Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




"collateral damage??? That doesnt happen for me...ever."

Bladewing looked at the puzzled expressions then amended his statement.

"what I meant was, I don't miss my target and hit something I didnt mean to...ever...its a refined art."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Energon X had achieved balance on the flight out, battle-bred, combat-honed senses alert and ready, but remaining in a state of calm. Kaega's abrupt arrival was greeted by a brief, penetrating glance- had he have proven hostile, he would have been greeted by a faceful of enough energies to ignite a newborn star. When the Second Rook's identity was announced, he simply inclined his head.

"Kaega." he greeted the other man. "Your exploits are not unfamiliar to me, although largely as rumour and speculation. Although I do somewhat question the tale concerning the two renegade Rularuu Overseers, the Rikti Priest, and the Flying Nun."

Then he raised an eyebrow at Power Breaker's declaration. E-X couldn't curl his lip sardonically, given that his lower face was missing, but he gave the distinct impression that he would have liked to. "An admonishment to avoid collateral damage while fighting Poe?" he asked sarcastically. "That's a little like telling us to avoid dimension-hopping while running errands for Unai Kemen. Poe will be flinging fire about as though it were going out of style; we will be blamed for anything he destroys, so there is little point in attempting restraint when we might be better served putting out a little extra effort to bring him down that much sooner." the blaster said calmly.

Then he glanced over at Darkvapor. "And should this greater Husk Lord appear, run. Take the team as far away as you can get them. As many of you have seen, my powers react... violently... to the proximity of great energy sources. If this boss of Poe's is as much greater than his piddling henchman as you say, my detonation is likely to rupture their entire dimension like the birth of a Quasar in the middle of it." he finished as casually as if he were discussing the weather. His contribution to the discussion finished, he coolly perched himself in midair, folding his legs into the lotus position, and waiting.

((For those of you confused by E-X' apparent personality shift... his powers respond to his emotional state as well as the aforementioned outside energy fields. If he doesn't keep his emotions in tight check while outside of combat, the energy builds up to an uncomfortable, potentially fatal (to those around him) level. So he tends to go into almost a Zen-meditation-type state during downtime when things are tense, or potentially so.))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Kaega let out a bark of laughter, "So that old story is still going around. Just so you know, the nun was fine if a little shaken. . . .the Rikti Priest on the other hand was never the same." Kaega said as he shifted the scabbard that held his sword in place to give it a better fit.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Briggs, while following the rest of the group, has activated the holographic projectors on the top of her wrists to interface with the PPD's computer system.

"Not sure how to do the paper work on this one," she says to no one in particular. "I'm not sure if crime in a totally different dimension is out of my jurisdiction." She just shrugs and enters in some bacis information to send out later on.

"So, just how are we going to track this Poe?" the cybernetic cop asks.



Kaega looked over at Briggs, "Well we could go through the whole process of trying to find him. Then again from everything I've heard about Poe we could just stand around and call him names till he shows up."

Jonas snickered a little, "Yeah that sounds like something Poe would do. So what do you guys think do we try to pull a sneak attack they know will be coming or do we bring them to us?"

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Darkvapor raised his hand to his chin. In all his years of leading his armies to glories victory over his enemies, he had never faced a more strange and deadly foe than the Husk Corporation.

"Difficult to say. Perhaps if people start showing up in the Dimension of Mysts Poe's boss will get pissed and talk some sense into him. Then again, maybe he'll just shoot first and ask questions later." He shook his head at this.

"As far as the whole matter of bringing Poe to us, I'm not quite sure how you plan on doing that. As far as I know the Husk Corporation and Poe for that matter won't give a hoot. If anything, Poe will be setting traps, lots of traps, for when we show up at his doorstep. The only reason I can think of for why he would even think of doing something like attacking Power Breaker in the D is if he's tired of waiting and is willing to take almost any risk in order to kill PB over here."

Darkvapor stressed this, his brow furrowing as he furthered his concentration.

"Unless...we give him an opportunity he can't refuse...a chance to finally get back at PB, wihtout worrying about DJ Zero or heroes or villains." As he said this Darkvapor looked up and stared right at Power Breaker, the look on his face telling far more than words could over say.

We set our own trap



"Good point, DeeVee," Breaker sighed, "I still don't know what i did to tick him off... Maybe try to talk sense into him? I threatened to break his neck once, but he wasn't conscious for that... And I was informed then that he wouldn't stay dead, so I don't see how this got so personal."

