The Supa Sonic/Energy Blaster Guide v1.0
Might I suggest Munitions as an APP? Body Armor seems to be a welcome addition, being as how it boosts lethal and smashing def, and LRM Rocket seems like a decent (if highly delayed) sniper attack.
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. -F. Nietzsche
Guide to Dark/Dark Defenders
Great Guide... I'm having fun with this build, though I swapped out Hover for Air Superiority and haven't looked back, yet. This coupled with Power Thrust has allowed me to juggle and manhandle Lieutenants and certain Bosses. Essentially, my attack chain goes:
Air Superiority=>Power Thrust=>Shout=>Other Ranged Attacks=>Repeat.
One thing I like about Sonic is that the animation comes from your face/mouth - my hero looks like a dragon, so it fit better than most other primaries (though the fire breath/etc are best). With fly/hover and sonic, I can do what I want to do - blast hapless villains from a distance and look cool doing it!
Nurfbat - Infinity's newest blaster
Teamsaver (Earth/Rad controller) and his trusty hench-boulder, Rocky
RezQ (Emp/Dark defender) member of Paragon City Search & Rescue
iTeam (Robotics/FF mastermind) with apologies to fans of "The A-Team"
Globally, I'm @Teamsaver, on the Infinity server
Don't knock Boost Range. I used to, but it boosts the range of cones, too. Sonic has 3 cones, and the Electric Ancillary Pool can add a fourth cone. I've had good fun with just Energy Torrent and Static Discharge alternating, and you'll generally affect the maximum that you can, because they'll all be in range of your very boosted cones. I've not played a Sonic/* build, yet, but I'm hoping for a design in which I can cone-blast(x3) and then finish off with a sleep on anything that is still wiggling around.
Too much knockback in one of those cones, you say? Hardly. KB isn't a problem when using a sequence of cone attacks all buffed with Boost Range: they don't get knocked out of range!
You dont want to use the Sonic cones for damage. Hell, two of them you generally don't want at all. SOnic is a single target set. Howl is meh, Shockwave is meh-er, Sirens Song isnt a damage skill, and already has more than enough range(so does Howl, for that matter). If you ever play a Sonic build and take Shockwave, i will personally come to your house and drop a barrel of fish on your head. If you take Shockwave *and* howl, I pity you.
I was very dissapointed to find that Power Boost doesn't boost the damage resistance secondary effects of my Sonic Primary attacks. What gives?!?
Can anybody tell me how much damage Screech does? My builder indicates .56 Brawl Index, but another builder has something like 8! Which is it?
I've found that Sonic is very helpful in a team, especially when attacking bosses, but otherwise they're very weak.
If PB boosted the -res in Sonic attacks, Sonic blasters would be able to stack -100% resistance easily. If that doesnt sound unbalanced, think of it this way: you *and* your team are doing double damage to that target for as long as the blaster can maintain their attack chain (and with SOnic's low end costs, thats a *very* long time.) It would mean that AV's resists could be shattered, as with the stacking power of Sonic/, it isnt hard to maintain a constant 30%+ res debuff *now*, let alone with double the debuff length.
I was very dissapointed to find that Power Boost doesn't boost the damage resistance secondary effects of my Sonic Primary attacks. What gives?!?
Can anybody tell me how much damage Screech does? My builder indicates .56 Brawl Index, but another builder has something like 8! Which is it?
I've found that Sonic is very helpful in a team, especially when attacking bosses, but otherwise they're very weak.
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It does very little. 0.56 would be the closer of the two.
You dont want to use the Sonic cones for damage. Hell, two of them you generally don't want at all. SOnic is a single target set. Howl is meh, Shockwave is meh-er, Sirens Song isnt a damage skill, and already has more than enough range(so does Howl, for that matter). If you ever play a Sonic build and take Shockwave, i will personally come to your house and drop a barrel of fish on your head. If you take Shockwave *and* howl, I pity you.
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don't be so quick. I've been seeing some postive reports lately about taking the elec EPP's cone and having a 3-cone mini-nuke chain of Howl, Shockwave, and Static Discharge. considering you'll also be able to mix Siren Song in there as a 4th control cone, that's not bad.
edit: cancel the above, I gave it a good run on test today and was unimpressed. Even with all 4 of Howl, Static Discharge, Shockwave and Siren Song, I was barely able to take down +1's or +2's (depending on mob damage type resists) WITH Buildup, and the amount of incoming return fire taken in the time taken to run that full chain wasn't worth it. Factor in mezzing mob types and it's not possible to pull off the full chain without being halted midway through, even by tring to utilize the KB from Shockwave or the sleep of S-Song. And the scatter of Shockwave was tres annoying, although it was fairly consistent in KBing all of them instead of partial.
I really think an AoE build with sonic needs Boost Range from /nrg to be effective. the range on these cones really required a close starting position. I was able to squeeze these AoE's in without sacrificing single target powers, but an AoE sonic build, while it may add more team-friendly AoE firepower, takes too many power picks to achieve what AoE-centric sets can do with fewer (no surprise there, just thought I'd mention it). so far my final impression of this is that I'd turf Shockwave, and just go with Howl+Static Discharge from Electric mastery epic pool. Adding Shockwave to the mix only added minimal extra damage, and the scatter required too much range switching unless led with Boost Range and will likely annoy teams quite a bit. Too many requirements for too little return.
hey guys
Gonna start a sonic/energy blaster next, and I really like these builds I've read about. I've modified mine a little, being a fan of fly, with some heals/rez for the squishy team mates Tell me what u think.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.21
Drummz3: Level 50 Natural Blaster
Primary Power Set: Sonic Attack
Secondary Power Set: Energy Manipulation
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Medicine
Ancillary Pool: Flame Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Shriek -- Acc(A), Dmg(3), Dmg(7), Dmg(19)
Level 1: Power Thrust -- Acc(A)
Level 2: Scream -- Acc(A), RechRdx(3), Dmg(5), Dmg(9), Dmg(17), EndRdx(43)
Level 4: Build Up -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(5), RechRdx(17)
Level 6: Air Superiority -- Acc(A), Dmg(7), Acc(9)
Level 8: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(37), RechRdx(46)
Level 10: Shout -- Acc(A), RechRdx(11), Dmg(11), Dmg(19), Dmg(25), Range(46)
Level 12: Bone Smasher -- Acc(A), RechRdx(13), Dmg(13), Dmg(21), Dmg(25), EndRdx(37)
Level 14: Fly -- Flight(A), Flight(15), Flight(15)
Level 16: Amplify -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(27), RechRdx(40)
Level 18: Swift -- Run(A)
Level 20: Health -- Heal(A), Heal(21)
Level 22: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(23), EndMod(23)
Level 24: Sirens Song -- Acc(A)
Level 26: Aid Other -- RechRdx(A), Heal(27), Heal(29), Heal(33), IntRdx(36)
Level 28: Screech -- Acc(A), RechRdx(29), Acc(31), Dsrnt(34)
Level 30: Aid Self -- RechRdx(A), Heal(31), Heal(31), Heal(34), IntRdx(37)
Level 32: Dreadful Wail -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(33), RechRdx(33), Dmg(34), Dmg(36), Dmg(36)
Level 35: Power Boost -- RechRdx(A)
Level 38: Total Focus -- Acc(A), EndRdx(39), EndRdx(39), Dmg(39), Dmg(40), Dmg(40)
Level 41: Char -- Acc(A), Acc(42), RechRdx(42), RechRdx(42), Hold(43), Hold(43)
Level 44: Fire Shield -- ResDam(A), ResDam(45), ResDam(45), EndRdx(45), EndRdx(46)
Level 47: Rise of the Phoenix -- EndMod(A), EndMod(48), Heal(48), Heal(48)
Level 49: Resuscitate -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(50), Heal(50), Heal(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Dmg(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx(A)
Level 1: Defiance
37 lvl 50s: 3 Brutes, 2 Stalkers, 2 Tankers, 7 Masterminds, 2 Scrappers, 3 Blasters, 3 Controllers, 3 Corruptors, Peacebringer, 2 SoA (Crab, Bane), 3 Defenders, Widow, 3 Dominators, Warshade, Fortunata

Great guide! I just rolled a Sonic/NRG to pair with my SG mate's new BS/Regen scrapper. Figured the damage resistance debuffs would help us "arrest" faster with his high damage output.
Only played it through lvl 5 right now but love it and was looking for a good guide to help me plan out up through level 20. Nice job!
Coming back out of the woodwork after a couple years away from the game...
You dont want to use the Sonic cones for damage. Hell, two of them you generally don't want at all. SOnic is a single target set. Howl is meh, Shockwave is meh-er, Sirens Song isnt a damage skill, and already has more than enough range(so does Howl, for that matter). If you ever play a Sonic build and take Shockwave, i will personally come to your house and drop a barrel of fish on your head. If you take Shockwave *and* howl, I pity you.
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don't be so quick. I've been seeing some postive reports lately about taking the elec EPP's cone and having a 3-cone mini-nuke chain of Howl, Shockwave, and Static Discharge. considering you'll also be able to mix Siren Song in there as a 4th control cone, that's not bad.
edit: cancel the above, I gave it a good run on test today and was unimpressed. Even with all 4 of Howl, Static Discharge, Shockwave and Siren Song, I was barely able to take down +1's or +2's (depending on mob damage type resists) WITH Buildup, and the amount of incoming return fire taken in the time taken to run that full chain wasn't worth it. Factor in mezzing mob types and it's not possible to pull off the full chain without being halted midway through, even by tring to utilize the KB from Shockwave or the sleep of S-Song. And the scatter of Shockwave was tres annoying, although it was fairly consistent in KBing all of them instead of partial.
I really think an AoE build with sonic needs Boost Range from /nrg to be effective. the range on these cones really required a close starting position. I was able to squeeze these AoE's in without sacrificing single target powers, but an AoE sonic build, while it may add more team-friendly AoE firepower, takes too many power picks to achieve what AoE-centric sets can do with fewer (no surprise there, just thought I'd mention it). so far my final impression of this is that I'd turf Shockwave, and just go with Howl+Static Discharge from Electric mastery epic pool. Adding Shockwave to the mix only added minimal extra damage, and the scatter required too much range switching unless led with Boost Range and will likely annoy teams quite a bit. Too many requirements for too little return.
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I wouldn't count Sonic completely out yet as a viable AoE primary. With the addition of Mental Manipulation, you may be able to chain Howl, Psychic Scream and Static Discharge into a 3 hit combo of cones all with solid damage and a -Resist to start it off. Throw in SS or Shockwave to finish if you feel like it. True, it wont be as good at AoE as Fire or Archery, but I think its pretty commonly accepted that Sonic really accels at single target anyway.
my main and first toon was a sonic/EM....i got lucky and chose an uber powerset selection, lol. typo: conserve power was at 39 nt 49
ok so i agree wit almost all you say, i made my lvl 44 (Sonic Bang) on champion. your power choice is great however id say that shockwave isnt THAT bad...however im planning on respecing out of it.
for the is great because of hibernate and snowstaorm help with pesky bosses that just wont get mezzd. flashfreeze is a version of sirens song but its land only attack...unless the target is flying.
glaciel shield is an average shield id 4slot it or maybe 5 slot.
hibernate i slot for end modification. once i get it.
ummmm..oh and fire is goodi used to have it. bonfire is very good for solo because the knockback can trap a mob in the conrer if they are close enough. but it gets ANNOYING when u jave a team and your in the open.....the single target hold is just your average hold..good if you need another hold but u wont with screech and stun and TF.
fire shied....basic shield. rise of the phoenix is great if you die alot. rather take hibernate and not die in the first place :P
i highly recomend cold mastery because of snowstorm (if you are soloing a mob...BEWARE OF AGGRO lol)
and hibernate...which PWNS
Just looking through the guides and found this one. Very similar to my own Sonic/Energy build. The only differences are the power pools (and I didn't take shockwave and screech). I took flight, fitness (almost a requirement for blasters) and leadership. The APP I took is the one suggested, Force. With Temp Invuln it helps a great deal. I'll post up his build if anyone wants to compare. Later, mind you, after I get home from work.
How does Power Boost amplify the sonic debuff? It seems like PB would help both that and all of the control effects such that PB, might not be a bad addition.
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It doesn't.
But it does the following according to CoD...
+119.2% Stun Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Sleep Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Confused Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Terrorized Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Immobilize Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Held Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Knockback Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Knockup Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Repel Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% RunSpeed Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% FlySpeed Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(Melee) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(Ranged) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(AOE) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(Smashing) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(Lethal) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(Fire) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(Cold) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(Energy) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(Negative_Energy) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Defense(Psionic) Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Heal Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% ToHit Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
+119.2% Endurance Enhancement to Self for 15 seconds
Repeat Offenders