Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




((Not very tall DV. Maybe three stories. It's not a particularly large island, so it's not a very large structure. The temple does, however, run deep, but that's not too important here.

Diov... Please don't make me have to consider what's in there yet. It's supposed to be crazy nasty, perhaps material for a different RP, and I haven't even given it a face in my mind yet.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((What's in where?))

Unfortunately for Darkvapor and his little bubble, that was all moot beause Poe's base of operations was currently within an hour's walk. Or a few minutes worth of hideously fast jumping/flying or a few seconds worth of super-speeding.

Whoever was coming was going to be there in no time flat...


Of course, there was nobody else in the room aside from Conlin, Build, and the figure. The Final Generation Husks had been cut off by the door.

The figure merely listended to their tale.

"Right..." He said when they finished. "Send you home...That can do."

He snapped his fingers. The node the pair were standing on activated, and before they could react, they were whisked away.


Build and Conlin both rematerialized on the Docks of Nerva Archipelago. Nobody paid them any mind, people did tend to just 'pop up' here.


Kuro stared at the node.

"Did you get all of that?" He asked to the air.

Noitpeced faded into view. "Yes." He said. "What now?"

"Well. For one thing, we go there and we end this whole ordeal." Kuro responded, reconfiguring the node via his sunglasses. "And I think it would be best if we reconfigured Xabu's signature so he gets redirected. I see no reason why the master should know anything about this situation."

"Very well." Noitpeced said, his eyes going blank as he made arrangements. "I think we'd better hurry. I don't want to repeat the whole Shadow Manor fiasco. Preferably, I'd like to make this deal WITHOUT the looming threat of Terra being obliterated this time around. And if I'm right, we only have fifteen minutes in real-time before Poe leaps in."

Kuro considered this before asking, "And how much real-time do WE have left?"

"Two hours." Noitpeced said.

"Hmmm. Terra always was a nice planet. I suppose it's a good a place as any..."

He stepped into the rift node.

"...To fade away..."

Kuro vanished, shortly followed by Noitpeced.



Build sniffed the air lightly and mumbled to Conlin, "Smells like Nerva. I just remembered, I forgot to turn off my visual sensors. Let's see what they picked up."

Build felt a mental click as the status of all the things he looked at while in Husk Corp appeared in his mind, "Looks like they are on a predetermined life span."

Conlin looked around, "Wha? Sorry bro, that chick over there was given me the eye!"

Build snorted, "Yeah the eye that says 'I wanna keep my purse!' "

Build looked at Conlin and nodded, "Let's go home man. I never wanna see anybody from Husk again." He activated his wrist teleporter and a milisecond later both he and Conlin were standing in the transportation room of the DWC Terran head quarters.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Nuthin' much I can do at the moment)


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Kaega popped his neck loudly and looked around at the other metas, "That was easier than I thought it would be. Darkin, I order you as First Rook. Power down and come out of the Slip World."

There was a crack as a rip of dark energy appeared in the air. A long, multy jointed arm reached from the darkness. The arm seemed to find a hand hold on the fabric of reality, pulling the air around it creating ripples in such a way that the human mind would have trouble comprehending. The Darkin's upper body stretched through the portal.

"You would think to command ME?" The Darkin asked incredulously, "I am more powerful than you Kaega. What gives you the right?"

Kaega snickered a bit, "For one, I'm blind and I still was able to dodge almost all of his attacks. And secondly, you used your true form to fight Xabu while I have not even transformed into my Rook form. Lastly, you know what effect my sword has on beings from the Dark World."

The Darkin shrugged, "As you wish, you will have your protege Jonas back. In return you owe me a boon."

The Darkin's power seemed to seep from it's body into the surrounding air, destroying what living matter there was around him. The Darkin appeared to shrink in upon itself, returning to Jonas.

For those that were interested in Jonas's physiology would notice that the tattoo on his arm and back had spread even further. It had grown over the right side of his rib cage, and up the right side of his neck.

Jonas blinked a few times and looked at Kaega, "I don't wanna look boss. How far?" Jonas asked

Kaega gave Jonas a look of sympathy, "Up your neck and down your side. It's fine Jonas, from what I can tell you can still transform atleast two or three more times without it taking over."

Kaega looked at the others, "How long before we have more visitors? I atleast want a few drinks under my belt before the next fight."

