Millenium Arena! (Open RP)




Welcome one and all to The Millenium Arena!
This ancient battleground was recently reestablished and refurbished by The Arena Trust, a fellowship of influential persons intent on providing a place for solid entertainment, exciting battles, and LOADS of prize money! Not to mention the glory of victory!
(OOC: This is a reworking of the Coliseum RPs, with a bit of a twist: We have STRICT rules for play.
1) Each player (board ID) is represented by a member of the Arena Trust. This can be anyone from a company CEO, retired soldier or other military gig, or even just some kid that's really bored. Only restriction is this person CANNOT fight.
2) Each member of the Arena Trust has fighters under their control. The Arena Trust members are known as "Masters" and the combatants are "Gladiators". There's no limit on how many you can have, but try to keep it more than three but less than ten for simplicity's sake. Gladiators must be posted ahead of time. You cannot alter your roster after its been posted (Or, more specifically, you can't change it past the time the boards let you edit your post) so choose wisely. The only exception to roster alterations is if one of your characters is KILLED by another combatant. If your combatant is detained for breaking the rules, you cannot replace them on your roster.
3) Just because you work for a Master doesn't mean you MUST fight alongside the other Gladiators under that master's command. In fact, many Masters would be inclined to have their gladiators fight one another, since they would win either way.
4) Each Gladiator has an armband on that functions as a medi-porter of sorts. It also has the capability to teleport out at any time or emit a forcefield to detain the wearer. The medical teleporter is very quick and very advanced, if the combatant's life is in danger, such as being lit on fire or frozen in ice for a certain period of time, the porter will teleport them to the infirmary. Conversely, if the wearer breaks ANY rule, the porter immediately teleports them to a detention cell. Self Defense killings are also detainable offenses, as the medi-porters are capable of monitoring brain signals and auras, and are thus able to detect murderous intent and teleport the combatant to a holding cell to "cool down". Also, if ANY vital organ is damaged beyond a certain point, or if a limb is removed or anything else that would be hazardous to the health of a normal human, the combatant will be teleported to the infirmary. This is also put in place to prevent never-ending battles between regenerators. Lose an arm, lose the match. Pretty simple.
5) This is the most important: There is a limiter on the arena put in place to make arena matches more interesting. It limits kinetic and psionic force. So, while the character isn't PHYSICALLY handicapped, their attacks are. The ceiling is set by each match's GM, but basically think about it like this: if you have this explosive mega uber attack that lets you level buildings, you can't use it here. Since kinetic force is limited, if the ceiling is set to a low enough level, you could throw a car at a baby and he'd be fine. The limiter also makes it so bullets are the equivalant of rubber bullets, mostly to prevent death. Otherwise, one bullet and the battle is over. Hardly exciting.
6) If you remove your medi-porter, the system recognizes you as an intruder and possible threat. In response, the match is put on hold as all the combatants wearing porters are teleported to the infirmary and the arena is sealed off. If you're caught BREAKING a med-porter, a containment team is sent in and your Master is removed from the Trust. The medi-porters are otherwise invincible, however.
7) If your character wins the match, you are to be the GM of the next match. This means your characters CANNOT take part in the battle. This is to prevent one person from raking in all the victories. After all, the Arena is about attracting customers and making money, not just fighting and winning.
8) If a combatant gives up, they are allowed to leave the battlefield without being attacked. If they are attacked, the attacker is immediately sent to the detention cell. However, if another combatant is mid-swing or just fired a bullet and the target miraculously gives up before the attack lands, the attack is NOT disqualified. (What this means is if someone posts an attack and the next post has them saying "I give up" before the attack lands, the attacker is not faulted and the attack registers its damage).
9) Powers for combatants must be stated up front. And if a GM forbids use of a certain weapon or item for one battle, the combatant must comply.
10) Once a match begins, new combatants may not enter. HOWEVER! This is a large arena complex meant to attract vast crowds. Just like some music festivals have multiple stages and theme parks have multiple rides, it is possible to participate in a separate battle. There's always up and coming whippersnappers in the Amateur Division.
11) Battles can and will be rigged. Taking falls is not unheard of, as the Masters are constantly wagering money. If you want to arrange a bribe, use PMs. But be prepared to deal with the other Masters, as sabotage is not uncommon (If you sabotage, you must say HOW you sabotage a combatant, and it must meet GM approval i.e. no tampering with the med-porters or anything that could cause death unless you're willing to face the consequences. The Arena Investigation Team is quite good at their job.
That said, let's introduce our member of the Trust and his/her roster. I'll post mine after a post or two so it doesn't get lost in the explanation )



