Need Costume Help





I am looking at a new character concept based around the idea of an Arabian style desert swordsmen.

Would be the perfect example. Basically he is going to be a Katana/whatever scrapper.

What I would like is some help how I may best recreate this in the Character creator?




Ah, if only we could get Scirocco's costume pieces... I would kill for those...

Lemme' see if I can pull something together.

EDIT: How about something like this ?

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



It's a tough order, you'll never really get what you want totally.

Try this for now:

Arabian costume with base options

Arabian costume with Samurai vet pieces

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I like Suich's idea a lot What do you think of putting a gold 'Tanker' detail on the bare chest... Would kind of substitute for the samurai piece if they don't have it *Shrug*

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



I would sub the Sinister boots (without plate) for the wraps. Same look, sturdier boot. Baggy white pants. I like the Egyptian headdress with the mask thingamajiggerdoohickey. I also like the brown robe idea. Not sure how I feel about the shoulder options in the first one though.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Not everyone has the GvE pack. :\ -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



My other half JUST made an arabian-style character that looks fantastic, sadly I'm at work right now so I can't post screenshots It is possible, though! He didn't use any special pieces, either.



I've often wondered why we don't have turbans in the game. Probably so as not to offend somebody-or-other. Better safe than sorry, after all.

I like the wrapped boots option with tucked-in pants. That picture in the OP looks like it has a bandolier of some sort. Vest or jacket, maybe, with T-shirt underneath, perhaps. Someone used the Angelic (or similar) pattern to simulate leather straps on bare arms for an archer in another thread -- maybe an option like that would be good. Tied belts seem more Arabian to me, even though the one in that pic looks metallic.

I'd try it myself, but my comp that CoH is on is currently broken.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



I think I sort of wandered away from the concept a bit. This guy seems a bit more Mongolian looking but wth. I'll throw him into the creative fray here anyway. His colors are a tad dark but I like it anyway.

Arabian Knight!

Good luck!!



I think I sort of wandered away from the concept a bit. This guy seems a bit more Mongolian looking but wth. I'll throw him into the creative fray here anyway. His colors are a tad dark but I like it anyway.

Arabian Knight!

Good luck!!

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That is just all kinds of awesomeness right there, even if you strayed a bit.



Not everyone has the GvE pack. :\

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This is true. I'd forgotten that those pieces come with that.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



I think I sort of wandered away from the concept a bit. This guy seems a bit more Mongolian looking but wth. I'll throw him into the creative fray here anyway. His colors are a tad dark but I like it anyway.

Arabian Knight!

Good luck!!

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That is just all kinds of awesomeness right there, even if you strayed a bit.

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I concur. That is clearly a member of the Golden Horde, lost in time. Really excellent job, PF.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Thanks guys!



Yeah, that is all kinds of sweet PF. It looks great.




Arabian Knight!

Good luck!!

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Where did you get those pants? And the shoes?



Arabian Knight!

Good luck!!

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Where did you get those pants? And the shoes?

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Sinister set from GvE



The pants and shoes are both GvE sinister.



Aw man. I like them too much, but no point in buying new set just for them. Now I am sad.



Aw man. I like them too much, but no point in buying new set just for them. Now I am sad.

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No need to buy the whole game. Just buy the addon pack!



That's what I did.. I don't regret it



For 10 bucks, it's WELL worth it.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Unless you're poor and realize that Food > Costumes and Pocket D port. It sucks cause those Justice shoulder pieces rock something hard. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN