Hear that? That's the sound of taunt dying.




Probably tanked one of those huge monsters he summons when players annoy him in-game.

States ultimate weapon is the nerf-bat.



Probably tanked one of those huge monsters he summons when players annoy him in-game.

States ultimate weapon is the nerf-bat.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's right. He got upset at a group for some reason he either was kicked from the team or quit. He then summoned some monsters to kill them. He was probably showing them how to tank...

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



This thread is the epitome of people [censored] over nothing. "Taunt is dead"? Give me a break. You lot need to get involved in politics sometime.



I get what you're both saying, but unless they're substantially changing what Gauntlet does, I see Tanks going from "nigh-useless in PvP" to "just annoying", like they were before they changed how Taunt worked.

Honestly, if the possibility of anyone remaining perma-Taunted is there, it's gonna be a pain.

Personally, I don't want Tanks given usefulness in PvP at the expense of other players enjoying themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]


Finding a purpose in PvE teams was already a chore some days, now we'd need to turn to self-promoting for PvP as well.

"But, I can make *your* game time more enjoyable!"

Players Guide to the Cities



Thats solo. I don't see where the controller buffs you or debuffs them. I dont see where the blaster goes in and nukes etc.

I'm not picking on you... it's just that your example above is solo.

Right now if the tank goes in, taunt will probably miss... and everyone will just kill the controller, blaster, etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

If a Tanker requires a PvP team that has buffers to keep him up because his toggles are suppressed/knocked off because his punchvoke has gained him too much attention, then what's the point of having a primary in the first place?



Thats solo. I don't see where the controller buffs you or debuffs them. I dont see where the blaster goes in and nukes etc.

I'm not picking on you... it's just that your example above is solo.

Right now if the tank goes in, taunt will probably miss... and everyone will just kill the controller, blaster, etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

If a Tanker requires a PvP team that has buffers to keep him up because his toggles are suppressed/knocked off because his punchvoke has gained him too much attention, then what's the point of having a primary in the first place?

[/ QUOTE ]

PvP isn't much different from PvE in my example. If a tank goes in all buffed up and starts to force people to attack him, the rest of the team will be better off.

I don't understand what it is that tanks want for PvP. Are you guys actually wanting to hold agro solo for another team of 8?

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



No I'm just hoping that toggle dropping will be gone too.



PvPTaunt changes: When a player is being taunted, the effect can now be broken by running a good distance away. Additionally, hiding out of LOS of the taunter will cause the effect to expire sooner.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is being tested on Test right now...


[/ QUOTE ]

Don't know if this is I7 or before but...Guantlet will work in PvP soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

ABOUT TIME you gave something to the tanks!




Don't know if this is I7 or before but...Guantlet will work in PvP soon.

[/ QUOTE ]




...I don't understand what it is that tanks want for PvP. Are you guys actually wanting to hold agro solo for another team of 8?

[/ QUOTE ]

I want to be able to go to a PvP zone and be able to defeat opponents (as a tanker, yes. I must be mad), not *just* give others more time to defeat the enemy.

Gauntlet in PvP wil not make my gaming more enjoyable, and will require my playstyle to change to an even more supporting, "passive" team role that may be better served with a controller or defender.

I realize that tanks (like khelds) fit right in between the damage dealing blasters and scrappers on one side and the more support-oriented ATs of controllers and defenders on the other, but it would be nice to actually be able to solo in those zones a bit.

Gauntlet, while taking away nothing from soloing it's true, adds nothing to my PvP survivability.

Players Guide to the Cities



agreed. Get rid of the damn toggle dropping then I will PvP but not until. either that or give me the power to shut off someones primary too.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Well the devs said they're looking into toggle dropping. It will be adjusted in i7 according to States.

If you're looking to solo in PvP, you should play a Scrapper or a Stalker.

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



Us tanks are useless unless we cross breed. Makes sense right? Making great of the epics is the only way to do good. The reason my Stone/SS and a MA/SR beat a MA/Regen and Ice/Nrg blaster was because I had Char. Is that fair? No way. Taunt didnt do anything.



