Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




"Do you really think he's going to listen to you?" Darkvapor barked back at Briggs. It amazed him how stupid she was as to try and command a being from another dimension to surrender to her.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Your opinion of PPD policy is moot. But I am required to try and solve all problems nonviolently if possible."

When the massive armored being materializes in the room the cybernetic cop brings the sights of the pistol at center mass of the large frame. But with everyone running in like that she can't get a good shot. "Damnit," she says to herself through gritted teeth. Briggs furrows her brow as though she was concentrating very hard on something, and that something is activating her neural-buffer. "Come on.. come on activate damnit!" she mutters through her gritted teeth.

A feeling like being knocked in the back of the head with a nerf bat hits her and she takes in a quick breath. As her reflexes, thought processes, and sensory processing speed up the world around her seems to slow. This, from her perspective, gives everyone's voices around her a peculiar low, drawn out sound that can be quite annoying.

She launches herself at one of the Xabu in a blur of motion, traveling at a speed difficult to perceive to those with typical visual acuity. She leaps at Xabu in an attempts to deliver a piston fuled jump kick to his head with her cybernetic leg. she then would train her pistol on his head and as the jumpkick turns into her leaping from his head she will squeeze out a volley of bullets as the force from her kick sends her backwards.



Kaega withdrew his sword from Jonas, allowing the Darkin to fall to the ground. He looked at Xabu, who was being attacked by all the metas, and let out a deafening bellow, "ENOUGH!"

He turned releasing the inner power of his sword, Arget, as it swung through the air at both Power Breaker and Dark Vapor. It realeased a wave of pure bloodlust at the two. "This is a duel, he attacked my friend. As such he has impeded my honor."

He held Arget, blade outward, toward the middle of the three Xabu's, "Are Husklords so weak that they cannot face someone on equal terms?"


Build flashed a glare at the approaching husks, "You dare to question the orders of a husklord? Even a lowly husk such as yourself should know enough to never do that."

Build made the nanites in his body bring up the runes the DWC members used to comunicate telepathicly. Just shut up and look intimidating. Make your zombies look feirce or something. Build thought with urgency.

Conlin mentally sighed Fine but you owe me one for this.

Conlin's zombies began to change. Their eyes began to glow, teeth lengthen, and they all opened their mouths releasing a low volumed sound that was like a thousand people quietly screaming for mercy.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Darkvapor raised an eyebrow at Kaega.

"Power Breaker, I think we should let these two fine gentlemen sort this thing out. In the meantime, do you know where the scrap metal is kept around here?"



((SYNAPSE is the super speeder, Diov, and a scrapper to boot.))

Power Breaker shrugged off the blow, and gritted his teeth. It had begun. Poe had sent one of his minions at them (again, simply because he was bored), and the group dynamic was falling apart before it could even be started.

before he could get back into the fight, however, Darkvapor had his attention. He turned to the magician(?) and blinked a couple times before pointing toward the barn Bioserj had been heading for.

"Any scrap metal they've got has to be in there."

Kip, however, was not out of the fight. He rolled the table upside down and kicked the legs out of it. He then rolled over, tipped the disc back up, twirled around like a discus thrower with an over-sized sic, and hurled the weapon at the original three Xabus, but at an angle that would send it ricocheting in another direction, crashing through even more Xabus. Kip, on the other hand, cut right, away from the ricochet, and started slamming his way haphazardly through Xabus. Snap kicks, tornado kicks, and leg sweeps all around, Kip tore into the virtual army of electrified armored enemies, the smoke around his body coalescing into a solid, near-impenetrable armor.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Go ahead kid, take out the fakes. I want the real one," Kaega motioned toward an apparently empty plot of land.

"As soon as he feels up to the challenge, maybe he'll decide to fight someone exactly like him," Kaega said with a crooked smile after the cryptic remark

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Synapse is actually a blaster, pretty sure anyway. He could be an Incarnate though...))

"I' not a Husk Lord. I'm just an old friend of their boss." The Xabus all replied simultaneously to Kaega.

Then Kip went Beserk and started to attack.

Their attacks passed right through every after-image they attacked, and then the nastiness again. Their opponent had no intentions of playing fair.

"Hey, careful there sport." Said one Xabu cheerfully as he delivered a blow that could have removed the giant's head.

"Yea, you're going slow that if you're not careful, your life might pass you by before you even figure out what hit you." Chuckled another.

The images all flickered, and vanished.

And reappeared in a perfect circle around Kip. They all conjured electrical blades.

"Eat electric death."

