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  1. hey TA

    First of its so coooool that you are doing this, I gotta say it rocks. Its important that you get to feature some of the less high profile artist and any up and coming artist, but I'm sure you have that in the bag. I love reading the not just the interviews but the whole thing and just reading this thread gives me a postive vibe. Thanks mate.

  2. Damn, get well so Gill, our thoughts are with you.

  3. Hi Nadya

    Thanks was my pleasure doing it for you.
  4. Great piece, that style so rocks
  5. As I said on DA Derek, love it to bits, really nice job on that, thanks again bud

  6. A big happy Birthday, Brandon, hope you have a good one

  7. lol fantastic, cute but scary at the same time. Thanks so much Star, love it.....ahem same on DA

  8. wow DJ, awesome is not a big enough word, brilliant is 1 letter longer but still not good enough, the detail, effects, muscle tone, colours etc all top draw....2 thumbs up.

  9. Kilo

    Thanks so much for that, its great, spot on from the screeny. I'll have to have a birthday more often. Thanks again.

  10. see this is why I love your stuff, all the action, its so dynamic, great piece, just a great piece.

  11. TA, saw it on DA and I'm still smiling, thanks so much bro.

  12. wow, thanks so much for all the Bday wishes, you people rock TA, I got that piece, you know how I feel about it
    Sorry I was away for my Bday, I was away the weekend taking part in a native American Sweat lodge. (what a great great experience it was to) So again my friends I thank you.

  13. Celtic_Bolt

    The art SG ?

    Man I can not believe who I teamed with the other day, it was like a who's who of legends. I felt like a true fanboy......and you know who I meet just a few minutes ago.....the man himself, TA. Now I know thee are a good few I still need and want to team up with, so I'll keep trying until I have the complete set lol

    Later CB
  14. Celtic_Bolt

    The art SG ?

    Great screenies, I'm so in, I will login today.

  15. Celtic_Bolt

    The art SG ?

    Ok I have been away for a while, can someone give me a quick heads up in what is happening? Art SG am I allowed in how when server etc...........yes to lazy to read.....sorry

  16. Quake

    Sorry man just back into town, just seen that group piece, totally awesome, saved it. Thanks so much for adding me into that great group of people, will it be coloured. It will look fantastic.


  17. I use CelticBolt, I think most people just make a handle up, as most of use CoX types have forum names I think we try to stick with them, I think TA has a good thought for using your name. Shame Darkjedi has gone.

  18. Grats there TA, Brandons the man, great great piece
  19. Wow Quake

    Those totally rocks. They both look fantastic, I specially like CB2, he so has the CB quality, thanks man.

  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been meaning to do another mini of an artist I admire here on the forums and DA, so this one gets to jump the queue.

    I think it turned out fairly well...

    Celtic Bolt

    Here's the avatar version.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Man now where did that come from.....I give you a big thanks Hiro, that is waaaaaay cool. Came out great even if I say so myself...big grin.

    Where's CB in the minicity lol

  21. Great piece for a great guy.......nuff said
