ATI Issues and Settings Recommendations




Anyone get AA working since 8.1, I know there have been a few releases since. Personally no luck on 8.6



I would offer to help, but the only ATI card I have running now is my old AGP X800XT in my workstation.

Even if I upgrade the drivers and get everything functional, that doesn't necessarily mean my settings will work for PCI-E cards or newer versions of the cards due to hardware differences.

I'll do it anyway.

EDIT: Downloading 8.6 to the workstation now.

Be well, people of CoH.



Installed the 8.6s, reset all my settings to as they are in the beginning of this ancient thread, FSAA functions just fine.

As always, the big killers of FSAA to ATI card users are Bloom, Depth of Field, Desaturation FX and High Water FX.

Disable the first 3, and set Water to Low or Off.

Then disable FSAA and AF in game and manage them in the CCC.

Ok, that said, as I mentioned in the last post, things may be different with newer ATI cards. I have no doubt that there are some hardware changes so if the steps above are not letting you have functional FSAA in game, please post your findings here so that all the ATI users can put there heads together to figure out what may be the problem.

Good luck.

Be well, people of CoH.



ATI 3870 Crossfire here
Tried 8.6 with the various problem options off, in both fullscreen and windowed to no effect, and I messed around alittle bit with CCC to try and get it working that way no luck there either

For me no matter the setting it just refuses to AA things. When 8.7 comes around I'll try again should be released pretty soon.



yeah. lol. crapo. just bought the hd 4850. while my framerate kicks major azz i can't get the thing to AA worth a damn in COH!

what's THAT all about?!

EDIT: I know I comin' late to the party here.

DOUBLE EDIT: I just downloaded the 8.7 beta driver. And that just worked all kinds of magic.



I just downloaded the 8.7 beta driver. And that just worked all kinds of magic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good magic or bad magic?

Be well, people of CoH.



for me... good magic!

i notice the ever so slightest bit of jaggies at certain camera distances - mostly gone though. ya need to stick yer nose to the monitor to see 'em. not sure ya can get rid of 'em completely. color is fantastic now -- i was having a problem with weak muted color and crappy black tones. but i'm aces now. was one of those things where i installed the new driver... screen flashed blank for a sec... then popped back on... and i noticed the difference immediately. was getting ready to exchange the damn thing for a 8800gt.



2x 3870 in Crossfire in Windows Vista 64bit

I just put in 8.7 official and still no AA with built in options no matter the settings, trying with CCC now hope it works


Got it working with CCC in 8.7 in windowed mode with bloom/depth/desaturationFX/AA/AF/VSync disabled in game and 4xAA and 16xAF and Vsync forced in CCC.
So a start

Strangely however character selection is Not AA'd
Also Adaptive AA for Transparencies don't seem to work no matter the setting in my case.
So seems to work, Yay for new drivers.



Could somebody post a screenshot of the game running on a 4850 or 4870 with the latest drivers? Hell even the 3870x2!

I just want to see what I'm going to be confronted with if I get a new ATI card to replace my 8800GTS.



Huh... for comparison, here's a screenie I took a long time ago with my X1950XTX.


Be well, people of CoH.



good "huh" bad "huh?"



"i don't know" huh.

I'm not knockin it, it looks great, but something's nagging me and I can't figure it out.

EDIT: Thinkin about yankin my 8800gt and stickin back inthe 1950xtx with these 8.7s.

Be well, people of CoH.



what's bugging ya? so i can obsess as well?



Could you post all your settings like I have me laid out early in the thread? For both ingame and CCC?

Be well, people of CoH.



that is crazy they need to fix that. Oh well cancelled my 4870 order and will get a GTX260 I guess



I took a up close screenshot with the current 8.7's


Specs and settings-
2600xt 512 ddr3
CCC settings
AA 2x box Temporal
Adaptive AI Disabled
AF 16x
Cat A.I Disabled
Mipmap High Quality
Vert Refresh Off unless app specify's
Triple Buffer off
Force 24bit Z buffer off

In game settings
Surpress options disabled
Particle High
World Texture/Character texture both very high
World detail/character detail 200%
Max Paritcle count 50000
Vertsync/fsaa/af off
Shadows/geometry buffers on
Texture crispness smooth
Shader quality high
water quality low
dof,bloom,desat - all na

Game plays just fine, slight lag near busy WW's like talos.

System specs
AMD 6000 X2
4 gig ddr2




fix WHAT!? lol.

i will post my settings when i get home but seriously what r u guys talking about?



I've no idea what Meiling is talking about, but the thing that finally jumped out at me abotu your screenshot was that it looked, for lack of a better word, dirty.

Do you use bloom or depth of field?

Be well, people of CoH.



no. i don't.




I wonder if the image is being compressed by the host.

The image you posted does seem "off", but can be explained if the host you used is applying a higher level of image compression than you uploaded for the sake of saving diskspace/bandwidth.

Try uploading the same screenshot to
imgflip and see if it gets any better.

If not, something needs changing in your settings.

Some of the other screens I took from the same session i posted..





Just wondering Bill, as you mentioned Ubuntu in another thread.

Have you tried the latest ATI linux drivers with Ubuntu?

The linux CCC is great, a real step forward for Ubuntu.

ATI Linux Drivers

If you are starting with a fresh install of Ubuntu, do not install the depository restricted drivers as I trashed my Kubuntu install by not removing the old fglrx and the xorg conf got screwed up.

If you give them a shot just follow the installer directions with a fresh install of Ubuntu and you should be up and runing in no time.



All the following is OT:

Everything you just stated means almost nothing to me. I'm literally coming into this blind and have no intentions of trying to game on this rig. It's purely a learning platform for me.

So far I've got it Ubuntu 8.04 installed as a dual boot on an inspiron 9400 laptop with XPSP3, on my wireless at work, and fully updated. I've done very little beyond that before with any *nix install.

But thanks for that link. I know we have linux users here that are running CoH.

Be well, people of CoH.



But thanks for that link. I know we have linux users here that are running CoH.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not on my ATI systems, it's sucked for years on them. Works peachy on my Nvidia systems, though.



Slapped back in my old X1950XTX to test something else, loaded the 8.7s, zero change.

Bloom, Depth of Field, High Water and Desaturation FX ALL disable CCC managed FSAA.

Be well, people of CoH.