...If you're looking to solo in PvP, you should play a Scrapper or a Stalker.

[/ QUOTE ]

I will not play CoV, and especially not my most hated of foes, the stalker (/e gag)

And as for playing a scrapper, while I'm grateful for your recommendation on what I should play after almost 2 years of CoH gaming (and do have one in the works btw ), I must wonder why it is that after all the talk of "any AT can solo" comments like that should even be offered?

I'm not flaming you buddy, just pointing out that some ATs are less equal than others and that PvP is making that flagrantly obvious.

/end threadjack

Players Guide to the Cities



Well the devs said they're looking into toggle dropping. It will be adjusted in i7 according to States.

If you're looking to solo in PvP, you should play a Scrapper or a Stalker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah what I'm wondering is what adjusted means. Will toggle dropping still be possible just with lowered percentages? Will your toggles not actually drop but, work at reduced effectiveness? Both of those sting pretty badly, especially when you're depending on that defense to survive. Though if it's going to be anything I'd probably rather have the second because the time wasted retoggling is annoying.



I don't understand what it is that tanks want for PvP. Are you guys actually wanting to hold agro solo for another team of 8?

[/ QUOTE ]

What I want in PvP is for Primary powers to actually do something. I've done a lot of PvPing with my Tank lately, just to see how viable they are, and I find most of my time is spent turning toggles back on inbetween throwing out attacks. In fact, I end up most times just gobbling a few purple pills if I have them, and then turn my toggles back on once the villains my team is fighting either run away, or get defeated.

I don't mind needing a team to help me defeat other people because my damage sucks, but I do mind needing a team to keep me alive because three quarters of the time my toggles are knocked off.

No other AT has it's entire primary powerset negated so easily, and I'm quite sure if Tanker attacks suppressed offensive ATs ability to do damage for a certain period of time the screaming against it would be heard from now until doooooooomsday.



Some tanks can solo in pvp. Some powersets, though, just like in other sets, suck.

Problem with tanks in pvp is we only HAVE 4 primary sets...and, currently, about 2 of them are worth a damn in PvP.

Invuln may get better and overtake stone, actually, once punchvoke and toggle-dropping changes come in.

Fire....has issues. With toggle dropping, of any kind, it just kinda sucks. A fire/ss/fire could potentially be nasty, from the damage side, but no +HP and constant worrying about mez toggle tend to kill that idea. Also, Fiery Embraces timer was reduced...what is it now, 20s for fire damage? That kinda sucks... also, consume is nowhere near as usefull in pvp as EA or Ices leach.

But my Ice/EM solos all the time, and I suspect most /em tanks could. Stone and SS are right behind, but could use a little love too, IMO, though they're unlikely to get it.



PvP isn't much different from PvE in my example. If a tank goes in all buffed up and starts to force people to attack him, the rest of the team will be better off.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except in PvP, with this new change to taunt, if I were to jump in and try to get a group of players attention, half of them will ignore me. Who do you think people go for to get there rep points, The tank who has to be detoggled, then worked through all of his HP, and with a team backing him up...Or the squishie whos backing him up and can be kill in less than half of the time..Thats why we are ignored...

I don't understand what it is that tanks want for PvP. Are you guys actually wanting to hold agro solo for another team of 8?

[/ QUOTE ]

It doesnt matter if im teamed or soloing, I want taunt to work. My tank can actually inflict some damage in PvP being energy melee, but what good does it do if i cant get peoples attention, and they just pass me by and go for the easier rep points. When taunt actually does land for me in PvP the target i taunted usually will come and try to take me, then its on, may the best AT win. Whats the point now? If i can actually get taunt to land, he/she'll just go break line of sight and be done with it. Punchvoking IMPO doesnt belong in PvP unless they made it single target (which they might). What if i pick a fight with someone who is close to another bunch thats fighting, we start dueling, but because i am punchvoking, the people who are ner us will start hittin me to. Unless they make it single target punchvoking, it and the way taunt is going to work now is just stupid.

