Thugs MM Guide




I agree with Peg..even tho this post is old.Thug/Dark doesnt need to get the pistol attack.That power and slots can be used much more effectivley..Dark is an awesome utility set..Check out some other guides on it..A dark thug doesnt stand by the door rofl..they are always debuffing/healing/fearing/positioning/holding



Was this supposed to be a guide? All I see is a bunch of opinions and arguments.

Worst guide ever.




As a Thugs MM, your AoE damage potential is pure carnage.
By level 12 you will already have 2 nice Cones and a AoE.
By level 24 you will have 3 Cones
By Level 32 you will have 7 Cones and 5 AoEs
All of those but the Molotov is a good heavy hitter.

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The only one of those that is right is the last one.

Your pets will have 1 cone at lvl 12.
2 cones and a ranged Aoe at 18
3 cones and a ranged Aoe at 24
7 cones, 4 Ranged AoEs and 1 PBAoE at 32

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point



1 other you list the 2nd upgrade as giving the arsonist, petrol bomb and ignite burn patches. The petrol bombs are the burn patches. He only gets 1 additional attack with the second upgrade.

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point



Necro posters -_-



Necroposting is fun!

Umm, there is a reason now for thugs MM's to take a pistol skill or two, a very very good reason. some of the ranged IO sets have some amazing bonuses that can help your pets, but you need something to throw the slots into.



I took DUAL WIELD, &amp; EMPTY CLIPS!!! And I agree with a pasted post.. Its like have a ton of blasters there with you..and at times I find him to be way more fun then my Robots/Force Field MM...Thugs/Trick Arrow is a wild combo....



While I strongly disagree with you on the pistols (however I took the first 2 as I found the Empty Clips one counterproductive, really IMO if there is one pistol attack NOT to take it's that one). Everything else about this guild is extremely spot on. Much thanks



That guide was copied straight from paragonwiki, wasn't it? I'm working on a thugs MM right now and the same descriptions are there, same clothing descriptions and everything. where's the strategic tips from personal experience? Tales of adventure and daring things your Bruiser lived through? Not even a warning that Arsonist is a suicidal nutjob? Did you even level one up to 50? All I read was the same as right here:

Monorail's was much better, he should post that as a guide.