Twelve blades filled every inch of space between them. Xabu was running in a perfect circle around Kip, delivering blows at regular intervals at each spot an after-image appeared in.

Kip was probably well protected from the physical and energy portions of the rapid attacks, but they were also slowly sapping his end with each hit. The question being, could he resist being drained of energy?



Dragon froze, not bothering to try and track Xabu with her eyes. When you couldn't even see your opponent, but he was within firing range, there was one thing to do.


She concentrated, and felt the heat building up inside, trying to work its way to the surface. She held it in, and the heat kept building until she thought she'd explode,

And then she did.

Well, sort of. Her body was still intact, but the room was suddenly turned into a raging inferno as a huge wave of fire spread outwards, engulfing nearly the entire room. Nearly. Most of the others probably wouldn't be hurt too badly, if they could move fast enough.

They probably could have sensed the buildup. It would have suddenly gotten VERY, VERY hot around Dragon -- enough to blister unprotected skin.

Either way. When the fire roared outwards, well...Dragonistic had 50 Security Levels of fireblasting under her belt, so she really knew how to use her fire. And she was powerful enough to have reached 50 in the first place.

One word: Ouch.

Well, they had a chance of surviving this one. Surviving Xabu's attacks? Probably not.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Kaega flipped Arget around and used it to separate the fire from touching him.

"Come on you peon, Fight someone who can take you on at a level to match your own!" Kaega roared at Xabu.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Kip was more than capable of tangling with Xabu's assault. What he wasn't ready for, however, was the explosion that sent him rocketing through the wall. It didn't hurt (much), and he was on his feet again in a moment.

"I know I'm gonna hit you sometime, [freck]er! And when I do, it's gonna hurt!"

"Kip!" Power Breaker shouted at the scrapper, "Calm down, man! Calm down! Let Kaega handle this... I want to see it!"


"Code red, Shane," Bioserj shouted as he yanked open the barn doors, "We've got a meta down there of massive potential."

"What're my allowances, collateral-wise?" a metallic voice asked.

"The building's toast as it is. Whoever is in there has no regard for us... I don't see why you should show regard for him. Don't thrash any of the other buildings, though, and try to keep from destroying the med-porter."

"Aw..." there was the sound of a (seemingly) diesel engine revving up, "Take away all my fun."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Firenuking the place had really taken a lot out of Dragon. She couldn't even run particularly quickly at the moment, much less fly or throw fire.

Well, now was the time to make like a drum and beat it. She leaped backwards out of what was left of a window, landing lightly on all fours outside the building.

Anyone watching from afar would have noticed someone jump out the window, wings snapping out for a second, red scales gleaming in the light. They looked around warily, and clung to a rock.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((still, in fact, in Brazil, and unfortunately without time to post or even catch up >.<

Don't get too far ahead of me

I'll be back and raring to go on the 23rd, most likely))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Okay ^_^))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((I was waiting on Briggs, but I guess I can go on. >.&gt)

Xabu, who had apparently vanished during the explosion, seemingly rose up from the floor in a puddle of static.

"If you wish to sacrifice yourself to me, plaything..." Xabu said tauntingly to Kaega. "...I will not stop you. On guard!"

With a blur of motion, Xabu conjured a pair of electrical blades and weaved them about in a kata around his body, bringing them down in an offensive stance, facing the sword wielder.



Kaega broke into a wide grin. He had sensed the power. He reached up and removed the sightless iron helm he wore to reveal milky white eyes, "Looks like I won't have too."

Kaega motioned his hand toward Jonas's corpse. If anyone was willing to notice, the air around Jonas's body had died, the floor he was laying on had turned grey. All the energy, all the potential had been sucked out of the area were he lay.

"Get ready for this Xabu. You get to meet a Darkin," Kaega said with a wry smile.


Jonas floated in complete darkness. His body was completely weightless. He couldn't move. The mark on his arm began to beat with a dark pulse and a voice spoke into his mind, "Is this what you truly want? To die and no longer walk this realm?"

Jonas cracked a mental smile, "Normally I would welcome death if it would get rid of you. This Xabu guy has really pissed me off though. So I say it's time to let out the bad guy. What do you say Marcus?"

His brother's voice spoke up for the first time since Kaega had appeared, "I'm all for letting this sick [censored] out. It's been to long since he's tasted blood."

"Is that your answer?" The dark voice said with satisfaction.

"Yes," both brothers answered at once.

"Then so be it. Any action I take is mine alone, but remember you are the keepers of my chains." The voice said with dark humor.

Jonas's body began to change. The mark that resided on his arm grew. It traveled up his arm and across the rest of his body. His skin darkened to the point that it seemed to gleam. His arms grew to reach past his knees. His muscles tightened to the point that you could audibly make out the sound of tendons stretching. His eyes burned with a deep set radiance loosing all color.

The Darkin stood and looked without emotion toward Xabu, "Know this. Your time on this plane of existence has ended. Leave while you still have the ability to do so."

Kaega stepped aside. The Darkin approached.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"What is this? I JUST left the damn place where all the threats like that were usually delivered. Can't I get into ANY fight at ALL where I'm not fighting some hopelessly outclasses child who talks tough?"

Xabu made a spitting noise and a tiny red spark hit the floor at the Darkin's feet.

"Out of the way little one. Let the people who know what they're actually doing fight me."


All Build got in response was a few more raised pistols.

"Last warning. Back into the receiving room." The guard said coldly. There were a few odd dozenish guards getting closer through the crowd.



Kaega laughed, "You truly wish to fight me so badly? Too bad, I have no control over this creature and it looks sufficiently pissed to take me on. . .it should be an interesting fight. Unless you are afraid of a little Dark World scuffle."

The Darkin looked down at the spot where the spark had landed. The residual energy left over from the spark was absorbed into him. The Darkin raised his hand and launched the spark back at Xabu. The spark was not electricity but pure darkness. "You think the games our children play would intimidate me?"


Build looked over at Conlin. The optical sensors in his eye quickly scanned one of the transportation nodes. He sent a quick telepathic message to Conlin, "The nodes seem simple enough to make. Half magic, half tech. If we can combine one of my bots and one of your zombies, then enhance it with Dark World runes and energy we can make our own."

Conlin nodded and they both threw up their hands. The zombies and robots quickly fell into a line behind them and they walked back into the receiving room. As soon as they walked through the door and before the guards had a chance to react one of the robots opened and locked down on a zombie.

Build and Conlin acted at once. Conlin began to intone a quick incantation, which sent runes flowing up the composite monster, and Build released his specialty techno runes. In a flash the runes had combined creating a makeshift transformation node.

Conlin and Build simultaneously jumped for the node at the same time. They vanished in a clap of thunder leaving behind nothing but the monster which looked around with a blank expression on it's face.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Xabu deflected the dark spark with a red one of his own.

"Oh, another living energy eater. Just like that Nictus from before. Your type are all the same. So cocky and confident just because you're trying to compensate for your crappy diet plan. Well I have news for you..."

Xabu flickered, fuzzed over, and vanished in a small shower of sparks.

"That high horse you're on? It just ran away without you." Xabu's voice finished from apparently everywhere at once.

And at that moment, there was another localized powersink. This time, around the Darkin. He couldn't dodge it since it affected the entire area he occupied, and because it was anchored to him. His energy rapidly began to dwindle as it was sucked and sapped from him at speed. Additionally, his ability to naturally regenerate energy sputtered and failed as he was exposed to the sapping field.

Worse yet, he was not going to be able to drain the potential out of his surroundings to recharge. The power sink was leeching the energy out of EVERYTHING within its radius, which effectively meant that trying to replenish his energy by taking it from his surroundings would get him nothing, as the energy in said area had already been taken.


Build and Colin leapt out right back where they had started, looking said monster in its blank face.

The noes were apparently, NOT simple to construct. They were apparently, NOT just simple half-hybrids of Tech and Magic. That was hardly right in any way shape or form.

The Redirect Lounge was not ammused, to say the least. It redirected Build and Conlin's sloppy rift attempt right back to where it started.

And now the room was filled with various security husks, who simply fired their pistols. Thankfully, it appeared they didn't want to kill the two. They merely fired stunning rounds.

From fully automatic pistols.



Darkvapor raced out of the scrap metal area and back into the area where Xabu had appeared holding a metal contraption in his arms like a football.

"Good, now all I need to do is set this up." he muttered under his breath. He looked around for some place to set the device up at.

He stared at the old temple for a while before setting off for it at race pace.



What Xabu could not have realized was that a Darkin is the makeup of all the dark potential from a being. This particular Darkin was also a Knight which means he isn't the dark potential of one Jonas he is the dark potential of all the Jonas's that spanned the infinite dimensions.

So when Xabu initiated the powersink the Darkin first reversed its energy absorbtion and began to admit high amounts of Dark World energy. Second, it realeased its own form of energy absorbtion attack. The two attacks would make a vernal loop continually cycling through each other.

