Drawing for my son





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The Son loves it and says thanks alot. He thought it was really cool how he was lifting up the 'rock'. Thanks again.

Static and Son



Smart Guy

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He really likes them. He said they were cool and funny. Telly really made him and his brother giggle.

Thanks again

Static and Son



Just Really cool all around. Both the art and generosity.

Congrats Gill. Even after 2 1/2 times that it still is amazing to me my wife agreed to marry me. ( 15 years at the end of april for me)



Shape There ya go, I hope that's what he was looking for




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Rox, thanks alot from the kid. He is going to be coloring so much this weekend. Well at least he will be keeping busy.



No problem man, it's not quite as up to par as the others but it's unique. Btw, my lines were a little thicker than the other sketches if you'd like em to be a little smaller just say the word.



some of the nicest people I have ever seen. all great drawings! Id draw some but im not that comfortable with my drawings yet. Used to draw comic style alot, but got out of it. Here in the last 6 months (after looking at a certain MMOArt.com site) I started to draw again. Im getting better, just takes awhile to get the hang of it all again.

But thanks to Jamaro I have another hobby to add to the 50 I allready have.

Anyway back on topic. Your son has some great toons to color there!!



some of the nicest people I have ever seen. all great drawings! Id draw some but im not that comfortable with my drawings yet. Used to draw comic style alot, but got out of it. Here in the last 6 months (after looking at a certain MMOArt.com site) I started to draw again. Im getting better, just takes awhile to get the hang of it all again.

But thanks to Jamaro I have another hobby to add to the 50 I allready have.

Anyway back on topic. Your son has some great toons to color there!!

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I cant get this goofy smile off of my face. WOW it feels so good to know that
I have inspired someone to get back into art. <---See I still cant shake it...lol.



Hey guys I got bored last night and decided to color a few of the sketches. Didn't do any of GB's 'cause, well he's doing them. Here's Smart Guy, Spark, Telly, & Fangs. I'd have Strength too but photoshop decided to close on me when he was almost done! Grr....



Hey guys I got bored last night and decided to color a few of the sketches. Didn't do any of GB's 'cause, well he's doing them. Here's Smart Guy, Spark, Telly, & Fangs. I'd have Strength too but photoshop decided to close on me when he was almost done! Grr....

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Great job at coloring !

I'd like to draw something for the boy, but I'd really need to shape up my skills.



Smart Guy, Spark, Telly, & Fangs. I'd have Strength too but photoshop decided to close on me when he was almost done! Grr....

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Son gives you compliments for such a cool color job. Thanks.

Static & Son
will be away this weekend, can't wait until Tuesday to see what this post brings. Christmas in March



Yup.. I still can't draw.

Aaannnyway, complaining about my brain aside, you guys are great. These are some great pieces of art, and you're doing them to make a young boy happy. Keep up the good work! I'll still be here... crying softly in the shadows..



Here's a colored version for Strength & Shape. Has no one done a sketch of Flame yet? Anywayz, I wish my drawing skillz were as good as my photoshop skillz.

Also, I know your kid's coloring these I just thought I'd give him another option if he wanted.

edit: oh my bad, JtessierIII called him and spike!



Hey since I was posting all those guys with white backgrounds I thought I'd change Ice.E to have a white background too. Gill please don't be mad....cowers in corner.



Ok guys....you're gonna have to stop me 'cause when I get going I can't stop myself. I love Photoshop!!!! Ok here's what I've got so far, I'll add the rest of the crew as they come. Enjoy!

edit: I'm gonna add the other little sketches that Gill did with some coloring just to get a feel what everybody will look like in the wallpaper. I'll switch 'em out as he posts his actual versions.



My new favorite thread!



Phew, I tell you what those little sketches that Gill did are freakin' hard to color. Very small and very faint! Hehe... Anywayz, I got Tackle and Stretch done, they're kind of blury 'cause I had to blow them up but like I said they're only temporary place holders 'til Gill shows us the actual drawing.



Phew, I tell you what those little sketches that Gill did are freakin' hard to color. Very small and very faint! Hehe... Anywayz, I got Tackle and Stretch done, they're kind of blury 'cause I had to blow them up but like I said they're only temporary place holders 'til Gill shows us the actual drawing.

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If you have Illustrator CS2 then you can pull in the sketch lines and do a live trace of them to get more definite lines. You lose a lot of detail unless you really wanna futz with it though.

Before CS2 I used an old adobe app called Streamline, but it's been discontinued for years... ((I'd show you what the results look like but no urge to post unrelated artness in here.))

barring those, you might try adjusting the curves on the original sketch. Generally a little down on the left and a little up on the right does it for me if I'm being quick.



I actually do have illustrator but I've never messed around with it much. I'll have to try it now



well, that feature is new in CS2 so you have to have that particular version.

I think it was mostly due to all of us whining about missing Streamline -.- ((actually, that's how I converted the lines in my other thread in here if you wanna see. I'm so not a great artist though.))



Wow, I like that pic of the group of them! Nice stuff guys!

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