Consolidated SG Improvement thread




Why is there a SG thread in the Base forum? Because there's no dedicated spot for talking about SG mechanics, and most of the people in this forum are as concerned about SGs as they are about bases.
There were a lot of SG issues that came up in the Base issues summary post. I figured this was a good place to discuss those in more detail (and to make sure this link got in that post).



Ah, some standard "requests"

-Offline invites: makes pulling all the characters tied to a single account into an SG much easier. It also helps if two people can't always be on at the same time.
-Reverse invite requests/SG applications: For people who want in on an SG. The application should be targetted at the SG itself to minimize in-game spam, and an SG administration panel should allow the leader (or anyone with appropriate "invite" permissions) to accept/deny each application. If an applicant joins another SG, their application should automatically be deleted. An option should exist to close the SG to applications as well for any SG that is full or simply not recruiting.
-Prestige Slider - as often discussed, being able to earn X% influence and (100 - X%) prestige at high levels will settle a lot of issues about SG mode and high level play.
-Review influence reductions - I'm personally okay with the 10% decline, but it's been suggested before that it's too fast. Some say dropping 5%/level would be better. Some review and discussion of this rate would be helpful.

...that's all I've got for now.



Promote/Demote Offline: Nothings sucks quite as much as having someone switch characters just to demote them. It would be nice to be able to also promote people offline for those pleasant surprises once they pass trial periods

*wish item* Additional ranks. 5 is nice. but I know my group could use more, but this is is only a greed thing, not a need thing.

- A way to ensure they see the MotD periodically more than login.

- This is more costume issue, but SG Mode is per costume not static. It sucks having go to into the SG mode editor every time you switch costumes if you are actually using SG colors.

- More SG Symbols

- Prestige Slider or Lilith bless us, the removal of the prestige/inf breakdown and just give us both. Dont make people have to choose between themselves and the group. Not particularly fair to the group.


-Review influence reductions - I'm personally okay with the 10% decline, but it's been suggested before that it's too fast. Some say dropping 5%/level would be better. Some review and discussion of this rate would be helpful.

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Korith, you mean with the current Prestige incarnation?

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Yes, the 10% inf/level decline starting at 25 thingy.

But then, I'm unnaturally persistent



-Offline invites: makes pulling all the characters tied to a single account into an SG much easier. It also helps if two people can't always be on at the same time.
-Reverse invite requests/SG applications: For people who want in on an SG. The application should be targetted at the SG itself to minimize in-game spam, and an SG administration panel should allow the leader (or anyone with appropriate "invite" permissions) to accept/deny each application. If an applicant joins another SG, their application should automatically be deleted. An option should exist to close the SG to applications as well for any SG that is full or simply not recruiting.

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Gah! you beat me to it! I was going to copy that Application idea here, I just couldn't find the original. OK, let's see what I remember, let me expand upon what you wrote....

SG Application / membership requests.
Applicants go to the SG Register and look at the list of SGs. The Register window has an Apply for Membership button to apply to a selected SG. This calls up a small textbox to write a short message to the SG, similar to an LFT comment. Each character can apply to only 1 SG at a time, in that situation the Apply for Membership button instead says Cancel Application with a confirmation dialog. If the applicant joins another SG, it cancels their pending application.
The SG then has a new screen accessed from the SG Settings page. This can be used by anyone with Invite permission. There, they will see each applicant's Name, Archetype, Level, application date and their message. Each can be accepted, rejected, or left sitting there for later. If the SG is full, the accept button greyed out, full SGs don't block people from sending in applications. If accepted or rejected, the applicant will get a System message immediately (or when they log in).
Additional controls should allow a SG to turn off this system if they don't want new members, the button at the Register would grey out. Further, this may be a good time to add the ability to completely hide a SG from the Register list.

Advantages of this system include giving people a standard process to find a SG ("just go to the Register and search"); putting all that Register informaion to good use; and having a way for potential members to come to the SG without needing a SG Member to stand in Mercy Isle and announce themselves on broadcast.

This system would also enable getting your own alts into your SG. Just log on the alt, apply, log on the SG member, accept. Yes, it's an extra step, but if it accomplishes the goal then they won't need to code a way to email invites to your offline alts. (Which is potentially a spam problem.)