Shadows seemed to rize from the ground, cloaking the Darkin. The Darkin sank slowly into the ground. "What Xabu? Never had someone reverse your own move before?" The Darkin said without any emotion at all.


Conlin and Build looked at each other in tandem then Conlin spoke up with a very snarky tone, "Yeah should be easy, half magic half tech. Oh I know next time don't swallow weird crap!"

Conlin turned and dashed toward one of the transport nodes with Build following shortly behind.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad




Did nothing.

She was horribly outclassed, and she knew it. All the others were extra/multi-dimensional beings of great power, locked in an epic struggle (or something like that), and here she was, a mutant with dragon powers. A mortal, even as Kheldragon. A regenerating mortal, but still a mortal. It's not like she'd just zip off to another plane of existence if she bit the dust.

So all she would do for now was sit outside...And wait...Because there was nothing she could do here.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"Woah!" one of the guards shouted as Darkvapor approached, "Hang on there, man! I hope you're not trying to get inside."


As Bioserj got the doors completely open at the barn (and looked askance at the fleeing form of Darkvapor), there was a deafening roar as a massive tank rolled out of the barn. It looked like a massive Freak Tank, complete with a tank track where its legs should have been. The tiny head inside the bullet-proof canopy seemed almost comical. For armaments, it's left arm was a massive, wicked looking claw (much like a Tank Swiper), while the right was a chain gun fitted with blades and spikes. On the base that served as his transportation, there was a set of four anti-personnel turrets that were currently in a "shielded dome" state.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!" Chaingunnz shouted as he started to tear down the road for the Community building, "Who wants to fight!?"

Bioserj hopped up on the back of the machine before it could speed away.


Power Breaker figured it wouldn't be a good idea to stick around much longer. That whole rumbling sensation was most definitely not heartening. The energy being drained out of the very air didn't help matters, either.

"Somebody grab that med-porter," he shouted as he started clearing the way to the exit, "Let them fight, we need to get the Hell out! NOW!"

Kip pulled himself back into the building and made for the medical teleporter. He rolled tables and chairs out of his way to stand between himself and the massive electrical discharges. The insulation had to help somehow...

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"It's happened plenty of times before." Xabu said in a bored voice from seemingly everywhere. "But there's one tiny problem here. You havn't reversed it."

That's about when Jonas' energy levels began to flatline. His murky aura might have been able to protect his energy from being sapped, but it still wouldn't last forever. The small dark storms of energy he kept putting out began to flicker.

"Ya see...You may be able to drain energy...But it looks like that dark consumption of yours doesn't effect the entire area. In short, it can miss. And I am running at just a little bit under the speed of light right now. I have to STUTTER what you're hearing right now just so you CAN hear it."

Staic sparked as Xabu chuckled from every place in the room at once.

"That's check, little moth."



((Diov you just made me want to interject and ruin the fight for you sooooo badly........but I wont...we kinda promised we wouldnt..*pout*))

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Briggs puts the iron sights of her sidearm on Xabu. But despite the cyborg's ability to turn one second into ten from her frame of reference and her mechanically steady aim she cannot get a good shot at the villain with all of that energy whipping around. And even if she could get a good shot off, a bullet from a 9mm likely would not do much against someone of interdimensional aptitude.

Briggs snorts in frustration and drops the sights of the gun from the villian. When Powerbreaker speaks up Briggs spins on her heels and faces the door. Her legs spark with blue energy then is off, doing zero to 60mph in about three seconds towards the door.



Fraenir watched as Jonas rose up, and challenged the speeding electrical giant, wondering if it had been his awakening crystal or Jonas' own power that had revived the man.

He guessed it was the latter.

"Ya see...You may be able to drain energy...But it looks like that dark consumption of yours doesn't effect the entire area. In short, it can miss. And I am running at just a little bit under the speed of light right now. I have to STUTTER what you're hearing right now just so you CAN hear it."
"That's check, little moth."

[/ QUOTE ]

Fraenir, at this point, was really getting fed up from Xabu's speeding around the room, attacking only who he wanted to, when he wanted to.

Then the dragon-man got an idea.

What if the floor suddenly moved out from under the hyper speeding giant?

Fraenir channeled his power for a moment, building up his energy, then lept into the air. And when he returned to the ground, crashing both his fists on to the stone floor of the building, a massive tremor rumbled across every surface of the room. The miniaturized earthquake shook the building, causing faults to appear at random spots on the floor, ceiling, and walls.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector