Moon Hazard Zone




I watched Space Cow and now I've forgotten how to make ice.



I'm not even going to attempt to read ALL the replies, but...
This was VERY well thought out and I'd love to see this.

Being a casual gamer, I haven't really read most of the NPC backgrounds...but I'd love to see something like mishs or TF's on the rikti homeworld and such.



Just an FYI - The Rikti aren't from space. They are from an alternate dimension.



How about NO 5th Column and something new that resembles a super hero and super villain. The CoX enemies/foes are less than super hero-ish. Get more of that in the game. PLEASE!

I think any future big zones should really be co-op. CoX divides its player base and its tough to get the two together.



Just an FYI - The Rikti aren't from space. They are from an alternate dimension.

[/ QUOTE ]

You would be surprised at the number of people who don't know that. Then again maybe not.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



How about NO 5th Column and something new that resembles a super hero and super villain. The CoX enemies/foes are less than super hero-ish. Get more of that in the game. PLEASE!

I think any future big zones should really be co-op. CoX divides its player base and its tough to get the two together.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see that I must yet again provide proof that the 5th Column is already on the Moon.

5th Column on the Moon

If you'd like to make a suggestion for new opponents then why don't you start your own thread and put the same effort that Golden_Ace has put into his Moon Zone suggestion.

Edit: The more detail in the suggestion then the more likely it will recieve positive feedback and helpful advice. One of the reasons this Moon thread is so popular is Golden's attention to detail as well as his inclusion of other peoples helpful comments.



Hey just a quick question, I'm not sure but is this accually coming to the game? and when? also what is this "City of World" you speak of?



We have been lobbying for this to be put into the game for years. The devs won't confirm or deny it tho.






I've been working on a very detailed outline I will propose soon for a new moon hazard zone. Basically it's a PvP zone with PvE content, and it involves the Center of the council base on the moon being taken down. The reason it's a PvP zone with meaningful PvE content is because we don't have a high level zone like this yet (I'd love to see a zone where heroes and villains don't just fight, but fight over more tangible PvE goals with more tangible rewards), and I would love to see one.

The basic plot Im outlining is that Recluse wants the power of the Nictus locked in the The Center Citadel, and is working with Requiem and his 5th columnist loyalists (who want to regain control of the part of the council that was theirs originally).
The heroes want to disable the center base and the nictus central wormhole. Longbow is leading the assault probably with support from Vanguard.

The zone involves fighting in trench warfare style combat of bunkers up a hill to the citadel, and only those who clear a path can assault the citadel directly, which then unlocks a strike force or task force to complete the objective for either heroes or villains side.

There are a lot of rewards and incentives tied to this which I'll go into later...



I've been working on a very detailed outline I will propose soon for a new moon hazard zone. Basically it's a PvP zone with PvE content, and it involves the Center of the council base on the moon being taken down. The reason it's a PvP zone with meaningful PvE content is because we don't have a high level zone like this yet (I'd love to see a zone where heroes and villains don't just fight, but fight over more tangible PvE goals with more tangible rewards), and I would love to see one.

The basic plot Im outlining is that Recluse wants the power of the Nictus locked in the The Center Citadel, and is working with Requiem and his 5th columnist loyalists (who want to regain control of the part of the council that was theirs originally).
The heroes want to disable the center base and the nictus central wormhole. Longbow is leading the assault probably with support from Vanguard.

The zone involves fighting in trench warfare style combat of bunkers up a hill to the citadel, and only those who clear a path can assault the citadel directly, which then unlocks a strike force or task force to complete the objective for either heroes or villains side.

There are a lot of rewards and incentives tied to this which I'll go into later...

[/ QUOTE ]

The game does not need any more PvP zones.

Most of the playerbase avoids PvP zones already. So the idea of wasting resources on a new zone only a small portion of the playerbase will ever use is a horrible idea. PvE players will avoid it like the plague.

Furthermore the avid PvPers are already split up between the existing zones and a good portion only play on the test server. A new pvp zone would only spread their already small numbers further apart and make zones even emptier.



*looks up*




So no moon zone in I-13.

You should have kept the mountains named Sugar and Spice Ace.

Maybe I-14? *Crosses Fingers*

ValeronSonic / Energy Blaster
Sugar and SpiceEmpathy / Psionic Defender
Naughty and NiceWillpower / Super Strength Tanker
Lady Swordsword/ Shield Scrapper



And now the Lunar National Anthem . . .

"Greening the Gray"

An anthem for pioneers of the lunar frontier
Formula: refrain, three stanzas and a refrain (twelve repeats)

We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
Desolation, oh yes!
Yet how magnificent!
Here we'd settle and toil,
Our hopes not reticent.

We came prepared to stay,
Accepting the challenge,
To live off starkest land,
Dream ancient as Stonehenge.

We pride ourselves Lunans,
Our way of life Lunese.
Our uphill struggle gives
Rich meaning to life's lease.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
We've soil above our head
Just as below our feet.
Yet blind moles we are not,
Within, Sun's warmth we greet.

Safe against cosmic ray,
Sun's flare, meteorite.
Cool below dayspan's heat,
From nightspan's cold so tight.

Picture-windows' bleakness
Drains not spirit's ladle,
For within our shelters,
Greenery's our cradle.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
By old favor returned,
Now Earth shows time's reason
Marking year, date, season.

