Arachnos vs. Longbow




Longbow has wardens, but arachnos has night widows. In arena gladiator events, at least, they're FRIGHTENINGLY powerful. Haha, I wonder if they'll get even worse with the upcoming claws fix.



Players can heal allied NPCs, as well as use AOE buffs like Force Field Generator. I'm not sure about leadership skills; I haven't seen the effect icon on any Arachnos when I'm fighting. Then again I don't see the effect icon from Fortunata leadership either.

-Regen and area holds also have big impacts on the fights.

Try to pick off area attackers like Longbow Flamethrowers and Spines Wardens if you're helping Villains. Heros probably want to focus on Arachnos bosses and Drone Coordinators.



play Breakout... the Arachnos and the Longbow stuff on the outside of the fence are fighting. you can watch them for hours :P



Yeah cept the longbows all die in like one shot. :P



Now, and this is purely my experience, it seems that longbow would wipe the floor w/ Arachnos. The reason - wardens. These guys are like PvP-ing with a hero that has unlimited end and 8 dmg SOs (unaffected by ED) in their attacks.

I realize that it won't ever be a difinitive battle so as to keep the game going, but who'd you would win in an all out fight?

Personally, I think Malta should just swarm the whole of Paragon city and the Rogue isles and sap everyone into oblivion, but that's just me

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At level 25, they are pretty much equal. I ran a couple hundred test battles with random spawns to make it so....

Higher levels, well, no guarantee's.

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Ummm...can I BUY that functionality? Please.....

I'm serious.

No really....I want to spawn random large groups on the fly and just watch them go nuts.


I've already forgotten about most of you



Now, and this is purely my experience, it seems that longbow would wipe the floor w/ Arachnos. The reason - wardens. These guys are like PvP-ing with a hero that has unlimited end and 8 dmg SOs (unaffected by ED) in their attacks.

I realize that it won't ever be a difinitive battle so as to keep the game going, but who'd you would win in an all out fight?

Personally, I think Malta should just swarm the whole of Paragon city and the Rogue isles and sap everyone into oblivion, but that's just me

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At level 25, they are pretty much equal. I ran a couple hundred test battles with random spawns to make it so....

Higher levels, well, no guarantee's.

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Yeah, I'm not so sure how an Invinc/ warden would handle a NightWidow(?) Queen... you know those boss Psi mobs with the human faces on the spider bodies... like Lolth.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



100 times out of 100 Longbow will beat Arachnos in the street fights in Siren's Call, if left to their own devices. I don't know what kind of tests you need to run to see that. I think I have seen the villain merchant in SC open once since CoV launched. And I go there almost every day.

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Nah I have seen arcahnos win plenty of hotspots.
I'd say its closer to 60/40 in favour of longbow, but thats a real WAG.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



No need with Siren's Call around. Some of those battles get pretty wacky especially with players involved. The character can be totally different depending on what bosses each side gets.

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I love giving ID and Speed Boost to Longbow Wardens

Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast



And I love triple stacking FFGens and triage right in the middle of a hotspot, and watching longbow damage mean nothing...



100 times out of 100 Longbow will beat Arachnos in the street fights in Siren's Call, if left to their own devices. I don't know what kind of tests you need to run to see that. I think I have seen the villain merchant in SC open once since CoV launched. And I go there almost every day.

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Except that Sirens call is supposed to work that way as the zone is balanced toward the heros. That is in the background of the zone, the villains are attacking the heros on their home turf.

The new PvP zone is supposed to be balanced toward the villains and should work the exact opposite.

What happens when players get involved is something completely different entirely.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



100 times out of 100 Longbow will beat Arachnos in the street fights in Siren's Call, if left to their own devices. I don't know what kind of tests you need to run to see that. I think I have seen the villain merchant in SC open once since CoV launched. And I go there almost every day.

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Except that Sirens call is supposed to work that way as the zone is balanced toward the heros. That is in the background of the zone, the villains are attacking the heros on their home turf.

The new PvP zone is supposed to be balanced toward the villains and should work the exact opposite.

What happens when players get involved is something completely different entirely.

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Yup, Closer home base, more troops available and much closer, less deploy time, plus when you're defending you tend to fight alot harder.



I'd really love to see vehicles and the like thrown into the mix. I like how many of the PvP zones have other enemies there, but it'd be interesting to see Arachnos sub-letting to the Tsoo, the Family, etc. I don't know who'd align with Longbow (Legacy chain or Ludites, perhaps).

Temporary Arachnos/Longbow "hanchmen" would also be awesome; being able to command a squad yourself, etc