((For those of you wondering how Kaega knew Jonas's mark had grown, He can mentally sense forms of Dark World energy. Especially energy dealing with Darkins.))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Darkvapor finally reache the apex of the temple. He scrambled onto the old structure, careful not to harm the metal contraption. After a few seconds of searching for an ideal place to drop the device he put the thing down in the middle of the roof.

Darkvapor reached into his coat and extracted a small green crystal, no bigger than the palm of his hand and put it into the device.

He put his index finger against his earpiece. "Power's DV. Our defenses are up now."



((could someone give me a quick run down of where everyone is/what everyone is doing? I think I've fallen behind))



((One of our RPers used his sword as the focal point of, essentially, a black hole. This was actually pretty effective at stopping Diov's Xabu, who is now in pretty bad shape.

The fight seems to be over, but the building itself is in shambles. Since we're talking something that more or less resembled a 19th century saloon (minus the piano music), this means the structural integrity of the building isn't terribly good right now. Many of our characters have vacated the structure to avoid its collapse.

The combatants, however, are currently still inside. Several of our characters have gone "God Mode" or "Tier 9" and are well on their way to a crash, some have crashed (resulting in Build's character having foreshadowing consequences).

Darkvapor has also erected a shield to protect the island from further interdimensional assault (and perhaps some physical, but we'll soon see). The building is surrounded by a gaggle of somewhat armed men (think torches and pitchforks style, but with shotguns and hunting rifles instead) led by Brother Hand and Brother Skrap. Out in front of the building is a Freak Tank that's actually a tank (sometimes I dream up Giant Monsters, and Chaingunnz would be the Freakshow equivalent) with the bartender (Bioserj) perched on its shoulder.

Anybody else care to add anything?))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Kaega sighed, "Lets get outa here kiddo," Kaega said motioning for Jonas to follow.

Jonas swiveled his head around to look at Kaega, "Sorry bossman, if I could move I would."

Kaega grunted and grabbed Jonas under the arms and pulled him out of the door. Kaega shifted his arm and brought out a blue and green talisman. He placed the talisman against Jonas's chest and watched as it vanished in a flash of light. A radiant glow appeared around Jonas healing most of his wounds and restoring his strength.

"That better kid?" Kaega asked with concern.

"Yeah thanks, and don't call me kid. I'm over three hundred years old," Jonas replied.

"Still a kid to me," Kaega said introspectively remembering his own son who he hadn't seen for over a century.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((How about a continuation of the action?))

A scintillating whine, more felt with the teeth than heard with the ears could be heard over Horowitz' grumbling of "Yah, hyu better run, hyu schtupid..." as he dusted himself off.

Energon X, his power building for one horrific lance of exotic energy to turn Xabu's head into glowing shards, abruptly found himself without anywhere to direct those energies without endangering his companions. Casting about desperately, he spotted the faint residue of Xabu's cross-dimensional escape route, and simply dumped power into it.

Impossible energies conflicted, refracted, fed off one another... and formed a shimmering, half-stable portal. "... ow." the Blaster managed, breathing raggedly, his chest heaving spasmodically. "I don't know where this leads, but the odds are very good that wherever it goes, that's where Xabu went. Anyone feel like paying the Huskies a visit?"

The roaring of the portal shook the already-destabilized building, sending sheets of dust and warning chunks of ceiling cascading down. "Hy save hyu, dohlink!" Jager Horowitz yelled, making a spirited attempt to sweep Lt. Briggs off her feet and out through the closest wall. Of course, if she didn't want to go, this could present problems for him...

Energon X ignored Horowitz with a brief eyeroll (at least, that's probably what it was... the purple glare of his eyes flickered weirdly for a moment, anyways) and commented on the team channel to those scattered across the small island, "We've got an in, but not much time to make the call on it- no telling how long the portal will remain stable, or how long it'll be before the Huskies will be able to close it- there's too much power running through it now for anyone to shut it at this point, but it won't stay that way forever..." a chunk of plaster bounced off his head, and he added "that and this building is about to come down on top of our way in. What's the call, group?"

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Speaking of things crashing down on their way in, Dragon folded her wings and dropped from the sky, turning in midair, falling through a hole in the roof, and landing on all fours, looking a lot like a big, scaly cat. She grabbed Horowitz by the collar.

