Thistle's Art




I hope this doesn't go against policy. I read up on it and it doesn't seem to be so I'm going to go ahead and post anyway. I really want to get back into drawing CoV art. I got out of it for awhile (what with that crazy thing called college and all) but now I'm getting back into it with the arrival of my new gaming PC.

These are some of the drawings I've done of my character Thistle Bloom. I'm looking for requests but I'll probably draw Thistle interacting with the other villain in some way. If you have a character, drop me a link. :3

Thistle in Color
Thistle Doodles (I love these)
Another Thistle I doodled on the computer



Do they have to be villains? If not, Zapros is in my sig.



welcome to the forums im glad to see another Deviant Artist/CoX player

DB front

DB back



Welcome back to the art world!
Nicely done, I love the sketches, I like how you do the facial expressions.

If you want to, you can always take a crack at Dark Kerse or Kersed Necromancer

keep up the good work, expect to be a bit busy when people see this!



Ahahah, we all posted Heroes. At least Dark posted his Villain as well.



I don't have any villains.



[color=#cc99cc]I love Thistle in color! I'm bias toward the colors tho *points at Lilac* hehe, love those colors together. Technically she is not a villain but there is a Plant/Fire Dom version of her.

My true villain, Mercinoxina, is a Merc/Poison MM and that's her if you'd like to give it a whirl.

Great work, whatever you do, I'm looking forward to seeing more.



Wonderful color work and a darned expressive character! Grats!!

GHOST ZERO! Avenger of the helpless dead!



Heres a villain for you

DonnchadH SS/Nrg Brute



Look in my character pics section if ya want
pretty johnny and killer wail are my badguys



Well, if it's only villains you're drawing, I'd loooove to get a drawing of Sleeves of Steel.



Lydia Undervale please. She is a Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker.

Virtue Server: Jet Flash L50+3 EN/EN/Force Blaster | Doctor Mechanus L50+3 R/T/Mu MM | Titanium Girl L50+3 Inv/SS/EN Tanker | Kaishin L50+3 DB/SR/Primal Scrapper | Opilia L50+3 Crab Spider | Clockstriker L50+1 Kin/Elec/Primal Scrapper | Foxy Starr L27 Beam/Time Corrupter



Wow! Your work is really cute! Mistress Vine, in my sig, would love to visit with Thistle Bloom. Just let me know if you need more screenshots!



I apologise...I posted twice because of loading problems

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



"Interacting", eh? ((Ok, ok, I'll just stop there )) Well, BAS would love to erm..interact with Thistle in any way you see fit! Link in sig if ya wanna' draw him!

And your drawings ROCK!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Gahh! I posted twice...AGAIN! Meep, gettin' to editing that..

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



I'll probably draw Thistle interacting with the other villain in some way

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"Interacting", eh? ((Ok, ok, I'll just stop there!)) You can draw BAS ermm.."Interacting" with Thistle if ya' want! Link in sig

[/ QUOTE ]

BAS! There's nothing wrong with a 12 year old, um, "interacting" with someone way wayyy older than---

--Okay I'll stop now.



Heya!!! Welcome to the forums!!! I LOOOOVE your stuff! How cute! (and THANK YOU for having a villain that's not all black! XD )

If you want to tack a crack at a hero Radey Ayte likes getting her picture drawn (and I like to do trades! )

Can't wait to see more of your drawrings!



I hope this doesn't go against policy. I read up on it and it doesn't seem to be so I'm going to go ahead and post anyway. I really want to get back into drawing CoV art. I got out of it for awhile (what with that crazy thing called college and all) but now I'm getting back into it with the arrival of my new gaming PC.

These are some of the drawings I've done of my character Thistle Bloom. I'm looking for requests but I'll probably draw Thistle interacting with the other villain in some way. If you have a character, drop me a link. :3

Thistle in Color
Thistle Doodles (I love these)
Another Thistle I doodled on the computer

[/ QUOTE ]

I *really* like that first pic! <O.O> You're quite talented <. .>

You know what this means right?


<. .> *breaks out a fresh tin of mixed nuts* Cashew?

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



welcome to the art forums...bast durn place here, imo. definately like what you did with thistle and hopefully you'll share more.

in regards to your request...probably way late and several dollars short, but if your interested in subjects your always welcome to work on any, or all, of the following should they strike your interest:

kin/psi/wings. telekintetic in nature even his wings are put a manifestation of his powers, after all the rational mind cannot grasp the idea of picking oneself up...much less fly via telekinesis.
the Asgarthr Gryphon
broad sword/regen. Keles, a Vanir sentenced ever to the service of Freyja, he is doomed to suffer the living till such time Ragnorak falls upon the 9 realms.
superstrength/invuln. Jonas St.James, with ability to absorb kinetic energy and convert it to amazing physical strength he has become highly resistant to all forms of damage. it had been over fifteen years when he "retired" from being a hero and now that he has seems life isnt black and white anymore...

anyways...should one peak your interest great! Would love to see your perspective on the above. if not, no worries, I look forward to seeing more of your work posted. ~

...the sword is truth...


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