I kill you, you kill me...





*takes out a sawed-off shotgun*

"See this. This is my BOOMSTICK!"
((a bonus death for anyone that knows the reference))

*blasts chaotic*



((that would be bruce cambell in the evil dead movies))


*rides asteroid from orbit and lands it on mystic*

*laughs at the squishified remains and the smoking crater*

*walks over to nearby tea shop and orders a cup of matcha*

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



*cup of matcha explodes violently enough to turn three-quarters of the city into a glass-walled crater*

No, there is no reason. It was just matcha in the cup, and it was just a cup.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"




*takes out Necronomicon*

"Clatu Verata Nictu"

*summons forth an army of Candarian demons to destroy everyone*




*makes sure im alive*

sweet, i got my body back

*goes to darkvapor's corner and snaps his spine*

[/ QUOTE ]


*taps Chaotic on the shoulder*

*Waits for him to turn around before bashing his skull in with baseball bat*

*Throws bat away*

That was satisfying.




*picks up bat and bashes darkvapor's skull*

*snaps bat in 2 and shoves shards in darkvapor's chest*

Never throw away your weapon



*Picks up darkvapors skull and uses it to bludgeon chaotic*




snaps Darkmystic's neck




*calls in the grim reaper*

*points to grim reapers list*

*points at Darkvapor's name*

*stands back and watches the reaping*

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



*is pwned by reaper*


*Walks over to reaper*

Okay, see that guy over there? *points to Entropy* He's on your list too *points to list*

*Grim Reaper kills Entropy, rezes him, and then kills him again. All the while, Darkvapor makes a rather hasty getaway*



*taps Darkvapor on the shoulder*

*shoves two sticks of lit dynamite up his nostrils as he turns around*

*walks away, brushing hands together*

Some times, the old ways are... *BOOOM!*... best.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"




Oho getting snappy now are we? Alrighty then...you had this coming!!!

*Summons the PWNZ COURT!!!!*

Get em guys!!!!

*watches as everyone in the thread gets PWNZD*

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



*Is pwned*


*Grabs Dimensonal Cannon*

*opens a hole in time and space inside of entropy, ripping his body apart*

*Fixes hole with duct tape*

*Then calmly takes out cellphone and calls Chaotic*


*The bomb hidden in Chameleon's phone detonates, spreading his brains all over the room.



... why did my phone blow up when you called Chaotic?

*steals the duct tape holding Darkvapor together and uses it to tape Entropy to the ceiling*

*points and laughs as Darkvapor falls apart, then blows up the building that Entropy_Aegis is taped to the ceiling in*

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"




you called?

*points the Grim Reaper to darkvapor*

*gets pwned by the Grim Reaper's scythe*




*points to grim reaper's list which is now blank*

*reaper vanishes in comical smoke puff*

*drops chameleon into Lord Recluses bathtub*

*flees carnage*

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



*it was Ghost Widow's bathtub- Lord Recluse doesn't bathe *evilgrin**

I still got slaughtered, but at least I died happy

*manages to gasp out that it was Entropy_Aegis' idea before dying*

*Ghost Widow goes after Entropy_Aegis and uses her stupid mag eighty-three billion hold, then systematically dismembers him*

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"




well at least I had a nice view when I got slaughtered!

*drops Chameleon in a room of Glowy Monsters! *

*laughs as Chameleon melts to a puddle*


"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper




*steps in puddle and vomits*

damn TeChameleon, you reak

*shoves bomb down Entropy_Aegis' throat and watches as he blows up*




*Summons Chuck Noris and Master Chief*

*Watches as they PWN everyone in the thread*



*teleports out but gets guts kicked out by Chuck anyway in three milliseconds*


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





*Shadow Jinx jumps in and creates illusions of himself, Master Chief and Chuck Norris lacking intelligence, jump on them at first sight. With those two bafoons dealing with his clones, he sets a mind spike to Darkvaper, the summoner of the two jovial fellows. The mind spike rips through Darkvaper's head like taffy, breaking his concentration and causing him severe agony. With his concentration broke, his two minions turn on him and open a can of whoop [censored]*



*Pulls out Halo 3 spoiler book*

*Chief drops*

*Dies from Chuck Noris, who is invincible*


*Shadow_Jinx finds himself face to face with Darkvapor*

*Jams energy sword in and then finishes Jinx off by running him over with the new Brute Chopper*




*summons (and resurrects) The Flood along with Gravemind*

*watches as the entire Flood and Gravemind rip through Darkvapor*

*watches as Darkvapor becomes part of the newly resurrected Flood under his control*






*drops jix, the flood, the gravemind, and the possesed DV into the nearest black hole*

*laughs as they twist and die in the gravitic flux*

*blasts them with Judgement Cannon for good measure*

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper