Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




Darkvapor's eyes threatened to burst out of his skull.

He set his drink down with a sharp thud and spun 'round, nearly knocking his barstool over. Quick to his feet he walked over to Khelly, careful not to enter the power sink himself.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this is definately a bad thing." he said sarcastically.

At that moment his eyes glowed a deep purplish hue. His hands glew a similar color. Suddenly anyone trying to teleport onto the island would find such a thing quite impossible.

"That should hold off any reinforcements for a little while." He spun on his heels to face Power Breaker. "Where would spare tech be kept here?"



Build glared across the table toward Conlin. Conlin glared back with the exact same ferocity, "You're the idiot that told me to cut it out."

"You're figgin mumbo-jumbo crap shoulda told you something bad would happen!" Build said angrily.

"You should have paid more attention and not drank anything Morin gave you." Conlin said calmly.

"It's not my fault that guy's an [expletive]!" Build exclamed

"But it is your fault that the stuff was still in your stomach, you should have tried to excrete it," Conlin said it as if the idea was relatively new.

"You know what, don't talk to me," Build said with finality.

Conlin looked around the room, "So do you think it's weird that instead of ending up back in the Dark World or our headquarters we ended up here?"

"God I hate the Dimension of Mist. How long before Husk figures out we're here?" Build said with exasperation.

"10 seconds give or take a thousand years. Well, let's get out our armies," Conlin reached into a black bag on his side and removed six bones. He cast the bones on the ground and they gave a sickening squish sound as flesh and other bones assembled around them giving them a Night of the Living Dead vissage.

Build typed in a few commands on his wrist console. A pocket dimension opened in front of his outstretched arm and his six robots filed out, "Mine are bigger."

"I believe it's been stated before that it's not the size of your army, it's their ability to rock the boat," Conlin said with a quiet laugh under his voice.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"Sonova!" Bioserj shouted as he slammed his fist onto a button under the bar.

Four panels in the corners of the floor popped open and four shield drones floated out of them, emitting their defensive emissions. Bioserj then made for Kheldragon, radiating energy than seemed to regenerate those caught within the wave. Brother Hand pulled an SMG from under his jacket and backed away from the power sink. Another man that he called to, Brother Hood, drew a revolver and sighted in.

"Alright," Power breaker grumbled toward the center of the room, "You've got our attention. How about you show yourself and we can make with the smashing you?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Whatever was there responded to Power Breaker's offer by directing a static arc into his eye.

And despite the defensive measures of the shield drones, the power sink continued to sap Khelly of her energy, it was siphoning energy out of an entire area which was focused around Khelly, not just her alone. It couldn't 'miss.'

And the regenerative aura was helping her much either. The power sink was also nullifying her ability to naturally regenerate energy as well as draining it. They could boost her recovery and regeneration all they wanted, it wouldn't help her due to the fact that she wasn't recovering anything right now.

But who was doing this, and how? They wern't using invisibility or intangibility, but they had to be very close to be able to use a power sink. As a matter of fact, they would need to literally be at point-blank range to do so, which meant whoever was doing this was right on top of Khelly. But what method was that person using to avoid direct detection?



Bioserj ran into Kheldragon, trying to push her away from the energy draining field and out of the common building. He still radiated his healing energy, but he was getting tired fast. The arc of lightning still struck Power Breaker, right in the eye as intended. It did little more than tick the cyborg off, though.

"OW! You [frick]ing [dastard]!" Power Breaker shouted as he writhed around in place, gripping his right eye, "That's it! [Frick] me? No, no... [FRICK] YOU!"

And with that, he marched right into the electric field and kicked on his own draining aura. A bright blue orb emanated from his body, siphoning the energy of whatever hostile malevolent force was present, regardless of its stealth or defensive capabilities as the energy field returned. Then, Breaker gritted his teeth, instructed the nanites to initiate the efficiency protocols, and prepared for the next volley.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



E-X shook his head at the Lieutenant's belated interjection. "Don't worry about it too much, officer. To the green goofs, this is play." A brief flare that might have been a wink flashed from his eyes, and he finished amusedly "Gotta respect cultural diversity and all that."

