ATI Issues and Settings Recommendations




Is there any reason why the powers that be have not decided to do anything to help us ATI users. I just don't really understand why they only support nividia im seriously contemplating buying a cheap sub 100 buck nvidia card just so i can play

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To be honest, for those of us running Vista, and particularly Vista with a laptop ATI card, so far it seems that ATI users are getting the better end of the stick. I haven't been paying attention to the NVidia threads lately, but ATI had their drivers working better than the NVidia ones, and got them working sooner than NVidia did. In my case, I had to do very little to get my laptop with Mobility Radeon x1400 to work at relatively good speeds, and have had no other issues. ATI's drivers were the first ones to get rid of the disappearing cursor problem too.

I did do some tweaking with settings, both in the driver as well as in-game, but honestly, I haven't had any issues since about the 7.6 drivers for Vista. Not alt-tab problems, no mouse cursor problems, pretty good performance, etc.

Like I said, I can't speak for the NVidia side, and I can't speak for the desktop card side, but this is the first time I have been an advocate of ATI in many many years. I always used to be strictly NVidia.


Adar - Lvl 50 Emp/Elec/Psy Defender on Guardian (411 badges)
Itsy Bitsy Slicer - Lvl 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper on Guardian
Flying-Tiger - Lvl 32 Sonic/Energy Blaster on Guardian



Just an update for you BillZ after I had to reinstall the 6.2 drivers for win2k I was able to get my system to finally let me play in windowed and be able to alt-tab. All the settings I posted before are the same except Shader Quality which has to be on Low(no world bumpmaps).

With the settings like this I can play fine now even if the world isnt as visually appealing, its the same graphics as when CoH released so shrug at least its not tearing (and the characters & particles still look good). The only issue I have like this is in a group with a lot going on or mainly masterminds because of all the npcs. I have to turn Max Particle Count down to 100 while in groups like that then I have 0 issues again.

Also I think the alt-tab issue while in windowed mode could of been caused by my taskbar being set to auto hide. Something with being able to mouse over the taskbar and it popping up over the game screws it up.

After I had to reinstall the ATI drivers my auto hide somehow got turned off, and always on top got turned on. I changed always on top off and decided to try leaving auto hide off and it looks like it worked.



Bill -

My laptop's manufacturer (IBM) FINALLY released a driver that doesn't seem to suck (Mobility FireGL V3200, ATI basically says "Use the manufacturer's drivers" and any Mobility drivers out there are for Radeons not FireGLs, Mobility Radeon drivers just won't install).
Now following your settings for the most part, I've gotten it to look decent, but for some reason shadows are a little screwed up. I haven't played with it much but right now I'm looking at a lamp post and it's causing a wall of shadow between the top and the ground, where the shadow is projected. Any idea if there's a setting that will fix this or something I need to disable? If not, I can live with it.

EDIT: Also, not sure what Catalyst version I'm using, all it says for Catalyst version is "2007.0719.2203.37512", for driver version "8.383.1.1.3-070621a2-051036C", not very helpful.



What I don't know about the firegl cards is equal to what I know about the radeons.

My best guess? Drop Shader down and see if it helps.

Have you checked to see if the mobility modder will also work for firegl cards?

Be well, people of CoH.



I changed around shader for a while...didn't help :/
I eventually just turned off shadows, heh.
I may try that eventually but since I only play on my laptop when my desktop is out of commission, which is usually temporary, I probably won't bother.



Help me Billz, you are my only hope. [ QUOTE ]
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional$
CPU Type Mobile AMD Turion 64 ML-36, 2000 MHz
System Memory 2GB - 256MB for Video
Video Adapter ATI Radeon Xpress Series (512 MB)
Catalyst Version 7.9

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm using all the configuration that you have passed for 7.6 but is still the same problem, the game runs perfectly when it's just me and my target at the screen, in the moment that someone appears it's like play using a slideshow.

الكتاب على المائدة



Video Adapter ATI Radeon Xpress Series

[/ QUOTE ]

You might want to begin using the -usetexenvcombine flag at the end of your coh/v shortcut's target line.

This will force the game to run at a simpler rendering path. If it makes the game too ugly, then you're going to have to manually crank down the settings so that your integrated video card can at least make the attempt to work up to snuff.

I would advise: No FSAA, No AF, No Water FX, No Bloom, No DoF. Particle Physics Low, Particle Count around 25% or less, World Detail to 50%, Character Detail no higher than 100% and lastly, if none of this helps, drop the Shader down.

Be well, people of CoH.



Video Adapter ATI Radeon Xpress Series

[/ QUOTE ]

You might want to begin using the -usetexenvcombine flag at the end of your coh/v shortcut's target line.

This will force the game to run at a simpler rendering path. If it makes the game too ugly, then you're going to have to manually crank down the settings so that your integrated video card can at least make the attempt to work up to snuff.

I would advise: No FSAA, No AF, No Water FX, No Bloom, No DoF. Particle Physics Low, Particle Count around 25% or less, World Detail to 50%, Character Detail no higher than 100% and lastly, if none of this helps, drop the Shader down.

[/ QUOTE ]
Perfect, just put the tagline and the game starts to run perfectly
Thanks Billz

الكتاب على المائدة



Help me, BillZ! You're my only hope! Okay, now that that's out of the way, I have an issue with my ATI card. And I use your recommended settings
ATI Radeon X800 Pro
Ageia PhysX card (yes, I have one)
2GB o' RAM
And I've noticed this issue in villains. It doesn't happen all the time, for some reason. But it does happen fairly often. I use the latest drivers (7.9 catalyst) under XP and both Vista (I dual boot, so I have a quick comparision. I know Vista has issues on it's own)

First, this is villains, and Scirocco isn't his old self.
Cap'n Mako is nowhere to be found.
Black Scorpion also has his issues.

