slot all my attacks with 2 pounding impacts IO's which give you 8% regen (with my 5 attacks including brawl and box those amount to 40% regen.) plus 2 numinas on dull pain, heal and self aid (another 36%) thats a nice 76% regen to compliment my build.

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Notice: this guide is intended for scrappers. Invuln on tanks is a much tighter build, as the passives provide more protection than they do for scrappers.

50s: BS/Inv Eng/Eng Blaster Grav/Rad Fire/Stone Brute AR/Kin Emp/Arch Mind/Sonic Dark/Dark Stalker Fire/Kin Thugs/Poison EM/Inv Dark/Thermal

In works: WP/SS Tank Demon/Dark Claws/Elec Brute Elec/Psi Dominator



Now you see SF1FTW why I hate posting Guides myself. the whole "I live for IO" attitude really kills guides, that are just meant to play well. Ever since Io's came out ive been slowly ignoring players who swear by them. Im very old school (i3) so i don't see the need for Io's in the first place seeing as I have 4 50's without em. "Io's Dont make you a better player...they just mean you wasted a lot of Inf believing you can out perform raw skill"

As for your build, I like it , I have my Own Kat/Invul scrapper. And while I feel we where hit with a huge nerf hammer, I can take on some nice odds. I would advise on Unstoppable, considering the amount of tauntless tanks in the coming months it will help toggling "god Mode" and retreating and or beating everything in sight. i skipped Res elements and Res Energies, and have not run into a problem since. My tank took it, but my Scrapper had no need for them.

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