dUmb Official Roster




Originally Posted by JKwervo View Post
Lib said if I win Test Ladder ROY, I get a deluxe \____________/ to sit on. LOL!
That would be an Epic mad-lib line



Love bugs are dUmb again? Sweet.

WB you two.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



1. Psoma- captain- @Psoma
2. Slax- co-captain- @Slax, @Slax2
3. Lib- co-captain- @MrLiberty
4. Trez- @Trezen, @TREZEN2
5. Sir- @S I R, @S l R, @burner one
6. Kara- @Neuronia, @Neuronium
7. Pixel- @Pixel, Pixel Empire, @Pixel Nation
8. Doyler- @doyler, @doyler2
9. Joe- @Smiling Joe
10. Heroes- @Heroes Demise, @Villains Demise
11. Siolfir- @Siolfir
12. Shu- @Shu, @Arctic Shu
13. Masque- @Masque, @Masque2
14. Garner- @ms. socal garner @sexy socal garner
15. Chuck- @Big SOB, @8up SOB
16. Ice- @Psionic Assailant1
17. Smallzies- @Smallzies
19. Kiwi- @Aponiwi
20. JK- @JKwervo
21. @Disco Queen



does doyler and trez still play? they owe me like bill..<_<



You guys should divide your team into two!



Originally Posted by treyhead View Post
You guys should divide your team into two!
I think *maybe* 7 or 8 of those on the roster show up on a regular basis. A few players have yet to show up at all I think. We're just trying to look intimidating with overwhelming numbers or something.



Well if you tell people how it work's the jig is up !



Originally Posted by InsanityPeak View Post
Well if you tell people how it work's the jig is up !
Normally, yes.

We are anything but however.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



So I've heard o:



Honestly, I'd say we have 11 or 12 semi-active players on the roster atm.



Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
Honestly, I'd say we have 11 or 12 semi-active players on the roster atm.
Plus a Bodu Bodu running around dying to SoCo.



Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
Plus a Bodu Bodu running around dying to SoCo.
It was only once, but dying to a team that bad is bad no matter how many times it happens.



Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
1. Psoma- captain- @Psoma
2. Slax- co-captain- @Slax, @Too Slaxy
3. Lib- co-captain- @MrLiberty
4. Trez- @Trezen, @TREZEN2
5. Sir- @S I R, @S l R, @burner one
6. Kara- @Neuronia, @Neuronium
7. Pixel- @Pixel, Pixel Empire, @Pixel Nation
8. Doyler- @doyler, @doyler2
9. Joe- @Smilin Joe, @Smilin Joe 2
10. Heroes- @Heroes Demise, @Villains Demise
11. Siolfir- @Siolfir
12. Shu- @Shu, @Arctic Shu
13. Masque- @Masque, @Masque2
14. Garner- @ms. socal garner @sexy socal garner
15. Chuck- @Big SOB, @8up SOB
16. Ice- @Psionic Assailant1
17. Smallzies- @Smallzies
19. Kiwi- @Aponiwi
20. JK- @JKwervo
21. @Disco Queen
Fixed my second test global. Fixed Joe's globals (no "g").

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



GG's dUmb.

RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups



ty GG's SoCo. We weren't actually planning on running the Storm team the 3rd round, but our Jump team did so poorly in round 2, we figured we'd gamble with the random map and see what happened. That worked out really well for us.



It's the safest bet in that situation anyway, really. We knew we'd see it again. We were so unpracticed vs the Tech/Storm it was pretty frustrating. GGs.



We hadn't practiced the Storm team since the league, ourselves, but we felt it would be easier for us to step back into using it again than it would be for you guys to step back into playing against it. It was close, though, which made it more exciting, and it was nice to win our first official round in the new ladder...even though we lost the next 2 and the match.



Good practices the other night dumb. Had fun.



Yeah, we had a good time. I had my video settings as low as they would go, so I don't know why I was so laggy a couple of rounds...mostly the 1st and last. (The first round, I called "locked" on the first target, and Lib was like "Uh, you're still standing still.") We don't have some of the best builds on Live, too, but it worked out okay.