Supergroups on Protector -- Post Links
Name: The eXiled Swat
Website: Too lazy
Global Chat Channel: Private
Leader or Recruiting: @Sanbient...various captains as well.
Preferred method of contact: Telepathy...or any
Motto/Description: Hate People/We have a general dislike for stupidity and love hunting badges. Base is being rebuilt/redesigned at the moment.
lvl 50 Ice/Storm
* Supergroup Name: Paragon National Guard
* Website:
* Global Chat Channel: None yet
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: @M I Abrahms
* Preferred Method of contact: Any
* Guild Description: No restriction on level or AT. We help those new to the game as we are capable.
* Supergroup Name: Rougue Island Para-Military
* Website:
* Global Chat Channel: None yet
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: @M I Abrahms
* Preferred Method of contact: Any
* Guild Description: No restriction on level or AT. We help those new to the game as we are capable.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
Villain Group
* Supergroup Name: Dark Knights Of The Abyss
* Website (if any):
* Global Chat Channel (if any):None
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: @Garcia Vega
* Preferred Method of contact: ingame email
* Guild Description: We try to have fun and run togehter as much as possible. We do not discriminate on AT, level or anything. We will help lowbies but will not powerlevel. If you are lackeyed, you are expected to contribute not hang out soaking up xp.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
* Supergroup Name: Gaelic Storm (CoH) / GS Syndicate (CoV)
* Website (if any):
* Global Chat Channel (if any): none
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: @inoki, @shay
* Preferred Method of contact: Forum PM, visit our website, global tell, whatever works best for you.
* Guild Description: Gaelic Storm values itself on it's family atmosphere. We're similar to "Cheers", everyone knows your name and we treat you as such. We have a ventrilo server and branches our our guild stretch into World of Warcraft and Guild Wars.
* Supergroup Name: F.U.S.I.O.N.
* Website:
* Global Chat Channel (if any): Praesadium for leaders
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Warface. (@artilleryofficer)
* Preferred Method of contact: Forum PM, website or ingame tell
* Guild Description: FUSION--ACT VG recruiting, ( 3rd plot size base with 6 teleport loc, raid teleporter, worktables with repair bots, medical with inspiration bot, Super Computer, Turbine Gen etc.) 73-75 Nice guys and gals in this group-- Weekly events, 10 VG coaltion, Apply at www.FUSION-COV.COM
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email
* Supergroup Name: Phantoms of War
* Website:
* Global Chat Channel: PoW (private)
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Stalemate v.6, ilovetheusers. See website for list of senior officers.
* Preferred Method of contact: Ingame emails or tells, Forum PM, SG website, this forum
* Guild Description: Casual, yet mature SG in action since June 2004 with active website. Teamspeak server. Mostly active on Protector but also has supergroups on Victory. All levels. See our website for more complete Code of Conduct.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
Slightly different...
* Coalition Name: Praesidium
* Website:
* Global Chat Channel: Praesidium (invite only)
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: All allied SG leaders and representatives compose the Praesidium Senate.
* Preferred Method of contact: Ingame contacts, SG website, this forum.
* Guild Description: Relaxed coalition where SGs can find quality team mates from like-minded SGs. We run occasional events (like the Herolympics) but never require anyone to participate to retain their place in the alliance. See website for more info and a list of the current affiliated supergroups.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
Supergroup Name: The Protectors
Global Chat Channel: The Protectors (private)
Leader or Recruiting Officers: @Fire Spin, @Protonic Flux
Preferred Method of contact: Ingame emails or tells, Forum PM, SG website, this forum
SG Description: The Oldest active SG on the Protector server (May, 05, 04). The Protectors are a mature SG that is looking for new memebers to join us. We do both PvP and PvE (PvE mainly). Check out our website for the memeber application if you are interested in joining.
The List
Games currently playing besides CoX:
[i]CoD4 , Guitar Hero 3, Halo 3 [i]
Hero Side
Supergroup name: Paragon Punishers
Global Chat Channel: paragonpunishers
Leader or Recruiting Officers: Beheading Force (any SG officer has invite priv).
Prefered method of contact: Any
SG Description: 4 SGs deep with a slew of great gamers that are just having fun. We have the web site, forums, TS server, functional bases and run together a lot...
Villain Side
SuperVillain group name: Evil Incarnate
Global Chat Channel:
Leader or Recruiting Officers: BF SMASH (any SG officer has invite priv).
Prefered method of contact: Any
SG Description: 5 SGs deep with a slew of great gamers that are just having fun. We have the web site, forums, TS server, functional bases and run together a lot...
Villian Group Name: The Department of Inter-Dimensional
Destruction (Main) DoIDD Rogue Agents (Alts.) DoIDD Special Forces (All 40's and soon to be 50's)
Website (if any):
Global Chat Channel (if any): DoIDD (Invite only)
Leader or Recruiting Officers: DJ Jester and Dr. Quantum are the leaders. Recruiting can be handled by @Black Mute
Preferred Method of Contact: You can reach me by sending an ingame email to Imhotep, Forum PM to Black_Mute, our SG/VG website, or this forum.