Ago we watched phases
of waxing, waning Moon.
Now lights of Earth cities
Inspire legend and tune.

Full Earth stirs our lovers
With its romantic light.
Sooth, as far as we reach,
We'll ever hold dear this sight!
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
'Neath the untempered Sun,
And naked sky's splendors,
We till the Moon's gray soil
For wealth it surrenders.

Against stark horizons
Of light highlands, dark plains,
We cook rock and bust 'lith,
Patiently earning gains.

The snail crawl of Sun-drench.
The slow drift of Star-awe,
Give freshening rhythm
To life, less season's law.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
Turning to advantage,
alleged drawbacks galore,
Our gumption finds pay dirt
In this commonplace ore.

Nor lushly fertile soil,
Nor concentrated veins
Of minerals do bless.
No the key is our pains!

If we do yet succeed,
The trails we blaze will light
The way for the daring
Who'd follow into night.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
Blest are we less endowed,
We must try harder,
And in the achievement,
We'll reach and soar higher.

Fresh opportunities!
Raw possibilities!
From these barrens we'll tease
Unsuspected glories.

Busy but slowfall-paced,
We'll bud free and grow tall.
Our children lithe and bright,
Life's preciousness is all.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
From the songs of Firstnight
For clay-borns fresh landed,
To tunes befit life's end,
through lyrics we're banded.

We're farmers and miners,
Craftsmen and artists proud.
We're students and traders,
Creating, heads not bowed.

Our confidence in life,
In word and song foremost,
Cherish Old Lady Gray,
Our unforgiving host.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
Dawn-test fraternity
of cradle foresakers,
We scout new paths for life,
Universe gate-makers.

Blest our dire wants and needs,
For they'll drive us far deep,
Into the night in search
Of rich sources to reap.

Resourceful bootstrappers,
We earn our keep as due.
Homage to TANSTAAFL!
To our selves we are true.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
Moontides on blue depths sing
Destiny's overture.
Lever to black-set wealth,
Moon's role became mature.

In hollow spun islands
We'll furnish weight, less bars.
Where feet seek not Earth's core
But the high-circling stars.

We can, we must, we will
Undreamt destinies seek:
Finding ever new ways
For Earth-bred souls to peak.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
Mother Gaia's first grads,
We are humbled yet proud,
Making camp here en route
Relentless to stars? crowd.

A new world we're shaping,
Not just for humans seed.
Earth flora, fauna too,
it's each other we need.

Frontierfolk of Luna,
Builders of space towns grand,
Wildcatters of comets,
Outfitters for Mar's land.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
True, our own wealth we seek,
But in process we'll give
Earth cheapest energy
The wherewithal to live.

The first of new rustics,
Many lessons we'll learn,
To teach old Earth in thanks,
For heritage in turn.

Hinterland pioneers,
Our destinies we seek,
In ways ever true to roots,
Humble, but never meek.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.
We came to find ourselves,
But also fleeing limits,
Of stifling hordes and rules,
The pressures of habits.

The call of lands virgin
To humanity's effort,
Nor eco-thick with life,
Promise Freedom's comfort.

We left, looking not back;
Hoping here to increase
Yet for Old Mother Clay
We wish justice and peace.
We're bluing and gilding
brightly greening the gray,
against the siren black,
beneath the Milky Way.

- finis -



Where did you get that?

ValeronSonic / Energy Blaster
Sugar and SpiceEmpathy / Psionic Defender
Naughty and NiceWillpower / Super Strength Tanker
Lady Swordsword/ Shield Scrapper



Where did you get that?

[/ QUOTE ]

I googled Lunar Anthem.

Lunar Anthem

I think a better question would be . .

What made you think that someone ever wrote a national anthem for the moon?

Answer: Well I know a guy the speaks Klingon, I know others that learned to write and speak Tsolyáni. Those are make believe languages. So I figured it was possible someone wrote an anthem for the moon. And I was right.



Lower Gravity – Everyone has a temporary power that allows you to jump much higher than on the earth.

[/ QUOTE ]

YES! But, all movement is slowed and you have a tendency to "coast". (Think Frostfire or Oilslicks)

Also, the higher you travel vertically the less you are effected by gravity. (I can see the broadcast spams now: "LFT w/ Recall Friend....I'm stuck on the map ceiling and can't get down! PPPST!")


[/ QUOTE ] Stuck uh? try /stuck



We have an anthem!

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



wow; someone has alot of time on their hands, eh!?!



I wouldn't say a lot of time. I just check check out this thread and the underwater zone whenever they pop up on the front page.

googling the song then copy pasting it took maybe 5 minutes at most.



so in other words... ,-)

PS re: that anthem -




so in other words... ,-)

[/ QUOTE ]


[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Are we ever going to get a moon zone?

ValeronSonic / Energy Blaster
Sugar and SpiceEmpathy / Psionic Defender
Naughty and NiceWillpower / Super Strength Tanker
Lady Swordsword/ Shield Scrapper



After I read this, which, I'm sorry for bumping an old thread, but I thought this was a terrific idea. I personally think that this will come out with I15. Because of what Posi said in his interview. He said that I15 will have to do with the 5th Anniversary of CoH. There should be something big with the 5th anniversary. I mean come on, 5 years! Thats a long time!