Then the energy levels started getting strange, and a frown creased his forehead. He spun for a moment, trying to locate the source, scanning the entire energy spectrum, but coming up short. Then the blaster shrugged. "Khel, get ready to eat." Then, with a powerful wave of his arm, he blasted a titanic wave of energy towards her. Anything that was draining in that area was going to get a rather nasty shock as two violently different forms of energy... explosively different forms... suddenly entered his 'mouth'.

"Ve's not alone in here..." Horowitz commented. "Brilliant, Sher-dumb." Energon X snapped back, sounding strained as he pumped out vast quantities of energy. "Qviet, hyu." the Jager growled, focussing on his nose as he tracked the interloper's scent, ready to tear in with claws, fangs, and vast strength once he found them.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



When things started to go weird she reacts on pure reflex. Her steel hand snaps around behind her and draws out her 9mm from the holster in the back of her pants. She puts a wall close to her back as her eyes look around the room quickly to try and perceive any threats before they become threatening. Teleportation, invisibility, intangibility, there are many tools at the disposal of a metahuman to get the drop on their enemies.



((I thought you were going to South America??? did you find an internet port or something?))

Bladewing frowned as he saw Khel begin to wilt in the energy draining field. "well we cant have that now can we?"

Touching a fan of scales on his fist, Bladewing pointed at Khel as his hand began to glow blue. "Heres some energy for you Khel, hope it helps"

Then the energy raced out with a deafening roar, twisting like a great blue serpent until it found it's intended target. As it impacted Khel, Bladewing sagged, as half of his own energy was added to the beam.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



((Catching up))

Khel felt her own energy being sucked out of her body by the power sink. However, she was pretty much a living power sink herself, and if it was possible to power-sink a power sink...

Her head swam. She fell sideways out of the chair and clawed her way across the carpet, trying to get out of the area, ripping up the carpet (assuming there's a carpet).

Being barely kept alive by the massive amounts of energy being fed into her by the others (most of which was apparently being sucked away by the power sink), she started coughing and choking, writhing on the ground and spitting blood everywhere. Having had her main sustenance taken away, she needed to breathe. She had to depend on oxygen at the moment, like she had to before she was changed.

Unfortunately, with her damaged lungs, that was...difficult.

Then everyone heard something. Inside their heads.

SSTTOOPP! screeched a grating, metallic double voice. Yyoouu'llll kkiillll uuss bbootthh! It was talking, of course, to the hidden power-sinker.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





As Power Breaker unleashed his own blue power sink, there was a roar and the entire area danced with red sparks, and the lights in the building flickered.

But the attacker was relentless. The localized Power Sink stuck to Khelly like glue.

Briggs perceived plenty of threats. There were red sparks arcing all over the place. They wern't particularly lethal, but they were there.

Horowitz pinned down his target's scent immediately: It smelled strongly of static. As a matter of fact, it smelled exceedingly of static. Which there was plenty of, all throughout the room.



A blackness tugged at the edges of her mind, then slowly closed in. She stopped struggling, stopped moving, and closed her eyes. It had finally happened.
Kheldragon was going to get her wish.
She was going to die.

Then something unbelievably lucky, or unlucky, happened. It still happened to her, very rarely. Very rarely indeed, and it was amazingly lucky that it would happen now.
Khel groaned, and shuddered, as the wounds inside knit themselves back together. Her talons gripped and ungripped on an invisible prey, and she vomited blood all over the floor. More blood than usual, but with a couple differences.
Firstly, it was red, and very, very hot. Secondly, it was mixed with gastric acid.

Her eyes snapped open, the slit-pupils darkening to black, her eyes cycling through every color of the rainbow a couple times before they settled on green, with ordinary whites. The purple veins running down her face vanished..
If the person in his static state would have happened to be touching Khelly right now, he'd have noticed that she was suddenly a lot warmer. Intensely warmer.

She rolled over, and quickly shed her armor just in time. The red spikes had gone, and two bulges were throbbing on her back. Then the skin burst, and a pair of large, batlike wings unfolded into the room.

Dragonistic got to her feet, encasing herself in flame. That was probably the luckiest thing that'd ever happened to her in her life. Of course, she could stay dead now, but now she didn't want to die.

It happened once in a very, very long time.
She changed back.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.






"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



((How else was Khel going to escape that?!
Yeah, that does happen to her rarely..))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Kaega gritted his teeth as a few arcs of electricity made contact with his arms and legs. He was begining to see the reason all these metas had joined forces against Poe. "Jonas, take the scroll off your arm and do something about this static."

Jonas nodded toward Kaega. He slipped his left thumb into the top of the wrapped scroll and quickly drew it straight down off of his arm. The excess energy in the area (every thing from the duo powersink to the energy being released by Bladewing and E-X) was having an odd effect on the markings of his arm.

He felt the blackness within his mind grow, it became louder than his brother could ever hope to be. Those that were standing in the area around Jonas, as long as they could perceive the spectrum his powers were affecting, would feel something akin to the 'rabbit on their grave' feelings.

The very air around his arm began to circulate as the demon in his arm started to draw upon both the potential and kinetic energies in the area. The lightning that was bounding around both himself and Kaega began to flow toward his arm and seemingly dissappear.

He began to concentrate harder on the darkness, filling it with the energy. "I just hope this doesn't interfere with Dark Vapor's ability to block incoming teleportations."

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Briggs keeps her firearm stretched outwards with her other hand beneath her hand which is holding the gun to support it. Its a habit from when she had human limbs, and not really necessary now that she has perfectly steady precision cybernetics. Her aim jumps around from sprak to spark, though knows better than to start firing wildly. She perfectly gauges the pressure on the trigger, between that and her neural-buffer can react in a fraction of a second.

"Where are you!?" Briggs yells out. "Come out in the open with your arms in the air!"



"Do you really think he's going to listen to you?" Darkvapor barked back at Briggs. It amazed him how stupid she was as to try and command a being from another dimension to surrender to her.



Dragon shot Briggs a look, but said nothing besides "We all know where he is. He's everywhere," before clawing at a spark passing in front of her face, even thought it'd do her no good. But it was bothering her.
She wouldn't have said anything about Briggs' command to surrender. After all, a minute ago, her Nictus had been ordering whoever it was not to kill her.

The pyrokinetic dragon-girl moved a little ways away from the others. There were embers floating off her fire shield, and it'd be best if none of them caught fire.

There was nothing she could do to help at that moment.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Jonas shifted his footing and held his right arm above his head. He began concentrating on the fire that surrounded Khell trying to absorb as much as possible to allow her to stay close to the group, "Yo! No wandering, there's no telling what they'll do if you aren't close enough for us to help."

Jonas cracked a smile and looked at Kaega. Kaega had gotten a far off look in his eyes. He layed a hand on Jonas's shoulder, "When things go south, don't react. Let me do my job."

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((This is a joint-post between me and Build.))

"Nobody steals my sparklies." Said a voice that popped and crackled like static.

And like a nightmare only seen in the faintest of dreams, Xabu 'fuzzed' into play in a haze of static energy which arced about. The massive armored figure was a full fifteen feet tall, and he had to hunch over and bend his legs to get down to an appropriate combat height.

With the skill he used those blades with, it was doubtless that was not a disadvantage to him. With a massive roar of thunder, the two blades of pure red electrical energy the giant wielded in both hands descended in a blur nearly impossible to follow.

They cleaved into Jonas' head and there was a discharge of electrical energies. Jonas felt the blades slide into the back of his head and for the milisecond that his body still held life, he noticed Kaega pull his own sword.

Kaega's body acted at the same time as Xabu. With no idea that his body had even moved Kaega's sword had already ripped through Jonas's stomach and nicked Xabu on his left arm. The armor plate for that particular section erupted as runes of unknown origin flared with energy.

