My only lv50
Woooooww!! O.o
nice job, pic looks nice
"PvP Messiah"
Are you kidding me!? YOU JUST BROWSE?!?! Dude that piece is amazingly awesome!!
I am speechless...
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
I am totally envious of your skills! You are an amazing artist! When I saw the costume I thought wow that would be difficult to draw. The detail of your picture is mindblowing! Please post more works in the future!
Fantastic picture! I hope you're a pro making some kind of cash off that skill. And very neat character concept/name/image combo.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
That is a really sweet job! You happen to have anything else by chance?
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Wow, love this, totally amazing!
Jimminy Cricket! That is awesome. God help you if you ever decide to do some artwork for others, you're gonna be deluged with requests.
Yeah, ditto what everyone else has said
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Yeah, ditto what everyone else has said
[/ QUOTE ]
*Nods* Yes, ditto. Very nice.
That is a really slick piece of work you did there, concept and artistically! I have to say that my favorite part is the Spectral Terror; it's very well done!
Very very nice work. You should post more.
Happy birthday Farwielder
Oooh, cool. Great colors.
Happy birthday Farwielder
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks Rowr. It's Mantid's birhday too I belive.
Thanks for all the kind posts, and Happy Birthday Farwielder!
My attempts at making money from my hobby has always crashed and burned. I'm too slow and undisciplined when it comes to drawing. I've only fully delivered one commission ever and that was 15 years ago. I don't have anything else super hero oriented to show right now. There's an old Elfwood page with fantasy stuff that hasn't been updated in a few years though.
I promise I'll make a CoH/CoV themed picture next!
Hi, I'm a forum lurker and love seeing all the art in this section. I thought I'd break habit and actually post a picture of my only lv 50 char, the Illusion/FF controller Projectionist . It's digital made from scratch with an artpad in painter 8/Photoshop 7 in about 12-15 hours. Size 1400x1400 (double what is shown)
Ref picture from game in character selection.
Hope you enjoy, back to browsing the forum for character art...