OK I guess I'll post my roster first:
Master: Annette Ogawa- Daughter of a millionaire industrialist and his wife who both died in the Rikti war. During the war, in the same accident that killed her parents, she lost the ability to walk. It wasn't a spinal injury, however. A Rikti weapon neutralized the synapses from her knees to her feet, resulting in the inability for her body to send messages or receive messages from the nerves below her knees. Thus, she is permanently confined to a wheelchair, as she also has a rare bloodtype that is incompatible with nanomachines used to restore these nerves. She joined the Trust out of interest of giving heroes a place to fight, to stay sharp should an attack of that magnitude occur again. Gladiators under Annette all wear a uniform that resembles a maid crossed with an Anna Millers waitress uniformed (OOC: Get it? Anna Miller, Annette? It's funny!)
1) Tenryuu Reishi
Powers: Regeneration, Adaptation, Martial arts. Reishi has the unique ability to match or adapt to an opponents fighting style or techniques. Thus, she is virtually immune to all poisons, and resistant to the elements. She's not invincible, however. With the limiter in place, her speed is hindered, since it relies on her physical strength. While powerful up close, she possesses no capability for ranged attacks. Also posesses the blade Kamui, which requires permission from Annette to summon and use.
2) Igarashii Sousuke. Can impose his aura on other people, and detonate it. A simple touch, under normal circumstances, is as powerful as a cherry bomb going off. More aura=bigger blast. With the limiter in place, it can singe the skin and generates enough kinetic force to knock a person off balance. More aura=bigger blast still.
3) El Guapo Grande. Super strong, and able to use his inner fire to protect himself. Weighs close to 800 lbs of pure muscle.
4) Ukyo Sae. Gifted with the power of the Eye of the One. Able to manifest a sword and floating pistols that fire energy capable of stunning humans, and disintegrating demons.
5) Hyoumura Ryuji. Ice manipulator.
6) Nomura Tetsuko. Glasses-wearing tech junkie. Carries a high powered tazer as well as several other gadgets. Is capable of dismantling anything mechanical and reverse engineering it. ANYTHING mechanical.



What the heck, I'm game.

Master: Enrique--No one has any idea who this, um, being is or where he comes from. He appears as a young man wearing glasses, but he appears to know everything. In fact, Enrique merely knows everything about Hallucinogen and Schizophrenias, as they are his creations and he watches their every move. He has entered them and some of their allies in the Arena to amuse himself. He can read minds, and teleport to any place he has previously been, but has no other relevant powers.

1) Hallucinogen
Powers: Illusion Control, Radiation Emission, Primal Forces Mastery; also flight, super jump, and super speed. These are the same as the CoH powersets. Hal's powers come from hallucinations caused by his radiation which he controls freely. Most of his powers have no effect on anything without a mind, or incapable of hallucinating for whatever reason. His Phantasm and energy blasts, however, are real and affect anything.

2) Schizophrenias
Powers: Mind Control, Thorny Assault, Leviathan Mastery; also invisibility and flight.
Again, same as the powersets. Schizo is a physical manifestation of pure insanity, and cannot actually be killed as long as Hallucinogen is alive. He was created from the madness in Hallucinogen's mind. His favorite tactic is to shut down the opponent's mind, then attack while they are helpless. He generally favors cheap tactics.

3) Super Roby
Powers: Claws, Invulnerability, Body Mastery; also flight.
Super Roby is a cat who became a superhero. He is a complete idiot and never uses any sort of strategy. He has super strength, invulnerability, paws of steel, and many other, useless powers, like the ability to talk to stones. Some of his ridiculous powers may be worth watching for, though. . . his Fur Missiles are devastating, as is his Tail Lasso Of Stupidity. And his Fur Vision causes fur to grow all over the victim, which can be very distracting.

4) Moonscribe
Powers: Gravity Control, Storm Summoning, Fire Mastery; also flight.
Moonscribe possesses the powers of the Ancient Egyptian god Thoth. He is able to manipulate the laws of physics using mathematical formulae.

5) Saint Gabriel
Powers: Peacebringer powerset
Gabriel is a Peacebringer who is skilled in using his transformations strategically in combat. He is not really very interesting.



(OOC: I like Super Roby )



(OOC: Wow he's the epitome of awesomeness!
...I hope Shinji comes back from his Chromehounds addiction soon...we need at least 4 people to start the first battle)



((Oh, what the heck. Here goes nothing...))

Master: Neimand Nirgendwo - A man of 6'2" and solid stature, he appears wearing simple, square glasses and a loose ponytail. His hair and eyes are the same shade of mahogony brown, and his skin is the white of one of German descent. He wears simple, loose garb, currently dressed in comfortable jeans, a perhaps one-size too large tee shirt, and sandals. Typically quiet, he has come out of an unknown interest (and a desire to impress with his gladiators). Typically quiet, this simply hides his cordial nature and ability to be rather long-winded. He became a member and investor of the Arena Trust in its early formation to try and get the most gain from any profits. He has no known abilities, but may simply be choosing to not reveal any at this time.

Gladiators - 1) Quixotica. Quixotica is an Energy Manipulator (Energy/Energy Blaster, Force Epic, powers are identical to these pools (she does NOT have PFF)). She has shown the ability to fold space (Teleport) around allies (Recall Friend) and fly (umm...Fly, duh). She is of average height and is a little quick to take offense, but knows her own limits.

2) Blauer Bogenschütze - Blauer Bogenschütze is an American man of twenty-two who found early his skill with a bow. After the Rikti Invasion, Blauer Bogenschütze took to donning a blue body suit of armor padding, his mask, faithful bow, and quiver or tricks to help stop crime in his area. Taking the wasp as his symbol he knows he is not the mightiest or fastest of heroes, but uses his cunning and skill to tilt matches in his favor. ((Generally, he is a Trick Arrow/Archery power setup, having a limited jump capacity in his boots (CJ, SJ) and a few home-grown tricks for payloads.))

3) The Stinky Avenger - A devout man of faith who considers himself a skunk furr and has a love of superheroes. One day after the Rikti Invasion, an ancient force granted his every wish: He is now a superhero with Skunk and Faith based powers ((this correlates to an imaginative expression of Radiation Emission and Blast)), and take the fight to the bad people wherever they are! He has come to train himself, after a recent string of mishaps on missions related to allies avoiding him.

4) Star Scout MK-1 - The first iteration of the Star Scout armors, MK-1 was originally a 7'6" exo-suit. Converted to a sentient robot for guarding the lab, MK-1 is an extremely resilient model. Energy attack systems imbed its giant fists, giving each punch a lot of added "umph." ((Invul set, not truly invulnerable, Energy Melee attacks [he's a Tanker, folks].)) Internal hydraulics allow for great jumping capacity, and it has learned to box from a friendly marital artist ((has Boxing, Tough, and Weave)). Quirky in nature, it seeks to better itself to help others, but doesn't always fully compute situations well.

5) Cuore Luminoso - A Peacebringer of unknown origin, it is believed that he is a current hero of Paragon City who chose to alter his physical appearance using his power to shape himself and fight in the Arena without being "himself." Under the guise of Bright Heart, he has come for a good rumble. He is rather fixated with women and can be a sucker at times, but is otherwise generally pretty bright (no pun intended). ((Cuore is an experienced Peacebringer (whose identity may be later revealed!) and has most PB powers and no power pool powers.))

6) Professor Eerie - A mystical sorceress, Donna Eerie has control over sound and air. She is generally book-wormish and comes off as something of a know-it-all. ((Her powers don't have true in-game analogs, but are closest to to a Stormie/Sonic. This is a generalization, and her magic requires mystical focus and concentration, and control requires all of her senses. Broken concentration and lost senses can result in sporadic results and fizzling.))

[edit] ((Oh, and Super Roby is awesomeness )) [/edit]



(OOC:Nice characters, though I kinda like downplaying the resemblance to in-game archetypes. It's a little restricting...)



(OOC:Nice characters, though I kinda like downplaying the resemblance to in-game archetypes. It's a little restricting...)

[/ QUOTE ]

((I do too, but just because you're an in-game archetype doesn't mean you can't use the powers in creative ways. After all, you can't really interact with or use the battlefield to your advantage in-game...but you sure can with RP! Expect to see some unexpected uses of common powers, and I hope we get that fourth person soon... ))



((Ok, I'll bite. Post coming soon.))

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Master: The Opportunist. A refined man who is always seen wearing a black suit with a golden tie, and black hat. He carries his cane in a way that makes it obvious he does not rely on it, but what none are sure, is if it has other uses. While a master of deception and schemes, it is unclear if he has any try super powers. He has tricked, black-mailed, or forced many of his Gladiators to join him.