"I don't take kindly to the fact that you. . .we just killed one of my friends. Now I'll have to hurt you." Kaega said.

"Just try it. I can kill you ten times before you even start to keel over." Xabu responded.

The armored figure exploded. A giant column of pure energy erupted from his location and expanded. The giant brute had becoming a living [u]lightning rod,[u] and now the energy he channeled roared forth in every direction to destroy everything in its path.


Build and Conlin, of course, hadn't just popped up anywhere in the Dimension of Mists. Husk Corporation carefully monitored all ingoing and outgoing forms of transportation, natural, artificial, intentially, or accidental. Anything that was trying to get in or out without authorization was immediatly redirected.

To, in human terms, could be called a 'Redirect Lounge.' A place where visitors to the Dimension of Mists went through customs to get both in and out, whether they wanted to or not.

Build, Conlin, and their respective armies burst out through the door and into a huge room. It was the size of three football fields in length and width, with every surface being made of the same silvery substance. Everywhere, scattered about, were aliens, extra-terrestrials, planar beings, multi-dimensional entities, et cetera, et cetera. Most of them stood in unorganized lines and groups. They talked in unfamilier languages, hustled and bustled about, and in the case of a certain [u]shadowy manor[u] that appeared to have a life of its own, they complain to certain officials.

The husks.

They didn't appear to be any of the normal husk types. These were just humanoid shapped flesh sacks, with no features whatsoever. Not even faces. There were thousands of them intermingled and scattered about the place, doing what underlings did. They attended to the patrons of the lounge, did generic jobs, et cetera.

Build and Conlin had just caught three specific ones by surprise. One, flanked by two others. The one in the middle carried a small transparent bag filled with small silvery orbs, the other two were carrying pistols made of the same generic silvery material as everything else.

A customs official and two guards. Conlin and Build had just blown past the main customs procedure. Thankfully, it appeared as if the element of surprise was with them. The husks probably hadn't expected them to just barge out of their little room. The one with the bag appeared taken aback, and the two security husks had only begun to riase their pistols.

Build noticed the three husks turn to look at himself and Conlin. He quickly turned to the Necromancer, "The Husklord's name is Poep right?"

He turned back to the three before Conlin had a chance to answer, "We are on special assignment from Husklord Poep. He wishes us to pass through unimpeded and to carry out our mission on Terran Earth. It would do you well to point us in the direction of the transport node."

The security husks appeared to hesitate, even without any facial features. Their pistols lowered, but not by much. The customs official looked flustered.

"..........!^&.......@@..........(*....... uage identified as Terran." One of the two security husks said, (although how was unknown.) "There are three Husk Lords with the begining letters of their known names starting with P and O. There is no Husk Lord by the name of Poep. Is this a joke? We are NOT amused. Furthermore, even if what you said was true, how come you come up negative on the essence modules? You are unregistered in this district and all others."

The security husk on the left raised his silvery pistol. The one on the right reached into his chest with a putty-like hand, and pulled a silvery disc-like object out, pressing a button on it. Immediately, other of the featureless husks turned their heads to the group's location.

"Hands to your sides, and back slowly back into the receive room..." Said the one with the raised pistol.



Darkvapor swore under his breath.

His eyes and hands glowed. Moments before Xabu appeared he exploded into a massive cloud of dark energy.

When the cloud finally dissipated the Darkvapor everyone had seen before was gone. The man was now encased in thick metallic black armor. The bright sheen on it reflected the light of the room, giving him a sort of heroic look.

The super strong villain pulled his own sword from it's sheath.

Xabu had just cut down one of Darkvapor's own teammates. He was going to do the same to Poe's friend.

Rather than a normal attack with the Phantom Sword Darkvapor instead stepped in front of the group, sword in defensive position.

"I wouldn't worry about them Husk Corps goon. It's me you should worry about."

Darkvapor's armor was suddenly obscured by the dark energy cloud, which had now reformed around him. "Come...face your doom."