He walked over to the open bar where a young man of Slavic descent was tending. He pointed to a bottle that the bartender handed over and proceeded to drink from it.

"Okay," he growled between swigs, "Here's the deal... If we go to the Dimension of Mists, Poe unleashes all unholy Hell on us, and we likely die slow, agonizing deaths over the span of a few millenia... Don't ask me why I say so, it's just the threat I was given last time... Or, we find a way to bring him here (or get him to come here on his own volition) and he unleashes all unholy hell on us, takes us back to thw Dimension of Mists and makes us die in agonizing pain over the next few millenia..."

He took another swig.

"Alright... I'm thinking our best chance lies in setting up an ambush of our own... We've already got some proper bait... Thank you Dark... Now we need a proper setting..."

"You could try the top of the temple," the bartender offered, "Brother Mauthe doesn't seem to be using-k it."

"Yeah, but he also doesn't seem to want anybody going near it just now..." Power breaker took another swig and looked worriedly to the rest of the group, "I've got nothing. It's hard to plan anything for somebody as unpredictable as Poe..."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Think carefully about just what the nature of his powers is. Think about how he's likely to attack you. He'll probably just teleport in right on top of you or plant a few traps around you when you aren't looking. However, we can use that against him." Darkvapor walked over to the bar and asked the bartender for the strongest drink he had, before taking a seat on the barstool next to PB.

While he waited for his drink he continued his talk with Power Breaker. "I can manipulate the air around this island such that Poe can't teleport while on the island. He'll have to come from afar, giving us an advantage. Furthermore, he can't get away from us as easily." Darkvapor gave Power Breaker a chance to think over what he'd just said while the bartender made his drink. He kept an eye on just what it was the man with the Slavic accent was doing while still giving Power Breaker most of his attention.

"Now then, once you've got Poe coming at you from afars you can plant traps for him. You can figure out where he's coming from easily enough, just put up a few guards near the edge of the island."



"Ugh... Damn Rikti"

Toxicity threw down a bloody desmembered arm, apparantly torn from the unfortunate torso of a Rikti warrior. Wiping the blood splattard across her ample breast, she scowled menicingly at a gawping, and clearly un-awares elivator attendent.

"What you staring at?"

The attendent's eyes swiftly averted, appologys muttered rapidly under his frightened breath. Her eyes fixed on the attendent as she passed, Tox pulled the pins from her hair, allowing it to fall loosely at her shoulders. Making her way quickly to the bar, her eyes scan the several other heroes gathered, apparantly discussing battle plans out on the island. She had no means to battle any more tonight, so her attention quickly diverted.

"Something strong" She eyed the bartender, a small, forced smile crossing her face for just a split second.

"Yes ma'am" The bartender replied with haste, sliding her a drink across the bar. Tox quickly slammed back the drink, and fell back in her chair, staring blankly at the cieling.

"Im sooo bored of the damn Rikti" Her eyes fell on PB as her sentance finished...

"Hey... You... Why arn't you fighting Rikti, busy here living it up i spose... Damn heroes, so damn lazy... Us "villains" out there fighting the good fight"

Silently she stared, throwing the glass threw the air, clonking PB sharply on the head. Smiling, she ordered another drink, and proceeded to stare blankly into space.



((welcome to the RP......did you read the backstory or the summary?))

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



((Sorry, Toxicity, but I'm afraid you're confused... Our group isn't currently in the D (though we may return at some point). As such, I'm going to have to negate your smashing damage and aggro.

Unless, of course, you're saying you're in the Community Building on Brother Mauthe's island... In which case, I'd like to know how it is Toxicity arrived. It's an RP forum exclusive location (Read: it doesn't exist in-game), a secret, and Mauthe's not one to trust just anybody...))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Catching up now...))

Khelly shook her head. "...Beat him up, fine...Go right ahead...Just try not to kill him..." She coughed, and at E-X's mention of a small quasar, looked...Not worried at all. Not afraid, just surprised, and a little happy. More food for her.

And assuming she couldn't survive a quasar? That'd be fine, too. She wouldn't even try to escape.
Khel gazed out the window ((Assuming there are any windows)), and wondered if this was her chance to die. She'd like to leave this world once and for all, and the pain would finally end. There was nothing left for her in life.

She coughed into her hand, careful not to get blood on anything, and returned to staring off into space.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((Gah. I always seem to fall behind in these RPs... ))

Fraenir remained silent, as he had through most of the trip to Brother Mauthe's Island. His thoughts were mainly focused on the battle that lay ahead, wondering just how big of a challenge himself and the group faced.

The big dragon-man glanced around at all the gathered fighters.

*Even if Husk-men are as powerful as they say, we still fight. And we will fight well* Fraenir thought to himself, as he went back to contemplating.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



"Ho, vell said! I t'ink I'ze liking hyu..." a new voice chimed in as Jager Horowitz clapped Fraenir solidly on the back. Jagers could, apparently, move remarkably stealthily when they wanted to. He shook himself vigorously, spraying the assembled metas with salty water, and grinned, showing a mouthful of huge fangs, and winking exaggeratedly at Briggs. "Hyu know, dohlink, hyu never deed tell me your name..."

Then Kheldragon caught his eye. "Ho-ho! Iz anuzzer luffly vimmen!" He was abruptly next to the Warshade without appearing to pass through the intervening space, and started to reach his arm around her shoulder. "Und who might hyu b..." he managed to get out before Energon X punched him in the head.

The Jager rocketed across the enclosed room, ricocheting off a wall before landing on his feet in a long, skidding crouch. "Nize punch! But can hyu tek dis... vait, vere'd hyu go?" Energon X' voice came from thin air near the ceiling. "Here, stupid."

A blast of blue-white power flattened the Jager, pinning him to the floor as Energon X drifted slowly downwards, decloaking. "You'll have to play later, Horowitz. Not all of us are indestructable constructs like you are- we actually need to think before we fight. So behave before I reduce your hat to flaking ash."

"Pfeh, party-pooper vit hyu fancy cape and glowin' eyez and death-rayz from hyu hands..." the Jager grumbled, but subsided.

Energon X glanced around at the stares, then shrugged. "I've had to deal with the Jagerkin before- even made it to their home dimension for a little while. Portal Corp really needs to fine-tune some of their dimension rips." he commented, sounding aggrieved. He jerked a thumb at Horowitz. "He's an idiot, but handy to have around in a fight."

"Hy'm an eediot? I'ze not de vun prancing aboot in purple undervere waving my hands to mek de bad guyz fall down, hyu..." could be heard faintly from the corner that Horowitz was sulking in, but the Blaster ignored him. "You're neglecting one other piece of bait, by the way... Breaker wasn't the one to blow Poe into a wisp of greasy smoke... seriously, what's in that bugger's diet?.. the last time they encountered him."

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Kaega laughed at the Jagerkin's antics, "Aye, jagerkin make good cannon fodder on occasion. I've had the pleasure of fighting a few of your relatives. Quite surprising, really, how much survivability these creatures have; they almost rival my own."

Jonas looked at Kaega, "If they can go through as much as you do it'll be well to have one on our side." Jonas held his right hand toward Horrowitz then thought better of it quickly switching to his left.


Build fidgeted more, the painted runes on his skin causing him greater discomfort the longer they were on. "Do you think we will be done with this stuff anytime soon? This stuff in my stomach isn't very sanitary you know. What is this telling you?" Build asked the waiting Conlin.

"Gimme a sec, this is a very delicate procedure. The more you fidget the greater the chance you'll throw off the results." Conlin said clearly exasperated.

((Diov? You gonna expand a little on Build's situation? Or we gonna drop that?))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



She gave the Jager a very surprised look. He wasn't getting drained, or at least, it wasn't having any effect on him. She had also never seen a Jagermonster before.
"...Don't flirt with me..." She coughed. "...Waste of time..." Khel bared her red-stained fangs, not knowing that that'd just make it worse.

She had a lot to learn about Jagermonsters.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"That sounds like nasty cough..." the bartender said, then thought on it, "A nasty cough... Is there something you'd like to drink?"

"Forget it Serj," Kip explained, "She only drinks energy... Nearly killed someone in the D just from crashing into him. Yet another strike against Poe for inadvertently making it happen."

"Oh..." Serj reached his hand out to her, "If energy is your drink, I have radiation to spare. Please, help yourself."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Something's wrong here...They should have showed up in the redirection lounge by now." Poe said, tapping the minitor thoughtfully. "Xabu, go and see what they're up to, send out a signal if something is up."

