I Killed _______ in PvP




We're working on some other tactics too, but I'm having some trouble getting my part of it down right now. Quason is a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but we'll keep practicing.



I killed no one in pvp, for Im not on Champion.



Thanks for the one on one tonight Quason.

Happy Birthday Arctus!



I thought we agreed never to speak of that debacle again, Frost? That was embarassing.



Thanks for the one on one tonight Quason.

Happy Birthday Arctus!

[/ QUOTE ]




Okay, long post cuz I've got a couple different stories tonight. First, Happy Birthday Arctus, and I'm looking forward to adding another Stalker to the mix. Maybe with time we'll get a whole damn wolfpack hunting Siren's Call

Of the stories, one happened in the early evening time and was so sad it became funny. Citizen Zero was out there with his FOTM ice/storm troller that I think finally killed a muse after an hour or so, and our target was a Emp Defender named (I believe) Reparation (we just called her Rep). Our chat log was requested by Citizen Zero, so this is a summary of this part (leaving out any crucial tactical measures ):

<Team> Stalker Quason: We'll have to tp her out of the hurricane.
<Tell from> Citizen Zero: You want me to drop the hurricane?
<Team> Me: np, we can do it
<Tell to> Citizen Zero: Nah, we need the practice
We line up our spots
<Team> Me: Ready!
Quason TP's Citizen Zero's Hurricaning Storm Troller to me
Prevalence lands on a car hood .32 miles away
Hospital trip ensues as we are both discovered
<Team> Stalker Quason: Oops
<Tell from> Citizen Zero: Want me to drop the cane?
<Tell to> Citizen Zero: Nah, we'll get it
<Team> Me: Ready!
<Tell from> Citizen Zero: Fine, I'll just put her on auto-follow
Quason TP's Rep to me and the hurricane instantly moves with her, blowing us both away and we run for our lives
<Tell to> Citizen Zero: Aw, come on! :P
<Team> Me: np, maybe we should scoot out further away
<Team> Stalker Quason: I can't see her, she's stealthed
<Tell from> Citizen Zero: Sure you don't want me to just drop the cane?
<Tell to> Citizen Zero: Nah, we'll get it
<Tell to> Citizen Zero: Can you drop the Steamy Mist though? Can't see her...
<Tell from> Citizen Zero: Done
<Team> Me: The mist should be dropped
<Team> Stalker Quason: I still can't see her unless I'm closer
Other blasters spot us and we run and regroup on the other side
<Team> Me: Okay, we'll get closer
<Team> Me: Ready!
I pop Build Up and there's a long pause...
<Team> Stalker Quason: It's not letting me tp her
<Team> Me: ?
<Team> Stalker Quason: It says invalid target, it's giving me red circles
<Team> Me: Try it into the air over us
Rep gets TP'ed directly over us without me knowing she's coming and runs off
<Team> Me: I gotta know when...

It was Abbott and Costello Go Stalking...

We never did drop her, but I did fight her one on one...where I got beat That's right, an Empathy Defender beat me Actually, her secondary more did, but she still whooped me pretty good She also had a hell of a fight going on with Quason before they were interrupted by some folks who never gets kills apparently, so they had to grief a one on one.

After awhile, the amount of heroes in the zone began to thin, and some of us villains, especially the Stalkers, began to fly through our Bounty lists pretty quickly. One Blaster in particular, by the name of DR. Jones, seemed to find a Stlkaer's methods wimpy, so he called one of us out for a one on one. I volunteered and we established the building it would be held at. Two villains wanted to watch (both teammates of mine, one Stalker, one Dominator) along with about 6 other heroes. We arrived, and this Blaster, who found the Stalkers' methods sad, proceeded to start attacking our Dominator (the only person he could see). I gave him three warnings in Local Chat (since everyone can see this, even if villain chat is not enabled) to stop if he wanted to live. He didn't, so he was struck down. I told him to come back for his one on one with me. He came back and IMMEDIATELY started attacking that Dominator again. 3 more warnings received no heed, so he was killed again while approximately 5 heroes watched the two Stalkers obliterate him (think we hit for about 1400 dmg on a Level 30 Blaster). Again, invited him to return for the one on one. He did return (and we chased a Scrapper away who wanted to drop the same Dom again in the meantime), and he chose that I could not use Hide while I chose that he could not use Inspirations. We both gave our ready and I proceeded to knock him down, placate him, build up, AStrike, and Air Superiority to finish him off. It took about 8 seconds. I then was griefed by the same Scrapper we had chased away before, but that Blaster never challenged another Stalker to a one on one.