Bladewing's eyes almost popped out of his skull when Xabu materialized and killed jonas, and then he unlimbered his No-Dachi.

"Time for some carnage"

One by one, Bladewing mentally released the seals of his power, the smallest of these effects was that he dodged every single ohm of electrical energy from Xabu's assault. But the most noticable effect was to his sword, which had turned black and was starting to emit a roaring sound as the air, dust, and nearby detritus was sucked in, vanishing into a quantum singularity.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Dragon glanced around. Xabu was focused on Jonas, not her, and now was the time to strike.
She flexed her claws, and inhaled deeply, then suddenly blew a stream of fire at him. Then she was behind him, and tossed ash in his face, followed by an exploding fireball. Embers alighted on her scales and in her hair, but of course, she didn't catch fire.

Dragonistic jumped up, and slashed at him with both talons, like a raptor. Those claws could definitely disembowel.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"Oh, sonovabi-" Power Breaker shouted as he dove away from the arcs of lightning.

Bioserj was running down the street, staggering as his body replenished its radioactive energy. He'd drained himself badly crashing through Khelldragon, he didn't know that would happen, and had crashed though the window with his momentum. He seemed to be making for the barn they'd passed earlier.

Power Breaker, however, turned back to the assaulting lightning rod.

"Hey!' he shouted, "Congratulations, [dip]wad! You just became my new pet proje-Ungh!"

An arc of lightning nailed him again. That was decidedly unpleasant, but it wasn't slowing Breaker down just yet. He gritted his teeth and his eyes flashed brightly for a second. Then the circuitry channels across his body started to glow and with a vicious roar, Power Breaker was overloading his energy shields.

Target: Knee Joint.

Power Breaker launched himself into Xabu's right knee joint, hammering into it with a punch that channeled so much energy through his fist it hurt.

Target: Spine

He immediately fell to Xabu's back and smashed both of his fists against it. Red lightning arced around and against him, but it seemed to just slide off.

Target: Face

Power Breaker made his way around the lightning giant's body, whirled around, and popped him one square in the jaw. It wasn't his best punch, but it was a start.

Behind him, just outside the range of the lightning field, Kipland Durj kicked over a wooden table. He crouched behind it and started pushing it toward the armored monstrosity, his body getting wreathed in black-purple energy. His eyes also glowed a dangerous shade of red.

In the meantime, the energy shield generators near the building's entrance overloaded and exploded, blasting out the entrance. The others, the ones near the med-porter near the back of the room, were still running fine.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Fraenir's eyes widened as he saw the lightning giant seemingly kill Jonas. Rage boiled up inside the dragon man, but he soon found himself without an outlet as the others of the group instantly converged on Xabu.

Instead, Fraenir turned his attention to Jonas.

Dropping his maul of stone (which caused it to disintegrate into a fine dust), Fraenir leaped over to the fallen man, getting a lighting strike to the left side in the process. But Fraenir payed the attack no mind, as he was busy reaching into his kilt pouch again.

After a second, he pulled out a small, aqua-marine colored crystal. Fraenir crushed the crystal in his hand, and sprinkled the powder into Jonas.

*Hopefully this will help him. Hopefully...* Fraenir thought as he looked down at the wounded man.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



All the attacks hit Xabu dead on.

Nothing happened. The giant didn't even flinch. As a matter of fact, it seemed as though their attacks went right through him.

"Just my after-image." Called a crackling voice from the opposite side of the room.

No less then three Xabu's crouched against various surfaces. They all looked rather relaxed.

"Ya know Synapse? He's a freaking tank-mage. Everyone thinks it's his speed that makes him special. Lemme tell ya-It isn't. I'M the real Positron in those terms. My skill..."

The image of Zabu everyone was beating up on vanished.

"Is my speed."

There was suddenly a large collection of fuzz everywhere.

Multiple Xabu's began popping out of thin air. Soon there were six of him.

"Your move." They all said simultaneously, looking completely calm and relaxed, their red coal-like eyes drilling holes in the group.