"You're not going anywhere...Yet." She stood up, and the chunk of ceiling she was standing on collapsed underneath her, spraying plaster all over everyone's shoes. "I guess we should go through. I probably can't be of much help, but I guess I can try."


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"Ah. A Land-Line. Handy." Said an icy voice.

Kuro emerged from the portal Energon-X had just conjured.

"Noit, status and time remaining." He barked into thin air.

"Terra, surrounded by pissed-off people. Thirteen minutes to one hour and fifty eight minutes, twenty two seconds and counting." Said a cool and calm artificial voice from seemingly nowhere.

"Right then, no time to waste...Which one of you would be Power Breaker?" Kuro asked, his red tinted sunglasses piercing into every member of the room as his head swept about.



"Yo!" Power Breaker shouted from outside, "What do you want?"

"Uh, Peebee," Chaingunnz grunted as he spun his main weapon, "What're you doing?"

"These guys didn't come in swinging, maybe they want to talk... Maybe I can finally have it out with Poe and all this crap can end."

"That sounds pleadingly optimistic," Bioserj commented.

Power Breaker pushed his way into the building and waved to Kuro.

Field Overcharge Burnout: Two Minutes, Thirteen Seconds.

"That's plenty."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Darkvapor heard Energon X over the comms. For an instant he felt like jumping down there and strangling the hero himself. I go thorugh the effort of cobbling together an anti-portal device, and what does he do? He opens a portal in the middle of the frigging building.

"Thank you for just invalidating my work. In the future, ask before you open portals to realms unknown!" Darkvapor barked over the radio.

DV walked over to the ladder and slid back down. There was a crunching sound as his shoes hit the floor and he set off running.

Stupid humans and their bloody brilliant ideas...



Still rattled by nearly turning the island (and potentially a sizeable chunk of North America... possibly even part of Europe) into glowing dust, Energon X reacted... irritably. "Would you prefer to have been reduced to monatomic dust, then? Because that was pretty much the only other option." he snapped back.

"And the portal was already there, I just reopened it... [censored]..." he added in a muttered undertone. Speaking of the portal... the Blaster eyed it uneasily. "It's starting to look a little ragged around the edges. We don't have much time." He turned to look at Kuro, but was distracted by Horowitz, still dangling from Dragon's grip.

"Voohoo! Keep it up vit de rough stuff, dohlink. Dat iz de vay de Jagerkin like it. Ve'z vell educated in de vays of luff... and such a luffly smile, to go vit it..." the Jager yelled enthusiastically, Kuro not even being acknowledged. Of course, should he prove hostile... well, for a Jager, a fight was even more fun than flirting.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Like it with the rough stuff, eh? she thought. Best way to deal with this, then, was to set him down gently. Since technically his feet were still on the ground, she just let go of his collar and lashed her tail like an annoyed cat. In a way, dragons are a lot like big, scaly cats.

Being a dragon of fire, she was easily annoyed. And as a person, one of the things that annoyed her most was being hit on by people she'd known for all of five minutes.

She shifted her attention back to Kuro, tensing a little, temperature rising. Chances were, Xabu was like a puppy compared to this guy. And if that was true, if her luck was consistent (She's had an awful lot of bad luck), she wouldn't even be able to escape. And now, she didn't want to die.

And if Jager Horowitz didn't go for another target, well...Then she'd have to deal with an extradimensional bipedal lizard-man, a green-scaled kinetic mutant with a gun, many people from the D who might remember her, AND a Jagermonster.
She shuddered.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"Another Husk Lord?" Fraenir growled, wondering just how many of these 'Lords' there were. Another maul of stone appeared in his grasp as the big dragon-man looked back at the returning Power Breaker.

"You know this one?" Fraenir asked, tilting his head towards Kuro.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



"Before now, only by name." Kuro said in response to Fraenir. "And at that, only as a mere reference."

He shifted the gaze of his red glasses back to Power Breaker.

"Mr. Breaker...I believe we both have a mutual disagreement with one of my business partners. Is it possible I can talk to you in private? I understand such a request seems ludicrous, given the situation, but I would rather what is heard isn't heard by a gathering who might omit what they hear. I would be glad, of course, to speak with you at any location of your choosing."


Meanwhile, an invisible struggle took place high above.

"Patience." Noitpeced said in an even voice.

Motnahp shifted uneasilly in the air.

"Just...WAIT. That's all I'm asking." The Energy Reaper continued.