Now, for the most fun I have EVER had in PvP, I got to fight Celestial Lad's tank, and Ice/Dev Blaster (MEAN BUILD) whose name I believe was Cold Chill, and a Fire Blaster whose name escapes my mind atm. I was teamed with an EA/EM Brute and a Grav Dominator, and we were the ONLY 6 people in the zone. It was FANTASTIC fighting! We died a bunch, they died a bunch, then we repeated the whole thing. This was BY FAR, the best fighting I've yet to see in PvP and I hope I get to have situations like this more in the future. This was just all out warfare with no ganking, griefing, whining, complaining, exclaiming of 1337n3ss, or any of the other bad things of PvP. We probably fought for an hour or an hour and a half in this fashion and it was just SO much fun. I once again thank all the other participants for the fun as it was a fantastic time and hectic time.

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



hey Ping the name was Cold Call on the ice/dev blaster. ya that was a great fight. Prevalance, Gravalian , Frenzied Dragon you guys where all a blast to fight against. and Pang did a great job tanking as well. didn't get to spend much time with the fire blaster, we alternated trips to the hospital : p

we'll have to try it again maybe i can get a couple Watchguard guys into the fight. i'm sure Reperation wouln't mind going up against you again.

if you ever gank X-inferno (fire/energy blaster) say hi, thats me to.



Ah, I see X-Inferno far more often in there than Cold Call (I really need to start writing these down or something), but I had to ask, is Cold Call an actual character idea that is for PvE or a PvP FOTM-type of character? In PvP, I know that he was HORRIFIC at times...

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Like Frosty (HBD Arctus btw), Rep's in the WG and he sent me a tell indicating that he had a mark on his head

You know for some reason I can totally picture what you guys are saying in that chat log lol.




I was in there again late last night after spending almost 3 hours in a mission that was bugged on my Dominator.

Prev ASed me and I didn't even know who it was I had to ask.



I remember that. Forget the toon's name, but I remember someone asking over BCast who AStriked them...

Sure didn't know it was you though

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Epion....its funny to watch my health drop so fast and then hit Dull Pain and watch it go back up just as fast as it was going down.



Oh yeah, I wanted to make you stop flying I didn't even try a second attack. You were just annoying me hovering there 3 feet from me for over a minute

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Nothing beats CZ, h4ze and me in warburg. we were taking out full 8 man teams like nothing Wreaking Havoc is fun as hell. Also pesky little squids thinking they're cool and getting owned



It was Abbott and Costello Go Stalking...

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, I'll freely admit that I was screwing that whole TP thing up completely. It might have worked if you'd have had someone that was even remotely competent at TPing.



Ah, I see X-Inferno far more often in there than Cold Call (I really need to start writing these down or something), but I had to ask, is Cold Call an actual character idea that is for PvE or a PvP FOTM-type of character? In PvP, I know that he was HORRIFIC at times...

[/ QUOTE ]

he was a pve guy actualy i wanted a blaster that could solo more easily than my fire/energy. before pvp zones hit and it was just arena i hated pvp, think i wen't in there twice. though i am thinking of respecing him out of his pve build and into a pvp one, i'm haveing alot of fun with him.

i never would have though ice/dev would become a fotm, i guess stranger things have happened hehe



An ice/ff troller was called fotm the other day in BB.. got a chuckle out of that..



