Kenja's G15 Master Guide




Just looking at the above post I can see why it doesn't work:

Rctrl+q “powexec_name Sprint”
Rctrl+w “emote bow$$local, Hello $target, I am $name. A Level $level $origin $archetype ready for battle”
rctrl+e "emote yoga"
rctrl+r "emote bow"
rctrl+t ""
rctrl+y ""
rctrl+u ""

[/ QUOTE ]

If you look carefully, you can see that they are 2 different fonts. The first 2 (the ones you are having trouble with) are not Lucida Unicode. Make sure the entire text is the same font...

(Lucida Unicode - Regular - 10)

Kenja's Logitec G15 Masters Guide
Kenja's Concise Commands and Emotes Guide (I10)
Kenja's Links Guide for Badge Collectors
Visit SalsaVille!



Rctrl+q “powexec_name Sprint”
Rctrl+w “emote bow$$local, Hello $target, I am $name. A Level $level $origin $archetype ready for battle”
rctrl+e "emote yoga"
rctrl+r "emote bow"

just checked they are all in that code:
lucida console regular 10 western script.



If you have capital r's in your actual file you might want to change them to lowercase and try it again. I had a similar problem with some binds a while back. I think it may have to do with the reference difference, like upper and lower case distinguishers in ascii, but that's just a guess.



Does using /e instead of "emote" work?

I'm gonna try this tonight.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



emote is replacible with e, no slash though, in any binds. Same for "tell", "invite", etc. In regards to mezmer's problem though, I doubt that it will change much since the last two binds worked.



i tried the lower case nothing



It is not the case, it is the font.

Look t the fonts. The first to lines have a different "look" even if it appears to be the same. (The quotes on the first to are curved and the other two are straight lines)

instead of cut and paste, actually type out the string from scratch.

For the other question about typing /emote, the response was correct. When writing a bind you do not use the slash command (that is only in game). Not sure if just using the 'e' in a bind will work, for example:

/bind numpad0 "e victory"

Maybe, but I usually type the full command to prevent any quirks in the system reading the command wrong.

So to reiterate mez, instead of pasting the string actually type it out. In fact use a blank notepad to type it all up. This way you can be sure you get the same uniform font on the entire set of strings.

Kenja's Logitec G15 Masters Guide
Kenja's Concise Commands and Emotes Guide (I10)
Kenja's Links Guide for Badge Collectors
Visit SalsaVille!



thanks will try it later tonight and let you know.



I had some major problems with some bind files a while ago -- a set of 53 Taunt binds for my Tank. Each file was typed out in Notepad, but some of them would not work, messing up the entire system. I kept going over and over the binds. All the binds used the same commands with different text, but some worked and some didn't.

I figured out that if I went back, pulled up each file, then re-saved it as UTF-8 rather than ANSI, it worked. At least I think it was UTF-8, but might have been one of the other options for file type under Notepad, "Unicode" or "Unicode big endian." Try that!

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control




Rctrl+q “powexec_name Sprint”
Rctrl+w “emote bow$$local, Hello $target, I am $name. A Level $level $origin $archetype ready for battle”
rctrl+e "emote yoga"
rctrl+r "emote bow"
rctrl+t ""
rctrl+y ""
rctrl+u ""

[/ QUOTE ]

“powexec_name Sprint” should be

“powexec_toggle Sprint”



1. thanks concrete that helped/
i also saved as a unicode instaed of a asi.

so now we got 1, 3, 4 working.

2 still does not (ctrlW). i see the text appear only when i press the g15 buble.



I see it now, I was just replying with things that had helped me in the past, and assumed that they were the same font.

Oh well, that's what happens when you assume

On a side note, does anyone remember what the character limit on binds is? I thought I saw it in one of the bind guides but I haven't seen it since, could that be part of Mezmer's problem with #2?




2 still does not (ctrlW). i see the text appear only when i press the g15 buble.



nice ty just set up profiler now gotta edit my text file



i'm tryin to use this to heal my pets
"rctrl+q "pet_select 0$$powexec_name alkaloid""

i have to hit it twice tho, once to select then again to activate power, any ideas to just click one g button?



Reverse the order, put the pet select at the end. The game reads binds right to left, so that should fix it.



oh yeah forgot about that lol, ima try it now!!!



reversed it still doesnt work same results, oh well i can double click i guess lol



Rctrl+q “powexec_name Sprint”
Rctrl+w “emote bow$$local, Hello $target, I am $name. A Level $level $origin $archetype ready for battle”
rctrl+e "emote yoga"
rctrl+r "emote bow"
rctrl+t ""
rctrl+y ""
rctrl+u ""

1. thanks concrete that helped/
i also saved as a unicode instaed of a asi.

so now we got 1, 3, 4 working.

2 still does not (ctrlW). i see the text appear only when i press the g15 buble.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just spotted what was wrong. Get rid of the comma after "local" -- it also has a punctuation error that will have no effect on whether it works. It should be:

rctrl+w “emote bow$$local Hello, $target. I am $name, a Level $level $origin $archetype ready for battle.”

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



thnaks man i will try it out today.



tried it. doesnt say the words.



One more thought. The slanted quotes are not the same as the straight quotes in ASCII. It appears that the ones posted are slanted. Did you cut and past this from somewhere? Try retyping it in notepad, or maybe copy the quotation marks from a bind that works, and copy them onto this bind.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



is there a certain encoding to save as? i using unicode on notepad



I set this up - it works great. I only have one issue:

When I do /bindsave and check out my keybinds all rctrl+x are replaced with ctrl+x. Ideally I'd like to have it be rctrl as it's less likely I'll accidentally hit the right control key.

I've tried caps as well as lower case to no avail, and hitting either ctrl key with an assigned letter results in the bind firing.

Any ideas?



I saved as Ansi encoded - worked fine.