About DoIDD:
1) Don't be a jerk! (We look for good fun players who do not grief, act like jerks to anyone in the group our out of the group, etc)
2) Don't Kill Steal (In some games this isn't possible, others it is)
3) Devote a Costume Slot to the Department Uniform by lvl 30 (City of Heroes / City of Villains only)
4) Maintain Contact via the DoIDD Website. You are reqiured to log into the DoIDD website and be aware of forum posts / information AT LEAST once per every 7 days. Anyone who does may have their membership revoked. If you will not be near a computer for more than a week's time simply post a leave of absence and let us know.
5) In-Game Roster Activity: Due to many games limiting the size of a guild we will remove any character that is inactve from the roster of that game after 15 days unless a leave of absence is posted on the DoIDD site (simply telling a member in game IS NOT THE SAME as posting a leave of absence, people forget and it is not their responsibililty to keep track of you and make the post for you). Leave of absences will only last for 30 days. After that your character will be removed. If you change to another game as your primary game, just log in every few days for a few minutes and log out. If you quit that game entirely please let us know and remove your character from that in-game roster.
Also please note: If you leave the game and come back and have not left a leave of absence you are MORE than welcome to come back into DoIDD. We simply removed your character to keep space for active characters. This is a must now that Prestige is such a huge factor in City of Heroes and City of Villains.
6) You CAN NOT be a part of another guild/supergroup/clan, we require our members to be loyal and devoted to their fellow Agents. Its not fair to either group for you to join multiple guild/supergroup/clans. (Exceptions are on a case by case basis, discuss this with a Special Agent). Anyone who does not will recieve a warning the first time, dismissal the second. If you will not be near a computer for more than a week's time simply post a leave of absence and let us know.
7) We only have a Villian Group on Protector, no Super Group on Protector.
Supergroup Name: Midnight Strike
Web site:
Global Chat Channel: private
Leader or Recruiting Officers: Deviant Flame (@Dark Diversion), Shadow Wasp (@Shadow Wasp), and Shannow (@Teapot)
Preferred Method of contact: Via our Web site (post your interest and some information about your character in our public forums) or via in-game e-mail or global tell.
Guild Description: Midnight Strike is a growing super group of fun, team-oriented players who work together to "arrest" the bad guys. We're heavy on the task forces, trials, and other events; light on PvP; and are working toward base expansion (currently, we have an active workshop, medbay, and teleport station). If you're looking for someone to back you up in arena, we're probably not for you. But if you enjoy having smart, reliable players to team with, check us out. Take a look at our Web site and send any questions/interest to the officers named above. Happy gaming!
SG NAME: Prismatic Guardians
WEBSITE: (message board)
LEADER: Red-Guardian
Recruiter: Anyone in the SG can recruit
Contact: send tell, email or post on website
description: Good group of people who like to play and help others.
SG NAME: Destroyers of Light
WEBSITE: none yet use same as above
LEADER: None yet SG of Heroes decided to make a SVG so we have not named a leader yet. Possibly a battle royal
Recruiter: Lord Nagash, also anyone in SVG can recruit
contact: as above
Describtion: SG on heroes making villians
* Villain Group Name: Harmony
* Website: Guild Portal Site.
* Global Chat Channel (if any): New Harmony
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Persephonus, Antigone, Little Ninja Girl
* Preferred Method of contact: Either sign up for our website, or get in touch with one of our leaders listed above. (We also do periodic "Recruitment Drives" so don't be surprised to see our members advertising on Broadcast.)
* Guild Description: We are a mature group who just enjoy having other people around to play with. We all have Real Lives outside of the game, and are very understanding when things pop up. We're basically here to have fun, and help each other out.
* Supergroup Name: The Heretics
* Website: None yet
* Global Chat Channel: I'll get around to it...
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:@Name-Less or Haereticus
* Preferred Method of contact: Shoot me a tell ingame or here on the boards
* Guild Description: A new SG that I'd like to get going. Perhaps give me an incentive to lvl my blaster. Working on a base... so please, bare with me.
Yup. You all know me. I'm giving the SG thing a shot so if you got an alt that needs a home, shoot me a tell. Thanks.
Supergroup Name: Paragon Rescue Squad
Leader or Recruiting Officers:
Siphon Man - Founder
Hannibal Girl - Founder
TearsFrozenOver - Controller General
Morgar - Scrapper General
Radiant Beam - Defender General
American Rock - Tanker General
RudeAwakening - Warshade General
Preferred Method of contact: Send a tell to any of us. We are always open.
Guild Description:
Ah, the Paragon Rescue Squad. There is not any experienced Protector player that can say they've never seen the brave souls of the PRS. Whether we are helping you beat Frostfire or Tyrant, or if we are teleporting you across the Hollows, the PRS is the premier SG of the server.
