The damn biggest group shot ever: The Guruverse




Heh, sorry about the lurid thread title.

Anyway, I teased a while back that I had been working on a huge CoH project and would post it soon... well, here it is!

The Guruverse

It's the finished lineart for the so called Guruverse poster. The Guruverse (as we decided to call it at some point) is a huge joint project of the player community where all community members were able to get in their own or others' City of Heroes/Villains characters. The final count is 110 characters, although I was hoping to put in some more... Some of them you'll know from this community, from the CoH comics, the pre-beta forum or just Virtue (where most of them play).

The one and only Veikira is working on the colors for this baby as we speak, which makes me incredibly proud (having him color it, I mean ). I am very much looking forward to see it finished and will upload it to my page RP Visions then.

Hope you all enjoy it!




Wow dude! That is a fantastic drawing.



:O ...that is alot of people...



I yi yi.... that is an amazing work....

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Stunning piece.






Yes, there's no word to describe that.

Amazing, Stuning, Awesome...all these don't even start to reflect what I think about this, it just blows my eyes.




On Justice
Quake - Lvl 50 En/En Blaster
Shakester - Lvl 50 Invul/EM Tanker
Kiao Dai Ken - Lvl 40 Katana/Regen Scrapper
Gravity Lad - Lvl 21 Grav/Emp Controller
Ebon Shock - Lvl 32 Dark/Dark Corruptor
"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."



Wow that is a lot! hahahaah! Well done!!



I love how you can see each character's personality in their facial expression. And the bunny ears by Humor behind Grae Knight's head is priceless

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Wow... that is really cool! Each character is so wonderfully expressive. I'm bummed I missed out on getting Light-Speed into line for the photoshoot.



Dang man, that seriosuly reminds me of an old Marvel Universe Super Poster I use to have when I was like 18 (32 now). But the best thing about it is, it's all CoX!! Great stuff. If you color it, and have posters made, I'll buy one! WOOT!!



Wow... that is really cool! Each character is so wonderfully expressive. I'm bummed I missed out on getting Light-Speed into line for the photoshoot.

[/ QUOTE ]

you and me both. But.... replace light-speed without someone like Sirromnad =).



Unbelievable piece! Makes me kick myself in the pants that I was a lurker on those forums for so long.



Holy [censored]! That rocks!



Dragonberry is in there and it was very hard not posting teasers or updates on this project (had to be restrained by roommate at one point)

Poison is teh awesome as far as working with an artist goes , I couldn't be happier with my small piece of the piccy



Dragonberry is in there and it was very hard not posting teasers or updates on this project (had to be restrained by roommate at one point)

Poison is teh awesome as far as working with an artist goes , I couldn't be happier with my small piece of the piccy

[/ QUOTE ] too! I even PMed Poison and asked

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Poison -- awesome piece! I dig the callback to the ol' Kevin Maguire Justice League covers with the CoH twist. Man, 110 characters? Did you get your eyes checked afterwards? Nice job!



Poison -- awesome piece! I dig the callback to the ol' Kevin Maguire Justice League covers with the CoH twist. Man, 110 characters? Did you get your eyes checked afterwards? Nice job!

[/ QUOTE ]

It's your turn for one of these now isn't it bud?



Sooo..Poison....where's the key?



I dig the callback to the ol' Kevin Maguire Justice League covers with the CoH twist. Man, 110 characters? Did you get your eyes checked afterwards?

[/ QUOTE ] Actually, the thing that got all of this started was the cover to Civil War Files by the amazing Steve McNiven. Alex Ross' Kingdom Come covers were a big (and challenging) inspiration and I learned a lot about facial expressions from Maguire (LOVE his stuff).
My eyes luckily work as badly as ever. Seriously though, drawing this was a lot of fun and Veikirae had to stop me from adding more and more characters, reminding me that he had to color it all!

Sooo..Poison....where's the key?

[/ QUOTE ]
Lots of time, a lot more patience, a lot of diskspace for all those screenshots and enough space on the floor to put together all the sheets this was drawn on (the original drawing is 3 feet by 28 inches).




no no no a character key explaing who is who on the piccy :P



Woohoo!! Looking forward to the full colors. Now lets play "Where's Waldo" and see how many characters everyone can name

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only ones i reconised were overbite psybeetle and poison