Burning Brawler: A fire-wielding hero who rushes to the aid of allies and will fight as long as he can against enemies. When angered beyond control of himself, his power rises, and his flames turn to a green and black that burn four times as hot as normal fire. It is not long after this power transformation that he is known to explode in a deadly inferno. He possesses the ability to fly, and has memorized small spells, such as invisibility. He carries with him small needles filled with restorative liquids in case of emergencies. Before The Opportunist forced him to join, he brought the Tome that gave him his abilities. It is most often used for more complicated spells, such as shifting out of time and space.

Danica: A martial artist who, through heavy training, has learned to resist pain. Her heels have been sharpened to deadly points, and it is advised to stay out of range of her. Being married to Burning Brawler, in a two versus two match, when one falls, the remaining may be one to watch carefully, as they are likely to become enraged. A spell cast by Burning Brawler has given her the ability to fly.

Pstorm: A young heroine who can create and control weather as well as use psionics to cause pain, read minds, convince an enemy to attack their ally, telekinetically shove enemies away, or put them to sleep. Her armor allows her protection against most damage, although once it is overloaded, she herself has little resistance. Pstorm has the ability to fly, and can rapidly increase her speed by using high speed winds to push off of objects. Being the daughter of Burning Brawler and Danica, the same advice is given as in Danica's description.

Blightlord: A master of the undead and powerful toxins and elixers. Blightlord is known for deception and inserting his undead forces into wherever he stays. Routine security checks are not only suggested, but required, as he is the arch-nemesis of the afore-mentioned Gladiators. Seperate rooms are requested. While the zombies are unthinking, the Grave Knights have basic intelligence. The only truly free thinking undead under his control are the lich Grime, and the spectre Sludge. Information gathering has concluded that the body is not truly Blightlord's, that he may be a controlling substance. Further investigation is needed.

Void Brawler: This young assassin uses shadows to attack and disarm his foes. The interesting note is that recently, a plot by a group known as The Masters of Mayhem, which Blightlord is a member of, captured Void Brawler and convinced him his parents, Burning Brawler and Danica, had been murdered by their friends, a supergroup known as The Buttkickers of the Fantastic. As The Opportunist enjoys this twist, he request Void Brawler be given a seperate room and not come in contact with his parents. He also has no knowledge that Pstorm is his sister, and assumes she is an enemy. While their battles are interesting, they are best saved for when their parents are not around. Early in his life, when it first seemed Void Brawler would not have powers, his mother trained him in the art of evasion, which he has nearly mastered after eight years. He has also inherited flight from his father.

The Ruby Blade: This assassin has little information known about his past His sword's blade is completely made of ruby. He also practices Ninjitsu, and will use items such as smoke bombs to make opponents lose track of him. He is highly evasive and possesses enhanced speed thanks to a device in his boots. He also is known to use Shurikens, but not just the normal type. Miniature explosives are often attached to these throwing stars, alone with energy sappers or poisons. He is an ally, and that term is used loosely, with Blightlord, being a fellow member of the Masters of Mayhem.

((That oughta do it til some eliminations happen.))

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



((You know I'm in.))

Shinji Hinomu: An electricity controlling ninja, who always seems to pull another power out of his sleeve, but most of the time he doesn't have full control of them so they backfire, but thats why he's the trial and error specialist.

Ry Hinomu: The youngest of the brothers, he controls energy, much like Shinji, but since he prefers not to use alot of powers and become stronger with the ones he already knows, he is alot better with it than Shinji.

Raidou 'Rai' Hinomu: The second oldest brother, older than Shinji and Ry, but younger than Shinade. He has control over earth, telekinetics, and psionics so to say. He also learned how to use his earth powers to make diamonds out of small pieces of earth, from Goro The Stone King.

Shinade Hinomu: The oldest brother of the family, and the only male not a ninja, Shinade wasn't born with the control over anything like his brothers, but he was born with super keen senses and superspeed. He is a swordsman, a gunman, and a kickboxer. He also has the ability to copy techniques, as long as they could be learned, if it is a technique specific to that character, it cannot be completed, and may severely damage him.

Suki Hinomu: She is the genius of the family, though she was born with super reflexes and smart as hell, she was also not born with any powers like Shinade. She is a gunman and a martial artist. Her style is hard to determine as it incorporates attacks from many styles, so you never really know whats comming next.

Shinae Hinomu: Younger than Suki, but same age as Shinji. Shinae was born with the ability to go through walls in such, much like Shinji, except hers is a natural power and Shinji's is a ninjutsu technique, she was also born with the ability to go invisible, she is also a swordsman and martial artist, but she is not as adept at them as Shinade or Suki.