We accept all AT's and levels, and are about to form PRS 2 because our ranks are so many. All characters are active.
Ranking: #18
Enjoy the healing!
* Supergroup Name: Sinister Dreamers (CoV)
* Website:Not at this time
* Global Chat Channel:Radical Dreamers
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: All can invite but contact @Mr. Blackman or @Guywithagun for more info.
* Preferred Method of contact: In game email to FluffyBear
* Guild Description: Well balanced PvP and PvE play lots of room to grow with our expanded base. We do lots of TF's and SF's.

* Supergroup Name: The Confederation
* Website:
* Global Chat Channel: Confederation
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Any and all members can invite.
* Preferred Method of contact: Any
* Guild Description: Here to have drama please. Alts are welcome.
* Supergroup Name: Pandemonium
* Website:
* Global Chat Channel: Pan
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Any and all members can invite.
* Preferred Method of contact: Any
* Guild Description: Here to have drama please. Alts are welcome.
villain only
name: sinister circle
website: under construction
global chat channel: most play villains as primary so we have none as of yet
leader: xanax, tessai, keflex, chris walken, or verasa
contact method: any
description: main core of players is always on,..we have fun and willing to help out whenever we can
* Supergroup Name: The Ministry Of Darkness
* Website (if any):
* Global Chat Channel (if any):
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:Midnightshadow,Portis,Darkapostle,Doctor smile.
* Preferred Method of contact:Website, forum, ingame tell
* Supergroup Name: Nice Guys Inc.
* Website (if any):;TabID=679154
* Global Chat Channel (if any): Not yet
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Grava Teen
* Preferred Method of contact: Either /tell Grava Teen, /tell @Bigbrother87, or email either of those ingame.
* Description:
I know I want to meet and team with nice people, and I'm guessing that most people want the same.
That's why I started this group, to collect those players, and to give new people a group to join to find good help to make them better palyers.
Please sign up on the website so we can keep you updated on what we're doing ingame.
Name: Dark Legion
Persuasion: Villain Group
Contacts: @Paragod...most others in VG can invite as well.
Preferred Method of Contact: In-game or Forum PM
Website: Not anymore
Description: Active VG, heavily into PVP, especially in the zones.
Base: Fully functional base, ready for raiding.
Etc: If you are active and want to be part of a VG that is focused mainly on zone PVP, look for a member in-game or leave me a PM here on the forums. We have a team speak server and strongly encourage anyone participating in team PVPing to be on it with us.
Supergroup Name: The Iron Alliance (aka Knights of the Iron Alliance)
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
Leader: Mind-Man, The Knight Prime
Co- commander: Aurora Sky, Knight Champion
Co-commander: Solia Glo, Knight Champion
Recruitment can be done by any member of the Alliance at Knight Elite level or above. Please approach any of our members to inquire further
* Preferred Method of contact:
(ingame email or PST: Mind-Man)
* Guild Description:
"Knights Live Without Fear and Without Reproach."
We are a mature SG seeking smart experienced players that value teamwork and loyality to each other. We aren't concerned with power leveling, as much of the game is missed with this type of approach. Above all we foster an enviroment of respect and trust between all members. This brings an intense spirit of cooporation in all matters, no matter how big or small.
Name:S.L.P:S.F. ( periods may be diffrent)
recuriting Officers: Anyone in the group (If cant find any1, look for OmegaGuy)
perferred MOC: Super Group Channel
Website?: Yes;TabID=581742
Description: We are a group who like haveing fun. Our only requirment is all aplicants be on AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH OR MORE. the last group had people topping over 100 days. We have a nice base that needs a few more prestige for a workshop. Our Initals stand for Super Legends of Paragon: Special Forces (Orginal group dis-banded). E-mail orcall OmegaGuy in-game for invite.
Super Group Name: Knights of the Crimson Fist
Global Chat: @The Awsome Guy and @Magna Man
Leaders: Iciy Fyre, Magna Man , Bloody Moon, Mystic Moonshine, IlLuSiOn BoY
Recruitment Officer: Silit
Conact: Use the Website Forums
Guild Description: We are an active Hero Sg on Protector, we pvp sometimes have TF nights, and we like to have fun!
Hey all,
This thread is to restart the Protector Super Groups and Villain Groups. Post your SG/VG info here.
Please include the following information:
* Supergroup Name:
* Website (if any):
* Global Chat Channel (if any):
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
* Guild Description: (Motto, membership requirements/guidelines, and any other information that might help a hero decide whether or not to apply to your group.
I will start us off.
Supergroup name: The Sushi Bar
Website: Not at the moment
Global Chat Channel: The Sushi Bar
Leader or Recruiting Officers: Alien Ditz (any SG memeber has invite priv).
Prefered method of contact: Any
Guild Description: All Kheldain SG on the Protector server with a focus on all squid teams. Check us out for some squidy mayhem.