Catastr0phic - 50 Invuln/Energy Tank
Dairou - 50 Spines/Regen Scrapper
Velshon - 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller
Nakk - 50 Ice/Stone Tank

Velshanta - 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor

and like a million non-50 alts



'Killing' someone doesnt bother me to much. I dont pvp for killing, but for lighthearted fun. I want an AT to do do in PvP what his AT indicates he should probably be capable of.

For my tank with the best defenses and medium ish damage I expect to be able to easily withstand a beating from any other single toon (without running away), but not necessarily be able to beat them. I expect to be able to have a good chance to withstand a beating from several toons - though probably with no real chance of beating them. Toggle dropping and especially and things like unresistable damage largely sort of neuter that. My best times in PvP was where it has taken 6 or more villains to take me down, my worst are where toggles keep dropping and I cant keep up with it. Why did devs decide being held was a no-no, but being glued to the power tray to spot toggle drops was a winning idea?

I want taunt to work 100% so that on a team I can then fullfill the sort of role of always 'being in the way' and forcing an opponent to back off from who he wants to attack or get some help to actually take me down. I would happily see taunt just be a single target taunt for PvP if it was 100% (and it lasted more than a fraction of a second).

failing that I would like to see any toon who isnt dealing with the tank (ie targeted on him) lose any status protection from that tanks attacks - that would allow taunt to be 'nerfed' and other toons to concentrate on the squishies if they want, but would come at the risk of being clobbered or faulted etc because they were 'ignoring' the the big guy in favor of the wimp. In many ways, our problems stem from any sort of situational modifiers in combat - it makes no difference whether you ignore the tank or not, he derives no benefit from being ignored. Really it it is that single flaw in the system that renders tanks almost ignorable, taunt would be the crutch that sort of rectifies that. Other ATs are not quite so ignorable - most trollers/defenders have to many powers that can cripple you or boost your opponent, most scrappers/blasters can deal damage fast enough to make it risky to ignore them. Except for a couple of specific builds tanks are nothing more thana minor nuisance, if that.

I realise a lot of people PvP with an expectation being able to beat any other toon. I think for a game like CoH that is a flawed concept. I want different ATs to be good at different things and weak at others. I happy for my tank to not be able to win as long as he is unlikely to lose either and has an ability to realistically take advantage of that.



Yeah, the PvE design and realistic PvP goals do not mesh.

You can't, realisticly, have a class that can tank 6 other players with little fear. Also, ask any stoner, it's relatively little fun to be unable to do much damage to another character.

Also, oftentimes there isn't a team to be had. Burg is pretty empty. If my tank couldnt solo, I'd be pissed. His powersets don't really let him go to SC, and,frankly, I hate that zone on all my other toons as well.

Ice can also tank a few foes in pvp. Or, more accurately, 2-3v1 em. But this involves hit and run, targetting the squishiest target for kills, knowing your limits, etc. It's tough and success isn't guaranteed at all. It also largely depends on what ATs I'm facing.

Seeing as tanks and controllers were more or less the centerpiece for mob-based PvE, it's interesting to note that those are the sets that have required the most adjustment for pvp.



What's the point, taunt is basically useless in PvP anyway

[/ QUOTE ]

may i? i fought a team of 2 tanks in warburg one night. one tank would have taunt on me, so what did i do? start to pummel him with my dark/regen. quite easily i might add. when his health was getting dangerously low, his other tank buddy would taunt me. taking me off the near death tank, who went into hibernation i might add, to fight him. imo that is quite a good team strat. the process would repeat itself, causing me to curse taunt needs to work for a tank. its like taking holds away from a controller



What did the tankers do to get the devs to hate us??? why is it always the HERO's GETTING DEBUFFED and not VILLAINS???!!!!!!
Total BS
Every other week "blasters dmg is getting dropped some" or some other BS like that...GO DEBUFF PSI doms not tankers!



Wow - you were 2 years and 3 weeks late to that discussion.