Toxa's art




I finally got around to finishing a picture of my scrapper, Sister Achlys...well, it could be Sister Achyls, or it could just be my little homage to my favorite villain group, The Knives of Artemis.

(the image(s) may take a few seconds to load, I'm bad with file sizes... )

So here's Sister Achlys

Also, here's Toxa and Lizzy MacLae from way back when.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



Very nicely done!



Wow, very nice!!





......Do you take requests?

If so, Zapros is in my sig.



I finally got around to finishing a picture of my scrapper, Sister Achlys...well, it could be Sister Achyls, or it could just be my little homage to my favorite villain group, The Knives of Artemis.

(the image(s) may take a few seconds to load, I'm bad with file sizes... )

So here's Sister Achlys

Also, here's Toxa and Lizzy MacLae from way back when.

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Wow, those are some impressive pieces! I love the KoA one, seeing as their my favorite villains, evar. you take requests?



Very nicely done!

Your pieces have a painted canvas feel to some extent...very interesting. Reminds of the character portraits that were done for the Icewnd Dale series (the computer game not the book series). The artist's name escapes me right now, but I think its the washed colour quality.

Anyhow, that's my two cents.

Nobody "gets" me, Baby! I'm the wind...
Chicks dig Giant Robots!



Heyyyy!!! I was just wondering where you went to! That looks really nice!!!



Looking Good! The character looks very realistic in an almost Mortal Kombat kind of way. I also like the way you incorporated the red graphic.



Hiya there Toxa, love how these look, although I still find it hard to look at the Lizzy piece...seeing as how we thrashed so many cabal in the halloween event and the Katie Hannon TF...Toxa, always a classic to look at, and Sister Achlys/KoA piece looks like she is about to make someone have a very bad day.

Keep up the good work!



Toxa those are beautiful, love your work girl. Keep it going. Do you take requests? Been looking to get my villain done.



and Sister Achlys/KoA piece looks like she is about to make someone have a very bad day.

[/ QUOTE ]


I think that's when I fell in love with the KoA... Toxa's first run-in with a KoA boss. Actually it wasn't a run-in so much as it was hearing a "thhhhwwwump" followed by me dying, and wondering what just happened.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



To everyone

Thank you all for your kind words and encouragment!

For those wondering if I will do requests: Between work and school, I have precious little time to do this kind of stuff... it makes me sad. Well, I have time to do art, but usually just what's needed for my classes. That said, I will be on vacation for a good long while at the end of December, and hopefully I'll be able to do some requests.

As it stands, next on the drawing board is Talia's dominator Death Rayvyn + Abominatrix (my dom), but after that I may be available to do whatever, time permitting.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



To everyone

Thank you all for your kind words and encouragment!

For those wondering if I will do requests: Between work and school, I have precious little time to do this kind of stuff... it makes me sad. Well, I have time to do art, but usually just what's needed for my classes. That said, I will be on vacation for a good long while at the end of December, and hopefully I'll be able to do some requests.

As it stands, next on the drawing board is Talia's dominator Death Rayvyn + Abominatrix (my dom), but after that I may be available to do whatever, time permitting.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's all good! Obviously you'll do great in your class!



wow that art is amazing very nice work



Rawr, looks greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat Toxa. <3 You always blow me away with how you're able to draw AND color in your stuffs and it always looks SO good *jealous*

I still say she needs an alternate outfit so she doesn't look EXACTLY like a KoA though!

*Has also learned what the Artemis symbol is today* woot!



Pfft, I've coughed up better looking stuff that this.



"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



Well, it's about time you posted something new Letting little things like work and school interfere with a hobby, I tell you, kids these days *shakes head*. Why, when i went to school, we didn't let being learned nuttin or going to no work like job get in the way of doing other stuff and just look n see how I done turned out. *looks around at the impoverished squalor he lives in* Oh ya... right... um, stick with that school and work thing!

Seriously, I really dig your new piece. I absolutely love that blade. It's so damned metallic and shiny. Excellent freaking work on it! The pose is great too, very KoA with a nice simple design and layout. Great work.

About the only thing that might could use some imporvemnt (I'm just knit-picking here) is her pants look a touch shapeless. Maybe just a touch more work on the seams will make them look a touch more tailored. Maybe even just finishing out that seam on the leg to the left that got hijacked by the crotch wrinkle will help with that. Of course, thats all just me being looking for something

Now, you seriously need to post more stuff



Very nice work

On Justice
Quake - Lvl 50 En/En Blaster
Shakester - Lvl 50 Invul/EM Tanker
Kiao Dai Ken - Lvl 40 Katana/Regen Scrapper
Gravity Lad - Lvl 21 Grav/Emp Controller
Ebon Shock - Lvl 32 Dark/Dark Corruptor
"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."



Prove it!

[/ QUOTE ]



NO! U R!

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



Good stuffs! Glad to see some new(to me) faces 'round these parts!!



You need to take a lesson in anatomy. It's not possible to pose like that, it looks stupid.



oh my god look at the direction the upper body is facing compared to the torso

its so bad



Yeh... Bose, your really not wantin to be takin seriously do ya?...



You need to take a lesson in anatomy. It's not possible to pose like that, it looks stupid.

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oh my god look at the direction the upper body is facing compared to the torso

its so bad

[/ QUOTE ]

Um, Bose, I'm pretty sure I'm not presuming here when I say I speak for the community. Critiques are welcome. Outright insults are inflamitory and completely unproductive. If you are seeking to start an argument, you have begun in the right fashion. Frankly, though, that's not what these forums are about.

This is a place of artists of all ability levels to share and encourage each other, and honestly, while classes certainly are a boon to any artist, I think Toxa has some great and creative artwork here. Comic book artwork, if you look at it, is not necessarily about what the human body CAN do, but you what you can imagine it doing.

So, basically, I'm askin' you, politely as I can, to be more tactful.