Xabu vanished in a shower of sparks.


Why did it suddenly smell like static...?


As far as the galaxy in Build went, it was fairly standard for a galaxy. It contained sixty million two hundred and forty nine thousand two hundred and five planets, thirty million four hundred and eighty thousand, six hundred and ninety eight stars, twenty four asteroids large enough to sustain life, eight black holes, and one standard super-massive black hole in the center.

The black ooze was still in his stomache as well, and the rune detected that it was a purple shellfish made of glass.



"Uh. . .it's a boy." Conlin said looking Build in the face.

"WHAT THE [expletive] DO YOU MEAN A BOY!?!" Build was freakin out. He didn't want to be a dad, his robots were already a handful.

"Na I'm just messin with ya. Apparently you have a glass shell fish in your gut. Talk about the night after, " Conlin said completely straight faced.

"I'm sick of this crap. Cut! It! Out!" Build screamed at Conlin.

"Okay then. . . .if that's what you want," Builds head struck the table he was sitting on with a thunk. Conlin shook his head from side to side "Ask and thou shalt recieve"

Conlin found a seam that traveled along the inside of his wrist, pulling the skin back he pulled out a long bladed talon scalple.

Conlin quickly ran the scalple down Build's middle and stuck a hand inside "Let's see what we have here"

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Khelly nodded, not taking her gaze away from the window, and reached out just enough to absorb some of the radiation. It was sort of the energy equivalent of lemonade, to her, at least. It didn't 'taste' like lemons, of course.

If the others stopped a moment, and thought about the atmosphere in the room, they may have gotten a slightly creepy feeling, and noticed how dead the air felt right around Kheldragon. The ones with the better senses would definitely know something here was wrong, and it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that it was Khel.

There was just something...Unnatural about her.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"He shook himself vigorously, spraying the assembled metas with salty water, and grinned, showing a mouthful of huge fangs, and winking exaggeratedly at Briggs. "Hyu know, dohlink, hyu never deed tell me your name..."

Briggs is about to answer the Jagermonster's question, or as much of it as she could understand with his thick accent. But she was able to pick the word "name" out so got the gist of what he was asking. But before she can answer he is sent sailing across the room from a strike from Energon X. The cop puts a few fingers to her head at a tension headache building. She is used to working with well trained individuals and a rigidly designed system of authority, something that isn't very present in the world of costumed crime fighting. Therefore she finds most of it quite... inefficient.

She takes a deep breath as she activates her neural-buffer implant at the base of her skull. She reacts much faster than any normal person or some people could percieve. With lightning quick movements of her cybernetic limbs she is standing between the Jagermonster and Energon X. Though from her perspective everything is moving in slow motion, that is until she deactivates the buffer when she stands between the two of them.

"Save it for Poe," she tells Energon.




((Khel didn't hit 'im, E-X did >.&gt)

She said nothing, just pointed at Energon. Apparently pointing him out as the cause of the fight.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Power Breaker arched an eyebrow and shrugged at the altercation.

"There's no need for that kind of behavior... I'm certain the young lieutenant is more than taking care of herself. Energon, please, we're all amigos here. I'd be more concerned with..."

Electron count in immediate area steadily rising.

"Oh... Guys... I think we're about to get hit."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Fraenir glanced over at the newly arrived Horowitz, slightly annoyed that the green creature had interrupted him while he was thinking, but Energon X seemed to have given out the response Fraenir would have delivered.

"Oh... Guys... I think we're about to get hit."

[/ QUOTE ]

A massive maul of stone formed in Fraenir's hand. Then the dragon-man lifted the stone maul up, and leaned it upon his wide shoulders.

"Let them come" he rumbled.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



The moment Build's stomache was cut open, there was an explosion of light, and the entire power of a Cosmos being born roared out to engulf every nano-meter of space that could be occupied by a Galaxy one point two times the size of the Milky Way.


The air began to crackle, and tiny red arcs of electricity began to dart about the ground.

Particularly around Khelly...

And suddenly, Khelly got an unexpected taste of an odd medicine. Her own. She felt her power drastically decreasing by the second, almost as if something was draining it all away, like a localized power sink...

But what was causing it? There was nobody around...