((All my characters have more powers than stated but I was too lazy to state them all, also all my chars have the ability to transform, but they don't all have the same pros and cons as shinji does, so beware...))



(OOC: Alright, time for the first battle. Since I'll be the first GM, here are the rules for this round:
1) It's a two-on-two battle, that means each of the four current masters picks a single fighter. In the event someone doesn't post which character they'll be using within the next 24 hrs, I will allow the first person to post after I call time an additional character. Now, as 24 hrs is quite a long time, and we want to warm up the crowd, the first actual battle will be a preliminary fight against a group of eight thugs. It's a scripted battle, like pro wrestling, so no one can just walk in and kill all eight of them. The objective is to rile up the crowd.
2) There's a temperature limiter this time around. The temperature cannot exceed the max setting on a commercial oven, and cannot go below the instant freezing point. Basically you can encase someone in a block of ice, but you can't drop the temperature below that. If anyone's body temperature drops below freezing or goes above their pre-set temperature threshold, they'll be teleported to safety instantly. Safety being the hospital. Naturally, people like Burning Brawler have a higher threshold to heat than others, and people like Ryuji have a lower cold threshold (mostly because he can manipulate ice in this instance though)

Long story short: lethal force is a nono

EDIT: Since we have a fifth now, it'll be 3 vs. 3. Next person to post gets another character
EDIT #2: I just remembered i'm not participating in this round, ignore that



((*tries to think how fire can be nonlethal* ))

The Opportunist walked inside of a room where Burning Brawler, Danica, and Pstorm sat. "I promised you she would be here, safe and sound," he said, holding a hand out towards Pstorm.

"If anything happens to either of them, I swear I'll-"

"No, no, no. Threats could land you in... unfortunate... situations. Now come, it is time for your first match."

Burning followed The Opportunist out of the room.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



((Oh yeah, my Master is The Shade, only a few people know his real name and have seen his face, since he has a magical hood that somehow makes it total darkness except from the glow of his eyes, where his face would be))
The Shade: Ok you guys, I may look scary and menacing and all, but I'm a cool guy, anyway, the upcoming match is a *looks over at shinji* PUT THE CONTROLLER DOWN AND LISTEN UP!!!!!
Shinji: Ok ok
The Shade: Anyway, its going to be a two verse two match, but its scripted like WWE matches, plus....there is a temperature limit on the matches, so, I choose who would be best for these conditions...Shinae, you're up, kick some [censored]!
Shinae: Ok, wish me luck guys.

Shinae walked into the waiting room and sat down, waiting for the match to start...



(OOC: Well, as I said, lethal to one person isn't lethal to another. If you put a guy into the arena made out of solid rock, he'd definately have a higher threshold than an average person. The equalizer is that he wouldn't be able to hit as hard.)



((Um....did you forget I pitched in, in making this?!?!!? Jk, but yeah I know, hopefully this equals abiding by the rules.))
Shinae: Well...I hope I can win this, it'll be good for my rep to win the first match of the season.



(OOC: I was replying to Burning_Brawler's comment actually...)






(OOC: Well, as I said, lethal to one person isn't lethal to another. If you put a guy into the arena made out of solid rock, he'd definately have a higher threshold than an average person. The equalizer is that he wouldn't be able to hit as hard.)

[/ QUOTE ]


Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Neimand walked lazily into the room where his gladiators prepared. He raised an eyebrow quizzically to find them all seated around a round table playing what appeared to be a variation of Texas Hold 'Em, Star Scout MK-1 comically too large for a seat and instead crosslegged on the floor. They all looked at seeing Neimand enter. Donna Eerie broke the tension...

"So the first bout is about to begin?" Neimand nodded.

Blauer Bogenschütze spoke softly, "So what's the drop, man?"

Neimand pulled out a small deck of cards, and spread them out fanwise. "The choice is by chance, the round for the spectators."

Each hero chose their card in turn and compared, then set them on the poker table. Neimand chuckled. "Well, Scout, Ace of Spades. Looks like you're the first contestant."

The other heroes shrugged and went back to their game, although the Bowman grunted and grumbled. It was clear they were all listening attentively as Neimand explained the round to Star Scout. Matter of factly, Neimand told, "Two on two. Preliminary. Scripted. Eight thugs. Temperature extremes will cause transport out once they pass high oven or instant freeze. You think you can handle being WWE for a bit?"

