Hints to EASIER leveling (Common)




Ok, first, Im a long time player, first time forum user... anyway: So many people have asked me if theres any hints to leveling at a fast rate. And these people need to be willing to put in work. All i suggest is posting that you are LFT all the time, making sure that your search icon is the clear white circle. About 4/10 times, (Most likely more) this wont be enough to get you a team. So make your own. Dont blind invite people, just nicely ask people of your level if they would like to help make or join a team of yours. Before you know it, you should have a budding to well made team. This is basically it. The only thing I have to say is when youre on a team, make sure youre doing missions, or patrolling, or in any case, getting XP. If not, dont waste time, and quit the team. What I would say is if you have nothing better to do, play as much as you can with this strategy for about 3-9 months depending on your focus. In no time, you will notice a big change in your leveling speed. I doubt this guide was very helpful at all, but I just was urged to write SOMETHING about the topic. Well... yeah... Bye.



More hints:

1) Team often. There is an XP bonus that teams get above soloing.

2) Complete story arcs. These give big bonuses.

3) Do Task Forces for the same reason as #2.

4) Set your difficulty level as high as you can QUICKLY complete a mission without dying.

5) Sidekick with higher level characters. They do most of the work and you get the difficulty bonus.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



6) Choose your fights - some enemies are weaker or stronger vs different types of attacks. Freakshow are weak vs energy, for instance.

7) Develop a steady pace - instead of having to stop, pull, pull, pull, it may actually be more effective to lower the diff a bit so you can just sweep through missions.

8) Coordinate your breaks - of course, those unexpected "potty emergencies" will happen, but if you can work things out w/ your teammates so you all break at the same time, it will cut down on wasted time.

9) Consideration only goes so far - sometimes, it's more considerate to let the team start w/o you, if you take long to load or travel. Work things out first, then decide if you are going to start when the minimum # of team members are in the mission, that you need to actually defeat the spawns.

10) When to train - sometimes those extra enh slots or power can really help the team, other times they don't do much for you. It may not be necessary that you go train every time you level.

11) Spread the wealth - instead of deleting that enrage or bf you may not need, drop it on the defender/controller/blaster - it might suit them better, and it may very well help them to avoid defeat or take out that mob a teensy bit faster. The same can be said for enh's.

12) 8 isn't always the best team size. There are times when adding more people just slows you down. A team can often do more as just 4 or 5 people. As an addition to this, keep the level spread tight. One person whose -4 to the rest of the team may not drag you down too much, but 3 or 4 that are very well may. XP is great, but sometimes that lower level character has to take the sk for the good of the group...



For some quick leveling at the lower levels there are a few things that I can suggest.

If you can get a team of about 6-8 together when in atlas do a sewer run untill everyone hits about level 6 or 7
Once that happens try to hit Kings Row Run 3 scanners then the bank mish to get the Raptor Pack, that will make travel much faster. Then either roll to Perez Park and street sweep untill you hit 11 ish and then roll to the Hollows or you could just roll straight to the Hollows. The Raptor pack will take all the stress out of the Hollows since the long travel times/distances will be nothing. Of course you will inevitably have to wait for other teammates to get to th mission but at least you won't obtain any travel debt getting there.

Staggerin Drunk 50 fire/axe/fire Tank
Mass Burn 50 Fire/Kin/Fire Controller
Complex Napolean 50 Fire/Ice/ele Blaster
Massive Nasty 50 Inv/SS Tanker
Seismic Squall 50 earth/storm/fire
Patty Whacked 41 ele/ele Blaster
DayTripper 39 ill/emp controller
Vaudville 38 DB/regen scrap



I believe also that if you are into leveling quickly without much content consideration and DON"T PL, PvP mish's tend to give out really good xp as well.



I believe also that if you are into leveling quickly without much content consideration and DON"T PL, PvP mish's tend to give out really good xp as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

They only give the bonus once every 30 minutes now, and the contact call buttons don't work in PvP zones.

These missions used to be the best way to hit it - I solo'd one character from 1-50 in 80 hours, mostly doing these. Nowadays, I'm skeptical it would be worth it.



A couple more hints....
I just recently leveled from 1-28 in about a week, with no PL's or mission farming and such. These are the methods i've developed over a few years of playing COH.

Getting a sewer team in atlas.

Get out of the hollows as soon as possible, get contacts in other places as quickly as you can. Hollows is easier to navigate now with temp powers, but Hollows still takes up way to much time for me, I find the quicker I get out of Hollows, the easier things go.

If you can stealth, then do it. Every mission you can stealth, then stealth it. Go straight to the end and complete. You will get more xp in less time from mission complete bonus and sometimes you will get multiple of these missions for quick xp.

Do scanner missions as soon as you can. Do scanner missions that require you to kill "leader", or find object(you usually have to clear room even when you get object).
Stealth most of these missions, go straight to the objective, and complete mish, get anothe similar scanner mish, then do it again, stealth, complete. If you do this, you can get xp quick.

Certain story arc's give you massive xp, expecially since all missions generally stay in that zone.

Faultline story arcs, are great, get a contact there as soon as possible, you will do awesome story arcs, fight numerous AV's, and get awesome xp. Plus, there are usually always people looking for players to help them defeat the many AV's you fight, good xp.

Croatoa, awesome story arcs again for amazing xp. Nough said.

Like someone else mentioned, DO TASK FORCES, they are great xp and will help you level fast, plus the badges go towards an accolade.



Great tips there. I especially have to agree with the Task Forces, they're hands down the easiest way to pop through levels quickly, especially Sister Psyche to punch the 20-25 range. On that note, I offer one other point of advice:

Freakshow are the greatest XP resource you'll ever find in the game. They give massive XP per kill, especially tanks, and they have this funny habit of self-rezzing which, with a minor alteration in tactics (don't just move on when they drop), gives you DOUBLE the xp.

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



Theres no secret to levelling in this game...

Every five levels just make sure you're doing the bank missions for a good temp power. Then group and crank the difficulty if you're going for pure speed.

Eventually I end up just soloing so I don't have to worry about finding a team that knows what they are doing. I've gone for pure speed, I've badge whored, and I've gone the story arc route. The last two were a lot more entertaining.

"Theres a saying that perfectly describes reading a majority of your posts, "Like being bukkaked with stupid."" -Demonata on JMan



A tip that I would like to share is get on a team with your SG mates and Coalition members. I've found that with teaming with such people who are good at working together and have developed friendships, that things go alot faster. For example, my SG and our Co's can crank out a TF in under an hour in some cases (depending upon the TF in question, of course.) Even with mishes things go a lot smoother and we hardly ever have to take a breather. A lot of that is credited to a Rad who has AM, etc, and sharing inspirations. You can breeze through a mission without stopping if you keep it rolling. A lot of SG leaders have many alts and they are seasoned players. When you have an array of toons to choose from to build your team and you know the people behind them are reliable, then everyone know's their toon's job and things just roll along smoothly. That sounded a little redundant to me but I wanted to get that point across. :P

You'll get loads of XP in no time!