"Poe pulls rank..." Motnahp muttered.

"But he didn't order you to fight them did he? He asked you to check out Xabu's signal origin. Nothing more. You can carry out any other duties you are obligated to do...Just not NOW. Wait..." Noitpeced said in a high and strained voice.

Motnahp looked down at the gathering below.

".....I suppose....."



Power Breaker took the moment to consider. He didn't like this at all, but it was the best chance he had.

"Hang on," he waved the rest of the back, "I'll... I'll see what this is about."

"Oh, come on!" the giant Freak shouted, "You know how this is gonna go! You'll go in, all fruity lovey-dovey, spoutin' your peace and [dreck], and they're gonna stick the knife in and twist! Just let me turn 'em into a thick red paste and we can move on!"

"The slag heap has a point, Power Breaker," Bioserj shouted, "And whatever is going on, you'd better hurry... The building's starting to sway..."

It was, too. A breeze came along and the community building rocked visibly, moving roughly two inches in each direction. Brother Hood was already making plans on how to replace it.

"Alright," Power Breaker walked up to Kuro and spread his hands wide, "I'm right here. Who are you, and what do you want?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Kaega patted Jonas on the shoulder, "Stay here kid. Kuro was it? You seem to be one of standing beyond this Poe character. I would be in you debt if you would allow me to join in this conversation between yourself and Power Breaker," Kaega said as he shifted his scabbard.

He removed his sightless helm from the spot where he always kept it clipped to his belt and roughly placed it on his head. He handed Jonas his bag of items he kept for battle. He meant this as a show of peace toward Kuro. "I hope this one listens to reason atleast to a greater extent than Xabu."

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Darkvapor ignored the comment by Energon. Instead he made his way across the small villaige to the community building. For a second he questione the wisdom of entering the now decrepit building, but at the sound of another Husk Lord he felt compelled to enter.

Climbing through the hole in the wall he was careful not to make any sudden movements or do anything that would suggest impending violence upon anyone in the room. Darkvapor took a few steps away from the wall, inching towards Power Breaker. From his limited experience with the Husk Corps, Darkvapor knew to watch out for a double cross. In fact, at that very moment Darkvapor's ace up his sleeve was on it's way. All he head to do now was keep Kuro's eyes on Power Breaker...



Kuro reached slowly for his glasses, and twisted a small knob on the right corner rim.

There was a soft hum, and a barely visible, shimmery and distorted area of space appeared on Breaker and Kuro. Kaega was outside of the field, and Kuro had completely ignored his request. Obviously he was not welcome.

"Prevents us from being overheard." Kuro explained. "Should also prevent mind scans. Going straight to the point, my name is Kuro. I am an employee of Lord Diov, founder and master of Husk Corporation, and I am a fully qualified representative for both. Which is just a fancy way of saying I'm a Husk Lord. Like Poe."

The man didn't seem to be looking at Breaker entirely. As though there was something all around that he found more interesting. His tone was polite and calm.

"As I said before...I believe that we both have a few...Problems...With Poe."



Kaega shrugged and pulled his sword back out of it's scabbard. He sank the tip into the ground and leaned on the hilt. He turned his head toward the other assembled metas, "Does anyone have a gauge on this one's strength?"

Kaega could sense a presense(?) floating in the air above their heads floating in the air, "You. What is this one's power compared to the rest of us, and why can't I sense the displation in the air around your body?" He asked of the immaterial Noitpeced.

"Everything gets complicated when third parties get involved." He thought introspectively

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Suddenly a huge lazah came from no where and hit Kaega in the back, knocking him down.

"SHOOP DA WOOP!" screamed a voice from the shadows.

Kaega was stunned and couldn't see the attacker's features. Just before he could gather his conscionus, he heard 'IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZAH!!1'



The intruder had made one major mistake, and that was targetting someone whom was currently ond Darkvapor's team.

Two fists wrapped in dark energy grabbed the intruder from behind and held on tight. The intruder could feel his life force fading away as the dark lord tightened his grip. Darkvapor's muscles expanded as he prepared to show the univited guest a few manners.

The villain and the intruder disappeared on the spot, reappearing a short distance away.

Now outside, Darkvapor deposited the intruder in front of Chaingunz, and then teleported again, landing on the ground next to the massive freak.

"I'm gonna give you ten seconds to explain yourself before I kill you."