I can see how ice/* controllers would become FotM for PvP, however, concidering the fact that it's absolutely impossible for a Stalker to assassinate an ice controller or any member of his team if they stay close.

I'd say ice/storm would be the more popular choice, however.



hey Ping the name was Cold Call on the ice/dev blaster. ya that was a great fight. Prevalance, Gravalian , Frenzied Dragon you guys where all a blast to fight against. and Pang did a great job tanking as well. didn't get to spend much time with the fire blaster, we alternated trips to the hospital : p

we'll have to try it again maybe i can get a couple Watchguard guys into the fight. i'm sure Reperation wouln't mind going up against you again.

if you ever gank X-inferno (fire/energy blaster) say hi, thats me to.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm Pang. That was great fun last night when we had the 3v3 going! I especially liked you holding Grav and then I'd lay down Burn. I hope to team with you again sometime.

Prev, Grav and Dragon sure made a great team. Before I switched to Pang and teamed up with Cold Call, and I forget the other blaster's name (sorry), I was on my Warshade, Ebon Welkin, and those 3 sure laid it to me. All I wanted to do was try my hand at Frenzied Dragon and every time I would attack him *poof* there were Grav and Prev holding me and AS'g my behind. Even though it can get frustrating 3 v 1 it was still a great time.



lol funny cose i recall been there for30 mins and the ramdon team i got blind invited end up beating you guys after a few ¨get the healer ¨in team chat, wich most of they didnt know much of pvp or maybe with their minds some place else,most of then just quited, but i do recall all of you getting owned , not that i´m proud of it but pls, say the things how they were =P



hey Ping the name was Cold Call on the ice/dev blaster. ya that was a great fight. Prevalance, Gravalian , Frenzied Dragon you guys where all a blast to fight against. and Pang did a great job tanking as well. didn't get to spend much time with the fire blaster, we alternated trips to the hospital : p

we'll have to try it again maybe i can get a couple Watchguard guys into the fight. i'm sure Reperation wouln't mind going up against you again.

if you ever gank X-inferno (fire/energy blaster) say hi, thats me to.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm Pang. That was great fun last night when we had the 3v3 going! I especially liked you holding Grav and then I'd lay down Burn. I hope to team with you again sometime.

Prev, Grav and Dragon sure made a great team. Before I switched to Pang and teamed up with Cold Call, and I forget the other blaster's name (sorry), I was on my Warshade, Ebon Welkin, and those 3 sure laid it to me. All I wanted to do was try my hand at Frenzied Dragon and every time I would attack him *poof* there were Grav and Prev holding me and AS'g my behind. Even though it can get frustrating 3 v 1 it was still a great time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, Lad was unfortunate enough to be drawn as mine or Grav's bounty about 5 straight times on his WS, so we'd go looking for him and attack...just in time to see Dragon there already attacking. I felt terrible cuz I kept "stealing" his kills, so we invited him to the team and found a group to play against instead. It turned out that that happened right when Lad switched to his tank

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



I've been mostly at Warburg with my toon named Winter's Blues, I racked in 118.8 reputation, but once I left the zone to go check out Siren's, my rep got wasted. I got pissed!!! Oh,I took down Quason about two times, and then he got me really good with his placate two times, so it's about even.



Hey you killed me plenty, untils i gots me some peeps and kicked some monkey tail.

Warburg = team or Death

The No-Longer Amazing Brute



Oh,I took down Quason about two times, and then he got me really good with his placate two times, so it's about even.

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll settle it tomorrow if you feel like it, cuz you're right... I'm pretty sure the score is an even 2 to 2 right now.



I have been hitting Bloddy bay just to see how My Brute stacks up, not to bad as he is.
Its been fun.
Rum Bull 30th Dm/Dark champion
Cucarach 50th Inv/axe Pinnacle +5 other 50s on Pinn.