Star Scout MK-1 nodded its head and pumped one gauntlet into the other. "Affirmative." With a steady stride, it moved to the waiting area, knowing Neimand would let it know the rest of the details soon. As Scout closed the door on the way out, its auditory sensors picked up Quixotica's whispered wish of luck...



((Hope I'm not too late. . .))

"Hello," Enrique said as he materialized behind Hallucinogen. "It is time to begin the first round. . . and you are up. There are limiters placed on lethal force. . . should be no problem for you, given that you are virtually incapable of using lethal force."

Hal spun around to glare at Enrique. "Who are you? Why are we even here? Tell me!"

But Enrique was already gone. Sighing, Hal walked towards the arena gate.



OOC: Yo soy un bored! Yo (spanish word for play)!

BIC: Master: Bruno Rayson - No one knows how Bruno came into money but everyone agrees that it was probably for the best. Bruno used to be one of the more...aggressive...members of the Family before the Rikti War. Sometime during the war he disappeared and when he came back it was as a changed man. He had gained a large fortune and lost half of his body. With the entirety of his left side replaced by cybernetics Bruno quickly gained a frightening reputation. His ruthless business practices helped in gaining that reputation greatly.


1) Warmaster Chertak
Background: Somehow Bruno has a Rikti working for him. And this isn't just any Rikti, this is one of the more well known of the Traditionalist faction. Chertak does not speak of what causes him to be fighting here and no one has yet dasred to ask him.
Powers: Rikti Rifle, Rikti Warblade, Super strength. Chertak is a well trained and experienced Rikti soldier that has fought throught the invasion and in numerous engagements after that. He's seen just about everything Earth supers can do and is quite capable of turning almost any disadvantage to an advantage.

2) Wolf Spider Warrior
Background: A former Arachnos soldier of some amount of fame, Roger Sullivan is apparently working off some sort of debt to Bruno.
Powers: Energy melee, Kinetic shielding. The entirety of Wolf's power lies in his mechanical right arm. His armor also generates a miniature vibrating field a milimeter off of his body.

3) Captain Daniel Farfield
Background: Once again, no one knows where Bruno enlisted the aid of this gladiator. Since the Crab Spider Webmaster has refused to discuss his terms and generally seems as irritable as hell everyone is left guessing.
Powers: Crab Spider powered armor, Arachnos military training. Farfield is a high ranking member of Captain Mako's Crab Spiders. While he doesn't display the ferocity that Mako prefers in his men, Farfield's sheer competence sometimes allows him to accomplish missions that would otherwise have been lost. Farfield was once an accomplished knife fighter and brings that skill to the wrist blades on his arms.

4) A.R.C.
Background: A fully fledged Sky Raider Jump Bot. ARC is talkative and apparently mafunctioning in some way. But however much it talks about, the machine never says anything about the Sky Raiders or how it came to be here with Bruno.
Powers: Assault rifle, Super speed, Jump jets. A symptom of ARC's malfunctioning is the ability to move much faster than a normal human can percieve. Effectively, ARC can move as fast as it can think for short periods of time. However, ARC is extremely unstable and may sometimes break down or simply do something unexpected.

5) Charred Skull
Background: Skull seems to be an impossibility considering the hatred with which the Hellions and Skulls direct at each other. But Skull has a unique way of dealing with his dual loyalties; he is two people. Skull has a split personality, one of which is a Skull, the second of which is a Hellion. Over the years, the two personalities have learned about the other and more or less reconciled their differences. However, they still keep secrets from one another, despite how difficult that is when one shares the same body.
Powers: Dark blasts, Flame blasts, Street fighting. When one personality is dominant, Charred Skull will only use the appropiate attacks. But generally the gangster fights as a one man team in order to make use of both fire and dark attacks. His distinctive face mask, half skull and half demon, leers at his opponents as he uses his showboat style of fighting.

OOC: And as that cook from Futurama would say: BAM!

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



The arena opened, the combatants entered, and the gang members took their positions.
The arena was a simple dirt area with a grate in the middle.
(OOC: Have fun )



Hallucinogen snapped his fingers. "Phantasm, come!" A being composed of pure light appeared beside him. Hallucinogen sent a pulse of radiation through the arena, causing everything it hit to be unable to register his presence. To anything with a mind, he was completely invisible.

Hal then sat down and began concentrating, using his radiation on himself. Soon he would be convinced he could fire beams of light just like his Phantasm. . . and due to his strange powers, it would become true. He had done this many times before, of course. He dare not try anything new this way anymore, not after what had happened last time.