Happy New Year, Everyone! The 2007 Bayani Project
Nice! That's got to be the sort of project that makes you feel downright giddy. Well done getting it underway, and my most sincere condolences to your retirement fund.
Though it looks like it's already shaping up to be one, I hope you have a good 2007, too.
Cant wait to see how it turns out, you always get great artwork done and Brandon is a great choice. IIRC, you were originally asking for teenage hero for the main guest star. I had none and submitted my characters for the cameo roles. The irony is, now that it is all said and done, I had this idea pop into my head and a few days ago I created a teen sidekick for Invincibelle. I had totally forgotten about this project. Day late and a dollar short, as usual. Keep us updated. Oh, and how many pages will each story be in total?
Brandon does amazing stuff.
Can't wait.
3 stories in all. Total of 23 pages.
Wow man, that is my dream someday too.
Good on ya.
In the end, I chose BAS's Yesmina Glint for the guest role and gave the cameo appearances to Mr. Majesty, Celtic Bolt, Feral Cat, Comrade Hero, Hour Woman, White Peregrine, Killer Whale, Planet Girl and Roxstar. Thanks go out to everyone who volunteered their characters for the story.
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Wow, congratz you guys!
Sweet, I can't wait to see more! This sounds like a great project!
It does indeed sound like a great project. Best wishes and congratulations to you on the excitement, fun and hard work!
All the best.
Nice. Must be costing you a pretty penny though. Wish I could afford to get stuff like this done at the momment. Well, at least I know some day I will be able to.
I've read the story and let me tell ya these sneak peaks make it come alive!! Bayani is a great writer and these comics are going to be awesome! Thanx for the cameo btw.
Man that is sooooo amazing, thanks so much for the cameo, it looks like a great mix of toons there. I'm sure that was very hard to choose, there are so many great people and toons out there. In my opinion Brandon is an outstanding choose, he is without dought my fav CoX comic artist, so I can't wait for this to come out. Having read your story in the comic, I'm sure this will really rock. Those sneek previews have wet my appetite. If it ever goes on sale I would buy it for sure. 2007 is gonna be a great year I can just feel it.
This looks like it will be amazing. Lord knows this will be better then what we're seeing from Top Cow.
I've read the story and let me tell ya these sneak peaks make it come alive!! Bayani is a great writer and these comics are going to be awesome!
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Definately QFT!
I also read the Community story, and its awesome! The sketching and story are both outstanding. I can't wait to see this unfold.
Thanks for picking Yesmina, also!!
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
niiiice! I am really looking forward to seeing this one being worked on and eventually completed.
...and thanx for the guest spot! ~
...the sword is truth...
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Hey there everyone! I'd like to start off by wishing all of you artists, collectors, and players that frequent the Screenshot/Art Forums a very Happy New Year. This particular section of the Official Forums has grown to be one my favorites with the level of friendliness, creativity and encouragement.
With my gallery currently under reconstruction, I also wanted to give a sneak preview to my upcoming project. City of Heroes been really good to me this past year, especially with the honor of a cameo in City of Heroes #12 and my story "Closure" being published in issue #15. I'm hoping the next year will be even bigger as I have just completed three short comic book scripts featuring Bayani. I'm pleased to announce that Brandon McKinney will be the penciler/inker for the stories. The colorist will be announced at a future date.
Recently, I posted a thread looking for volunteers to be in one of those stories, titled "Community". I wish I could have included everyone from that thread, but there just wasn't enough room to do so. In the end, I chose BAS's Yesmina Glint for the guest role and gave the cameo appearances to Mr. Majesty, Celtic Bolt, Feral Cat, Comrade Hero, Hour Woman, White Peregrine, Killer Whale, Planet Girl and Roxstar. Thanks go out to everyone who volunteered their characters for the story.
Here's a sneak preview of the layouts for the story. I hope you enjoy them! Again, have a safe and happy new year!
Preview 1
Preview 2