- A way to ensure they see the MotD periodically more than login.

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I'd certainly like the SG's MOTD to be the last MOTD shown in the chatbox. After all the global channel MOTDs.
Consider that if you change alts, the global channels are all probably on the same message, let them scroll away. Your new char might be in a whole different SG, though.



I really like the SG applications idea.

I really hate the INF/Prestige trade off. It should be either removed or at most 50/50. Either way, INF lost to prestige should count towards the INF badges.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



From the Post I9 Review - Super Group Changes

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>

Change Request Name Votes
=================== =====
Facilities to communicate with SG 5
Mission Comp to give Newspaper type missions 5
More setting for storage device permissions 3
Roster to allow 75 accounts not characters 3
SG IO Storage 3
Ability to demote/promote offline/hidden chars 2
High lvl chars to earn prestige &amp; Infl same as low 2
Ability to change SG name
Don’t reset prestige total when someone leaves
Email requests to join a SG
Email SG Invitations
Facilities to communicate with another SG
Knowledge of global handles
Logging of all SG activity
Match arcane &amp; tech item sizes
Mission Comp to access TFs
Mission Computer to have SG Mayhem type mission
Personal Storage
Remember SG costume settings for each costume
SG Badges for common IO crafting
SG Missions to auto SK/Exemp

</pre><hr />

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Slightly silly thing here, but:

The choice to flag your base for Tourism, allowing anyone at a base portal to go look at bases that are flagged (as done by base leaders at the registrar) for tourism enabled. This means they can go in, look around, but touch nothing.....maybe give them a temp title when they enter the base like "Tourist" or something like that.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



actually i had another idea regarding my tourism flagging idea. Give the sg in question a small, one time, prestige bonus when someone who isnt in the sg visits the base? like charging a nominal fee for an amusement park or something, but it wont cost the visiting characer anything.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



actually i had another idea regarding my tourism flagging idea. Give the sg in question a small, one time, prestige bonus when someone who isnt in the sg visits the base? like charging a nominal fee for an amusement park or something, but it wont cost the visiting characer anything.

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A cool idea but would probably lead to way to much abuse.



i meant small in the realm of maybe 100 prestige per person...and only once...even the most alt feverish person in the world couldnt farm this fast enough to make a huge difference.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



The choice to flag your base for Tourism,

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If they fix the ability to get teammates into your base, how much difference would it make leaving your base always available? People don't seem to go wandering to the far reaches of Skyway if they don't have a mission there, would this be similar?

As for prestige from visitors... interesting. But I bet it'd be a lot of code to track which SGs my character has been to and awarded prestige to, and given broken things that badly need code and the amount of prestige suggested, would it be worth it? Still, the idea of some way to gain prestige from a non-SG member doing something based on your existence... hmm... gotta be something to that...



We need some work done on the SG costume/color editing screen.

Not only do alot of my costumes not have the right parts in that screen (which may be more of a costume bug in general), but there are some parts you can't change the colors on at all. Wings and kilts come to mind.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Not only do alot of my costumes not have the right parts in that screen (which may be more of a costume bug in general)

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Actualy, that's precisely what it is. You have costume parts that have been replaced by newer versions. The old ones don't show up correctly in the editor - probably because of how the SG color screen is tied to the regular costume editor. If you go to the tailor, you'll notice those same parts don't show up right there, either.
You should have a free costume change token from each time those updates were made, so you can repair your costume view by going to the tailor and reselecting all the appropriate parts.
Why the SG color selector doesn't show you the way you appear in the zone, instead, is a mystery.

, but there are some parts you can't change the colors on at all. Wings and kilts come to mind.

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good point. wish that had made it on the official summary list.
are trenchcoat interiors still buggy, too?



are trenchcoat interiors still buggy, too?

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Yep, still no interior option for trenchcoats.



I also would like to see a sg invention salvage storage. Right now you need to have at least two people to make that happen. Impossible if the salvage you try to swap is going to one of your alts; especially difficult to accomplish in a pure "alt" sg like mine.
Edit: SG recipe storage would also be nice to have!