Kenja's G15 Master Guide




Is the problem on the text file or the keyboard?

Or when you download what the games has as binds it shows ctrl+x instead of rctrl+x?

If it is the latter, review your text file. If that is correct (rctrl+x) Do a bind reset, and then reload the text file. Mind you that will reset wvwrything (including binds you might have done long ago that you may not be aware are there but still use)

I will check my bind file at home and see what it says just to hold off on the reset until I can confirm a problem otherwise.



Kenja's Logitec G15 Masters Guide
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Is the problem on the text file or the keyboard?

[/ QUOTE ]

Surely not the keyboard as I'm just writing a text file and then doing /bindloadfile

Or when you download what the games has as binds it shows ctrl+x instead of rctrl+x?

[/ QUOTE ]

when I do a /bindsave and then look at the resulting keybinds.txt all the binds I've made now have ctrl+key instead of rctrl+key


If it is the latter, review your text file. If that is correct (rctrl+x) Do a bind reset, and then reload the text file. Mind you that will reset wvwrything (including binds you might have done long ago that you may not be aware are there but still use)

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll try making a new character and then loading the binds to that - see what happens...


I will check my bind file at home and see what it says just to hold off on the reset until I can confirm a problem otherwise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks a lot for the help, it's much appreciated.



I tried the binds on a character that had none. The results were the same rctrl+x is always changed to ctrl+x. Seems to be a binding issue as far as I can tell.



I actually tried this on my seems the system doesn't register a difference between rctrl and lctrl. I figured since it distinguishes between lshift and rshift that it would apply the same to the other keys....unless I am mistaken about the shift keys as well...hmm need to test that tonight....

[/ QUOTE ]

Tested...rshift and lshift are not distinguished there ya go

Kenja's Logitec G15 Masters Guide
Kenja's Concise Commands and Emotes Guide (I10)
Kenja's Links Guide for Badge Collectors
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I bought this keyboard this week and none of the macro keys work in the game, I even programmed one to do something easy like just the keystroke q, and pressed that g key in the game while the chat box was selected, and nothing happened. Is there a special option I have to check or something?
(It is on the city of heroes profile)



I've tried that, macro'd a gkey to do something random like type "q+w+e", then in game made a simple bind for q+w+e, and nothing happened when i pressed the gkey, but if i pressed q+w+e in the game the bind worked



I probably should mention that im on vista also



ok can someone help me. I am trying to set up a g15 macro for a stalker and a combo attack. so basically pressing a g key will do the 3 powers for a combo. how do i do this? any help is great.



I was wondering if anyone else was having a problem with the G keys not always working. At times I will see that COH profile loaded and they work until I have been in combat or zoned. Then I need to alt+tab and the profile loads again and they work until I have another combat or zone. Other times the profile loads up and works fine, no matter how much combat or how many times I zone.

I can't see any pattern to it, it affects different characters on different servers. Any ideas?

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



I actually tried this on my seems the system doesn't register a difference between rctrl and lctrl. I figured since it distinguishes between lshift and rshift that it would apply the same to the other keys....unless I am mistaken about the shift keys as well...hmm need to test that tonight....

[/ QUOTE ]Tested...rshift and lshift are not distinguished there ya go

[/ QUOTE ]I did some testing earlier this week. LSHIFT, RSHIFT, LCRTL, RCTRL, LALT, RALT all can be bound only as stand alone keys. The moment they are attached to another key with +<key> they lose the left and right distinction.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Yes you can set up an entire attack string. I did it once and even looped it. You just have to study the timing of the animations so you can record the pauses correctly. but ever since i bought a new comp with vista my g15 no longer seems to work. somtimes i can get working with a few g keys other times not does work with other games though heroes seems to be the only problem



Owning a G-15 v1 (18 G-Keys), I found some resources for G-15 Overlays. An Overlay is a paper cutout template with fancy graphics. It has spaces to write a note as to what the G-Key is for.
[G1:Super Speed][G2:Toggles On][G3:PANIC*]

G-15 v1 Overlays (CoH/CoV will be about halfway down the first page.)

Pay attention to the printing instructions or it won't fit. I also recommend printing out 3 copies, 1 for each Mode setting (M1, M2, M3)

The v2 (6 G-Keys) does not have any completed Overlays as of this post for CoH/CoV, but you can request them.

*Panic is a bind I used on Shadow that activated "Fly+UP+Forward". Great for those quick escapes when you're in over your head in a zone or outdoor map.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Putting in multpile attack sequences to one key does kinda break the EULA that is why I don't post "how to's" on the subject.

The thing about the profile "deactivating" while zoning and then having to alt-tab to fix is a random occurance. It only happens to me when I load the game (and that means everytime I load the game) but usually I only need to do it once.

Kenja's Logitec G15 Masters Guide
Kenja's Concise Commands and Emotes Guide (I10)
Kenja's Links Guide for Badge Collectors
Visit SalsaVille!



It doesn't just happen when I zone. I happens when I attack also. The profile loads, and works fine until I zone or use an attack. Then it reverts to my default profile. I don't actually use them for a lot of stuff, but when I do, it is a real pain for my browser to start up instead of what I want.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



didn't see a fix posted yet so I just want to add if you are having trouble with your g keys not working and have windows vista disable the user account control and voila! works beautifully (took me a week of pulling my hair out to figure this out) was driving me nuts i use g1-g8 for single push team member targeting (highly useful for fast switching for healing/buffing) now that I finally got it working again back to leveling toons!

hope this helps some of you others that were having issues with this killer keyboard.



My G15 doesn't say Profile Activated until I quit CoV. Any way to fix this? Yes, I use Vista.. but I don't understand what you mean by "disable the user account control."



Great guide. I have set up a few binds now and am happily using my G15 to a lot more of its fullest potential. Moving my Kheldian shapechange macros and targeting sappers/voids/quants to the G15 were particularly useful.

Thank you!