Updated Compilation of Vista Issues/Fixes




omg so many problems here...!
my specs-
Processor : AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
Video Card : Nvidia MSI 7900gt
Drivers : 158.18_forceware
OS : 32bits vista ultimate
when I open the game I got some errors like your card does not support GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array , GL_ARB_multitexture , GL_ARB_texture_compression..



Who is your Video Card manufacturer? Does it support OpenGL?






omg so many problems here...!
my specs-
Processor : AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
Video Card : Nvidia MSI 7900gt
Drivers : 158.18_forceware
OS : 32bits vista ultimate
when I open the game I got some errors like your card does not support GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array , GL_ARB_multitexture , GL_ARB_texture_compression..

[/ QUOTE ]

You need to uninstall and reinstall the video drivers. For whatever reason the OpenGL components are missing or corrupt.



thx I will try it :P



I'm getting it to work now. I noticed that the Gadget sidebar was always there. When I disabled it the resolution box and cursor alignment problems went away so I can play now! The cursor itself is still a little off, but I can live with that since I can play and the main graphics are fine.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very good to know. You're not the first person to have this resolution problem, and at least now we know it can be attributed to the sidebar.



didnt work
could someone send me the 3D settings for nvidia?



Make sure the drivers are REALLY uninstalled. You might want to use DriverCleaner. Then install the latest non-beta drivers.



I'm getting the black screen of death myself, and I've followed the advice. I'm also having some in-game issues when I'm not getting the black screen. COH runs relatively smooth...relatively, but COV is choppy. I'm honestly thinking of returning this computer and getting a different one WITHOUT the damn vista home premium. I got the computer for gaming, and it appears to me that trying to run games under vista is just an uphill climb the whole way. That aside though...it's slowed a bit on COH, but not bad at all...it's very jerky and temperamental. It often freezes for a couple seconds, and it's all around very unpleasant. Anyways, I'm for lack of a better word...COMPLETELY computer stupid when it comes to trouble shooting. So if you have advice keep it withing the grasp of a computer moron. ^_^ (or just tell me that I probably shouldn't have gotten a vista before they worked out the kinks...=/ cause I'm thinkin' the same thing.)




The problem ultimately stems from playing a WinXP coded-game.. .in a WinVista world. You should see the difficulty $ony had with EQ1 when Windows2000 first came out. ABSOLUTELY... TOTALLY unplayable till they rewrote the EQ Client code so it properly interfaced with the WinNT environment, four to six months later.

At least in this case... one can easily play Co* with the adding of the proper video-drivers and command-line switches.



I've got my desktop shortcut to the updater set to disable desktop composition. Thing is, it ain't working. I've got the same thing set for Oblivion and, when it runs, there's a message popup in the system tray to tell me it's happening and using alt-tab shows me an old-style program list. When I run the updater I get no message and alt-tab'ing still gives the cool glassy look.

[/ QUOTE ]
Found out why.

When you right click and change the properties, you only change it for your Windows login. CoH runs under your admin account so the setting doesn't take. You have to click the "Show settings for all users" button and THEN set it to disable desktop composition.



I've got my desktop shortcut to the updater set to disable desktop composition. Thing is, it ain't working. I've got the same thing set for Oblivion and, when it runs, there's a message popup in the system tray to tell me it's happening and using alt-tab shows me an old-style program list. When I run the updater I get no message and alt-tab'ing still gives the cool glassy look.

[/ QUOTE ]
Found out why.

When you right click and change the properties, you only change it for your Windows login. CoH runs under your admin account so the setting doesn't take. You have to click the "Show settings for all users" button and THEN set it to disable desktop composition.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure that's correct; I haven't done that, and disabling desktop composition works perfectly for me just by using the normal dialog box.




Do you log into your Windows as an Admin?



Definitely correct on my setup - Vista makes SURE you know you're dumbing it down to Basic. I don't log in under the admin account.



ok here is my problem...Game runs fine except when i hit the contact screen or drag items it freezes and i have to hit ctrl alt del to get out




-compatiblecursors 1 works, but looks ghastly.

Initial testing seems to show this works. Y.A.M.M.V., standard disclaimers apply and all that.

1. Hit Win-R (or start/run)
2. Type sysdm.cpl and hit enter
3. Hit the "Advanced" tab, then under "Performance" click "Settings".
4. Disable mouse shadows.
5. "OK" your way out.

Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.



i have the compatiblecursor 1 setup already



Neurotickitty, how much memory does your video card have? What graphics driver do you have? (A dxDiag log would show us both, see the 'before you post' topic for instructions on how to do that.)

Alissara, what do you mean by 'ghastly'? Sometimes my mouse pointer comes up grey instead of blue but that's all I've noticed.

(You can also get to that settings form by right clicking on Computer, select Properties, and select Advanced system settings.)



Hello there Is anyone having problems with the FireWall not letting them Log into COH/COV? I"m loving this new Vista OS but its killing my game time.



Do you log into your Windows as an Admin?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. That explains it.




Ive tried the cursor fixes and I still cant see my cursor, I am also getting that nasty gray screen and screen over lap when I try to create a character. Ive running vista on a new dell xps any Ideas what i should try or do?



You will probably need to buy upgrade to a real 3D video graphics card. A 7300LE doesn't cut it for true graphic-game performance. Go with a 7600 or higher model.



Post deleted by CoffinKnail



Of course you can upgrade it. Dell is good about making hardware upgrades and exchanges, especially in the XPS series.