Finally, our good ol' friend Television.

These are the MAIN issues I have. Other enemies are viewable fine. I just get these graphics issues (I get issues under the contact bar as well, like weird white spaces)

The game is fun, and will continue to be fun, it's just immersion breaking when these models don't completely render.
Any ideas on fixes to this?

Note: I use omega drivers under XP, official drivers under Vista. If I need to downgrade drivers to fix it, I will. And I get this issue if CoH is the first, or second, or X game launched after a reboot.
Hopefully you can help me with my issue!

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



This is not anything to do with you. You can peruse the forums and find others who are experiencing these issues. It's a brokenness of I10, it appears.

"Who stole Television" is a good thread to check out on this.

/yay stealin' Bill's thunder.
//I'm gonna be dammed, aren't I? Shucks.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



1: Interesting. I had given up on old Omega, but he does have mods for the 7.9s now. I may have to look at those. At least for my laptop.

2: I've seen several threads with missing contacts, or partial contacts. I don't think this is an ATI issue. I think it's a game issue introduced in the last patch.

Be well, people of CoH.



//I'm gonna be dammed, aren't I? Shucks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Years ago. I saw your name on The List.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'm just glad I'm not the only one who saw that the television was stolen. Good thing it's not just my card...

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker




After installing the latest full set of drivers and CATALYST software (version 7.10), the settings you have at the beginning of this thread still work fine.

Ctrl - Awesome is all mine, baby!

He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. - Sir Winston Churchill
Write a wise saying and your name will live forever. - Anonymous



Ahhh, frell. They are out. Thank you for the heads up.

Be well, people of CoH.



LOL... I just checked not 3 hours ago and they weren't up!

-Wolf sends





# BioShock DX10 CrossFire™ performance improves 70% or more on all ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 series of products
# Call of Juarez DX10: CrossFire™ performance improves up to 42% and single card performance improves up to 34% on all ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 series of products
# Company of Heroes DX10 CrossFire™ performance improves up to 80% on all ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 series of products and single card performance improves as much as 31% on ATI Radeon™ HD2900 and ATI Radeon™ HD2600 products

[/ QUOTE ]

Some interesting DX10 numbers there. Any Vista/ATI/CoH folks want to see if DX9 performance is up?

Be well, people of CoH.



I have the 7.10s loaded, nothing is jumping out at me as broken, but I don't have the time now to do any testing.

I do plan to revisit everything later and I'm especially interested in the changes to adaptive antialiasing.

Be well, people of CoH.



Ooo...missed this yesterday (darn work being work like). *runs off to install the drivers*

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



I'll check Vista in a bit for ya... of course I just realized I was booted into Vista, so once the 7.10s are installed, I'll see if CoH runs better

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



I have installed the 7.10's on Vista. Keep in mind, this is on a laptop with an ATI Mobility Radeon x1400, so probably not of much use to those on desktop cards. The new drivers have had no ill effect so far. I haven't gotten any performance increase, or at least, not enough consistent increase to be noticeable. It DID fix one odd issue I have had forever. When I first launch CoH, my taskbar stays in the foreground. I used to have to click within CoH (I run fullscreen, NOT windowed), before I could do anything. After installing the 7.10's, the game is properly in the foreground.

At least nothing broke on these for me. I haven't done a lot of playinig with the settings. Possibly there is some magical combination that will give me a big boost. We will see.


Adar - Lvl 50 Emp/Elec/Psy Defender on Guardian (411 badges)
Itsy Bitsy Slicer - Lvl 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper on Guardian
Flying-Tiger - Lvl 32 Sonic/Energy Blaster on Guardian



Geez is all i can say
I had to reinstall my game and somehow my settings sux now i can barely tollerate playling. So my question is what settings to use on a ATI-X600 card halp plz lol. All i see is light and grafix atm unless i play in safe mode also i usually play windowed.

The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin



Why anyone posts in the stickies with 'help me' is... puzzling. You should start your own posts so we can help you better.

But, since you've already done it...

Please look above your post 4 post ups for the ATI Guru, BillZ's post. That post contains this:

ATI Settings Guide

And in that link, you'll find a primer for you to look at.

You *will* have to experiment with it for your own tastes, however, and you might want to start from post 1 of this thread.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Ello all,

Just a quick note on something I noticed when I did a complete rebuild of my rig. On my previous incarnation of this macine I was able to get rid of the water shadow issue with water fx on high, and other settings as is. My bf even got rid of it when I gave him my X1600 AGP bus 512 Mb card. My new X1650 PCI-E (512 Mb) I just installed has the worst water shadow issue ever, and I copied the settings that the bf has on his game still no dice.

Any suggestions etc? My bare essential specs are below:

AMD X2 Dual Core processor 2.4 Mhz
ATI Radeon X1650 PCI-E 512 Mb
XP Pro, Service Pack 2




I have the 7.10s loaded, nothing is jumping out at me as broken, but I don't have the time now to do any testing.

I do plan to revisit everything later and I'm especially interested in the changes to adaptive antialiasing.

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I've been off playing LoTR Online the past few months and haven't updated my drivers since like 7.5 or 7.6 I think. Hell, I may even have 7.4! Have you seen the ghosting when you look out over water again? And what's with this missing TV and Scorpion problems?! :-b