Rack - By Juggertha
Nice job, man! The lighting really makes his creepyness stand out.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
WOW!! I love his face. Looks of pure evil!! Great jaaaoooorrrrb!
Actually, now that I'm looking at him.. I'm getting a serious "Cobra" vibe from him.
Great job Jugger
Nice job Jugger. Looks great.
Actually, now that I'm looking at him.. I'm getting a serious "Cobra" vibe from him.
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I thought the same thing!!! This is my fav image you've done so far! Awesome work.
seriously cool Juggy. Love the perspective and lighting.
oooh, and LOVE that avatar man!
thats awsome man im loving the pose and such good work
The lighting and shadow are so cool on this!
One of the best I've seen--nice, really truly nice.
That's really nice -- a lot of cold menace there.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I like it a lot Juggertha. Somethings seems a little different than your other pieces; your details seems a bit more defined with a little less "blur." The lighting gives it a slight creepy feeling. Speaking of which, you did a good job on his face, it really stands out.
Thumbs up.
Great job Juggs. Can't wait for mine! *Smiles*
That might take a bit NN - "painted" stuff always takes much longer.
BTW, I touched up a couple of small points on Rack here.
Nothing major though.
wow juggy your art work is simply outstanding! id really like to see what you could do with Gallious, i think it would be an interesting drawing
but the onnly thing that sucks for me is that i cant afford a decent drawing maybe if you ever feel like doing some charity ud keep gallious in mind heh
Each month i have a give away.
Keep your eyes peeled.
That might take a bit NN - "painted" stuff always takes much longer.
[/ QUOTE ]
Great things are worth the wait.
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SuperMaoriFulla is a massive fan of these boards and a great supporter of the artists here.
I did up a rather hulking version of his hero Comrade Hero, but now I wish I would have made 'em much smaller (in keepign with how others have depicted him).
So, with that in mind, I did up his badies with a few less buldging muscles.
Here is .... Rack